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All APPLICAQEE II1FO M10.>i BE COMIPEE i ED FOR APPEICA i iE1RI i u 6E ACCEP i ED Date: Permit Humber: C0UNTY Building Permit Applieatiun Planning and Development- Services Budd+ng and Code neyWarion vivision ziM virginia Kvenue, rorr Tierce rz sz;sfzcz Pnone:j//ZJ45L-1553 F_:jii/_a462-1578 Commercial Residential PERIVII i 1 YPE: NV PCr ��r•cr�\ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: - AtatIress: 1001 s P"So t1vC1 Cvt A 91:;c � +-tCt Property ax 10 ff, G p Y � w�' 'al t'_ diU UVU 1 Lot No. Z- �it� Plug, Ivum�t 100 -.- PvAso teS Blvd -----_-. Block No, 105 Project Name: (.. arOte_ I DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Exact AC changeout, no duct work, Z.!5 ton, 1LJ seer, `[ KW CONSTRUCTIuN INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: XIClechanical —Gas i anR ` vas viping _ �Retter� _ Windows/Doors Elurtric ` Plumbine _ Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft of ConstrUCtion: Cost of Construction: $ "1114 _ Generator _ Roof Pitch �q. Ft. or First Floor: Utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Fleight: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name_ C-afy% too L a1 =rC lQarne:Dennis Zacek Address: -,-I00 �?&so Role P,Aj ... Company:ARS City:y_Pherce Mate: V V A013rc33:L500 OJ Y1VVY 1 Zip Code: S 4`2- 1 Fax: City: Vero Beach ,tate: 191 PRone no. 1-1 _ "l l V C." It 9 —_-__ __..---�_-- Zip Code: 32960 Fax: _-- E-Mail: Phonelgo zuu5 E -Mail mgillis@ars.com Fill in Tea simple i We Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Mate or County license Cl9IC-1 LzFa /5:S It :o[ee pr oan3tr0ctio.-. 15 5Z5UU o, more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECURVED Notice of Zommencement is require!!. SUPPEEIOIEN IAC C019151ROCTION EIEN LAW II9FORMATION: GINEER: _ Not Applica Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: _ Address: City: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an„atterney before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. Signature of Owner/ L e/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF siLuae Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this day of AVAy5�s , 2020 by Signature of Contractor/Lic Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF&L-a- Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this _aday of "U5 2020 by Dennis Zacek Dennis Zacek Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Personally Known x Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced. I Produced tsignature of - tat Florida) (Signature of N&t.Yr '�R 1 Commission No. cc34017e VMELISSA CHATEAUNEUF ommission No. GG340178 State of Florida - Notary Public Commission # GG 340178 t# My commission xoires Mav 30. 20 3 0 REVIEWS I FRONT Orl"RRM COUNTER I REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED OR Produced Identification LtCE.vt,Sr-e-- — In IV ME SA CHATEAUNEL SW p4itdda -!Votary Publ C mmi ion # GG 340178 My Commission Expires May 30. REVIEW REVIEW LANS I VEGETATIREV EWON SEA REV EWLE 0Tv MANGROVE REVIEW I Insrallarion Work Order Est. stat I3 to A - I �/02V Est. mmpon Date + " Altt(772)5137-3100 280D w Pligfll i, veto Med—M FL 32913(] Crorfie. to uslomar .-MVTkW1Rskk„1.'AS&*,!sofl'1111ln.Inc_La..� #CMC124t70. R8111ttons CAC I8I' 'Rkti ole l —SW (866] s03•+ro79 COe101ef!n EMNL - a.n.� air rl llvd naf71! R.vnc — - 41'r10RE �• cr yr ^, L 9 WORKPHONE SIZE z: 3Tw t T PE 2R�tyln SIZE I r PE !— SIZE l r PE— EFFICIENCY ILA Leer- cTCIEl9�r EFFICIEAMr 3 $ $� tam $ _ i, $ $ $ $ 5091ViAL $ SU13MTAE $ oUBTOTAE Wi-NIFil EST.• $_ -✓}_ 5T,p �p�RLY ESI.- S RIONTRLY Ebl.' 3. --. -- — t.05tvRIER INITIALS v CUSTOMER INTfl CUSTOMER INIIIRC w ,anry: Pyrtz v, CaTinr rrurran,y: _Parte Labor Warranty: i Pis f�f3Er Compressor Q�:,:Reet Exchanger Comprtasor He .t Sanger vunpresavr Raul PalPllanyer "llAcsx ahsnv'lre noeca a watrErlre• sic 6om the rnand•et•raa • • - • SELEUTEDOPT1019: 1 112 113 Zvv.th.„,,,,f 0RoeenneelDoll Ci.rrre GGehumi'ainer—_ allBWTAL Disconnect ❑ Ceding Saver Kit ❑ Mtdoer Ur+it P-8 OrJfetirrre Equipment Slab fan & FTS: b 0 Flue Venting T FJ Soul Isolation Pads .rlMain f-mr,Sete,, Switch El Ductvrork Wneetrons° IJ Maid Tit. Wndeit 91 Seal New canner tions ❑ Cornec, to o,'ti+g pleeranr 11 $ ❑ 5.arr R'it G 5vto tr Fut.-- Egapm.r.t 13 Duct Modifi-tions I . +!fnehigerant LL Enter ❑ Sappfy Plena um Now Por _— of world TOTAL 4. .ci Rafill Pape p Raw In Reconnect 0 New Duct System U Nuw Q Reco,-,nett p Reim Plaealw ❑ No Duci Work u r[errigerant Pipe U -5--F ❑ Nen ❑ Re mend et ❑ Feel Piping ❑ CASH p CHECK# ❑ t:xpanaion valve ❑ Electronic Air a,wrr Z 13 Eleel Will ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#a) a, -stat -Type 5l3 Meme Rte. IS Home Service Plan - XC-OOnreet to 15-49 ❑ PCO 1 T.pw (354 days! EXP APPROVAL. Electrical G UY Light �FIfdANCINC JZIIQe- Plyweed Dill u Hranidifie. . Lom.provkkdb/En MW*uS&Membw FnlC.on CUOGUARAN TEES alpro+od aedl ra a fended Gan•. Eshora ad maul 0 i�omfort t.�ear-tee Z1 Home Protection Guarantee pef.” bice" an $AB% — 8.09% favi APR ^ kom ""011+• elreer.•- M Apr! I.20 1 24-mourServiceGsow—!lee 1a1009bURWIDItionalMon wt tacuuarantee Repep+v.K aefa - , roam 36 9 :.. mnrdrs ..__...-.. W �RN:1 IZE vuJC�R>��> 44 FWV No ire+11EkF-3T- 'x1115 is not responsible for proerismlg i-xtwonc 5ee Ienna arta wrist ons on life Ma of this aocument fw aetmrz;; - Written customer authoriSappn r;t be a�-mM Dcie beguuting any urlfomssen $Mtiol®or extertdeff wom •mvr.;MWFOR CONS1NUCI7ONDEFT ESOatf.^IvInF11UiiCI!MVMRr:PRtIV15vN5vPUFW-riERS5%FOORIWISLAI uTES. - BI YEWS RIGtff TO 01FICEL• This Is a Rome solldtatlon saig and h rou do not want the gavae or services, you inn w -.M IRs ..gree• meat Ls pr..vfding written n_ttce to 1119 seller In person, Of taegrem, or By than. roils notice must Intlicate caret you Ito no[ -..-.-.t tall gel or services an� .....at he deflnfeg ar poslmeM uepore mliiRighl or um thir" AlSki ui� soar yull sign this agreement Il Von grnL$1 M ayreernlen% me center may not IMI; all or pad iso any casR'Cown peruol See the reverse sift Retool Pur an expfantlttisn of mss right. • f acknowledge that .,,, .ro111 to cancel h- SII eW mnea to ora DIM and in wri=vd, and without wun�,y lrq I1tl to canclR I aulnojwa in- pedew.lepo.e . at the worts, subject to as terms M eon'oitions set 01-11 on Ill reverse side hereof, plus any taxes upon eomplatim. Notfoe To t aria ; - Do mm sign oris fronts inyfe.frrrent contract in bi,ol You are vntlViRl t... copy of the comma ar urs urns you sign. Kul R to pmlect your legal Mhts. polis home imp! Cretnent rantma may oentafn f mortease - othel creaw a Ilan on your propM that Goold Fee foreaMW on it you Do not pay. N auto >ro urw stand alI2Lr!o lsllo'ons of the conua t ,il you sign. l'.�,U SC YLtr.N An/ r't2-EI�Ic CliVwrm sl DhTE COMP/W REPRESULTATNE CusTome oar E DATE UATE a 2D9OMlwkan m�Swv m L Lc. All60r mallow d. ARS1 CMjL 200eas L2M22 $260 r CERTIFIED' www.aliri(Iirectory.org Certificate of Product Ratings AR RI Certifiea Reference Number: zv I rvoSw Date : 0- ru-zizZ; moeel status : Acti-e Ula ARRI Reverence Aum6er : rziauzs ARRI I rpe : RCU-A-CB (Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower) Outdoor Unit Brand Name: RRI!I!M vut'uoor Unit IGIo'ael Mumoer (Con0enser or 5i%le P-Autgo.) : RA14J1)AJI Inaear D.,it Model Aern6er (Evaporator andlor Air Randler) : RH1P3017STAN Region: southeast an'u Aortn Zmr-, mR, Di,, DR, FE, VA, RI, R T, EX. MID, 1015, IaC, uR, 5C, I M, i x, vA, AR, CO, C I, ID, IC, IA, IA, R5, MA. ME, 1011, MN, 19110,191T. N6, RE, NR, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SI], vI, v F. VVR, vvv, VV 1, vv T, u.5. i erritoriesl Region Mote: %entrai air conditioners manuracture'a prior to aanuary r, zu15 ore 45115Io to Be in3tallod in ..II rbgio. ra entil June 30, 2016. Bayinniny July 1, 2016 central air conditioners can only tae inswllea in regiontsy for which they meet the regional eniciency requirement. I he manuiacturer of this RMEens profluct is responsif3le ror the ratin7 eT TRis e,:.tom oo 6irration. Rateu as roilows In accoruance with the laiest edition or mM51rARRl e T Orzziu with 416e.,6a i ..n8 z, Pefffor_riov R.tiriy of Unita. y Air-Cenaitiioninu SI Air -Source Re.t P.mp Equipment ana subject to rating accuracy uy AHRI-sponsoreh, Kiepen'aent, tRiru pang vesting: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or Righ stage isor), 5tuh : za5ul!lu 31!1!R : 14.17u EER (Az) - Single or HigH Stage (85F) : 11.09 ?"A.ti-e" Model Stwte:; are those ;h.T an AHRI Cartifi-4on Pmgr..m P.RIGIpani Is t.urrently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but ar .,.t ;et being pradeeed.?Prodectieri Stapped i Model Stairs are these [h.; an „HRI CertiTt Tian Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still selling or offering for sale. titin q khat arc Gcoml anieFJ h WAS inn at an i i-ulunl:r rc- at The ..e : utlished tali^. is shown t It�nr with the re:ious i.e. 4VA5 rutin DISCLAIMER AHRI deei net endvrae the peoded(e) its;ed en ;hie Cerrific.io .nu m.M no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s) listed .n thlz Cvrtifieete. AHRI .--Pp.—Iy dlaelalrrrs all liability for dam.g.3 of airy kind arising uui oT ?M. use or perrormance of the producYsr, or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certiflcat.. C.rtlit.d ratings ore .-lid only fer models o:.d ..rifiramllee, !lard In .he plrvcwry ai www..Mridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS slim This Certificate and its contents are proprietor; products of AHRI. Thio Csrtlfl.ate eholl only be aced for Indl-ldaWl, pe..,..nal and auirnuentlal reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or In part, b. F_'rodewd; .wined; di—mJn..ted; 14 encored In' o _mpuio.-r a.;t..Qase; ar.0.rmsu utilized, in any form or manner or 07 any means, except for the user's Individual, it penrenol and .enfldential refa"ov. .+IR . vlloi rolllna, NEWIRa, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION o. IleRllaln ..'len In .: fT[1T!! Th. informad-tv mr ill. m.racl urea un tflis certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, click on 'Verify Certlfieate' link rnoke I IfC t7lrrv�" sad enter the AHRI Certified R.feiii rbnce Number and . aaii ;. vwfliciv ills Gvrri.. tie was issued, which is listed abo-�, ..nd the Certifleete N.., -hleh lz ll Wd _t bottom right. -- - ©ZOAAlrcontlitia ing, Ra -Ling, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIRCmi E Mi.: 132418165472967598 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lada County Property Appraiser -- All rights reberved. Property Identifi4atiun Site address: Yawl 111: Account #: rviap itj: Us' "lype: z-oning: City/county: Uwnlership Cwblc A Duuuirc 7003 Pavo Roble BLVD Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 9- BLK 105 LOT 27 (MAP 13/01N) (OR 314- 20861 Carrm Values Ju317 arku, Valu': 10,9DO assesseu vanic: $40,821 t;:.rRYtio.-.a: a0.821 Taxable Value: $o Properly taxes are subject to change upon chance of ownership. • Past taxes are not r -■liable p.-Awwtie . of feta. t..re.. • The aAIC of a property will prompt the removal of all t:� :,, �aeva�lllent a»p.,, :.d ap«iai dassifiroeivns. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectors Oiuce uownloai] 1 KIRI lam.- t8:- ra.-ev1: Dew .lewd PDF 7003 PASv RUBLES BLVD 1.501-611-0105-000-9 2507 13/01N 0100 RS -4 Count Sui.-.t Luct6 Cvz; ..J lotaImreas FinishedfUnder air far ): 1,166 i5 v53 5Ketenea Ano- (5r): 1,760 Land Size (acres): 0.28 Lana Size (sr): 12,311 All :a.te.—wtia ::, 6�1:e.vd to be wrvrt at .ha .imc, bue i3 subjec: to change and is Provided without any warranry. CoNya.ghi 2020 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. all rights reserve'u.