HomeMy WebLinkAboutConstruction PlansCertified Aluminum & Windows, Inc. Applicable Codes, Regulations, and Standards 1. The 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. 2. AA ASM 35 and AA ADM Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association. and the AAF Guide to Aluminum Construction in High Wind Areas. 3. ASCE 7-10. Loading Criteria 1. Live Load: 10 PSF per 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, Appendix I Section 105.1 2. Dead Load: 2 PSF 3. Wind Load: 3.1. Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category 1. 3.2. Ultimate Design Wind Speed: VMT = 150 MPH Nominal Design Wind Speed: Vesta = 116 MPH 3.3. Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure C 3.4. Screen Enclosure Section 2002.4 4. Building Category for Aluminum Structures, Section 2002.6: Category Type 1 - Screen Room: Non -Habitable, Unconditioned Foundation Design Specifications The following specifications are applicable to this project: 1. All work shall be in accordance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, and any other applicable local codes and regulations. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. Due to quality control issues, no manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written, signed and sealed authorization of Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 3. Screen material shall be 18/14 screen unless approved by Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 4. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plated to ASTM B633, or coated stainless steel series "300", or uncoated stainless steel series "400". 5. Approved concrete screw anchors to be Simpson Titers -HD or equivalent. 6. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either # 14 screws 6" from ends and 24" center to center or # 12 screws 6" from ends and 12" center to center. 7. Where concrete specifications are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are applicable: a. Concrete sball conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: i. Portland Cement Type 1,- ASTM C 150 ii. Aggregates - Large Aggregate 3/4" max - ASTM C 33 iii. Airentraining+/-1%-ASTMC260 iv. W ater reducing agent - ASTM C 494 v. Clean Potable water vi. Other admixtures not permitted , b. Metal accessories shall conform to: i. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 ii. Welded wire fabric - ASTM A185 c. Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3" or more than 5". Water added after batching is not permitted. d. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2, and 3 including hot weather recommendations. e. Moist cure or polyethylene curing permitted. f. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. g. Concrete sball be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. h. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. S. All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 9. Door location shall be determined by contractor in y`-geld. 10. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts i, �; of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. ` WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBSITE AND GOGGLE EARTH. 10'-0' 2XDJ I n q-2 2X0 �� 1n I tia > 2X75MB 2X7SMB 2X3GIRT h (TYP) a 1X2 (TYP) I.^-. r 9'-9" 16" ALI KICKPLAI IWA 3'X48•X0032' 1.0 DENSITY FOAM COMPOSITE PANEL 2X5XO.050 2XBWB 2XBSMB 2XBSMB 2X8SM8 2X3GIRT (TYP)Syr A 2 y� ,p, 1MINUM E(TYP) L i 1X2 i 0 V-41• V-41• V-41' V-41•119. 01- LL 2y's v Q 2 O ? a : lu v * LU Q 4 ty Z y 1 9'-10J" 1X2 2X7SMB - io h 2X3GIRT (TYP) n 1X2 n 1'-7,j' 2%5XO.050 A-2 1Ci)/ W 6 REVIEWED R CODE COMP ANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY a•/OCC FIL9'6&fk W ui W W d Z Z ZZ Z Q Z O tl con to N Q V LL � J O O tY l=.,, a � 1J ZcZq$ m G Z ZH J J� 1m� am 1st Q W N.Mg m 2 Z �9 MU 30 a 9 LU [L V) J W U W m � U 0 } Q W U co W W 7d1- U m K TP DATE DRAWN 11/12/19 A-1 ALUMINUM MEMBERS DOMNSIONS 1111/1/ ,`,IIIg111 ��' HOLLOW KICK PLATE NOTES I. 0.024 ALUM \ 2. SCREWALLCORNERS \\\\,o .. ... 2 x 3: 2" x 3" X 0.050^ 1/8"x2"x2"EXTRUDED 3. 100 B -120 8 WIND ZONES \\ (` :. \\ �I 2 x4: 2"x4"x0.050" ANGLE M 6H-32)M ALLOY EACH SIDEWI (8)tt14X 314" UPRIGHTLL USE 7/8z5I8"SMS®12"O.C. _ M • li •• 2 2X5: 2"x$"x0.050'• SMSINTO THE UPRIGHTS 4 @ONES = Q ••(�' O y (2) 3/8" DIA. CONCRETE z 2' x 2" EXTRUDED USE x5/8"SMS b} 8" O.C. • Z O i • OPEN BACK SECTIONS SCREW ANCHORS AN ANGLE 5052 H32 5. 140C-750 BWIND ZONES USE d lil (p UJ J � ¢ 1 x2: r•x2"Xo.o4o" 21/4" CONC. EMBEDMENT) ( n ® ALLOY EACH SIDE x 518"SMS@6'O.C. s r • e ¢ Q 1 x 3: 1" x 3" x 0.045" ° ° ° a • • 1"X 2'O.B. BASE 6. 150 C & ABOVE WIND ZONES USE #12x 5/8"SMS®8"O.C. 6 '• O ~ • O SNAP SECTIONS a PLATE -TYP 7. SCREW GIRT, BOTTOM RAIL & BOTH SIDES iG Z ��j v ••• ••.,•••••••, �• 2x2Snap; 2"x2"x0.045•' 'S•''a'f"'�'. ., •u+21A-M*Rxnxexr B. MAX KICK PLATEHT=36' wi�0 ,,/',',IIIIII \\ ••��\\\ •�s•�' OTOO 2%45nep: 2"x4"x0.045^ SLAB/FOOTING '' •'•,,-imN�i^'.. .''.° EXTCOLEIMIN SELF MATING (SM11W SEE PLAN "4 UTSIDE EDGE OF SLAB 21/2"%1/8"%(GIRT OR PURLIN 2x4SMB: 2"x4"x0.044"x 0.I00" SIDE VIEW WIDTH . 1/2" x BEAM DEPTH 2x5SMB: 2" x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" OR UPRIGHT DEPTH -129 ALUM BACKING PLATE W LLI 2x6SMB: 2"x6"x 0.050"x 0.120" (1)12"DIA. THRU BOLT wl NVLOCK 6063-TOALUMNINUM W d 2x7SMB: 2"x7" x 0.05T'x 0.120" JAM NUT- IN LIEU OF NYLOCKJAM 7» 2X8SMB: 2"x8"x0.072"x0.124" (3)3/8"DIA CONCRETE NUT, JAM NUT w/THREADLOCKER :—Z7 2x95MB: 2"x9"X0.072"x0.12A" IS ANCHORS (21/4"GONG. EMBED) ,'—MAY BE USED TIGHTEN TO CONTACT DO NOT _ems== Z 1p W Z 2x ]O SMB: 2"x 10"z0.092"x 0.396" 7tGF EACH SIDE OF UPRIGHT OVERTIGHTEN Q Q Z MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE: 12" INTO Z MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING: 3/4" - - — - -- - - _ - CHAIR RAIL MEMBER 9CR1EW eo gSSMS I O Z CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: . �° + W W U ALENT TT SIMPSON TEN HD OR EQUIVALENT '' • Z' BASE PLATE ANCHORED " . • '" ` LL 0 SHEET METAL SCREWS(SMS): . ' � . TO CONC CONCRETE " SCREW ANCHOR (MIN. 27/4" •• O _ ITW / BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT SLABIFOOTING d S- ) EMBED 6"MAX EACH SI DE OF SNAP OR SELF -MATING BEAM 1 SEE PLAN d POST AND 24" O.C. MAX ONLY FRONT VIEW L c \PURLIN OR GIRT TO BEAM OR POST DETAIL 5 Z s Z — m B UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE DETAILS A-2 SCALE: NTS �u d &g .m. z A- f SCALE NTS = Z to m b G —J K GLLmm s Q L u m m M 1" X 7'O.B. FASTENED TO CORNER 1/8"x2'X2"EXTRUDED ANGLE 5052 H-32 ALLOY Q Z g -"1 W POST W/#12x 11Q"SMS AT W FROM & BOTTOM RAILS. TYPICALLY W/(q)g74x 3/4"SMS o • LL—TOP CORNER POSE 24"O.C. VWx T x 2" EXTRUDED ANGLES052 INTO DJ o 0 H-32 ALLOY EA CORNER W/ (2) 914 %2" •' 6' a �—SMS INTO POST B(1)3/8"DIA • CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR INTO '' '� IF (2)#10x 112'SMS — — — CONCRETE C - THRU SCREW BOSSES _ _ — _ • SLAB/FOOTINGWOOD: 21/4"MINCONC SEE PLANe r7oR;vi"m7r, 3"WOOD SCREWS, B" NCHOR EMBEDMENTkz FROM GIRT&@12"O.C' CONC: SLAB FOOTING ' • t ' N 1/4" DIA X 3" CONCRETE SEE PLAN •! 4 ' . a ,' • W 2' SCREWANCHOR, B' . .. ; SIDE VIEW C U FROM GIRT &@24"O.C. }2' zBOSS O SIDE VIEW SCRE SCREW BOSS Q D' IN .__ _. .. (4)#74x 3l4"SMS r2"-t CORNER POST W/ V x Z' BACKSIDE W L) ---/ K INTO POST (1) 3/8" DIA CONCRETE Z J Z W 2" x 2" DJ W W 7 p- N _ 3/B" x LENGTH AS REQUIRED (21S/4" CONC. EMBED) _ F F K FOR 21/4"EMBED CONCRETE tD cr V. @'BASE PLATE -_ _ -_ SCREWANCHOR INTO _ aD O J C LL ANCHORED TO CONC W 14" _ CONCRETE •Q DRAWN BY 2"z 2"ORTx3"HOLLOW CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR _ _ I SECTION GIRT (MIN. 1114"EMBED) , •., ,.Q. •5„ 1 TP 6" MAX EACH SIDE OF POST q. DATE DRAWN AND 24"O.C. MAX ',• '.� �.• 1"x Z'BASE PLATE '• 8!; ANCHORED TOCONC W/1/4" Q; • 11/12/19 �.: • CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR 4 �a REVISION (MIN. 1 114" EMBED) ° 8" MAX EACH SIDE OF POST '' ° ' FRONTVIEW AND 24"O.C. MAX . ls.- 4. C+-NX2TOHOSTSTRUCTUREDETAIL CP-1 CORNER POST TO CONCRETE DETAIL FRONTVEW © - A-2 SCALE NTS A_2 SCALE: NTS DJ-1 DOOR JAMB TO CONCRETE DETAIL 4 SHEET NO: - , - - A_2 SCALE: MS A-2 (n. fj LL HOSTING EXISTING HOST WALL d w HqLL iN Q O #14x4"SMSW/ :/ •• Z H 1 1/2" DIA NEOPRENE FACED WASHER ® 4" O.C. �•., �• Gj .>z<• y°'�,"1" 'y Kyti'di•„`_w<I�.✓,i�. �,,,y,-: 1`: 3" x 0.067' EXTRUDED RECEIVER CHANNEL W/#14x 3/P'SMS 2" z 3�. PB /"o., ... •.p�O`,\\,\\ h :.<;( I �ti��'% . <`.'S'�^: p' ^ni t•�r.:�:Naa;.:l� w:1•%rtp. ,�r�«G t h� v'. h f yrh, • yj s Itir �.- 7=i4lwY�.:: ' : ay:. 1,'c. W71 12" DIA. NE0.WASHER / //IIIIII 111111N1� / 't Cr"' 7�o't `.4'<>wY�?%,.'l :•:. �� % t,R S'S 4v""Y'`ilniri \'�Y:Tvi r A.J.J. .• g 6" O.C. ._ — _ • 3" COMPOSITE • PANEL ROOF ..1 .,,' r,, t: .nf; •?;'^'w,pr.. +F-"j'` -A ::-,.v y1�ly?..F'.`�>;J.: K>.il`-.. t;.�M1YV'�h,..:w/ .'(4F_`Lf.J ?LA i. f"t`y 'n:Y�'di.:- `ti;..;. v."'.i=-S, i[F'r�r. ��:'1'P .,• _ _ _ • U.I w W 1 Z 3" x G CH ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL o e1: q �u` ��4`,+f !Wv"L.:� o---iM•"\.:+Da�.wi �nj?.�•1>w•.X..:. lam.>q` :.;, a "f- iia`r'n< a. CONCRETE � z UD W/#10 x3/4"TOP AND I ,hj: (2) 114- 3° BOTTOM AS END CAP • ,nr1.� ANCHORS WALL ANCHORS INTO WALL INTO -i Z / 1 1/7x 21/B" x 1 1/2" x 3" x 0D67' WOOD: J 2" x 2' x 118" x 5" LONG #14 x 3/4" SELF -TAPPING 3"COMPOSITE ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL W/3 () #14 x 3/4" SMS B (2) 1/4" x 3" LAG SCREWS INTO WALL Q Q Z Z 6083T8 ALUM ANGLE 2"x5"x0.050' W/(4)#14x5M"SMS BCREW 6" O.C. ROOF PANEL BEAM SIDE INTO BEAM 1 W I EACH SIOEOF UPRIGHT Q W CON C LL C (2)114"x 2SCEEE LL UPRIGHT OR POST TYPE MASONRY Q = SEE BHT FOR ADD'L ANCHOR @ 17' O.C. WOOD' K MEMEBER INFO. (2) 1/4" x 3" LAG SCREWS 9 O.C. �\ / J COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION S-� COMPOSITE PANEL TO HOST CONNECTION DETAIL S'2 BEAM TO HOST STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT DETAIL U B Z Z ^ m A_3 SCALE: NTS A-3 SCALE: NTS A 3 SCALE: NTS m c Z 5 z _ Q RLLmm s QW�2 a O W LL 3" x 0.067' ALUM #14 SMS x 1" MIN. LONGER THAN PANEL VW 1 1/2"DIA RECEIVING CHANNEL #14 x 4" SMS W/ NEOPRENE FACED WASHER W/ #10 x 3/4" TOP AND #14 SMSx 1' MIN. LONGER THAN PANEL W/ 1 1/2" CIA 1 1/2" DIA NEOPRENE @ 12" O.C. ALONG LENGTH BOTTOM AS END CAP FACED WASHER @4"O.C. OF ALL END E SAME NEOPRENE FACED WASHER ® 12' O.C. ALONG LENGTH . I RL .a(.\TJ.F 'rV 15f^'1.•R yl`ii`tY •�N. V' [iyt v+. 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N U_ LL Wi (4) 014 x 5/8" SMS DRAWN BY 2" x 2' x 118" x 5" LONG EACH SIDE OF UPRIGHT TP 6063-TB ALUM ANGLE W/ (4) #14 x 5/8" SMS � UPRIGHT OR POST I UPRIGHT OR POST SEE BHT FOR ADD1 DATE DRAWN EACHSIDEOF UPRIGHT SEE SHT FOR ADD1- MEMEBER INFO. MEMEBER INFO. 11/12/19 REVISION A S-3 S-4 COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST CONNECTION 4 COMPOSITE ROOF TO POST Cd CORNER CONNECTION A_3 SCALE: MS A_'3 SCALE:NTS SHEET NO: _ A-3 R,