HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval815/2020 Florida Building Code Online I Nit 'bpI Product Approval USER: P-blic iser 00 U_,n ApplicationItAll FL FL.20867-R1 Applicatior. Type :r aEFrWa Code Version 201 7 Appitcatior Status Comments Arch'ved Product Manufactjfer Trinity Glass Internatio-,al Address/Phone/Lmaii 33615 1st Way '-; Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) $7-5-7300 andrew nt"trinitog lass. com Authorized Signature Andrew Na andrewn ObArwityglass,com. TLchnical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door E,aivat,o, Report frarn a norida Registered Architect of Compliarce Method Florida Professional Engineer Evdijaition Report - Hardcopy Re--eived Florida Engireer or Architect Name veno developed the Evaluation Repo -rt Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contr art ;!.oxpiration Dale Validated 8v Certificate of Independence Rtirc,renco, I Standard ane Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Srandarcs Certified By Hermes F. Norero, P.E. PE -73778 12011")U20 i..uc 4e Bowden P E. Validatior Checklist - Hardcopy Peceived F! 20867 R: CO' SUUIAAIA AAMA 1304 ASTM E283 ASTM E330 ASTM E331 TAS 201 TAS 202 TAS 2Q3 Year 2002 2004 2002 2000 1994 1994 1,994 Sections from the Code mvw, 11. oridabuilding,orgipr"`pr-appjtl.aspx'?Parani=,wGEVXQwIDO,,bxPqQDTr',',,,,2bX5w2Z;,)I'ELGrnjSr,,-,gUPZ"bVKiKihlYc %3dOX3d a Licensed 8!5!2020 Florida Builth Documentation from approved =valuation or Validation Entity Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pendine: FBC AppruVal Date Approved Summary of Products 4 Model, Number or Name 2u 6T 1 �i a. F ' al :ss Door CTnliis of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for usa�69 HVHZ: Yes Impact Resist t: Yes Design Pressu N/A. other: See Instal r .-1-nstructions, F-120867.1, and Evaluation Report, PER4418, for design pressures, sizes, cian'ig,.; at.ons, ir. tailatio t requirements, and lirn .s Of use, 20867.1 L 'rihc.rq;ase Oocw Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yns Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See Installation lnstruc:ions, FL -20867.2, and Evaluat€on Report, PER441.9, for design pressures, sizes, cnrfiguratlons, it ,,taltaticn requirements and limits or use. ng Code Online " I af}inTt that there are no changer: in the new Florida Sk ilciin Code wh ch affect my products) ant; my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Yes No N/A j�t-20-857 a.j {,- OC_SA2086''r Ptethod 1 Option D 10/10.2017 1G;' 0;201 7 10/15,2017 Limits Of use. Approved for use in HVHZ. YOB Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Other: See Installation Instructions, FL -20867.3, and t:valuation Report, PER4420, for design pressures, sizes, -i:, : *rat=ons, installation requirements, ,and lim t,3 of use.. .......... 70867.4 d, Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: N/A Other: See installation Instructions, F-20867,4, and Evaivation Report, PER4471, for design pressures, sizes, ronfigu"at ons, ins,-allation requirements, and l rn rs of use:. 21867. e. Fih<:r,ia-,s Doer Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant, No Design Pressure: NIA other: See Installation Instructions, F -20867.5, and Evaluatlon Report, PER4422, for design pressures, sizes, configurations, installation requirements, and Icrl"s of ,ise, 20867.6 = f, f"berglisss Door Limits of Use E Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes _........... Description 6-8 Mazer "ImPaet Fiberglass 7c1or - Outsw,19 Installation Instructions Verlrted Y: ler) rrnes F. NOreFL P.E. ;f73778 Created by Indeoerdert l"hirc P61Y: Yes Evaluation Reports r'.6.2.u867 P, A'- ELF1441QS>; 2i1lfi:0 20.Qdf Created by Independent. Third Party: Yes 6-8 Opaque, Irrpwct" Ffneraiass 0o0r - Outswing Installation Instructions i Verif ed Eft: iiermes F. Nare-o FL P.E. P73778 Created by Independent Thirc Party: Yes Evaluation Reports .seated by Indepei^dent Third Party: Yes 6 8,;;iazac "NJn-lmpaf.t ricer yaa5m v�,�, x,..,....•�,-- �., Installation Instructions Herrnes F. Nore o FL P.E. *73778 Created by lndepenr,ent Thiro Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 1=L2t186'i riz AE PER4� 2C SS��C Created by Indepercent Third Party: Yes 6-8 Opaque NQn-impact" F'Derglass Door - Inswinr310utsu rg Installation Instructions iij J:L F )SL;7. f 54.x:1% Verified By: Hermes F. NOre'o FL P.E. a: 73778 Created by Indeperdent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Indepenc nt Thirc t <Wty: Yes F r) GEa�ec `No-, ---Pact` Fine -class Door Ir swi IOutswing Installation Instructions E F4:��..ist' ft 1. 11� F(," S;18rizT.L+ �,� ICt'� ".St��•f� Verified By: Hermes r. Norero Ft. 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