HomeMy WebLinkAboutOwner Builder Affidavit O ,� Plann!ug;&'Development Services,Deparrtinebt Building.&Cane.Regulations ;2300'V*, Avennc. Fort Fiera Fldridii 34982 (1721462=1553 ,p i UWNERBUII.i]IER.sAF.FID,.VIDISSCLOSff. STATF.1�iF.NT' i F.S,489103-(7)_T�EXEMPTIONS i State law requires,construction to be done,by, licensed'contractors. You:,have applied;for a permit under an enieniption w that law. The exemption aLlows.1 as.the'awner of your property;to act ak ur owmcontractor even -though,�you do not have a license. You must provide direci,.on-site.supervision of i e'eonstritciionyoursei£ You may build or improve farm airtbuildings, done-family or taro-family resndence.,for your use'.and occupancy You _ may also build or improve a commercial-bata:cost not exceeding$75,000 0b'as Song as it is for your own use or occupancy.You maybot bund or improve said strucides for the purposes of selling or leasing that buniding. 1 You may not'.hire an unlicensed person to act as;ybrrr,contractor, or to supervise,peopleworktrig-on,your bwldirig;if i is yo;respQnnsibility to make'sure that people'employed by:you have licenscs,required_.by,state Jawand;by county or municipa':licensing ordinances. ! Initial Here. If you sell or tease a building you have built Pr improved within one year-'after construction,is cotinple en'a presumptioifis created that ituras built or improved for We or lease,which is a violation of this exemption. ,Initial Here. I You may not.deIegate'the`responsa-bdity for�supervising work to a licensed contractor who.is not licensed foPerkirm. the work being.done. Your construction must comply with all applicable lawk ordinances;building codes, and. i zoning regulations.. Initial Here; i i I understand that'the building official and iinspectors.Are not there to design or give.advice'on-how--to e minimum code. Initial Rene. I understand that-as an owner-builder that any contract-disputes with sub=contractors,anii I must:be handledIn aJ ivil court with the advice of aa.att'orney:_ I Itis department will.not mitigate any contract disputes. j i I understand that if I compensate any person or-company for work performed they ale required,to'be license ,in this jurisdietiom If for some reason they do not posscss,a license,.I may be resppoi*ble and liable for-the.co the :license. Initial Here. I understand that if any person that is unlicensed and uninsured gets.injured on my constructionprojecf-they um e entitled to.workmen's compensation., 1 could be heI&lialile f k,,all doctor,lawyer•and related medical.', � could include loss of wades during recovery from their injury. Initial Here: To qualify for this exemption.under this,subsection; an owner.must personally appear, 'sign,the building permit, application,and.initial the above I hereby acknowledge tha"t-I leave read and understand the above-disclosure,statement'and tial`l further understated ms that,any violation of the terof the-owner/builder excmption shall be reported by, th' uildin8 ancf2oning I Department to the Florida-State;.Department of Professional Regulation. Si d and ac Iedged on:this, /J't' ��.. OwnerBuilder ignaturi; STA XE OF FLbRIDA COU,XW OF S fi•G,C_+C -The foregoing.instrument was acknowledged before me thisday ofAUGUST ,20 by r�I.v 1 c r__Ar� %-,v--n who.is personally.knon tome''or`who has produced as identification. h { az iguature of 140iaay Type or nt Name of Notary Title_Notary Public Comniissiori Nieaiber, '11p' tAAS MYCAMi±II3sio4p.di4757� �� •�:;Mey22;2024