HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Compliance Home Use DeY el men Se i hepar ricot COUNT ~Builiing t eRegulons • 23�OQ!'�' niw�A e� Forf'Pexce,Ft 349�2k LICATON F0&ZU1�IING CUMPLIAT HUME O+GCUPATIQIY' H n. w - 44 Busines :Address Descrtpttdrt ofDO o Bus nesse PlY01VE, ND OFFICE t/53 3 NLY�ar aiGU`7'1 _ . - . �nr� pterGe IREBY AC{NU�WLEDGE<THAT T8EBQ�!E5 10, ;pNJ3�AGREF'TO GONFQRMTQ THS - ST:LUCIEl COUNTY ZONING�AND�Bi<JiLDING CODE. ANY YIO�'` TION OF S�CTI0�1$.OIy04a HONT z � 4 yid Applicant'`s Siguatize .�K.� 'I i'41* ,40- 044" ,QF.FICfi USE QNLY`� Date list" Sd&vision Block :Lot F r, Cehh'fica of CompeteneyRquued Nc -- Yes Ty 'C '0 Stabs Revised 5/T i2pf PLEASE READ. RL RXTOs 'IIS IN :O IT S.APPL CAT "O FICTITIOUS N:�ME REGUL5a 0--y"Apply ra,Yau If�you use any namesgther Mian your'personal name on'tFus appl�caaon rt may require cam�l�nce �th.FICTITIOZTS ri"aine.,laws..before`tKe�Ta�:.Ca�lecYorcarY,issu�y,Qur,Occupational License:: the; xeepdons�max= Pply: 'Th woo ts��be;addresedbnk'an indivc�tba �s=ry If you have any questions tog- bw State.tequiremen�s or exempEions,please comet St Lucie.tiCotmty=Taac�Cullector's of�i~e tocat�edu�Roorr 1.06vrphone�462 Ib50 before�llin�out flu's apnlcihon. s�:Qi�goy occurATioxs, . 8.ff pIf"F The purpose of this section;is<tapmtectkandmamiazn the c�iacacter of resilenual.neighbarhoadswlule-reca�uzing that parpct�I�r profess�onal�and Looted business,aetl�ues;are,tradiapnally-and_inoffens��ely�camed pis the home; 8E1Y02 At)TFIOR] ,ATIQ Tlie follov►�uig home occupations shatl'be pnutled in an�residintial dwe3litig utut,mclung mobi3ehoines, provided'that the home occupat►on complies with the losize,btillt and parking requirements ofrthe zoning,distnet M.,W,ncb,Oid,bome occupat c�ti is Zae��ed� rc A�Homebound employment of a pliysical�y,mentally„oi enYoponally hapdicapped person who 15,�unable to vyort asi!aY_froirihome;by reason bfh�s disability;, B;��=Office:�acilnhes pro�nded,�that;no tetail'q�wholesale sats madeoratransacteii-onCth�premises�,anc C;_f3t6diosoclaboratories: 8'0;I 03 1JSE L131lITATI(1NS FOR HOI1rtE OCCUPATItJ1�TS� Tn�addifion��o meeting the �eiluirenients of�tf�e zoning disiircf iirwhich rtis`located;.�every homa,:oceapatzon>shall Comply vvtli theollovvsng retneons;; A&q No person other than rcineinbers ogthe(amity residuig do th a premises shall be engaged in the conductQ support of such oc gation B <3vo stockin Gracie shall;tie displayed or sots on the premises C;, Only<salea,tncidental torthe Home occupation shall be:perini�ed, D The homy occupation shall 6e conducted entirely withn the ptvicipal dweilmguiut,rand in no eYent shall such use.be�isiblefrom._any.other residential.srriictureor cwqil E! The usebfthe dwelling,unit for.the home occupation sal be incidental and subordinate`to its tse for residengal puiposes,and no.more than twenty=five(2596)percent oftthe building floor area:shall be used in the conduct of t3ie _ - home occipattQn=. F There x151 be nQ outdoor storage of equipment br mater�alsused us the hpme oecupahon; No'more tban_one�1) OA-Wbe used in l e;eonduct;of Elie hame;oceupaEtw H No mechanical,;electrical,br btlier equipment that produces noise,®teta'd of magneti interferetice,'v ibration, hear,glaresor ottieruuisance outside theresidential structiire.shal3 iie used:. f 1Vo home occupation shall be pernuttadthat�s_noxiousr offensive of httxardous;lay reascsn ovehrcular traff G generation or emtssion of noise,vibration,'smo3ce,.ilust;or.:Qther paitionlate'natter;;,o'd'orous matter,;heat,liuirti,dity;, gtae,refuse,radcation„or.,outer objecttQna6leemssions; J' -No traffic 41J,be generated bysuch home occupagon in greater volairie than M) 'nor be expected in a residenhalneighborhood,andfany`^need forparking,generatedib y:tl a coiclWt"of:suchrhomie oecu atiori shaft lee met off_=the street And other:thari�n a,reyuged frbnt,yard Ito Apg7cant's,Signature' .Dates: . :[IPDA'I'FD 7�i9f201Q