HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitF, All APP CAB INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APP CATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 8112!2020 r • ti� L Iti •f I�, Planning and Development Services -W -M i3uilding and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virqinia AvenueortFPierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462- Permit Number Building Permit Application 1578 Co ercia Residential xxxxxxu"x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR*ACCORDIAN SHUTTERS PRO.P�SE3 I N����V��I�NT �C��ATtC3N. Address: 10109 SPYGLASS LANE Tax FD #: 3327-707-0023-Q00-0Property Lot No. Site Plan Name Project Name,: "Vo D D Eia TION 0 C D. D_ ETAI LE. ..R F Y Rno IN STALLING ACCORDIAN SHUTTERS New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter I)N.STR 11(7- -1 N INF:CIRMAT�C3N. Addit'i'onal work to be performed under this Kermit — check all that apply: Mechanical Electric Gas an _ Plumbing _Gas Piping Sprinklers Shutters Generator Windows/Doors Block No. Pond Roof Pitch Tota{ Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 2100.00 Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height: �Vtl�i ER/LESSEE; C�NTR�►CT�?R; ameROBiN JOHNSON N a e:& MA R ALUMINUM INC Addressm10109 SPYGLASS LANE CompanMARIO RUSS� ALUMINUM INC city: PORT SAINT LUClP. E State: Add ress:291 SW DWAL AVE Zip Code: Fax.. City: �dRT SAINT LUCIE State: FL Phone No.772`359-8373 Zip Code: X983 Fax: E-Pmail: Phone No772-370-8671 F1'11 in fee simple Title Halder on next page (if 0-044- diffeMEMEMMEW rent EM-ail MARIORUSSOALUMINUM@GMA�L.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License.. 30367 If value of construction is 250Q or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I� value of HAVC is$7,500 or more, a RECORDED Nonce of Commencemment is required. N 5U.- 0§‘-9 % at Nichqle Aponte My Commissuon GG 983216 vi aw. 0os:=mauaA I 3,J Export» as/04:20.24 Z ;a:Ev::£ws0 I H _ 3'.‘:-:'_-i . .. ;;‘;'.Z:.-‘Z 2 1*‘Hgzg ‘ "?"‘W“””'° % assume-N:ame:::V 0 ddiressz.u 0 ' build thezgsubject‘ .0 ' *ciove:n'a:nIts that may rrestr-ictnr pritfihibst.s-ucih .$ttLi(:£uré;I?léésé*t0i§Sl1li y:¢u:r1‘az::::e*6wz:ers;.i i i ’ '3‘iét?<€iri mid"Eéiiiésaiyétéir tfeédfiér é‘nf{:fe§ti%icfibiis‘fivhiCh§may:a;;py:"""""" '0 kwrec I .tin-can-sideraficm ;>:f%‘t‘_F::egfrzanfinjgj c_ift!1is2:r2_equestez_ipermifi heraby;ag‘sfee:tfiat%i wiii, ii‘:-—:_ p:erfbrm;.tfie=wark’ E E%n‘:accntdance:'with:’the.=approued2;pla-us,ithe I-Tliorida B.3u%fding=(3odes:»:md St.«l;ucie:=County1Amendmen£s. Theifuliowirég buiidirtgifiertniit:applicationsare*ex¢mpt‘frem:undergaing0éarfuitconcurrency review:rqomiadditiang _ _ 3' accesscry:structures,swimming;jpro<sls,.:fences;;-waiisi signs,screem.aoms:a:r:d-ante-ssbr2y::uses;%toazaothszrrncnwresidiential.use ‘:1-’<2 ..:' iS§g.na§ture-of zflokfeszr comm of ifsigrsatxzré 9f 0 ‘0 sawf§iiCf3UNT¥ER RiEV!§EW' 5;:U‘P§ER:V!$QR gifiersanalliy Known:LLLL Eimifircéuced:denzifi¢ati¢n;LLLLLLLLLLLL 0. .3; E Type afidenfififcation:i§j iifiroxiucediifl H 4 ‘as-0 519.3100:. 0 ............. TTTTTTTT '1 I.2(320 thy: Persana£Eyi.Knuwn :tdie:ntific3tien:; : state*ai:Ftariaa:01 Proéucepd A Notary Public Stateof Florida ,5 M‘: Nichoie Aponte- ,b 0; My Commissoon GG 983216 .,,\ Expores 0510412024