HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST M COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Die; S —IBC-2-0 r''errrrit A u m bar: Building permit Application T-Yonnuarq rnTd Develc ffwn[ SeMces Bu7&ag and Cade RegvWjvn D%#sk , Co rnm erd 8I Res€d entia 2300 WrgeniaAvenoe, Port Pwror FL 3J9&2 — Pho�ne; (272) -9553 Fax: {77ZI 4152-1578 PERMIT APP LICATION FOR: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WCATI ON: - - — - Property Tax I D Al: 0 `i - Lot 0 "r $ite Plan Name: Mork D� Project N,3me: DETAILED DESCRIP-n0N OF W 0f?K- NPv A "— r i oil Meter $&Cond Cledrlcal Meter =CONSk IIJCTI O N I N R MATI ON Ad,ditforkal work to bt per(armed under thins pt n t — check all thatapply-, —Mechariical EIacuric — Gas Tank — PI u mbfrrg — Gas Pi ping — Spri n4dcrs Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of CbnstrucUDn_ 6 NERAESSEE: Mdr s; cl'tY" State- ZIPcode: i s! Z Fax: A4A Phone No. _ Shutters _ Windows/Dears ` Pond Generator _ Roaf Fri#err $q. Ft_ of First Froor= UtiGtbas= — Sewer SeptiC BuilcEinig Heij�I1C; Fill in fee sirnpk Title Holder on next page( if different /Horn the Owner End a e) CONMACTORL ComPanY_____i,.jA-E A<.Id.ress: VY, 9 City: of J-,v f L zip Code: s9vit Fax-Z Phone No F-M.ailf 5tatc ar Count} Lir,4f If wa IrLe or COn0ruction is 7500 or more, a (ReCURK)ED Notice of Commencemaw is mq uh-ihd- If valu-2 of HAVC h $7,$UQ or rrore, a RECC ROED uAie& of Cbmmz�lxtmenr is reiquked- SUPPLE M MAL CO N TR UCTEON Li E N LAW I NFOR MATRON: OESIG N ERJENG I NEER_ _ N of Ap l i ca b le Name: Addrass: City; State: Zip: r hone FEE SIMPLE TITLE FfOLD ER= _ N of Appl ita b IL5, Na me: Add ress: - — City: Zip; P]larle- MORTGA E COMPANY: Not Appikable Mama: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Not Appl noble Name; Address_ City, Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTP.ACTOR AF!FIDVFT= .ppi (nation i:� hefetfV rn*Oe ro 01)#ai� a permit #o do the vyi)rk and installation as ineiated- certify that no wont or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit St Lucie County makes no representation that is grant:Lng a permit wild authorize the permit holder to huiW the subject structure C whrth ii iek an v t wl Lh any a pp2a:l bka H nme (kwrwr$ A55pcipTiQn r"IC5, t- 1pv+-� or ond cmrvnant5 #hat may Fe;trict i?r pmhaWt su�-h Or uetuse, Plaow wnsul t •it'i -yrxar F Iome 0vmers Association and review your deed for any rests ictions whkbr may apply - In consideration of the gran Ling 4Df this reRuesti?.rd pp.-rrni , ] flo hereby agree that I wills i n all rnspeetsr perform th,- w[Srk in acciordanvx with &W approwed gAarLS, thu Flor Id-O Ruildi np CAodcS and 5[, LuUC CAounly An+t rdmcnt5, ThC 1061r>Wing building permit appLiWion5 arc exempt From undergoing a Full conaurrency nzview: roam additium accessory structures, syimm ing pwlk fences, walls, signs, 4:-.et-n roorn%and accessary uses to anothef mn-re-Lidential use WARM ING TO 0VVNE R: Youf- fa iiure to Record a Notice of Commencement may rtSul-t in paying twir a for :;mprov e ments to your property- A Not ic-e of Co m me nce ment m ust be mco riled in the public record's of St_ Lucie County a rid -Po:5t�--d on the f obsite Mare the first J r spe-ction_ I f you intend to obta i n Ana ncing, -co risu It with Eende r or an attorney before corn menci ng work or r eco rdi ng you r Nvtice of Commence ment, Signature of ��t�r ,3s Agent fu�v�nrsr�, Sc VuLdev STATE OF FLORIDA STATE C F FLOW DA UNTY Mr t' I COIF NTY QF S c 5vevri to f or a#rinncd} and sub9cribed before me of hysical Pmsen . or Unlink Npt.� rilatiOn this day pf 2020 by N a rni- of pef son maxing s temi�nl. Pt•j%bn-dl]y KnOW OR Prvduoed ldentift.abon Tyr 4dentifi�ti�on Uf Notary Pubiit- 51Wte eff Flocid�. ] �_ � s - O Q � L rr ,u� �� [dal] � � � � � REVI $ FRONT I ZON 03 UNTER REVLEW DATE GATE COMPLETED CSworn to tior affirmed) and subscribed before nr a of fhy�Awi Prewn C 4r Online Notariza tion this day of 4 20241 by jName of perwn maki ng qAtement. personaII.v Kn43win 0R Produced (den 7%% Type of I&ntifacationProdud �S a ure of Notarir Public -State of Florida I "_`: - 3 5 ; r rrlisi;Qrr E410. r �I a ?t ti a RENEW I REVIEW I REVIEW PLANS VEG,ETATK)rN SEA TO RT#_E �