HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED BOA 072413BOA Minutes Page 1 of 4 July 24, 2013
St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment 1
St. Lucie County Administration Building Commission Chambers 2
July 24, 2013 3
9:30 a.m. 4
A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, can be obtained from the Planning and Development 6
Services Department along with these minutes. A fee is charged. In the event of a conflict between the written 7
minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control. 8
Chairman Ron Harris called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. 11
Ron Harris ............................................. Chair 13
Bob Bangert .......................................... Vice Chair 14
Ron Knaggs .......................................... Board Member 15
Richard Pancoast .................................. Board Member 16
Buddy Emerson .................................... Board Member 17
Katherine Barbieri ................................. Assistant County Attorney 19
Leslie Olson .......................................... Planning Manager 20
Linda Pendarvis .................................... Planner 21
Jeff Johnson.......................................... Senior Planner 22
Beverly Austin ....................................... Executive Assistant 23
None 25
Agenda Item #1 – Minutes of April 24, 2013 27
Mr. Knaggs motioned approval of the minutes as written. 28
Mr. Bangert seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 29
Agenda Item #2 – Petition of Brent Norman for a variance from the provisions of 31
Section 7.04.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow a screened 32
enclosure for a pool to encroach 1.4 feet and 1.75 feet into the minimum side yard 33
setback. 34
Ms. Pendarvis stated the petition was originally presented at the January 23, 2013 BOA public 36
hearing and was continued twice to allow the applicant time to have the screen enclosure 37
drawn on the survey and provide a signed copy of the POA letter that acknowledges the 38
proposed encroachment. To date the applicant has not been able to obtain a letter of approval 39
from the Portofino Shores PUD POA Architectural Review Board and is requesting that the 40
Board of Adjustment grant them a continuance indefinitely rather than continuing to a date 41
certain. The applicant believes that this request will allow them the time to pursue other 42
structural designs of the screen enclosure without incurring additional cost anticipating that a 43
variance will be necessary. In an effort to present the Board options for discussion, staff 44
proposes the following outline. 45
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1. The Board may approve the request by the applicant to table the item indefinitely based on 47
the above information; 48
2. The Board may approve the Variance as is with the following conditions of approval, 49
a. The property owner must obtain the signed letter of no objection from the Portofino 50
Shores PUD POA Architectural Review Board prior to building permit being issued. 51
b. A modification to the Variance must be approved by the Board of Adjustment should 52
the encroachment in to the side setbacks be different than what is approved by this 53
Board; 54
3. The Board may deny the Variance. 55
Option #2 will allow the applicant time to pursue what is necessary for 12 months without this 57
Board continuing the petition indefinitely or denying the Variance. This Variance will expire if a 58
building permit has not been issued subject to the conditions of approval and/or a modification 59
to the Variance has been approved by this Board within twelve months. Pursuant to Section 60
10.01.06 the applicant may request a one-time 12 month extension by the Board of 61
Adjustment should the Variance expire. Staff recommends the Board consider approving the 62
variance with the two conditions as stated above. 63
Chairman Harris opened the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 65
Mr. Pancoast stated Ms. Pendarvis answered the two questions he had and he would support 66
staff’s recommendation because he is not in favor of approving something that may or may not 67
happen. Also it is a tax payer that has paid a good sum to be here and even though it is a 68
stretch for the Board to give them the time; since they have had to pay to be here that they 69
deserve a full hearing. 70
Chief Emerson asked about the staff recommendation being to approve it with the setbacks 72
that are in the plan currently. 73
Ms. Pendarvis stated yes only because at this point that is what we have to look at and put 75
into the variance; so the variance would have to be approving something. 76
Chief Emerson stated the only problem he had with that was during the discussion with the 78
HOA; they come with some alternative plan and they would have to come back here for a 79
change. That would be complicating the process. If they have not worked it out with the HOA 80
he would be more in favor of continuing and put a stipulation of up to 12 months subject to the 81
attorney saying that is ok and deal with it in its entirety when it is settled. 82
Mr. Pancoast and Chair Harris stated they would support that. Chairman Harris stated it must 84
be a date certain. He asked if the applicant was in attendance. 85
Ms. Pendarvis stated the applicant sent an email stating that they are currently out of the 87
country and apologized for not attending. 88
Chairman Harris closed the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 89
Chairman Harris opened the public hearing 91
No one spoke 92
Chairman Harris closed the public hearing 93
Chairman Harris returned to the Board for discussion or motion. 95
Mr. Pancoast asked staff about a time frame to give the applicant. 96
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Ms. Pendarvis stated it would be up to the Board. 98
Ms. Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney stated if it is continued, it has to be to a date 100
certain. 101
Chairman Harris looking at the calendar suggested January 22, 2014; that gives them 103
five months. If they cannot work out their differences in five months; they probably are 104
not going to work them out. 105
Mr. Pancoast motioned to approve that the Board of Adjustment give the applicant a 107
continuance to January 22, 2014. Chief Emerson seconded the motion. 108
The roll was called: 110
Mr. Pancoast Yes 111
Mr. Knaggs Yes 112
Mr. Bangert Yes 113
Chief Emerson Yes 114
Chairman Harris Yes 115
Agenda Item #3 – Petition of Joe Damiano for a variance from the provisions of Section 117
7.04.01 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code for an existing 405 square foot 118
carport to encroach 2.4 feet into the required 10 foot side yard setback. The subject 119
property is located approx. 4/10 mile north of Midway Road on South Indian River 120
Drive in the RE-2 (Residential Estate-2) zoning district. 121
Mr. Johnson stated it was just noticed of a typo in the legal ad; the encroachment that 123
is being requested is 2.8 feet as opposed to 2.4 feet in accordance to the survey. We 124
apologize for the error and request the petition to be continued so we may re-run the 125
ad correctly for the next Board meeting in August. 126
Chairman Harris opened the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 128
Chairman Harris asked the assistant county attorney can the Board continue this. 129
Ms. Barbieri stated you can open the public hearing and continue it but it still has to be 131
re-advertised. 132
Chairman Harris opened the public hearing 134
Ms. Olson asked that the Board to hear from the applicant today to give their testimony so next 135
month they won’t have to come back again; as long as the Board is satisfied with their 136
testimony. 137
Joe Damiano of 4521 South Indian River Drive was sworn in and explained why he was at the 139
meeting regarding a variance for a structure that he inherited on his property when he 140
purchased it in 2001. He received a code violation letter to obtain a permit for the structure in 141
which he has responded and submitted building plans and he is in the process of permitting 142
the structure. It would be difficult to move because of the septic system and a very large 100 143
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year old oak tree which is next to the structure. He has letters from neighbors on both sides 144
and to the north and south and they are in favor. 145
Mr. Pancoast stated it is always to the applicant’s advantage to be at the meetings. You never 147
know what can happen. 148
Chief Emerson asked what would be the use of the structure. Will you change it from what it is 150
currently? 151
Mr. Damiano stated as an open structure carport. It will not be changed from that. 153
Chairman Harris closed the public hearing 154
Mr. Knaggs moved that the Board of Adjustment give the applicant a continuance to 156
August 28, 2013. Mr. Pancoast seconded the motion. 157
The roll was called: 159
Mr. Pancoast Yes 160
Mr. Knaggs Yes 161
Mr. Bangert Yes 162
Chief Emerson Yes 163
Chairman Harris Yes 164
Mr. Knaggs stated that if this happened again he would like to hear the staff presentation 167
before the public comment. 168
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 AM. 171