HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit applicationAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FAR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Planning and Development Services Bui0i g and Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virgfinlo Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34-982 Phone: (772) 4 s1 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT TYPE: Shutter Permit Number: .� Building Permit Application Commercial Residential X iYis.w+-+. dd :.v. d PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION Address: Property Tax ID #0 1301-607-0013-000-4 Lot No._ -- Site Plan Name: Block 1o. Project fare:-- . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WOP%K: r Install 8 accordion shutters CONSTRUCTION INFORMATIO . .. •d..r+: :'+•hrvdYtir}..}:ti ky ::� ry•:v. �,n'-+ 'P4 • ... .:t..ti ..{;: Via;: Yd;s,r� :r"r:v}+�:r•i.d.} •¢soy v +.{+{+ti+v.v; +r_.1{.yd rM1 }r J++•�C::�.d{d{Cvn _ x+dJCn% N:.- d %14 J4v. ...... .. .:. . �4 •�t Additional work to be performed under this permit — cheek all that apply: Mechanical � Gas Tank � Gas Piping X Shutters Windows/Doors Electric Total Sq. Ft of Coast rLi .ti n Plumbing ,_ Sprinklers Cost of Construction: $ 25601.00 Utilities: OWNER/LESSEE: Name Deborah C McBride (L1= EST) Address. 4310 Seminole RD City. Fort Pier State: FL Zip Code: 34951 Fax: Phone No. - 1 - E-r1 ail: - Fill 'in fee simple Title molder on next page if different from the Owner listed above) Generator q. Ft. of First Floor: Roof Pitch Sewer Septic Building Hight: _ -- - 0 N TRA CTO R': .• .: •. .. .,... . . . 4 ,c} y rn : Michael He�ssenberg Company: Expert Shutter Services Address, VV Whitmore Dr City: Pont St. Lucie State: FL Zip Code: 34984 Fax: Phone No 772-871-191 E- 1ail permits@expertshutters.com State or County License. 16572 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, if value of HVAC i 7,5 0 or more, a RECORDED DED Notice of Commencement is required. CONSTRUCTION LIEN-1AW IN FORMATION.. SUPPLEMENTAL .. .......... . .. .__ .:...<.....5...._...�.rti.�....._._..___�_•_. ....,.,,v,,.�.r Y,.�.:,�..-: nr ........ .,.. v•w..�,�tiw,5.,•k-.•,.v w,: ,.v v v wr-L:-L..-m w,ry +• _.-.—. =-z0 DESIGNN NotApplicableMORTGAGE COMPANT. Name'. N (3 vTi e: --.._.._.__..._...ry ."?::?: �: !:r• ..+.Y=Y.Y YAW/ d r .��� r Address. City. State" L * ---r�v.tiv aunvrvmxm:.-::: ::: .:.— :.—.�:.-.�.�.:.�.: .:.: :_,: ,-+.r �YL-•.Y .M,�Y,Y,Fti,•�-'r•t�-rr• zip; Phone ry..,,...,,_,....+ �^1iLa�a�i�i�ra��.�e..va�aa.+..�..+R+�.�•Yr��w�R•Y.RrtiwL+•+Y••+ 1 FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: i Name: Not Appli -c city:, State* P _Not Applicable ! BONDING COMPANY. Not Applicable r�tir �•vx .w.�--.r�w,+.4-« vn :_v_,v v:v n.vn v:: w, :�nwv • v vL._:.vw._.w:.v: `:::::.v.•x-:n-.4l •:,nxM-J4a�/a�.I�V M.�.-: `:.,Va�4v YL��Nrr.Ir..�YY{:aiHY Address: Z IP4 Phone- ti { _.._.._.._.._.,vr���,..�,vw«.•a.....,.�...�-..�...+.•+.+..r,..�+......-••.•.•,.+..,.••rr,.,. .--v,L�Y.�+.�-Yw,�.Lwsr,F�,�+r,�M Address* r_vMa�n-r r: an_wmae: v�i�eM+AYHiY.Y'',e'rJ,--.ram+�4Y#4TLL4MTi City: 51 Zi P Phone!V ZY.....---------------v'++�-----.+�+sue Y.v.v........... ,.. ,.: L,.,••,w,L�w�.•,�L•r,L.t..�.::..:�� r�r.,.rr.,r_,�v.,.•.,-.vr.,,.,r+,.,r+,.,r.,.,.•.xr,.:.a.r+,.rr,.,r:...*...:�...,.*,., .,.,, :...._.._ OWNER/ CAFFIDV11.Applic-at'on I's herebymade. to o0i.,ainrmi t to do the work and i nsta Hation as indicated . qt- ertify thiat o o workI nstal lat i on ) as cum m en ced D r i o r- to t h(---x i SSU a n cv, 0 f zi rM i, . 1,ud e Co U ri ty makes no rep r es e n tat I o, n t h a t i s granting a pe rM I t w111 authorize the pern)i t holder to build the subject stru ct u re WhI(Ji i in coy fi with any apolicable Home Owners i' ati rules, bylaws oT and covenants that may restrictor prohibitsuch ruCtUf'}, lCi) � C011SUlt With your Home Owners Association -rind review yout- deed for any restrictfolls wh;ch may applV, I ld eration of the granfing of this requested permit, I do herebyagree that I will 'in all respects, perform the work in accoroancewi�h the approved puns, the Florida Budding -Codes � . t.ude County AmendmLnts. e foi4ow } burI F , p er •lit tcati on rya is .mPIn 7•-W i un e,�r' Tr g fuIi con \f• rrency r *i wi room ad4+'I ti 7f7ems, ac �R 7 structures, 7 7 { } i m i g pools, fences., 7-v a l l , sign $ sc re e n r W L� 7 I 7 �. �.P � � YI 7l 'rt Y•r � uses to another non—residential ar "WARNING TO OWNER YOUlt FAILURE . + RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TVVICE FOR IMPROYEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.NOTICE Of COMMENCEMEN1 MUST BIE RECORDED AND POSTED THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE, FIRST MSPIECTION. IF Y04J INTEND TO 01BTAINN F#IN , CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDERwhivv_vr n-:�-• •r4.+rLW.ORNEY,6EFORIE C; YOtJR NOTICE OF M O MENT. /... om` ... . . . .. •-'r.w.w _--v-: ......v: •. :.v wk4*..4+:+.ai-WJ ._.._.._.__. .. +vraa�. auvv rtiti. rti•.v�awm-rn,titir-�r-_•-_--.aa •val,a,v,v,-.tr __._ r...._....... .. r J11 }} W y ii �.�• � �' r ° �r�Y ....,r._._—_•ar,r...���.ui.rW..r�r-:taar:: v,:.._....+....._.._._�6d—'°'_Y._.._.__._..__... ......_.._.._... :,a...: ,, x.v:a�._�_�_._._r r'� t t ,.+-a�a..a.�.. a.��.w_� .__.��___._L.,.._.._..,n uvs-r wrww ww•+rr _. ,... I Lnaturn orOwner/ Lessee/r as Ag(,.,q.t fiRr Owner re of Contractor/L� !) se HoWer, STATE OF FL' STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOFyr COUNTY,,.,..� �,.�moc .. _ � ... ... r,.,rr• �,,.. r...� .. wreL�--..�,w,r•wr+ �� s...._. rw.n.ra�n. r,�,Mn..,µ.,r,..r.� 3 a a The- f ' n t r � � t was : wl d • �� ; � e� in rum was acknowledgedbefore •": T --._...�.. .Ya.Y�arY+Yarr ,r.n �. I cjly of 2& f.hj day of thl.5 bV ij2(Q& by d A.*Ah%-r..:-•, tirr• ...rn.r.._,.._,avy.-an-: Lv w•a...L-J4 �-j k SS He� ie of plerson makingO t t . Person4a'ly Known -,ed Identification -Type of ld(�ndfication r 0 d U •- r�4/rt+ fy++.�arrµ,{.,,r,•.:+r.., J.F ....... , YY r wx urt,ww wx: �Signatwqe ot NoLi'iry Pijbhc-'_�tate of a PIMAlt, UB C(S4gnature4Notary P u[ c d� Ft Commf%slo`i M LI u • i� y T f i 7 20 4 vEx 0 _. E � 9 � 3 RFVIEWS FROND ZC)NING SUPERVISOR I. E ---.+f-r{.r.rT-.._..... .._....._.__.._,.v_w_�.. +_,....,__.,v: vh.. ,,`::k:�.:�.... ...-• -'-------------:-�apr.vv--•". •r,-�•n�•....- .,..........mot,..._... i i RECEIVED D ATE Yaw re:.:h.v •xr vxrrnrr-: wx. : - ..+...�..-v,•,.Y,wx.ti ws.,,w�,r_,-M My •--•--•--• `:.—:: ,-�,�rt .e—..v •-•T•v. •: _.+•+a=.:_.+ML7LiMeFS r--- r,t i4ML-h4-Y,�Y,+i f'-0,+f r+,• Rd�• •-_..a.•.�i� i OM t, FD - -: ............:: .,..4.W..... V. [.L - c� person makngstatement. Personally Kli w , .=.�:. w..__. OR Pl"OdUcedIdentification .ay.....__ . Typ�of Identification Produce VEGETATION REVIEW SEATURTLE REVIEW stianon aShea I,)NOTARY G 1 MANGROVE A