HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned Hancock Building Permit ApplicationAIIAPPLICABLE lNFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:_Permit Number: ST LUCNE Building Permit Application Plonning ond Development Services Building ond Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-7553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residentia | ,./ Address: Project Name: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: rl -G \la^."-"[ Si*- ft, , \ ,t/ PERM IT APPLICAT]ON FOR: Lot No._ Block No. New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: *Mechanical - Gas Tank - Gas Piping - Shutters - Windows/Doors _ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pond Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction Cost of Construction: 5 63o 4looo Sq. Ft. of First Floor: IS b3a I Zip code: 3qttt Fax:- Phoner..ro. -112 Zlb t?.$8 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) City:E ?:crcc.State: Fa Name Address: Phoneruo 7Zl }t{b o\\t ext}So5 E-MaiI l-\!\(8. f'^ O CAR$I rilA t^t\.)oRq;. to r.4 state orcounty r-icense CBU1Stlt$. Nam tr' Zip Code:?-)or1 gx City: [\'lr[r-"1 (Tt\,r.(rr T)oblorr Fax: State: NL lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. llr Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: CONTRACTOR:OWNER/LESSEE:,:3il"1:,ii ilr$;:,i*1,:* SI}PFLfi h.{ H&*TAL {#N$TRUETI#FT TIH ru ffi-W ,hiF*fiM,eTif,) jr,i; Bf;$ffir.rrelffi$sift Eirtu -* -"M$flTfiASI ES!HilANY:Fiame:&J;tr"r1c: Address:+ &pf.rli*;*bl* {ity xip; Strt*:fli?"v: ffrfiPhq*ne Frt stldFt [ .f tTL[ i{*Ls[&: fuarne; &ppli*atrt*ts$NI}INS {SMPTTNY; I,,l*rn +r Adilrers: {]' I i "rffir &pplicahle A{idr"*s$(ity {ity 2ip.Fh,:rre: swii r$/ *ri$TH,&{:Y*ffi AFfi rfi \rtY;li.;-.::1'r.,ii ,:r',ir herury nrsdc to nbtarn a p*rrftlt ts So tlrn wtrl ard iftftal jati*r ;lE i*riir:at*"d.t terrfy ih*t na ylol'l or inctiilation hat I iil'].ii I rNi f il ,.ri prrcr to the r$.rrance o{ e p+-rmil, iilffiLtltfffi*fii.!?,f:ffiffiS#Sffblif;i#i'if*ff1#igl1,Hi:,flf#:itrlfll;glft1 ro budcr t*e subrp(r srri*lv;.gstrffiture, P'rasc consurf wirr-irri'rilEEddd;En r'*'iiE-ri#'i,ih'If,fi." yoir sred ror *ny,.-Jf,flffiryr,:firpfii,"jrfi,f rb;t rvth ln cantndaation of thu Sranting o{ thir rcqu*stntgrT,il I rg heeby agfsg rh6t , rul!, iry {t{ rEspaqtrs, perf wn the wrx k11 ac(onlance rrth the appros*d plena, the f ls,{idii g$,tdirry [oG;;riik. lurie e$*rrry Arnen{rnaa1$. STAT{ *F #oufrIY #r and lubtcribrd hadnrr rne of finline l{oI*rrrstjefi ?*l$ by $T.{m CIfj I4#fi}rr\ (tlr,Jfi,TY sr and *rbrcritrarl hefore rr.r* nd. 0r "......*-* &rlil't* t'l*t {t*nre tlf p*r*+rt r?tafuinf fit*t?**t. , 2.*Ji3 ld*tiitc;xtt*.rr Pei$on#ry r(nown -d-o*fype af tdentificatisn ed tummircton H" ](l6_Jt*Al{r {,*al} ftfvf rw5 ti _1"!,..,ssrssf{*t/NT{* or tr&#rd"r {i}Ui{TEfi zo,{t+{s SEVttw I i I I supE&vt$oft fttvlGw $f;A TUftTTI HEVldw M&MGT$V€ R#VIHWuAfr-' RgctrK* n fihrtary PuUh Sta * of ftorida I {*mr:risslrrn Sd*.{So*i1 \{6ETATIOI{ RIUrW PtAr{s lrtvltw Ph*n*; ff Frcdured*_-, . *- l I