HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement0512412018 08:230 PEiiWO I I 183UP DATE ,..,...op ,,.,, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division MEN W— DUELDING PERMIT su&CONTRACTORAGREEMENT have agreed to be the y NamrJrndividual Nsum) �,I v i 1v rD /1 Sub -contractor for _ For the project located It is understood that, if there is any change of statue regarding our participation with the above MdAtionad project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucia County will be advised pursuent to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor n tics. 1�7 �, Co TRACro NONATURWBOU2111190 PiuNl RAMS r o�ppV Pugs^ SHERRI FERMAN Revised �Vrslam6 pry CcmmIssion#GG187160 0 Frp'desMarch 14,2022 �FtlFF1.br ewdadit Bsd9etWarYSeMcc6 olaa pUBb I SHERRI FEHLMAN CommlSsion *pp * # GG 187160 FdF flea : Expires March 14, 2072 9ondedT}n Budgemla Sem- r the PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ILQZO�"/Lf 110Qo /S (Type of Trade) For the project located at have agreed to be Sub -contractor for L Q L/�1/(i'-)' /t/ 00 /s Wrirnm v Cnntrarinr) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice C loe % CONNTRACTORSIGN4(TUUK(Qdalirier) 'emir -A ru�i� PRINT NAME _ '�9.Z155 COUNTY CERTIFICATION .. State of Florida, County i o I regoiinnJJgg Instrument was signe efore me this/4day of /1The Ilyknoi r has produced a' 4,wv,h,o!s STAMP Signature Notary Public riot Name of Notary Public J"' olpav "oei r SHERR)FEHLMAN � , �• CcMM1Ssi0n # GG 187160 Revised 11/11 9 ,jl Exp1'eS March 14, 2022 FOF FLOP Bondod Ttw 64asn NoarySwdaM SUB.CONTRACTOR STGNATURE (Qualifier) kug L2_ , PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIO U B State of Florida, Coun"Z± The lrceolne instrument was sienc4efore me this /{C who Print Name of Notary Public a z41* .P, ofn SHERR) FEHLMAN a e C=1119610n # GG 187160 (xplres March 14, 2022 fPt t"r N'na'4 Tiw P rtlo tl Nan76grdM