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Approved BOA Minutes
October 26, 2016
St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment
St. Lucie County Administration Building Commission Chambers 1
October 26, 2016 2
9:30 a.m. 3
A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, can be obtained from the Planning and Development 5
Services Department along with these minutes. A fee is charged. In the event of a conflict between the written 6
minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control. 7
Chairman Lowe called the meeting to order at 9:30A.M. 10
Bob Lowe... ........................................... Chair 13
Ron Harris... ......................................... Vice Chair 14
Richard Pancoast ................................. Board Member 15
Derek Foxx... ........................................ Board Member 16
Michael Jacquin .................................... Board Member 19
Katherine Barbieri ................................. Assistant County Attorney 22
Bonnie Landry ...................................... Planning Manager 23
Jeff Johnson ......................................... Senior Planner 24
Beverly Austin ....................................... Recording Secretary 25
Staff introduced themselves 27
None 30
AGENDA ITEM #1 – MINUTES OF August 24 2016 32
Vice Chair Harris motioned approval of the minutes as written. 33
Mr. Pancoast seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 34
AGENDA ITEM #2 – Public Comments 36
None 37
AGENDA ITEM #3–Petition of Danny Huff from the provisions of Section 7.04.00 of the St. Lucie 39
County Land Development Code to allow for the construction of a single family residence & 40
detached garage to exceed the maximum 10% lot coverage by building in the AG-1, 41
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October 26, 2016
Agricultural-1 zoning district. The subject one acre vacant parcel is located at 10518 Oakbridge 42
Court. Staff report by Jeff Johnson. 43
Jeff Johnson, Senior Planner presented the petitioner, Danny Huff in requesting a variance from the 45
provisions of Land Development Code, Section 7.04.00 to allow for the construction of a one-story, 46
3,339 s.f. single family residence with an attached garage and a 1,200 s.f. detached garage to exceed 47
the maximum 10% lot coverage by buildings in the AG-1, Agricultural – 1 zoning district. The subject 48
property is located at 10518 Oakbridge Court…located in North County – North of Indrio Road and 49
west of Johnston Road. 50
The Oakbridge 8-lot subdivision is zoned AG-1, Agricultural – 1 dwelling unit per acre and was 51
approved April, 2007 through GM Order 07-005. The lots in this subdivision are similar in size and 52
are all currently vacant. The request to construct a single family residence and detached garage that 53
would exceed the maximum lot coverage by 0.42 percent or 183 s.f. on the subject property does not 54
arise from conditions that are unique or peculiar to the land and physical surroundings that would 55
result in an unnecessary hardship for the owner. The boundary survey of the subject property shows 56
no encumbrances or obstacles that would hinder the development. The building plans could be 57
redrawn to reduce the amount of area to be provided to comply with the 10% maximum lot coverage 58
by buildings. Response forms were mailed out to property owners within 500 feet of the subject 59
property. There are no property owners in opposition of this request. 60
The variance should not harm other property or improvements in the neighborhood, impair an 61
adequate supply of light or air to adjacent public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger public 62
safety. The proposed structures will comply with all minimum building setbacks and height 63
requirements. The applicant has provided a letter of support from the Homeowners Association dated 64
September 2, 2016 65
Staff recommends denial of this variance as the request does not arise from conditions that are unique 66
to the structures, land and physical surroundings. The variance is created by the action(s) of the 67
applicant to propose structures that exceed the 10% maximum lot coverage by buildings that are 68
allowed in the AG-1 zoning district. 69
Chair Lowe opened the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 71
No questions for staff 73
Danny Huff, the property owner was sworn in and gave reasoning for the request. 75
Chair Lowe opened the public hearing 77
No one spoke 78
Chair Lowe closed the public hearing 79
Chair Lowe returned to the Board for discuss and/or motion. 81
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Mr. Harris made a motion: After considering the testimony presented during the public 83
hearing, including staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 10.01.02 84
of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Board of Adjustment 85
approve the petition of Danny Huff for a variance from the provisions for Section 7.04.00 of 86
the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, to allow for the construction of a single family 87
residence and a detached garage to exceed the 10 percent maximum lot coverage by building 88
in the AG-1 zoning district by an amount not to exceed 10.5% of lot coverage (which equates 89
to a maximum of 4,574 s.f. of buildings) for the subject property because this variance will not 90
increase traffic, or result in the reduction on property values; the applicant has supplied a letter 91
from the HOA and there has been no opposition from adjacent property owners. 92
Mr. Pancoast seconded the motion. 93
The roll was called: 95
Chair Lowe Yes 96
Vice Chair Harris Yes 97
Mr. Pancoast Yes 98
Chief Foxx Yes 99
AGENDA ITEM #4–Petition of St. Lucie County Utility Department for a variance from the 102
provisions of Section 7.04.01 Table 7-10 Lot size & Dimensional requirements of the St. Lucie 103
County Land Development Code to allow the construction of a vacuum pump station to 104
encroach 25 feet into the 40 foot required front setback & 5 feet into the 20 foot required side 105
setback along the north property line within the Utilities Zoning District. Staff report by Bonnie 106
Landry, Planning Manager (for Linda Pendarvis). 107
Bonnie Landry, Planning Manager presenting this petition for Linda Pendarvis stated this petition is 109
the request of St. Lucie County Utilities Department for a variance from the provisions of Section 110
7.04.01 Table 7-10 Lot Size and Dimensional Requirements of the St. Lucie County Land 111
Development Code to allow the construction of a vacuum pump station to encroach 25 feet into the 112
40 foot required front setback and 5 feet into the 20 foot required side setback with in the Utilities 113
zoning district. This is a quasi-judicial public hearing. Proof of advertising for this public hearing was 114
printed on October 14, 2016. This sign was placed at the entrance of the Wastewater Treatment 115
Facility. Planning and Development Services Department mailed 307 notices to adjacent property 116
owners within a 500 foot radius of the subject property. A total of 9 response forms have been 117
returned to the Planning Department with seven (7) not in favor and two (2) in favor. 118
The subject property is developed as the existing North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment 119
Facility. This variance is sought by St. Lucie County Utility department will provide the most suitable 120
location for the proposed vacuum station on the 3.74 acres. This location on the Wastewater 121
Treatment Facility plant site will provide the maximum setback from residential properties and restricts 122
the impacts to the onsite wetland area. The St. Lucie County Environmental Resource Department 123
provided a letter of support for the requested variance. 124
The location on the existing wastewater treatment facility has the least amount of impacts to: 125
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• Adjacent residential properties 126
• On site wetland areas 127
• Cost for the benefitted property owners, and 128
• Allows for sufficient access for the operation of the vacuum pump station 129
The proposed vacuum pump station is associated with the removal of septic systems existing on North 130
Hutchinson Island. The variance request will grant relief from the north property line that is adjacent 131
to Pepper Park and to the east property line that is adjacent to North A-1-A. 132
This variance request will permit the construction of the vacuum pump station to be setback from the 133
north and east property lines fifteen feet. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it does 134
not conform to a strict interpretation of the standards of review as set forth in Section 10.01.02, Land 135
Development Code but supports the overall public safety and general welfare of the community. Staff 136
is recommending approval of the requested variance. 137
Chair Lowe opened the meeting for discussion and questions of staff 138
The Board discussed the location of the pump station and the reasons the 7 residents objected. Of 140
the seven, only one wrote the reason of devaluing their property. 141
Matt Hammond, Utilities Engineer was sworn in and gave detailed reasons of why that particular 143
location. He explained the vacuum station’s operation; talked about a feasibility study done a few 144
years ago evaluating a number of different collection systems options. He also stated the aesthetics 145
of the building, the architectural style and coloring will match the adjacent buildings as well as 146
landscaping will be added to the north end adjacent to Pepper Park. 147
Chair Lowe opened the public hearing 149
Richie Jacquin of 3210 South Lakeview Circle was sworn in and asked about the odor and the station 151
on South Beach. Mr. Hammond answered the question to the resident’s satisfaction. 152
Jennie Malato of 2029 Lynx Drive was sworn in and stated her house is directly adjacent to the 154
treatment plant and her main concern was the noise factor. Mr. Hammond answered the question to 155
the resident’s satisfaction. 156
Chair Lowe closed the public hearing 158
Chair Lowe returned to the Board for discuss and/or motion. 160
Mr. Pancoast made a motion: After considering the testimony presented during the public 162
meeting, including staff comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 163
10.01.02 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Board of 164
Adjustment approve the petition of the St. Lucie County Utilities department for a variance 165
from the provisions of Section 7.04.01 of St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow 166
the construction of a vacuum pump station to encroach 25 feet into the 40 foot required 167
setback, 5 feet into the 20 foot required side setback for the utilities zoning because there is 168
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October 26, 2016
not a lot of room to put this in because of the wetland issue; it will be surrounded by trees that 169
will hide it; the building will match the neighborhood. Chief Foxx seconded the motion. 170
The roll was called: 172
Chair Lowe Yes 173
Vice Chair Harris Yes 174
Mr. Pancoast Yes 175
Chief Foxx Yes 176
The November and December BOA meetings will be combined. The date will be December 14, 2016. 180
Staff will advise the Board ahead of time if there are no agenda items to have a meeting. The next 181
meeting after that is January 25, 2017. 182
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:02 am. 185