HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlower door test , sent again to replace 1st onePlanning Si Development Sear ir.L*s = Build i ng & Cod a Regu Iation aiwisio rr 2300 Virginia Awe, Rm 201 + - Fort Pierce, F L 349$2 P h ' 1 ' ; 772-462-2165 Fax, 772-461.6445 BLOWER DOOR TEST FORM H ouse Irlfiltrat ifl n Test Ce rtiffcatio n Prescriptive and Perform a n Ce M e t h od Date: ll o U Permit #; f 90 / - 01 j Contrattor; 013 0' 6- 7 Owpj@FA - R.Ui�_ek ) Jab Address; 116r_ 09. TEN 5 t7- k J?CW. F- 3 . Con5tru Ctio n, � N ear Const ructio n -Complete ( ) Exist I ng - After Add i t i on Flouse I nfiltration Test Results 5LC Climate Zone 2 UtO (517 = .3 0 Test Date - Vol ume' 9 (06-C ACH (S0] = CF M j 50I x 60 / Volu rnL% _ .3 3 'l_ Mtrhan caO Ven 6;a1'fvrF regjujred less rhon 3 ACK ea#SI rke resutU must be & ACH (50) or lei$ ( eass f BC, Energy The build ing or dwe II ing Unit stlatl be tested and verified as havl ng ah Ai r lea kage rate of not eK eeding Z air cha nge s pe r hOtAF in Cl Imatt Zone 1, 2 a nd 3 ai r cha nges per hour i n Cl i mate 20rnes 3 through 8_ Testing sh al I lae conducmd wi t h a bower door at a pressUre Of 0.2 inches w..9 (51) Pascaas j_ Testing s hal I be Cor du Ord by ei the r i ndiwi duals as defined in Section 5 53.9!)3{5) or (7I, F IoFida Statutes or i nd iwi d u als I icon sed as set forth irk Section 48!),10 5 (3)jq, (g) or (i M or a n approved th ird partw. A w ritten report of t he resu Its of the test s hal I be s4ned by the party conducti ng t he test and provided to the cede officioiI. Testing shall be perform-ed at any tlMe after creation of all penetrations of the. building thermal en veiope_ FBC, Res id-entia I Whe r a the a ii i nfi Itratiork rate of a dwell ing unit is less than 3 a it changes per ho u r when tested YM Ith a blower d**r at a p�ressure of 0_2 inch fir, C. j 50 Pa I in accorda nce with Section R402.4.1. Z of th a Garida BuiOdin!q Code, brwr'!�Y Canservotron the dwell ing unit shal I be provided with vwhola-house mecha n ir,a I wen t d ation in acDa rdancE! with Section M1507.3, Testinar Corn oan CL,rn pa rl yr Name: .i CC fKT Bj d. d-` Address; 99 COPY AVc . KC r4LML f l- - -? ZITO 7 P hereby rertitlII iat t abOue House Infiltration results demonstra tt compliance with FBC Energy Conservatio n rey a it t rp i is in a rda nce with Sect ion FK02.4_1.2 Cl imate Z0 ne 2, SignatUfe= Printed N ame; Li tense/Certification 4; P Certificate of Excellence is awarded to Scott VanDusen who has successfuDy completed a comp-rehensive evaluation and is certified as a Infiltration & Duct Leakage as of l l. X 0, 2 0 18 Dy71? FxLGr3�f CEM.q.r f£ .F=. Tr �Qi di $WILDING PERFORMANCE. I TITI:TE, INC.