HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvalr FL20468.7Florida Building: ode Online H'm Fs �' -`r •�._.m BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Search dbpr UA-11 Product Approval USER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL20468-R3 x Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 .: Application Status Approved - 1. Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton, OH 43517 (419) 298-1740 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2021 Validated By Ryan 1. King, P.E. 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FI 20468 R3 COI (G) Cert focatp of Independence.Ddf Ra�xl Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 M ASTM E 1886 2002 � � ASTM E1996 2009 S ASTM E1996 2006 xx = { ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E1996 2005 * ASTM E330 2002 http://ww%,floridabuilding.orgipr/pt..app_dtl.aspx"paraiii wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49YAg Jvl'De9alxCeipMIx3L49Ji2bmWnAMJJdAw%.,d°63di3i25/20193:14:47PM] Flonda Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved TAS 202 1994 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL20468 R3 Egtliv EQUIVALENCY OF TANDARDS.pdf Method 1 Option D 10/09/2018 10/11/2018 10/21/2018 12/11/2018 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name 20468.1 a. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door panels, this product approval requires the use of "Y' part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.2 b. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels, this product approval requires the use of "Y' part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.3 c. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.3 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels, this product approval requires the use of "I" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.4 d. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Description Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Installation Instructions Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Installation Instructions FL20468 R3 II (e) Inst 20468.2.odf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Installation Instructions Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL20468 R3 At (d) Eval 20468.3.12df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Installation Instructions http.:%,www.tlondabuilding.org/pripr_app_dt1.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49YAgX1vPDe9aJxCeipMIx3L49Ji2bin WnAMJJdAw%1d%3d13/25/20193:14:47 P M I Florida Building Code Online t ` wppruveu rur uae in nvnc: rvV Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes ' Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.4 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door panels, k�. this product approval requires the use of "J" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) F' 20468.5 e. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.5 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels, this product approval requires the use of "J" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.6 f. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.6 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels, this product approval requires the use of "I" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.7 g. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door panels, this product approval requires the use of "J" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.8 h. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See INST 20468.8 for Design Pressure Ratings, any additional use limitations, installation instructions and product particulars. (For Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Door and Sidelite panels, this product approval requires the use of "I" part numbers for these doors, which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20468.9 i. Therma-Tru Fiber -Classic and Smooth -Star Limits of Use FL20468 R3 II (e) Inst 20468.4.pdf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Installation Instructions FL20468 R3 II (e) Inst 20468.5.pdf Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 8'0 "Impact" Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Installation Instructions Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door (Inswing/Outswing; X configuration) Installation Instructions Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL20468 R3 AE (d)EvaL20468.7.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite(s) (Inswing/Outswing; XO, OX or OXO configurations) Installation Instructions F 0467,E 8 R3 II (e) Inst 20468.8.pd Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nominal 6'8 "Impact" Glazed Composite Edge Fiberglass Double Door with or without Sidelites (Inswing/Outswing; XX or OXXO configurations) Installation Instructions htrp:r'w"%.floridabui]ding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49N',AgXJvPDe9alxCeipMIx.L49Ji2bmWnA.MUJdAw%3d%3d(3/25/20I9 3:14:47 PMI ..n e.ro. ery m-a s i oz 3d8d CM 'ON ON L6 L 6'699 £L9 c N o�o4d S310N lVa3N3O S3anSS3ad 'NOI1VA313 SNOISIA38 AB 969££ l3 '�PPIwn 'O£z •Pe 'o'd s1NvlInsNoO awmins NOIS30 1V01dA1 A18Y13SSV 80 ldVd Y N NI Nf OB3 LIOZ 03 4I9 0l -4ivodnw Nf NOUVION l3NVd 03SS3038 ' Z ON a000 SSV99a0913 1W 310N NOUdO l3NVd a000 'n3a J�- VNo/// ♦ � ,SS1' j 604£i 'oN -3-d 'j \ Q z J �I ,••'��llgZy'•., ' 3P!w43S uoPux nal-vwa3H1 w Jo alv�s O Ae PWodwd n�. =op 10n(oad $ SSR 1& 91 /60/01 -_ 606E4 ON o 0 y a o 0 W w 3 Z 0 W oLo o 0 ° In o_ + + 0 � x 3 X w3 � w O `q Ln ° O + a uU (ONIMSlnO) 1HO13H 3WVSJ o u d v'O'Xvvq SL'19 W a (`JNIMSNI) 1HO19H 3WV2l3 o v o a O 'V'O'XvW � u 0 o = z � o m � x x t o u �+ N O O D C C W 0= y w � s U a^ � p L r W �1 t 0) QC, N V a 5 C O Q'- Q: L N V C v O a r DO a D 0 N�w�a o�.c_a D O O a@ oo _2� o'of °v0 8fV L'09bpZ-lj '6MD'6-L'89bOZ-l4UN3NLN - (Li OZ) 8960Z lj\s6uimeip - 7\al!SPdwoJ - 1>eawi SS }J 1L Np9M 890OZ-1j\sle1wOAtl AnPwd eDuPlJ - tl\W 3NVWL3d w1 1w-41\54uai0\�21 v❑ n8mn 9 i oz C8 CL96 'ON 'V'O 3dEU SNOISIA38 L818'899'£l9 :'ON wu04d Slfe'130 13N1+d 21000 1l8 31V0 ON ID 969££ td '--NI-A '0£Z x08 'O'd Nf OB.i LLOZ 03 439 Ol 31VOd/1 M90 l vi Y ao NI `%ILIAY),'S1NVllf)SNOO ONIO'11f19 � -A'1BW3SSV 80 18Vd Nf NOLLVION '13NVd Q3SS3038 Z � � � ce 6oti£r 'ON '3'd 8000 $SV7O?/3813 1W 310N NOLLdO 13NVd 21000 'A38 L N C4 yOWDjy'•.•• W 49S •3 -OP-91 (1Ml—VW2l3w l0iQf19 . 19 vuodud "--a -ionaoNd S91/60/01 604£6 DN .69 0 5I Z9'0 ' � r'Q'• � 1 to —1 u o W w z 0a Z L7 o < d w0 Uw"-i� 00 0c3 �O_ C9$ GU IL 0— O rL O � W - � K u -+ .69-0 4 Z9.0 oQ o� 0 p S's� j— i U 0 p f U tQ 0 $ g m 0 L 3 wp o - W w2 w C N I\ \ C w 0 O p�D. 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