HomeMy WebLinkAboutrevision form roof underlayment(-IFFK'F, USE ONLY: DATE FILEP: REVM MWJ" FEE - PERMIT # Rk'.41'E I rF 9 PLANNING DF.W.UOPPENT SERVICES WMEANG Cl"WE R=ULATKM DWISKIN 2M YWAMM AVEMX F PERCE, FL 34982-51M (Tr4 462,15W AM, LOt"ATIONISLITE ADDRF-SS: r - DETAILED DESCIUKION OF PROJECT REVISIONS. - t v Fiav4,? i(Fve7n-C CONTRAC'TOR INFORMA:rION.- STATE of H, KI -.(--pJ'CEKT- N BUSINESS NAME: ST, LUCIE CO CERT. 0, Ql-:ALll--lLRS NAl�,11`: ADDRF,S,S; crry; STAIT- ZIP - PHONE (DAYTUVIE).-. 0WINEWBUILDFM INFORMATION; FAX; NAME-" ADDRF-S'.S; ZIP: PHONE (DAYTIME: 7 j FAX; AR(ll1TFA7T/RNGU4EF,R WFORMATION: NAME ADDRUSSI CITY; STATR Zip- PHOW'"(DAYTIME); FAX; ke vised 06130!j 7 1 k`XTSRICR RESEAROA SL DES;IGN, LLC. male 0fAUffMW1z3M%- ,3 53 CHR ISTIAN �Tr$EEr, UN Tr 1 -3 TNNI-TYiP ERE) R)RD, C� 06478 MICINE-, (2,03) 262-9245 FAX: (20.) Z62-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Tare Roofing Elvaluati*n Repmt IOSM.07.08-RI One Inform-ation way, Suite 225 Fl-104SO-1901 Little Rock, AR 72202 Date *f Usuance: 07/1112008 Revision 1: 09102/2009 SCOPE: TiS 'Evaluatiior, Report is i -5 -S -u0<1 ijitilie r Rule -913-72 and the app4i:aible rvies and regulations governing the use of constructio-ri rnaterial,-i in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nierninea, P. E- for use of the produCt under the rtorida Building Code and F1How4a l3uiildirig Code, Residential Volume. The prod ucN described herein have. been 6esigned to conM* with the 2007 Fkwida Wilcirng Code sections noted herein- DiEscora mow.- Tarr* Roof Underlayments WeLipm: Each unit shall bear labering in acCOT-daTjoe VVith the reqterrefflents the Accredited Quality A5-surazlte Agency rioted herein. CoKiamuEv Corunjamern This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the inarned product(s) changes, the re ran Quali4 Assurance docurnentatiao ChaingeS, or provisions of the Code that relate to the "uct change. Acceptance -of this L-valcation Report by the ri-amed client constitutes agreen-isrit tD notify RoOett Mieminen, P.E. if the product Changes Or the referenced Quarity Assurance dMmentation changes. Trinityll!kb requlfeS a CoMpriete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requiremeriLs with each Code Cycle, A DvuKrtsv4rm - The Evaluation Report -number pfeceded by the words -Triniity I ERD Fva luatedm rmy bia displayed in advertising literature- If any poritim of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall t* done in its entirety. INSPE-MOPU UP011 reQU-IRStr a COPY Of this entire Evaluation Re ort .,hall be provided to the user by the manufactarer or its distributors and "all be availabl;e for inspection at the jot) site at the request of the Solldling Official, This Evaluation Report consists of pages I through 8. Prepared by; Roteit 3.M. Nierninen, P.1E. FkWlda Areqiw� No. 591450, FMA367 DCA AVE1W The r�rmik, seal aNxarkn w-3,,, wAfKatrimi by Ilrd�, P.E. u41% C Yii� Thi:6 duwi fmA .rfwad ,A vwtqwally PprwO 'Ilgrwe %ffdhmd tbM&MOMS have bm Uw:�mtlod to .he P-odud Apprcuril AdmimmillrMal &W I = D one r%~ cbf" Mn"CATWO 1. TriolkylERD does rPX have, new does it inumid tD mcquve or with It w-*uire. a PnwicW InWc-;,t hn anV ccimpow mmifectunng ur *0ritmiAlng pfoduc= it evakmtm. 7. 'IfKWWIUM is not uwned, upLq dted (w <KwW"ad " any mmpaM rna� cw drAr4xK*trj priprimls ik gVa1LAatL-- 1 ft. 1: RteiNvirwin, P.E. does cart have roar wA acquire, ip Fri, at irkm" io " punphny inanuOL-diii-ing ar disiti ibi ng pmKhid-s Nx ftit,4h the amWwAicin Fepaft are being P-7qwd 4- kahest Nkninen, P.E. duk-, r%Dt haw, ncF will acquire, a Fam I; dm in any oU*4r evitity 111wi—d in the app—A r of the pr-kocL 4.7_2 Tarva 30 is an ASTM 0226 Type 11, .30 I b asphalt -saturated orya` ic felt e4.e23 Ta.tco NO 15 or. an ASTM D4869 Type I phalt-Gaturated "ganh; felt 4.2.4 Tarte NO 30 is an ASTM D4B69 Type II asphalt -saturated organic feft 4.2.5 Lea kBarrrferoc- Easyu Is an asphalt coated polyester fabric roof u nrd erfayment. S. Lxmmkmms. 5.1 !his Evaluation ReWrt is not for use in, the HV"Z. 5.2 Fire 0 ifacatiGn is not part of thhis, Laboratory Report; rOer to current A,ppToved Roofing Materials [)irerrcry For 5re ratings of tfhirs product, S.3 Tarca R.cvf Unclerla+yments may he used with any prepared roof VoVet wwh.eaa the-, preoduct Is sp.edrically Referenceid w1thm FBC appro°wal docurr"Its- If riot listed,, a reqije5t may be made to the Add] fur alpprraval baseil nrl this evaluanon aornbined with supportinU data to( the prepared roof covering_ SA A140wable roof covers applied atop Tama underlayreaelils are follcaws; Wip I -oma yes H&H -inn Toe Yeb �m-o" T49M Yes...u_ r No YSlomd+5i,�krs ■ Skk" frs Yrs slain Ye% Ye LsdkB,+tefft rS�l iron- - Ye: Ye!, Y Yez Yes I ravFin mer I yL®yf L nilr NR'aLl r Yea x� Yw� '.Nb Yes Yes Yrs; Yom , Y'RG Ya 'Y e5 Lr_akDarr.aer S5Wtl) Tartu 15 Yes Ter. Yn ha$ 4Nc Flo Y" YP.S YM WK Yes hon Tarm 3a Y4!5 Yes 1'e; Y'e5 TW -M NO 15 W.; Wo Yes Yts Yrs � Tam [alai Yr -5 No ilia is Ye5 Y 5.4.1 Tarco 15, larco 30, Tare NO 15, Tar-cn NO 31 and Ea:Sy Lary may be u5eo as a mechan ca.ltyr attaacrhed Mase laaVer follmwed try a Le.akBarrier stif-adhering top layer v4ym allowable roof movers noted above fior the re-qWWve Leal<SamerO self -adhering urlderlayrn'writs. $,4.2 "Roam -On Tile' is, lirri t l to us* of ftlyfoarn Polyrset appelieatkms unle:.!� data frora'I an a=e+dht7ed testing iatmwabory for ali.erllte ifoarwa*Lve in acmrdance with ICAC -ES AC152 is, ProWded, 5..4.3 For tie ref insataliations goy+'+firn a by the FFI.S,y4,r'TPi 07320/8-45 Installlabors Manual, Fo4Ut11 Edition. uw t5 limited to the foltofrwing: Mechanically Fastened file yajb East system 1, mon 2, Sedion, 3,02B In place of '90 * CWWralo Cap Sheen' Sygern, 1, Sorg 5 or 6,, Sectpoa 3,42E or F in Make of--W-Adbered Underlaymetrt' System 2, Opt an 2, SSI 3..OZB in pla€e of''908 Organw Cap Sheet' a~ SV-Aem 2, 012 inn 4 Of 5r Se on J. Q 2D or L In place of `Self-Adihered UoderiayrrkenV cheani€ Illy FarAp.ned tge % th "S3OQ,,_f'52 .. N950e or SS400: System, L, Option 5 -or S, S cbon 3.47E -or F in place of "Seff-.Adhered Undmlaxy rncnl' 3- SyQ, gyral 7, Option 4 or S, SecbGn 3.022 or E in pluie of *Swelll-Adhered Linderlaym+ent" EKWii r LLC. EVAft0000 Repart 19980.07.M -R1 �i FLR1 R,ew cion 109102/2009 PaW 3 uf 8 ............................. .............. .. ........ ........ -�� 5.8 5-8.1 5.8.2 5.H-4 Icy 'tip; ii I Ex.poStife I i nnita ti anS: LeakBarrier Fast9O and �Easyrl_ay shall rKA be left exposed for longer than 180 --days after it Stalllat:lon_ LlLdkBarrier P5200 shall ialst,iflation. than 9'C°-Llav s after instafl.atior - f4S3i7+[}, rjR5 " of SS400 ShWJ not be left expar,ed foir longer than 30 -days afteir i a -co IS, T.arco Pia 15, Tam 30 arvd Taro NO 30 shall be covered aa: soon as pos ibte after imitdilatpuLn, exposure fbr mcw* than 24 houm after installation ci>uld adversely affect perfunInarar_[ . 5. IKTAUATI #: 0.1 Yarm Roof UnidF day meint s shall be lirmta[W in amwdarKe Frith Tarco published If sta llatinc requirements subject to the Umitat ms set ftarth 0 SMIon 5 Herein ,and the s&;peciflcs Wed I)elow. 6.2 Re rwten arty Its decking panels, and check for pmtrudin4 nail hoads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to renvwe any dust and debris prior to application, and primed the sr,EWrate (if applicable). 41.3 LeakDarrlerfi ras:N01ZQ Self -Adhering Tife Undmirlayment 6.3.1 FasyLay shaft be IrwAalAed to compldance with Chic- r"_ ttirerrrents for 90# felt undedayment (except the p Muct Is Self-aOhered) in FBC SeLtiuns 1,07 'for the " of pfepaare d root coverl,ing to be Installed. 6.3,2 For use iF1_tlprr-tile applications, Cut the Fast9O roll into 12' to IG` sections fbr wurkdbilYty and ally to relax prior to application_ x_3.7.7 CkA a plumb line 36" frorre all ourtfAde perimet ; tthen izhalk plumb lima 32" apart, upslope to the aidge line, 662.3 Mernl,.ram� Application: Ptace a fiWtl wkIth piece of FaSM On tree Lmepar :5i.jb5trate, paaraW to the cave edge of Me tots°, 'wKti the selvedge edge ipusiti-mieJ up6lope and In-line with the 10 chalk line, iF F€4d back half the shwet and remove rhe exposed mlease (ilm, taking care not to displace the membrane lr` Working f om the writierliine out, roll t1w mc-rabirane onto the substrate, taking CaTe to avoid wrifikli s ,and ndges, and repeat fbr the 4XrW hNf of the sheet_ Rernove selvage release film, if present,, and install cappeii or tin tagged nails. 6T o.C. in thecenter of the selvedge edW. Install the subsequent slheet5 in the nie mariw, with appslloqpe selvedge in-line with c1ralk limes, weth 4" side taps. and 8" end laps. mal ah O" errd laps 1116' Mick application of asp.1hailt plastic =eint and staggW all end flaps inlnimurn 36"`. Rola the entire surface with a weight ")herr, payinq particular attention to s6e laps, end laps and eaMe I rake agneas to ensure A C=PkAe build: i6.3.A For use, AS_t - a_ l tionisa reference is made to FRSA TRI 0732018-05. 4ri5ta ation Manual, Fourth Editian, and 5ection 5.4,a Ihenel!nr fusing t1he instructions Hated above -as .a guiideline_ Wait a minimurn of 74 bOLPI S pricy t0 k>awding roof tiles_ EsterL-01- R,rrr-irrh and. ,sign, t_LL_ EvzOwtiop ReFWYA 10880.07 -05 -RI Certo6r ot- irr AiWmri r. riame ;'5503 FL10450-Rl Revision 1 z QgfQ7 137aoR PA e 5 of 6.5 Taruo 15 and 30: 6.5.1 Tarco 15 and 30 shalt t)e installec! art ckin,,pbance with the re luVememts for Ohl D226, Type I and 11 underlayrrrients, respectively, in FBC Sectkwmf 1507 for the " of pTepored roof covering to tie installed. 6.&2 fl)�r lxw- ill noll-rel � 1 _ rc4eriefKe is made to tl current eflit" of the NRCA St p- slvpe Roufma Mdn—udl. 6.5.3 Foir Lise .!n tyle applications refefen is rnade to Fri 07321318-05 18-05 Instalarti m Manual, Fourth Editich, and S— e—tt an 5.4.3 herein - 6 -6 lrairwvo NO ]Ls and POO 30# 6 i6 l Taroo NO 15 arW X14 30 Mal' bre installed in ciompliaruce with the reouir-ernerits For Awl 1341365 underlaryrnerrt iA FBC Sections 15.07 for the type of prepared roof covering to be iinstalled_ 6.6.2 For use lin non -tile appllcatlons, .reference :is made to the -current edition of the NRCA Steep- s" Rooting Kanual. 6.6..3 Nut for use in till applications. 6.7 Leaklltatrrkwi ur. 6.7. L Easyl-ay Mall be installed in cam pllalncia w1t1'h tMe requirerrnernts far ASTM, Cr776, T`Vpe I or IT underlayment in FISC Sections 15103 for the type. of prepared roof covering to be tnstalied. 6.7.2 Fie -fasten any loose decking panels, and check toy pictruding nail heads. $Wee -P tl .5UWrate t rnkji)hIy to remove any dust aiinxd debris, is, pr for to appllc,atlon, 6.7.3 For use in non -tile apalif-atiodhs: 1617311 PHIS a Dill width section of FasvLay, parallel to the eave edge of the roof and u -null 2 to 3 fe t with the laryr IarrE� faeurgq up: and ern to the edge of the ejvc jnd rake_ install a few fasteneets at the top, rrr_'ar the rake, and Tall Out the sheet to � rrwurraguable length- pull, stn&ghten aftd ahign the S114MA SO Mat ally wrinkles are elirrtinated jiid the sheet is esti with the riave edge. Fasten with 3/8' headed rocfrng narls or i" capped (pfa tic or meta l ) nails: driven by hand or Ri1eumaticaily, spaced 6" ox. at all laps in the Bent-er of the seam area, and two staggered rows fastegled 12" o,c. in the F-eld of the sheet. lastall nails such that the herd of the mail is flush with the surfacer without cutting into the surface. Fasten From the top to avoid walking or kneelliag ori urraecureti sheet_ ContMue do tine end of the sutrstratie and fasten dawn. Align the next mall• over the preceding sheet so as to fcrrrn a minirnurn 4"r water• shedding lap, and install per instructions above. a4,pply srubsequent {leets In the arne manner, ,vwah rninin1qurn 4' water-sfhedadiN lam and minimum 8T end - la -pr., which are staggered minimum 36" fro the preceding course - For double layer applirastkyns, Mlaw the instructions noted above, brut using a minannurn 19ff, waters-sfledding s1 lap. Allow for rninim u in 6" rip the vertical transitions and mir4irrrum 6- over hips am ridges. 6_7.3.3 At v,611l+eys, first instal I a vertical length of E. yl -ay dowry MW center of Ule- valley, thien start at V111he lower point and work to the high post, rolling the merrihrarke frorn the., renter outward In each direction, ecltion, enairl ng no w ankles .or tears, Covered with. galley-rieital ot other valley lining m2terial in accordance with NRCA rC�rtarrrr��r�iJati�an�_ & 7.3.4 Apply a thin coat of asphalt plastic cement to waterproof areas where any: cuts or Mears have occurred. Seartrs ar joints that require adhesive or sealant can be treated Vmh high quality Irl trc reTnent (asbestes fi ), 674 Feer ase in iTtip i3rwrwlirati2ft. rnfnet�iu ie, rwiari hlti €a+ J ;f i7 j 6- �� li tall tirwew iw7�irliA.?�.i, Fourth Edititm, &WSectim 5.4.3 herein using the ink rooted- above as a guideline. ENOW wvr r:tr and L!>01111111% LLC.. EwaAuatliii n Report 1 U.U7.M-R1 of A&PO4vrit`adip" #95M IFLi -R.1 P't 7 of a .t* 8Cj3 r -wft Lng In U�w R ffjrk IaLF'-}mipcg Rov;. %irm i :Iwtlmjw hl m a hbm ' .4..n5 f-Mlt l rh lit n. wx Pf4p dbprvrmdur-t r4ppruv� 4 � �: rlal�ec ua+e,• a ,.,..:1 .,61. p il�.. ►..i'xuI1T1 K:2s `^ a g ,l o- 1I4PFfficmOLPm Ft, # UAWSO-3112 E_cw,lp 20:7 AppliLatkv, ScalpApRro4 Lj3C1WFOeVAA Archived Pr€rdUCt MLmklr,Kt•n rrd Addrm%RfiLm*./E*1aiI Authorized Sblnnbm* Awe Rrpre!wnt;rLive 3lity As!;j*r; r Rcprm;euttitive MfJre!ij{ 1EmaII 'Tarm Anchrig &Hr InTo{arl~ Wray 225 UttW ROM r Ait 22 DCf2 W(25 -4L)-9-113-7154 RN hseE l S#rark t'1rPtF3tti�ri 2463. TffVkIfs Ley' RbAd Elk-Itpim, Ix ;n&513 (251) 913-7750 mT,H*seen, pt,arr_Lwt inrg,com Shfil c MnhWOn 2403 Taytws Vail"- Rowl Fk4fan, TkL 713717 smohmenpurcorooflimg-pimn L.Yteq®ry Acelrno 'i tX-atego y Urick-,�L Cnrriphame Meilmd Ev-hlre ftul R rt rttam a FRY[da Reg*gjererJ Arr•hltrrt or a LkewIM41 Fbrsikda Fhb --,;m mi ErKpireer Ewa tkit.nn Rcport - HacdDWy Reteived Figrgla eFmjmmmw or iktCtWbKt NaFM Who dam: hey Roberti Wimninea thr` FvalllartiDn Repoft Fli r L PE-Nq Il r;F6 Quality ASSurafKe E013117V UL LLE Quality Assurance EroMact Frplrmtkm Emft 09126J2022 VF*KL Md Y k*ln W. Kiw-zevoi, PE validation CtlecVltst Harr]rppV 'Rc=I-d ceftIF'k"of [For-malk-nw �y. .. �' I 5 t,!.�a._ 24.9 •r1 "�.th � 4V17 d_.."'1�.;4,r.j .r RggeretmEM Standalril and Year 1;0!51anr w4) Still YAM ASTM 9226 2009 AS 9IK 0 2d 12