HomeMy WebLinkAboutJAIME PETERS PERMIT APPAJI APPLICABLE JNF0 MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPI iCATJON TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 8f17120 Permit Number: L0' Building Permit Application Planning and Oevvefopment Services Budding and Cade Regufotlon iNvrsron 23DOVorgonooAvenue, Fort p+e eFL34982 Car7"IrnerclaJ_— Residents _ Phone: (7721 462-15S3 Fax: (772) 452-1578 — — — FPE R PO IT APPLICATilOrq 111R. EROOF Rf POSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: - Address. 7106 DELANO AVENUE.- PIEFICE FL 34951 Property Tax I D 4. 1301-612-01 B D00-6 Site Plan Name= 7106 DE LAND AVENUE, FT, P'ERCE, FL 34951 — Lit No.� Project Name= REF;OOF Block Flo- 127 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK. — TAKE EXS STrIVC RQpF OFF AND REPLACE WrTH NEW 5V METAL ROOF New EIectricaj Meter . Second Electrical Meter C JN JR CTI # I IN FOR M ATI0N: Additional work to be performed under this permit -check all that apply: _-Mechanical — as Tank `Gas Piping Shutters Windows/Doors Pond Electric : Plumbing — Sprinklers Generator ,Roof &12 pitch TotRI Sq. Ft of Construction: 2,873 5q. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 1B,900 Utilities: — Sewer — Septic Building Height: � NER/'LESSEE' CONTRACTQR: NarneJAIME PETERS Address: 7106 OEi AND AVE Name: LEZ DINENSERG — Cry: FT- PIERCE Company: FREEDOM ROOFERS Zip Code; 34981 State: FL Addres.0575 US H Y 1, SUITES 1 8 2 Fax_ Phone No. 772,473-4973 City: �J`RO BEACH State; FL E-Ma it = p Zi Code: 32967 Fax: 772- 1 T-4459 Fill in fee simple Title Holder Phone No772-318-460() on next page if different E-Mail greatrcofs freedomro0fers.00m €ram the Owner fisted above) State or County Licenstx CCC13309M v'al4le of construction is 2500,)r More, a RiECORDED Noticeof CMF tement value c f HAYC is $7,SW nr more, a RZCORDCD is required. Notice of Co rn mencem is ent required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION, DESIGNER/ENGINEER Name:_ Address; City. Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: Address: City: _ -- Zip: Phone:_ x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name -- State. Not AppI-Icable Address: City. State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY, Not Applicable Name: Address. City. Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated" certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucle County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the ermft holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or an cear enants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed or any restrictions which may apply, In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida 0uilding Codes and SL Lucie County Amendments" The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full [onrurrenty review: room additions, accessory structure, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen roams and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with Ienider or art attorney before cornmenci nst work or recol:rgorr your Noti€e of Commencement" actor as Agent for Owner 15tgnature of Contractor/License (folder STATE OF FLORIDA I STATE OF FLORIDA l_Oi" u NTYOF iMdnRivEa CO�I11��1 7 OF INDANR14ER Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or Online Notarization this '17 day of AUGLST . 12020 by LEE OfNENBERG Name of person making statement" Personally Known 3_ 0R Produced Identification Type of Identification Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of x Physical Presence or = Online Notarization this +# day of '"LGUS* , 2420 by LEE DOCWAG Name of person making Statement. Personally Known x OR Produced ldentifcadon Type of Identification ProduceA'1 (signature of Notary Public- Signature of Notary Public- S Commission No o-M55 �";"'�TSE IACGpOR1' } - PAk-5&t 4Fkrkja -( ie mrnission No. � 'APWMEA1 CA"T {5lrwll Pu6Yc-9ateofFla�idi � "-*it, mRsia+fGGW6355 aycwnmE eiFeb73.i0�S ; Ihu�,�GnnJhORN'r ZONING 5UPERVISOR REVIEWS FRONT PLANS VEGETATION LA WAILIn COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEI DATE w