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A II APPLICAIBLEI IN FCI ML SIT BE COMPLETED ROR APPLICA TIONI TCI BE AIC C E RTECI Data: (IEI/1tG2020 flEinrn it Numl: cu: COC ` 8luilding Perm it ApplicaVcn Plannir g or c Deivalop meant _Ierviees Buildirngord(ciceiREigukilicinDivision CC)rrimerCial Residentlial X 2- 00 Virginia Au ein L e, Fart Pieuk iei Fd _-14W 2 Phone: Q7721 462-1553 Fay: (772; 46:I-11578 PERMIT APPLICIA-010N HCR: Address: 4180 N HICIHVI AY A1'IA 701 B PucifIcirlyTaxiD#: '1423-5(IEI-0'1'10-(1(1(1.9 SilEi Mari NamEr. EVA N.1 Flrojcct IN arae: EINANS ACI CHANGEOUT 5TCIN-8KW-1z EEERCARRIERIUNIT AH U - F64CN P060LO(I / CC IU C A14NA 060006 NEi\A Ekictrical N Ei1Eui 9ecclric Ellecitiical MetEir Lot Na. Block N o. A c c itional wouk to k El flcri anmEic c ric Elll tH is rIEmmit — check all tH ail aiflfllti _Mechznicail _ Gas Tairilk CasRipirig StLtters Wiricctis/❑oars Pond _, BlEld llic _ HIL mL in@I _ Sr rinklers _ E ar eu for _ Roof Aitch Total Scl. Fl of Cor stllLctior: Scl. Ft. of First Floor: Coil cif (Icrsi nL ction: $ 6z all U1 ilii iEis: —Sewer _ SIEirltic BL ilc ing HEiifll' 1: NamEiEVANS, KL FT NamEi:JOSE RAMIREZ Aldc ress:418(I N H IGHV�AN VA 701 B Compainy:EAST C ClA1ST MEC HIAN ICAL City: H UTCH INSON ISLAND State: _ Zip 'Cade: 34949 f Ei� : PhariEi No. 772-671 1.4'188 E -Mail: NO@ EMAIL .COM Address:'1 E00 N HIGH RIDGE RIC City: BOYNTON EIIEA'C H Sta 1 a: FIL flip Code: 33426 Fa)(: PH or ci Na 561-E 86-373 1 N 20,' 1(1 Fill in fee sire rile Til le Hole en cin next page( if c iffererit from tile Gwr er listed above] EII-M aril PERMITISC ECM1c ERv IC E:.0 C N Shate or Ccs rity LicEinsEiCAC03EIEll21 If valu a cif conshu C icer is 230 cir more, a RECC RDEID`Noi ices ctll Clomrriencumcirt is requirE is . Jf valu c cif HANG is $i,° CIO or morei, zi FIEICCIREIBCI Noticie oil Comrrieincemer t is reiquinec . w+1.fT�.i.YYi�11T`l3rrIA1,71"1�ifV7k.7#�i 1„11.,. i.�I;#„T"litY IiYE i.,iliEYii'k'I IST 1Y}, ,, _ DESIG N GRANGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAC R (C MAANY: Not A pp licablel N�Ime: Name. — Ac dressi: A c dress: C ity: State: City: State: Zip: PhorlEl Zirl: Phane: FEE SIMPEEI TITEEI HOLDER: _ Nol A ppliubler BCIA CLING COMPANY: _N of ArlpliclablEl Name: Nclme Addaess: A c c Reiss City: Cil y: Zip: Phone: Zip: FI h aria: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFICVITI: Applicalicln is herElh� rrlade lcl obtain a permit to c a lhEl ti ark ar c inslallaticlrl as indicated. I CElrtify tflat rlcl nark ati irstallalion Has acirri mElncEic rjniar to 11} e issuarcE Of ZI pElllrrlii. St. Luc1 iE1 Claur ty makes nic repilEserilai ian tHat is glrantir gI a platimit will authorize tF El pElnrnit h clldelu i a build the subject stliud urEl m V icll is in conflict wltH anN appllicakle Hame O%nEuls Assaclatian rL IES, kylaws or and cavenarits tilat may restrict cin prat-ikil such s1 t- aturEI. RIEIasE1 cor IL It With S ciur,H(lme Owr ers Associal iclnl arc uev iew y ou n c eElc liar ani nestnictions % h lch ma) apply. In considenal icir of OE guanli irlgl of this neCIL esl ed penmil, l da i1 erElk y agree tl at I will, in all riesplects, plerl orrrl tF E wark in accorcaricEl with t1lEi aplptio%ec plans, thEi Floris a Huildin€I CIO(Els anc Vit. LuCIEI Clou my AmElydmerlts. It a fallawin€I k u ilc it g pEuimii aprllical ions anel exE rri r 1 tram u ridEnlSoingl a fu II conn a nrElncy review : roam adc it iclris, accEIv clrN !Il riuctl nes, SVA immin€I Tools, ftir d Els, wa IIs, si€Iris, scrEler iicicims ar c accessaiiy uses 1 a ar CllhElti nonl-rEl9 is Eintial U 9El WARNING TO OWNER: Your failu re to Rekord a Notice of Cclmmcir clemelrit may nest. It irl paying twicle ilclrl .pliiovements 10 yaur pro ElEirt}. A Noti06 of Corr mlerlclemucl erlt rrLst be rEydec irl ti el public IiElciclrc s of St. LuciEl COL my arid rJOStEIC on tl- a •jobsite before the first ingleatior. . If yot, iritenc to obtain finaricirlg, cclnSL It wits IEIndpii ori In Fut tornriv hefntirl r ommencirlg xA rlrk or rP_rntlr ing Votir N oticis of C omrr encemlerll . KEIV. Z)/t)/ZV t Irr 1 u nEl cif Oti Tier/ ' ess el/Cclrltrad or a9 AglElrlt for OWrIEIn Ali a urEl cif Car tract r/LI Ir se h alc e1r STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FIICIRIDA COUNTY OF PAIN BEACH COI.INTYI OFPItMBEACH Swann to (or alfirm(lc) arc su bscribEld bcllorEl rr1E1 cif !Iw orr II a (ot afllillrried) an( su k 9 c ift etc b Elfone me of Physical RrEVIElrce or Orilir EI h clarizaliclrl X Rhylical PCElserICEI an Orilire Notanizatiorl I his ,1tri c ay c11 AIu<usr 20210 by this 11TH c ay cif AUCiusr y JCI9 a RAN IREZ JOSE RNMIREZ NarnEl of plersor making sialElmeril. i• ame of perscir triakirg statElmElrt. Fleir9clrlally k rio%A rl X OR Rrac uses k Elritifical icin ftinanally k nci%A n X OR Piiaclu cElc IC entificatior Type oil Idenil iflcatian Ty p(i cd Ic er 1 iiliaatior FIIaC ucElC Arc c uses i€Ina rE1clf�cit liy klio- iglnai rElcifNclt ny t,blia- to IclryWAq'IRubliaStateofFlonda n Y out otary Public State of Flonda ,� Jen niiler EI RE ttes C IClmrrIs'I art No. GIG7182191 ? Ia(jjl4 r ,I FE ttE S y rnissionGlGl218711 mm1991C1r1 h CI. gG12111: 15 " MY su n GIG 218215 Ex i e /15/2022 o` 01� EapTfs011/19/7027 F� REVIEIIWS FRONT ZONING WFIBMI1!GR PLANS VEIL ETATION SEA TUR11-3 MANGROVE CCIL NITER PIEVIBW RBVIB\A REVIEW REVIF% REVI6\& RBIEW DATES RE(IBIVED DATE CC M FI LETIIE D KEIV. Z)/t)/ZV Michelle Pranklin, CRA -- Saint Lucie COL my PJropeily Appraiser -- All rights relse rved. Property Ic enllificalliorl Site Ad dress: Parcel ID: Account #: Map ID: Us e 71ype: Z(ld1r g: Cit)/Cclunl y: Ownerslhip K un A Elmans Hart ara 'Al Hvans C11nth'a II Hazen 41801` Highway A I A A 1; Q I H Hutal in on Island, FZ 3949 Regal Description CICIEANIIQUE OCHANFIRCIN'II iJOR 2752-18421 HIJDG B UNIT 701 (lur ren11 V21I . est Slaile H hitory .lusidM arN et flu a : 1144,300 Aseassed W1ue: 1116,600 Hl I t i on s: I '10,000 1hiiable Value: 1336,600 Property taxed are sukoclt to change a pon change of clwnership. Hass taxes are not m nelia ble projection of future taxes. • The aim le of a property wi I promppt AM uemovall of all exit mp tions, assassm ent Gaps, and special ala s sifiaations. 'Iaocas fan this pavael: SIIC Tea Collealm's Office ❑ Dawnloac TRIM lktr this plancel: DownloEd PDA ❑ 4180NHIGHWAYAIIA 101 H 1423-106-0110-000.9 170254 14 Jl 0400 Hutch Isla Sa in t Ilucie Cour t}I 1 cltal Areas Flimi sh ed/Und er Air 1911': 2,833 Grass 9ketclied Area 1IS11,: 3,280 Danic 9i�ia 1lacres,: 0.02 Dank Size I1SFI): 1,000 Slaile H hitory Dal4e: Oct 30, 2018 Baok/flagle: 4207 ,I 24118 Sada Cclde: 0111 Deed: QC Grant c Ir: I da ns Kurt A Price: $100 Data: Sep 22, 2U 18 Baok/Pagle: 4190.17 t 172 Sale Cade: 0001 Deec : WD Granlov: Bonalakis Clhanles Brice: $925,OU 0 flats: fun 22, 2007 13cokiPafla: 2841 /2:193 Stale Cade: XX00 0 AHRI CElrlified Refeneince Nurrben : 91<.14EIfl'I Dale: 011.30.202CI Model':Ralus : Aclive AHRI TypEi : RCU-A-CEII (Splil Syslerrl: Air-Coclled Conclansing l nit, Cail with Blowem; Series: '14 SEE R ACII Ouldcloa L nit Brand Narnel : CARRIBIR Ot ion L nil Moc el N urribem (Con dein ser all E ing lei Pacl ager) : CA1 i N PIO CI"A" Indoor Unit Model N tirriben (Elvaponalon and,kin Aill F andlelQ : F EACIN Flil Rogion : Sautheiast and North QPIL, AR, DC, CIE, FIL, GA, HI, KY, LF, MD, MS, NC, Ok, :ACII, 7N, TA, VA, All CO, Cll, ID, IL, (A, IN, K9, MA, N EI, ll ll MC, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, N), OH, (IR, PPI, RI, SD, LT, VT, WA, WV, Will, WY, L .S. Tenritclilius Region N otel : Canthal ails condi Iionems rrlanufacluned prion l o Jantlar)l 'I, 201 °II anet eligible to bel installed in all regions until Junel 3(1, 2(1'IEI. ElElginning July 1, 2CIVI celntllal a in cclnditionelns can only be installed in region (sl lar which they rrlelei It a regional efficiency nequiximleni. t"Aa tive" Model Status are those that an Ah RI CIE rtifica tion Pnognam Particig antis curiiently producing AND so Iling or offe riri g flop salt; CIRI new models tt at are bein q marketed but ane not )let t e in g producecl."Puocltic tion Stopped" Model,' tahis al re thoi t tt a tan PIHFI i Cer ificatia n Rrogram Participant is It o Ici aglen producing BUM is s till selling o offering Ion sate. Fla tin 9s that ane a cccmoa nied ty WPI:I indicate an involunlary iie-rate. The new published rating is shown , Iona with the ore\iious (i.e. WAS) ratin o. EASICU1111VIEFIII PIHRI does nol endonsai the product(!) Its'led on this aerlific ate a nd makes no repro i ental ions, warranties or guarani ees as to, and assumes no responsibility floe, i he pro cli i t(ii) list t d on Ihts Ce itif a a te. AIF RI ersll sera ly disclaims all liability for damages o l aryl kind arising out o1 the use ort ti rlormance of the pr( dut i), or the unault ath ed altenalion of data listed on this Clerlificale. C ertillied ratings are valid only llor models and as nfigunalic riiE lisled in 1t e diir;cllo ill al www.ahntdineel ory.org. TERMS AN 01 CCIIIN OI ITIION S This Cerit Iicale ari it its aon lents are p c liWetary pro ducts c I PIH RI. This Cenl We ate ,, hail only be used llon individual, persona I a nd conlidenl ial left hence pu`lif c ses. The coni enis o'11 t is Ca rl i'licale mal n at, in whole or it I a tit, be iti produced; a opted; dh seminal ed; enle incl into a aiompuIer database; or oft arwtse utilhied, in arty Ionm or me rnet on by any means, enaepI flon the t ser'E individual, personal and Con lid I!at eelenenaa. AIR -CSI NDITIONING, HEATING, CIEIRTIFICIATE VEIRIIII CAfrid N m RIII If tGERATION ItISIIITUTE The inIII tion for the model cited on this cert ificale can be verified a wwiv.ahridi iii cl ory.o111 a Fick on' Veiifly Clllerl iticate" Itr k niak- Iite letter" and enter the PIH RI Ce ntified Reference N umbeu anti the data ori m hich 1t E cert ilfcale via issued, whirl t is list ed above, and I t e Ceri ificale No., wt in is list ed at be ttom rigt t. 1324a`asos4c)47e15235 - ©202CAitl•Caunlditioning, Heating, arc Refui€ereilicir lnsltitule CERTj��ICAIE NC., i