HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-AGREEMENTS-ELECTRICAL, PLUMBINGPERMIT # ir =(i , JD � ISSUE DATE PLANNING, & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DKision BUILDING MR—M11- SUB-CONTRA lOR AGREEMENT Wowmy Nameandividual Name) � ~ have a `reed to be the _ Sub-c — (Iype ofTra ) — ontfactnr far (Primary Crmror} For the project located at (kTgjW Street Ad �t or Property Tax a) #) It is understood that, if theme is any Chang,- , of storks regarding our participation with the above mentioned Mject, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County wilt be advised pursuant to the filing of {Change of Sub -contractor notice, OOIrPP CER17i7cA7Cio[�1 Ni111i13Et� Stitt of Fkddo, County of L_" -L IV- Tba forcOng iastr umratt was signed berxv me C1l3 _—W day of ZQ who is personally known ___qT hms prnduord a as identliicatiom, !Rpmturn off4shary MPnblk i� L G, /\ CA r Ct r Cn Prlot NMe ufNatary F*b1k pubmc - Step of Florida N Xi Carnmis5i # GG' 6W2S ' Ma Ccsnrrr. expires Nov 7, 2023 Reviscci 1 IIl.6F201 MN-1- NA34g, t-'[>IT'--rY CERTIMATIO-% rw[ - F.R State of Fluridk County of .. y � _1 r[ �,# The Nrtgolnr Instrument was skgge$ before sot trfs 'dos of w'hri is personalty known ar has produced a -.. as identification. � - � 4 L S-rAMF Sign tare Of %G try' Politic n1c _ _ _'0 1 0 hQ Print Name ofNotary Patine REPW7 # COUNTY F L O R I D ISSUE ]ATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ]Building & Code Compliance l]iv ion WrLDINGPE AT SUB-CONIRAC TOR AGREEMENT {Cohave agreed irk t) {Cohn Nanuli7% I N ri7e} — . __ �— the c -r, _ sub-contwtor for (Type of Trade) — — -- kl+ ' 0_k J'C1f the prorject located at — ��� —.7�. (PrOiCCI SIMCII dress r FroperEy Ta_i FED #) — — Zt is understood that, if there is any change of statusregarding Ow Nrticips(ion with the above mentioned Project, the Building and Cade regulation Division of St. Lucie County will he adx is5d Pursuant to the tiling of a Change Of ub nttactor notice. c �0]� Sl " "n RF:, SVii�ieri i't{ih"ir [:}1 N7;;—CEkT�l7iATf{}ti 4J iBKR urorFLX*b,fvwdyorb k 't file FWhkdr0ffMHK,rocsk= d hrtoream W,4Ud y ar by prrsomtiFry iimrn _ _ q� hm ] wwtd 1 4b�442e kiiru �b.ryR od ,�'oq��x cv�Tl IRP—R 5,41 a of Florid, C mnF► ,t T,* JrwWaft17YS111MICllt14u EIIffNed Lrrom sir WE WhobTWrwrraEl, 4K"M Spr+ lard a ntil7�#ior� STAMP l *k, tlyFc of lcx�rs hti{r 4 — sk �h�4S �an� i�f �vtitr3 �`uhffir '— 44 y+r JEAHAMIOSSTVKTOR AMIAHA RAYA Nalary Pubku - Stakr of Florid +40tary Public - Stake of Ronda Car mh5ion A GG 204 a 10 {�.;i]�{, CommiSdion 006 961625 ar,- My Lamm-E;q*n ieci3, 2OZ4 k 'isad ] k k oR r4, JOY Comrn, E)Spires tiov 7 217 3 SOME'dth'M* umimaE Hwary Aem-