HomeMy WebLinkAboutS&S Drawings� �tlIIF NII Ira Nell l il, , II I „I t�:;�4 I Iru� In I ,•�I laa Inih II rrlvn P•,•4� 1 r r • 1 I" I I I °N S p i Ni• h +� ,fit 1� r,.. I I Pcrmij fVmmber 56-0390482-001-EE 1 - M p Suulheeatl Uiwlrlcf y + A y p?♦ ?o p �dYl�� DEA . Indian River Dr QARSuite 202 Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Envinnsrrntal Glnsultonts (772) 5774141 '•I ili '/ IIII I I I,5 I it •I 1111.-11 'I (Project Site Ilu4,. III'll Ll�rrl Bill Latham 48 Aqua Ra Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 2km Sheet 1 of 5 June 2020 130 S.Suite 202 Indian River Drive A R I A Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Envirnnn(772) 577-4141 1:5�4 0.01 OD1 T 1 1 0.01 ODi o D2 ml Yj 0.03 km Sheet 2 of 5 June 2020 l3esIdential Conn/ �I��` wi'al To Indian MvUt I I I Existing I , I Neighbor I Boatllft 1 I Neighbors' Docks 3cis' ing Conditions No seagrasses observed June 22, 2020 Cxisting 225 SF dock to be replaced Existing 37.5 LF seawall f:o remain Shoreline = 37.5 feel: MHWL/MLWL at seawall o c Project Site V�t�•� to scaled u��lr lac-�UUV�u�i,oU��� f�l�i��a��ses ���u0�. Environmental Consukents 130 S. Indian River Drive Suite 202 Fort Pierce, FL 34950 (772) 577-4141 ��ldls ZStrZL St4 nn 4 `J 48 Aqua Ra Drive _ Jensen Beach, FL 34957 I , 1 , Exlsting , , Neighbor , � Boatllft I I , I , Neighbors' Docks S+v i v Pcrm�t IVuml�er �c1�1 ; 56-0390482-001-EE 4 tioulhelai6l Dillricl I -„ Y i >� — / Sheet 3 of 5 June 2020 Residential Canal (100' width) �— ►o Indian River I Existing I I Neighbor Boatllft I I I 1 Neighbors' Docks n' 19' Proposed Work Proposed Replacement Docl< =385SF+/- �� � Boat LiR to be i ` installed in the future Proposed i Boatllft ` Piles v [xisting 37.5 LF seawall to remain Shoreline = 37.5 feet MHWL/MLWL at seawall Project Site i11ot to sca9f�y 'u���U�»�-�U'U��u•il:i�;iuufia f���>>��aK������> ��Ir�sv„ C,W � En�it�t�la) GearrltarNta I -- :1.30 S. Indian River Drive Suite 202 1=oi t Pierce, PL 34950 (772) 57-/-4141 6' ,d ►V SON �p ;�� foil Bilk 48 Aqua Ra Jensen Beach, FL 34957 I I 1 Existing I , I I Neighbor I I Boatlift , , I I Neighbors' Docks �♦4�� o r s H t•�Rb+ t t +rA S I M Permit Number 56-0390482-001-E� Southeast District i o W Sheet 4 of 5 June2020 Dock inru Section Varies SGL Bolts, Nut, Washers 5/II" S.S. (304) w Nut Fully Threaded @ Bents Existing MH.WL Seawall MLWL Barren River Bottom Piling Embedment y Envinnnwntd Consuhmnts SGL Bolts, Nut, Washers 5/II" S.S. (304) w Nut Fully Threaded @ Bents 2" x 6" SYP t110.40 treated SYP Decking w/ minimal plank spacing. Fasten w 1110 - 3" SS (304) Screws, 2 per Stringer 2" x B" P.T. SYP, 0.40 ACQ treated stringers. 2" x 10" RT. SYP, 0.40 ACQ treated DBL bents ver Drive 130 S. Indian Ri Suite 202 1=ort Pierce, FL 34950 (7 72) 577-4141 Min. 9" Dla. 2.5 CCA `Treated Piles with 6' minimum embedment in sand or 4' minimum If rock preset Dock Plan View Varies - rj -------------- ------ e Sldngers 24" 4 spacing max, geA Center Strinrs tied down it I'�l_1Cftreated ph(el rewer s @ ea mem toolV �'SC D.40 �p �1`d1S Bil�'Lat�fi 1�a (1 a 48 Aqua Ra Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 C X Pcrmil Number 56-0 390482-001-EE p \uwenavrnrncr f °1 If rk specified he e7n has4jecr) d and all work shall be in ncewith the 2017 Florida Building All codes reference herein the latest adopted edition. Sheet 5 of 5 June 2020