HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, maxim curb mount12f3JIN19 Florida Slli[ding C*dc Online BCIS FWW Lag ]5 ' USef RegHVO ton HotTope - SutWnjt S+Jrth,3r96 & r&LS : PUhllCart qnj; Z:fgk d.Fl�lr.,p �' Product1lpproval USER: Pu41k User YrocurL &,&, qL�31 MhSny. } E=U— gr A&JmcaticFl Swrch r 9 Lm� > APPI 1{. tlon detail FL # FL2419-R11 a Application Type Revision Cade Verslorl 201I Appll. ation Status Approved *Approved by d6PR. Approvals the POC and/or the Commission Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Maxim lrldusmes, Inc. AddreWPhone}Email 1630 Terre Colony Court Vallasr TX 75212-6221 (214)905-2021 infpiIDmaximskyllghts.Qorn Authorized signature EDavld Thi3mWrL i rLfa0maxlm5kylightS.0nM Tedhnical Wresentative Addre5511211-1one{Emal I Quality AssurafliC Representative AddreWPhpne /Email Category Sky Ughrts suljwtegory Skylight Cgmpliance Method CettifFcation Mark or listing Certification Agency natIcnal A07editatiorti & Ma Validated By National Aorreditatlon &, Ma Referenced Standard and Year (of standard) jUmdard TAS 2Q1 TA5 202 TA5 201 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Ei FL2418- R.11 WUN EER2000 -. Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Dike Submitted 0310512418 Date Validated 03ID612018 hops:llwwwJhuidabuiifkingAw.gfprfpr app...dtl.aspx'pAr'nm--wGFV7 Qh-tI7gsIIJBZYYQ3nuIYZKWVdrsMr- FIN QoniACL LIS BCIS Site Map : L nk-- {es•Q7 )y DSPFt shalk be reviewed and ratified by if niecessary. Institute Institute Year 1994 1994 1994 or Arrhitect 12(3 t r2.019 Platids BUildingC'1rdeC)161ioe Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Sminnimia of Products b�fpg}Zp16 FL # 1 Modek Number or Name 241E-1 ; Serles "CCM" Dade Curb Mount Skyilght Limits of Use Approved for uce In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure. +60/-60 Other: 2418.2 Series *[)SF" Dade Self Hashing �teyli�ht Limit's of Use Approved for use irk FIVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ- Yes Impact Resistant: Ycs Design Pressure; +601-60 Other; Description IPolycarbanatie Glaze( Aluminum Skyllght Cortiilcatian Agency cortiftbte nttact EzilpPlra6pn Date Quality Assurance 12131/2021 Installation Instrui tiams I Arnofusa, Pl� FL PE No. 497S2 Verified By: Robert Created by lndepen ent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reportm a1- f 1P7r1>��DJ��D.�1 Created by indepent lent Third Party: Yes Aluminum Skyllght Polycarhanate Glazer Certification Agent Certificate tract Expiratiark Date Quality Assurance 12/3112021 Installation IrmtrW tions f Amorusa, PE FL RE No. 49752 Verifled By: Hobert Created by Indepen ent Third Party; Yes E luadun Repo Created by Indepen jent Third Party; Yes CSar:k Next Contact Us : F Fh -47 The stake 4f RkWide is an "EPO emp"r. Qgp,(nght 2007-20:3 State or Fixida.:: cral;r k -: gdypj ctagcin n . UrUkr Florida law, grrspll adtlresRs are public recard5. Ir y0j Ca oat went )curt uO adpr355 r91WWd In rqS to a pUb%k raard5 fequest, M not send elechimit mail to this entay. Instead, contact VW grrhaa py phone <,' b9 1:1 ddidonal mail. Ir you hdrae dny questions, Pli� ! 3ntaG M0.44)7. 1�%. *Fyn,I r t to 560an 455. 275( 1), Fk6da SlaLur.,es, &Fective 01xbor 1, M2r IlcenteES aeMed ufYCer Chapur 455, F.S. rtust provide the I)epwtn ant with #n wmpll adarq*L5 athey ha%q me The efnal's pro+lWd fray be uSeO Mr of iciol a mtrrWtgn Mth the liCeriSee. 1-12iwe4er email addres6 dre punlio re[ord. f you do not wish to sUPVW a Pgr.-0npl ilddr%Sr V prWOe the Penartmeit wil.11 du e r u4 addr a whK:h ran N made avallahle to toe pudic. To dewfvilne Ir VC1i ar a lifft?9ee u80er Chapter 455, FS., preasq 4Kk here Prod uct ,4ppmval Xteephk; ®M ®E� M D4f rdit Card Safe htVs;llwww,tlurida6uilding.orjV"r_app—dd-Wx7pitram=wGEVXQwtl7galtlAiYvQCinuIY2"KINNdTdWV KUpLvyUbT� ioM3FcMA%3d%3d 2)Z a a = , m N T w o MAXIM INDUSTRIES, INC. CV Q Q ch � N o SERIES "D CM" DADE CURB MOUNT SKYLIGHT It o w LL INSTALLATION ANCHORAGE DETAILS U `°m vuJ o N z o 0 o Qv a� LU o N Lu a a � o� a o a U oo a w of GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ) OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC). THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON SIGNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT ATI 01-43381.01 AND ASSOCIATED LABORATORY DRAWINGS. INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. ONE (1) INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH ANCHOR LOCATION SHOWN. 2. THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS DEPICTED ARE THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS TO BE USED FOR PRODUCT INSTALLATION. 2. ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL FRAMING AS A 3. FOR INSTALLATION INTO WOOD ROOF DECK, USE #12 MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WOOD SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 1 3/8 WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT INCH MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE IS LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 1 INCH. ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD. 3. IN AREAS WHERE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS EXIST USE OF AN APPROVED IMPACT PROTECTIVE SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED. 4. MATERIALS: 4.1. SKYLIGHT FRAME: 6063-T6 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM. 4.2. SKYLIGHT INNER AND OUTER DOME MATERIAL: MAKROLON POLYCARBONATE BY COVESTRO, LLC PER CURRENT MIAMI-DADE NOA COMPONENT APPROVAL. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET REV. SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 --- NOTES, ELEVATION & ANCHOR LAYOUT 2 --- SECTION VIEWS 4. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO STUCCO, FOAM, BRICK VENEER AND SIDING. 5. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BY THE ANCHOR MANUFACTURER. 6. INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE BASED ON SUBSTRATE MATERIALS WITH THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: A. WOOD - MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 0.42. 4" MAX. FROM 10.50" MAX. CORNERS TYP. O.C. TYP. I I I I I 4" MAX. FROM CORNERS TYP. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (PSF) IMPACT RATING LARGE MISSILE ±60.0 IMPACT 10.50" MAX. O.C. TYP. � II ~ IIL 48" MAX. O.A. FIXED D.L.O. WIDTH 518" MAX. O.A. CURB WIDTH 52T 6" MAX. O.A. WIDTH yn 3„ 994 MAX. 1008" O.A. MAX. MAX. FIXED O.A. O.A. D.L.O. CURB LENGTH I FnIrTH LENGTH ELEVATION & ANCHOR LAYOUT EXTERIOR VIEW U = C� F- J� YO cn O N N CD Lu a O 0 O x a z a o N U- 0 w x Z 0 N z� � U 0 U a U w Z 04 I� 2(-) m z Z O di cn H olf < C, < `) w [if G 0 Uz a Zw<w0 o J J Xw¢p p�� a~ �W U - arc co p U)LLI J w in F_ a w0 D M� 0 �z w ��o's (n (Z' �oo W.- 0o a m UOOw K 0 J H ti z d a o K ti d a Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49752 LL LL 1. Minimum #12 fastener by others. Pre -punched installation holes 4" from each corner, maximum 10.5" on center. Minimum penetration = 1-3/8". Co r 2. .060" X 1.5" X 1.75" 6063-T6 extruded aluminum retaining angle. Aluminum angle mitered and welded @ four corners. o a r o 3. 52.5" X 100.375" UV Enhanced outer Makrolon Polycarbonate Dome by Covestro, LLC @ 8" height on test sample dome height varies per skylight size but not o a0 U less than the larger of 10% of the dome's span or 4') 4. 52.5" X 100.375" UV Enhanced inner Makrolon Polycarbonate Dome by Covestro, LLC @ 4" height on test sample ( dome height varies per skylight size but ° � Z not less than the larger of 10% of the dome's span or 4') LU o m o J o 5. OSI PR256 urethane sealant. Located between aluminum retaining angle and outer dome & between inner dome and aluminum frame. O o w Q LU LU 6. Sealant tape. 1" X .125" located between outer and inner domes. a_ od o o 7. 6063-T6 extruded aluminum frame. Aluminum frame mitered and welded @ four corners. > 8. #12 X 1.75" fastener. One fastener located equidistant from each corner. Four fasteners per skylight. ° °° Q 9. #10 X .375 18-8 stainless steel fastener. Located 4" from each corner, maximum 11" on center. 10. All units equal to or less than the total square footage or the test specimen, 36 square feet, will be accepted under this approval. N 11. Minimum distance = 4" from angle lip to roof surface for shingles or BUR without insulation. For insulation and tile roof add tile height and insulation thickness to � g LL the 4" minimum height.7Na ZN ° = O 0 2 N Z_ Outer Polycarbonate Dome 3 U) go Z Inner Polycarbonate Dome O4 W i N } Z #12 Stainless Steel Fastener with W z u7 c w Z 0 '� 00 — � neoprene gasket. One fastener Cn 0 D z o W located equidustant from each 80 Z w Q w 0 ° — � OU s corner. (Four fasteners per Q Q w Sealant SO skylight) a `� < U ° Sealant Tape O a LL o J w Sealant #10 X .375" stainless steel fastener @ °� 4" from each corner, maximum I OCnLU z o0 060" Extruded Aluminum Condensation Gutter on center. o m o wxLL . Oom Retaining Angle Sealant 0.060" Aluminum Frame a a Minimum #12 wood screw with min. 5 1 O 1-3/8" embedment into substrate receiving point. Installation holes 4" from each corner, maximum 10.5" on 11 center. 1-3/8" Min. Design Pressure: 60psf +/- Embedment Robert J. Amoruso, P.E. Florida P.E. No. 49752 Roof deck and framing by others. All roof details shall comply with Chapter 15 of the Current Edition FBC and Chapter 9 of the Current Edition FRC. Curb Mount Model