HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED BOA 012313 MinutesBOA Approved Minutes Page 1 of 6 January 23, 2013
St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment 1
St. Lucie County Administration Building Commission Chambers 2
January 23, 2013 3
9:30 a.m. 4
A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, can be obtained from the Planning and 6
Development Services Department along with these Minutes. A fee is charged. In the event of a 7
conflict between the written minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control. 8
Chairman Ron Harris called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. 11
Ron Harris ....................................... Chair 14
Bob Bangert ..................................... Vice Chair 15
Ron Knaggs ..................................... Board Member 16
Richard Pancoast ............................ Board Member 17
Buddy Emerson ............................... Board Member 18
Katherine Barbieri ............................ Assistant County Attorney 21
Kara Wood ....................................... Planning Manager 22
Kristen Tetsworth ............................. Senior Planner 23
Beverly Austin .................................. Executive Assistant 24
None 27
Agenda Item #1 – Minutes of October 24, 2012 29
Mr. Pancoast motioned approval of the minutes. 31
Chief Emerson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 32
Agenda Item #2 – Petition of Brent Norman for a variance from the provisions of 34
Section 7.04.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow a screened 35
enclosure for a pool to encroach 1.4 feet and 1.75 feet into the minimum side yard 36
setbacks; and 7.35 feet into the rear yard setback. 37
Ms. Tetsworth Senior Planner stated the subject property is located at 6128 Santa 38
Margarito Drive, within the Portofino Shores PUD. Research of the original Final 39
PUD Site Plan reveals that the Lot Typical illustrates the side yard requirement as a 40
minimum of 6 feet in width. The existing home was one of the original sales models 41
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and currently meets the side yard setback requirement on both sides of the house in 42
addition to other dimensional requirements for structures in the Portofino Shores 43
PUD. The current survey sketch confirms the side yard on the northeast side of the 44
house as 10.24 feet; and on the southwest side of the house, there is 9.72 foot side 45
yard. This is a quasi-judicial public hearing with proof of advertising mailed to the 46
adjacent property owners. Sixty-seven people were notified of the hearing; 5 47
responded; one person phoned for detailed information and was not in objection 48
after the explanation. Three written responses were not in favor and one in favor. 49
That is approximately a 7% return of the 67 letters that went out. 50
The developer built the home and the swimming pool in 2004. Staff has confirmed 51
that according to the County Property Appraiser’s website the house was built in 52
2004 and the finished building size is 2,853 square feet. The boundary survey 53
illustrates that at its closest point the structure is set back 9.72 feet from the 54
southwest property line. The home has an existing uncovered pool that extends 55
approximately 22.5 feet into the 30 foot rear yard. The Lot Typical shown on the 56
Final PUD Site Plan illustrated a minimum 15 foot rear yard which will require a 57
variance for 7.35 feet from the rear property line to accommodate the screened 58
enclosure. This improvement also requires the proposed encroachment into the 59
side yard setbacks that would result in a screen enclosure location of 5.64 feet from 60
the northeast property line and 5.47 feet from the southwest property line at the 61
closest points. According to the application, the property owner purchased the 62
home as a foreclosed property and will be repairing and replacing pavers and 63
landscaping. In addition, Section 8.00.05 of the St. Lucie County Land Development 64
Code requires that all swimming pools be either entirely screened in or completely 65
enclosed with a fence. The back yard is already completely fenced along the 66
perimeter boundary. Therefore, the applicant is proposing to install the screened 67
enclosure to be in compliance with the LDC and to protect against bugs and pests. 68
The proposed request is for a 1.4 foot side yard variance on the northeast side of 69
the house; a 1.75 foot side yard variance on the southwest side of the house; and a 70
7.35 rear yard variance to allow for the screened enclosure. The enclosure would 71
be on level ground and backs to a lake so it will not interfere with the vista from any 72
other neighboring property. The granting of the requested variance is not expected 73
to impair or injure other property in the neighborhood. The subject home backs to a 74
lake and the Portofino Shores Property Owner’s Association, Inc. has submitted a 75
letter dated December 12, 2012, approving the proposed screen enclosures 76
encroachment into the setback. 77
The variance sought does not arise from conditions that are peculiar to the property, 78
and does not necessarily qualify as a hardship as defined in the St. Lucie County 79
Land Development Code. The need for the requested variance is created by 80
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Section 8.00.05 and the desire of the property owners to construct a screen 81
enclosure for protection from bugs that will encroach 1.4 feet and 1.75 feet into the 82
6 foot side yard setbacks; and 7.35 feet into the rear yard setback. The applicant 83
indicates that this variance is the minimum needed to accommodate existing 84
landscaping and trees while providing for the use of the pool and patio by providing 85
a screen enclosure. However, this improvement is not necessary to make 86
reasonable use of the land. Section 8.00.05 of the St. Lucie County Land 87
Development Code requires that all swimming pools be either entirely screened in 88
or completely enclosed with a fence. The requested variance is not inconsistent with 89
the intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. However, the intent of 90
the variance provisions are to provide a mechanism when, owing to special 91
conditions, the literal enforcement would impose an unnecessary hardship that can 92
be mitigated without conferring on the applicant any special privilege. The variance 93
sought arises from a condition that is not unique and peculiar to the property 94
involved. The variance sought does not arise from conditions that are unique, and is 95
not considered as a hardship as defined in the St. Lucie County Land Development 96
Code. 97
Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it does not conform to a strict 98
interpretation of the standards of review as set forth in Section 10.01.02, St. Lucie 99
County Land Development Code, but is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and 100
policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends denial of 101
the requested variance. 102
Chairman Harris opened the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 103
Mr. Knaggs asked if the association approved the project. 104
Ms. Tetsworth stated the property owners association voted to approve it which is a 106
requirement of the application process. 107
Mr. Knaggs asked about the objections and if any of the immediate adjacent 108
neighbors objected. 109
Ms. Tetsworth stated most checked the “not in favor” box; one with a note stating 110
the setback requirements are there for a reason and are reasonable… There were 111
no objections of the neighbors. 112
Chief Emerson stated the POA letter in the packet is not signed and it does not 114
acknowledge what the petitioner is here for. It does not say anything about 115
encroachment into side yard setback, it gave conditional approval to begin screen 116
enclosure which could be a technical glitch. 117
Ms. Tetsworth stated the minutes from the POA meeting were attached to the letter 119
but they were not excluded. They spoke specifically to the exact request of Mr. 120
Norman. 121
Chairman Harris closed the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 122
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Chairman Harris opened the public hearing 124
Brent Norman of 6128 Santa Margarito Drive, Fort Pierce was sworn in and began 125
to explain the variance. The HOA understood the setbacks that were being asked 126
for. The architectural review board also understood the setbacks. 127
Mr. Harris stated confusion regarding the dimensions-was it a typo. 129
Mr. Norman tried to explain the dimensions. 131
Mr. Pancoast asked about the rear property line. 133
Ms. Barbieri, county attorney stated she has not seen the document but currently 135
staff is saying that there is a setback and they don’t meet the setback. 136
Mr. Norman approached the board to explain the unusual enclosure. He stated he 138
had a drawing from the company that will be doing the work. 139
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Norman to give the document to the secretary to be placed in 141
the record. 142
Mr. Harris stated there was a problem; the variance that is being proposed to grant 144
to what would be the rear property line is not a 100% variance. Mr. Norman is 145
proposing to encroach 7.35 into the rear, now you are going all the way to the rear 146
for a portion of the screen. That puts the Board in a position where we cannot grant 147
it because of the way it was advertised. 148
Ms. Tetsworth stated the manner in which the language was stated for the 150
advertising and sign did not include the dimensions specifically. 151
Mr. Harris stated he read the sign and advertising but the packets have specific 153
distances to the tenth. He asked the county attorney what position does this put the 154
Board in. The documents are requesting an encroachment into a rear setback for 155
‘blank” feet, yet we know for a portion of it-it will go all the way 100%. 156
Ms. Barbieri looking at the public hearing notice, it states that the encroachment of 158
1.4 and 1.75 feet into minimum side yard and 7.35 into the rear yard setback. So 159
that is all that everybody is on notice about. 160
Mr. Harris stated he does not see how a ruling can be made on this. He asked the 162
county attorney based on what she just said, the Board cannot act on this at this 163
time or do we just deny. 164
Ms. Barbieri stated the Board can grant it as outlined but it will not accomplish what 166
the petitioners want; the Board could deny or continue it to provide proper notice 167
and to give staff time look at the other document that he now has. 168
Mr. Pancoast suggested a continuance. 170
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Mr. Harris suggested continuing to a date certain. 172
Chief Emerson stated he has no problem with a continuance but in the meantime 174
clarify with the association that he gets a signed letter stating the encroachment and 175
they acknowledge it. 176
Mr. Harris stated to Mr. Norman that is the position the Board is taking. That is the 178
easiest instead of denying. 179
Chairman Harris closed the public hearing 180
Chairman Harris returned to the Board for discussion or motion. 182
Mr. Harris requested a motion to continue this to February 20, 2013 at 9:30am or 183
soon thereafter. 184
NOTE: Due to a typo error on the 2013 meeting schedule, the next February meeting will 186
be on the 27th. 187
Mr. Bangert moved that the Board of Adjustment continue to a date certain in 189
February. 190
The applicant is instructed to provide a screened enclosure drawn on to the survey; 191
the entire copy of the POA Declaration of Covenants and a signed copy of the POA 192
letter. 193
Mr. Pancoast seconded the motion. 195
The roll was called: 196
Mr. Pancoast Yes 197
Chief Emerson Yes 198
Mr. Knaggs Yes 199
Mr. Bangert Yes 200
Chairman Harris Yes 201
The motion to continue passed unanimously. 202
AGENDA ITEM #3 - Election of Officers 204
Nomination for chair: Ron Harris 205
Mr. Pancoast motioned 206
Chief Emerson seconded. 207
The roll was called: 209
Mr. Pancoast Yes 210
Chief Emerson Yes 211
Mr. Knaggs Yes 212
Mr. Bangert Yes 213
Chairman Harris Yes 214
The motion to continue passed unanimously. 215
Nomination for Vice-Chair: Mr. Bangert 217
Mr. Pancoast motioned. 218
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Chief Emerson seconded. 219
The roll was called: 221
Mr. Pancoast Yes 222
Chief Emerson Yes 223
Mr. Knaggs Yes 224
Mr. Bangert Yes 225
Chairman Harris Yes 226
The motion to continue passed unanimously. 227
Nomination of the office of Planning & Development Services to assign a secretarial 229
staff to assist the Board. 230
Mr. Pancoast motioned. 232
Mr. Bangert seconded. 233
Mr. Harris requested a moment of silence for Linda Pendarvis’ family bereavement. 236
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05am. 239