HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED GulfCoast_5V_Metal_ SUPPLY b MAIiUFACTURIWG .70 AM A k TM ro uct Evaluation Report GULF COAST S Y & MANUFACTURING-, LLC. 26 Ga . 5V primp Roof Paned over 1 .5132 " Plywood Floiida Product Approval # 11651 -. 13 R3 Florida Building Code 2Q17 Per Ruie 6 1 G20 - 3 Method -1 1 -D Catego ry: R oof i ng Subcategory : Metal Roofing Compliance Method : 51 G 2 0 - 3 . 005( ] )( d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer : Gulf Coast Supply & M a n ufact u r 'i ng , LLC . 14429 SW end Place , Suite G30 & fill + . , , . . Newberry, FL 32669 ,p1E1- S di ,r� •,: C; E Engineer Evaluator ,B No,, 755 , ft Dan Kuhn ,, P. E . #75519 Flonda Evaluation ANE IDIL 10743 M11 0•, STATE OF Validator: =, � Pik61P 4 6 1 0 , • ,�k;; Locke Bowden , P. E . # 4971D4 /ONAL LNG.``• 945. 0 A ys ury f' la � e ' ' � � � ► ► + ► ` �D/o51/201� Montgomery, AL 36117 Contents: va ua ion Report pages 1 - 5 FLN 11651 . 13 R3 ■ OCTOBER S.- 2017 PROD CT EVALUATION REPORT 11�p Scanned by TapScanner r hi RP h'111111111111 � 1'Mo17w In 1jW ffibgatria14 FAD# 7ppiM S++bflK 31irr SCfts Fic'M C*+ftKt Us Dos SR* KW I.O*S SOOKX Product Approval USER Pubk Ul+" �r �c�tlan 5e�h � ab� L.�t � +� pplk ■t�on D�all PL 0 FLI I 6SI - R3 Appl WnType Ftevislor! Ced e ve rs ion 2017 Appi mat on Sta" Approved Comments archi d J + ;P'rW uct M4 nufact-w res & ftanufwtu rtmig L LC Addruss/Phone/Email 4020 S . W . 449th Str"t Horseshoe SeKlh, FL 32648 ( 352 ) 498 - 0778 InfoogullftwStsupply .cora +put ri d Sognature E nd Dav Id Infoog U I fcw WO P IV -cc M Tedw iC,al Raprese ntaUva David E rog Acid resslP �*ne/E ma it i 29 SW 2nd Pt ate G30 Newberry, FL 32669 ( 352 ) 498 -0778 lnfoOgulkoastsupoy . corn Quality Assuran" Representattve David End AddrtsPhcn '1Ema0 1" 29 'SW 2nd PI Stin G30 Newberry , fL 32669 ( 352 ) 498- 0776 da-v Ed, e rtq CDgu s# ppty . COM cf? iry Roo S" cry MOW Moo t �N Corn P.1 ianae Method E Ya lust Min Report a Florida Reg isterW Architect or a Uce ftwtda Prof,essic na I E ng I romir Evatuat Ion Re port - Ha r&-*!py Rece orred Florida Eng Ineeir or AnN tett Na rne w ho d eve�oed Ds n Pei S . Kuhn EY a I u a tihon Repo rt Florda Ueense PIE - 7 5519 Qu-abty Assurance Entity K e+ o re CrrtMca It �o mr I ric. Quality kssur-snce Contract Expiration Date D4/12/2024 Va Mated By LocU Bowden P. E .. 11 VaIWWWn Checktist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of lndepeMenm FL I i W; I _ g-3 Cn I Cert of !nde pe Ddenc!t 2 0 - 1 O-Q4. C&L. Rehe renceO SLa nd it rd a nd Yea ( of Sta nda rd ) FM 4471 TA 1Q0 1 "s TAS 110 2WO TAS 12S 2003 tjL 1897 2012 UL Sao 2006 E; canned by TapScanner W1 i Eq u iva le nc;e of Prod uct Sta nd isrds Cart lfMe- d By Se ct lo no from I Re Code Product Approval Method Method Y Option D Date Submlkted 10/ 1012017 Da te 1fa l Ida ted 10/ 12/ 2011 Dat e Pe ndl ng F CC App rava 1 LQ/ 17/20 t 7 Date Approved 12/ 12/ 2017 SummarV of Products L;0 to Pag e 10 40 Pag e 1 2 r 0 Model, Number or Name Vescriptio n � 1651 . 1 0 . 032 ' Aluminum 5V Crimp Min OrO320 S V Crimp Aluminum Roof Par l over 15/ 320 P[ywood Limits -of Use Instal lotion i nst ructl o n z Approved fior use In 1iVHZ. No Ap proved f i r use a u to] do H V MZ : Yes I pact Reel stantm. NIA Ve rifled By : Da n Kuhn., P.E . 75 5 19 Desi g n P ress u rn: + NJA/ - 108 , 5 P F C re& d by I nde. pe nde nt Th I rd Pa ft : Yes 0 the c : - 1013 . 5 psi' 0 12* o . c. I n5ta 14 pe r menu FacW rers deta Its . Evaluation R e p*M N it f6r use 4n FiVH Z Zo. nes, F1 11651 R3 AE F11.1651 1 R3 0325vC��rx�� t5- 3ZPI !gnHVaZ -.sjg Created by Independent Third Pafty ; Yes 116� 1 . 2 :Fr Aluminum Gulf Lek f Min 0 . a32' Aluminum Gulf L.ck 16' Wide Roof Panel over 15/32q* III"- ENV, 1 Plywood -- . Limits of U � InsU Ratio n In structlons Approved for use InH1�I"IZ: CIO E-LI1651 R3 11 FL11f�51 2 R3 F�'4e�� � ���f Panel D�t���- Approved for use outside HVHZ : Yes k!9l,� � impact Resistant : NIA Verllfed By : Dan Kuhn, P - E . 75519 Design�� Pressure : + N/A/- 116 . OPSF Created by Independent Third Party ,- Yes Oth : -52 . 5 psf 0 5 3/ 16* o .c. fastener spacing . - 116 , 0 Psf Evi*ju at I #n R aga r#s 0 5 31 I#5' O.C. f a Sten e r spadng . Ins ta I G per m a nufatt u rer5 FL11651 R3 AE FL115 -51 2 R3 032GuIFLok. _16 15- detallls. Not for use in HVF4Z Zones . ', lywood NanHVHZ --sjq -rjed. adf Created by Independent Third Pa " ' YeS AN- 249a. Gulf S na p V Gul Sna p 24 Go . 17" wkie Roof Pane l over 15l3 Z' Plywood Li nnift of UM I n stol lation Instru ctio n 9 Approved for use In IiVliZ; lies FL11651 R3 It FL115 � 1 -3 Rj 11rtal Roof Panel DetaPl- Approved for use autslde HllHZ : Yet slgneSLf� tmpact Resistant,., WA Verified By : Dan Kuhn , P - E , 75511) Design Pressura: #I �f- - 131 .OPS Created by Ir�d e pe nd er�t Th I rd P#ray : 1� he r: - 67 . 3 p5f 0 24' o_c_ Ell l p spao ng. - 13 1 p!5F 4 6 o. c. Evatuatlon RiL&parts dip 5 paci r).q . ] n sta l l pe r ma n u f a ctu rer's deta i7s. Fi r use I n HVFIZ F1 1 i,65 1 R3 AE FL1 1651 3 R,3 i 74GulfSnao 17 1 ti - 32PLvCrt+ed try independent Third Party : Ye!!j 1m 24ga . 11ef5aLoC Im 1fe1'Si 24gd 16 . Sm Wide RID-Of Panel O +rer 15/ 32-A Ply1Nood LI mft of U Insta l fatl o n i r�st� ctlan 5 Aq p {o11ed for u se I!7 H1fHZ: VAS FL11 " 1 S � ll FU1651 4 _ JU Metal Roof Panel Detail' Approved for use outsIde HVHZ4 Y-e5 Sig IR1pac! ReaisLiE'1in. 1' A Verified By; Dan KUhPIF P.E ., 75519 065101M PreSsure: +N'IN-a 138 . 5 P5F C reated by I nd e pe nde nt Th Ird Party : Y Other: -71 psf 0 24* O .C. Clip spaCin9. - 130 , 5 psf 0 6' o . c _ IlEvaluation Am rts dip $ pacing , Install per manufacturers detiNIft . For v in t-IVHZ EL116SI R-3 AE Fl11 § 51 4 fi3 24Mersali.oc , _ � �.�i5 - Zones. 32PI - . " INZ - 51g Created by Irdependent 1h i rd Party- Yq �It 11651 , s 1 ' V .032 ' Aluminum --- - 1d VersaLoc min . 032' A1urnlnurn over 1 51 32 ' P Iywood Limits of UM& Installation Instructiona Approved for use I n HV lid: YesFulK "' d R3 11 FL116S ! 1; R3 Metal Roof Parvel Detanl-L Approved I-or use outside HVHZ '- Yes Irnpact Resistant : IVVA Verified By : Dan Kuhnr P. E. 75519 Design Pressure ; #r+If - jjD1 . 0PSF Creattd by Independent Third ftrty : Yes Other; - 6 3 . 3 psf sp 24; a. c. CI l p spau ng _ - 10 1 .0 pst ip 6' ox. Evaluatlon Reports Scanned by T IL I M P&Ct tantlal WA V%~ Or,, tMA K wro, P, E ., 7 MD ��M � 11 P"s9'ur*"L � +�.` Y � 5 F � I I � �1� ��Mf�AP P rvvqd ftf me@ ONW40 H V'N Z db VonD�+ Tft Mborn m ID& S Pi 0 Lr OWW4& WlSL5 PO 0 lWaftation a""*" � �!" �C. hstvrvr "�� ,. I I'OW I�'1Y`Ml� ��T� � �� S ML use In HNI�U Zw*s-q- lb Cr"tod [Rpm,-.W- - 0 W&WIM 1hMrd Vft 20 G&I SVC"" "IN 4" Irea 5V M" Ae � of Uwe &Ma I L# twa Inct ructlewmi L ANN in HVK&% L-LU Lkla 13 RA Me A 0" Ou 0 "d HV Hl %E let Impact Itesliwtant -t. NWA Wif*d Fty %- Dan KuW4 P. F. 75SI9 Deziqn Pressur�s: # � CM4ted by IN*JW#j�Ljjj . P5F � Th4� ft P�rC�: V W 0060 q.%, IS IL19t a. cWWO& 13 1 , Q a" EV-8 W a Aftife Ilt-Oporw dL f-M I qp%%V. LOIN C%WF F7WWW9aCftW*ft LW ta&6L, 1%4& PWWhL a - ffn FL 1 5 1 -1 JU %6 -SYCzimp I k I F4 H 1�F�4 "7 m,P PNVIOod ft all%%Z IS ad Cftat%qd by ! r ll i t-nt T 'd ftrty -- Yes 5Y Cnmp ft JS Go , W Crimp 6QW P&W oar tX4 IN"" aw LImi of Use I ns I -altation I n Wt 'FU ctl on 5 .�,p,�Govftr use In H 1�� ��1 i�3 ILL H� 1� S 1 14 - � �l Approved tor use Lvu 0 FivHz : I es IWVW L US Impact Resftta A: Yvr* d : Dan Kuhr+, PA; 75519 �� a ct IPr � � fir . fir � �d b� �n� �� �d : 1�� �O Ubw.& ; 108. 5 45 1 ZR o,C, ftuener sqwk r'q. - I S 5 pot 0 J*aft Mt n k t pe rft 6 S . O ' e , hkstw*r VO&G. Install W cn&nuFKtu detaft . FW 16 51 R] AL Fl. if F IL 14-1.&1 20 %- &F umInMVRZ z�rr�. ��d ljonM ti;_ AWn-ed . Q� C*witod by IndeprNent Thurd ftftllu- vu JS Ga. Gu R Lok I4 i n ;6 C& SW LA* I W lid Rod Is ne t ow I %W6 Ph'wcad - -------------- � Lirnits of Lfte i n 6 ra 4 Ma# ion Tn Or ur" o M s Approved for u" kn i4VkL% YfA 16 5 1 ki U ft 11 �'S I I S R 3 Metal Root 92tAL Approved for wie auftWe HYHZ : Nes Impact Re ; is# anO MIA 'VetlfoN 3a K %j hn. P& VS 5 19 DOW9nPCOSS U F 0 NVV% I 61 .OPS F Cmatekj tq MdependerNt Tl*d b V05 AL OthO f"O -63 L 5 0 5 16' 0. r, raurt( swng W lvajuatkm --WW 0 5 10 16's SPWng - * 16 1 . 0 0 S 3116" O.C. faMrw ng .- IfiS 1 B3 AE- FU I 11S I I k R3-2"Mok 16 1 lk PO R"W InstaN per ounufafturen dtuft Por 1mi in hlVMZ twmn, dffiLva go Ct*&W by lnd*p*rwJ*nt Tb �t d Pafty % VW -M" 6 GaL It Lok min 26 I V Wift Roo? Pa EveI aver Y V32 ` Limits of Use Installation lnsRrvCtlon* A p p t owed for u sa In HVH.Z -L No 11- It (IIII& SI IS MetAl wit NMI 'fie l�L Approw*d for uOS OUtWe HWil : YeN sign am Impact Resletanb WA ve"PW By : DW KuPa% P, E, 7SM9 Dqm fps � �r++� + WAu1-63. NPSF CmWhd bv l & Pei nt Third �l+� : Yu Ot hen -63. 5 p 0 5 W 15" ox. fl-st e no r swing, H . 75 pd tookwi Rep #� &. 161 psl 0 S 3V I fiq fWener FLII & Sl gl AL IFNI R3 26GW 0 5 1/ 16" ftStOW 11DOOngm ff9L§ka. L I � sPactngk Irtrull PW menufi wrer# detalft, Not ftw txM in IMZ tW2Q(L =' ! Zone4S Creat4d 'by IrWepenftnt Third P*rtv %w Yn 26 Go GulfPBR Min 26 Ga . Qt1f F*FIR Roof Nnel ovor Lam` �d LIIli1w 0d Use Instal.kd*w Instructions q a Meta tr ftr MOS In " W "Z % 1114 % 1 R � Lljfilkl RJ Dmialt- P2 App rov*d la" Ou04d* 14VI41h Yes mg impact Reshotionu NVA Venf*d Of-Eq ern Kohn. P.E. 75SI � Deeign Pressurv : + IVVN• l . 7R"5F EVP-ited tvy lWvPeoftnt TWd Parl`vi fts htr. - S9 . 25 pt 1p 24' o.c. Nstemer pattern.., t 154 75 0 W-alu a t Ion It opa r%B Q c Fast ener patttrri . 1 r3l pe r manolw# u1w ftta I ts Not I U I., -N-A NT UL" t�1 I�1�l�� � ,�11 �" w%11wu. iCr"lcd tiy I - �Jepwodr n t I h i c tt Pm r IV Ye%j b. N Gad6 GUMPM ir Min 26 Go , (;ulFPPR R �a�o Panal� ovet JX4 VI+ �'+,�r41 oI iiop ti S/320 Ply+rrw0 Lim Ito a# use Installation Ims- tructions Appnnmbd for us* In WVHZ -1 tL Fit 1AS I ft) .6- 1 IN PLI t& L %0'% -1 e I LA A .Appm d for us* [# Ide HVHZ ' 1`L � Impact Resistant -l- NVA vtf OW by : Dan Ida hA. P..@ . 7 53 14 D* 91an Pronuov; + hU1- 15t . *F Created by I ndmm-m lent Third ft f tv - Yet Ot h a r. - I DO . 5 pO 10124* ox. ftste no r speoAq. 5 173 p4 41 N"atio n R*Wlta f astcner specl rq. I nstl pe r m a nufadu rot '* taft, F& on fLl I as1 FJLALI L 1. 1 A-I JU qlfiGl LEM qb 1.0 15 _ try �r l� Zen" ' 'l a - -lox CM& tftJ 6Y litdopond4tr1 ! 1hIod f %F ; VW 26 Go , fPD-N Min 26 , GuffM a- v V32" HMO uk . . . V p 04k '% b #A 4% fS %p V %t CulfCoa � t � sk Nit J6 ONE- IN . . IL . Y '.ti, %L t �1� .Y �:i\} t '�� K�S i • � r • :\'. ♦ N ' �1' �r'� `�, .: [1i �� tom. '�j � .`► �`lrA� �M(gyl. . X\ N1 .�� " titer ' ' �•1t` ".;wi1�1 �� 1�t11\\4i l� # V km� . e+� u � c:rw � ; � �,�e+ds: \► V ++�+tr•• :c+ cia Gn[+. •LS1�1 � a �` .y 1 • • ll 1r � ; . • �►1 caAk��W �� ba % 4dh `� •.t F � L4 " R^�•x't1► ►. +t1+ R►waP .:��'+,Q 1% SON& on 'h 94 Th Or %6 hb ' rON*r • ,�.; �•i. ! SA.1 S ' *Amh WNA" w� OM tit %- I Co M! pwol w aorth tNi. c �+im I 9�db 4r;-WhUM PtVVr A Nq6 )n e! Wo, .9h � )-N- \ ',\-\I C p*+at �in Ilr� • ' Mkqr pwFkwU 8�ui�r� C.)..V Suter t '.�t O�npi�n IAM t�an � � � `�r� a:�1 �!!d ply% cr qsxub qat n%.•. Nln N " G-Cri t)t%'.AM C4 \ll\\': a ti1 CN N N %ti41ta« Vt �1R +ou�ci! tM +.Lp� ► ' t� �t. �v i . .�r .v grti4,; N%1i in aCC0rdMX* rW RX44 Si AdWq I. ". sum&- RE AeNe 'A' PRO UCT EVALUATION REPORT Scanned by apScanner N®r IwoFit. r 11h 61MI!11 . 17U � � �oaSt � ur � tr • +u +► � u � � � s u � iws 01. 0 C000 C0MPjj8nC6% t he pixiduk I fle %.% i AxNl he( ow hk%% kkyixNtslr .iim rV1 TIP11611 lk With the I I%,)) k i . , H u,l d , i ►g C(isil L,% 2() 1 S4K tions I 5�1- i t 01 Nal uatl on R e p ort Sto gy; The piitXJLKt Ew.di0tK) 11 is lirritted to ciomjOkiiKv with t he ytr uttur % lit wwd k+.0 r" uitrnie, it, ot tt* r1orloda Buddisio t safe 14 17r it Ml, i te+ te Ruk% a + } G 30• 1 ft rf ormance S ta n d a rd s: The piWot I clestribrd hei vin h %" dvi i ioi mt a ted ulli irl is) , ik,;: �w I h . * I 580 05 1 r7t lot tjpli I I RM,% t 41.1 iih r of R&*,,) I Amwi i hi �+ • � • tit 1997% 12 - UP1111 Icst fiot Raof Lvvvtv ) q Nvxtenst Rehre r+ c e Data: 1 , UL 5 %A44) 4 / I t07 % 98 UPW k lot I ui �, Ti1ing , IrK ( rHC (>9*jn4st1oii M tSTt5328) Rthpurt No, 117 - 00 T-,0 5 & 1 I I * 0 4 11 T•08 2 . C er t I Droll 0 of I I I t lipm, 11dom H y din Ku h n, Ph E. ( FL it 7 5 5 19) 0 Kuh n L i iiji i i kx n r►q, PLC VBC Orq6inuatit)n 0 AN [ ID -, 1074 3 ) Test Standard Equivalence, ! . The UL 580-%94 TOM S16w ( jaro i � cquko,ilent ILI the' Ut 5SC - 06 tc% t tit , Fn , l , irO 2 , The UL 1897m98 wit sldndei d ii a1unriils*nt to the UL I d97 m 12 teit Stelrldill'd , Quality Ascur .in [e Entity ' The manufditt �rt� r fi � ►� itii.�binhi•�1 COnrpli . inct� n1 rc�if rane l P m�i I ,i I � �I, .i[cardante vm th i he 1 I or i da B u i Idi nq C ody en d Ru le 6 1 G201w 3 , 005(3 ) for � Tvnuf tic tunny undri .1 quality v%suran ( p proqi sim ati:Oted fly An lipFlt LIVI " t I QU0111Y .1SSOtfd fSC! t i i t i ty Minimum Slope Range , Nfintmum SlW shA comply with Florida Builkling Code 2017 , inOudiiiy Section 1507 44 , 2 and In &xoi thince with Monti fmPturers nKomniendaijonN Fur slopes less t ha i 13 : 11 , I 4i p s ea l an t ni us i Lxl. us rd i i i t: Fwne I s idr laps . Instailation: Install tier Manulactkirert recpElirne+ ided det .iils Und v Hay ment yell campty vvith Flon' da Budding Code 2017 setlion 1507 . 1 1 R oo I P a n e I F e ro Classification* Farr c 1,iN % iti ( ation i � not purl c► f th tjo jccvptan ;,$,, Shear Dlaphragm: Shear DophragM v.tiluiWS We GkijsidL� �Il! =t * of this re t FLg t 16$ 1 > j R ; • [fit rOnF R S . 2017 PRODUCT EVALU TION REPORT k. Scanned by TapScanner JL surPi. v a MANUFACTUR114ra Ik design Procedure : For r o o Fs within the 4� a � an � eters ILsted on the load table, faste� � nLg pattern must at a minimum meel those listed for the applicable wind zone . For all roof s o u tsi de the parameters listed on the load table, design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with F BC 2017 Sec t ion 1609 or ASC E 7 - 10 using allowable stress design . The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded . This evaluation report, is not appIlLable in High Velucity I turricane zone . Refer to current NOA ot I NHZ evalua tion report for use of this product In Nigh Velocity Hurricane Zone . FLO 116511 .3 R3 • OCTOBER 5P, 2017 loop Ik A. Scanned a Scanner SUPPLY di MANUFACTURIN15 oil qP M ENGINEER LOAD TABLE : 26 Ga . 5VCrqmp Roof Panel over 15132 " Plywood Buildings havtmj a Roof Mean Height <_ 20 'r­&O " , Roof Slope ,, Z "11 2 " - 120-1 / 12 " Gable nr Hip Roof ; Wind Speeds 120 - 18pmph , Exposure C , Risk Category II, Enclosed Building, based are Florida Building Code 2017 - 120 130 140 150 16 �1 170 iso W11ND FASTEN ER S U B ST RAT E SPEED (MIN. t!4 ' (M-1 N. 1513 2 ' f ON CENTER ON CENTER ONCENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetl�t�pn) SPACING SPACI 146 SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING 400600wor ZONE 1 99 - 15xl . !r Plywood tb" TYPE 1 16" TYPE t 16' TYPE 1 16"' TYPE 1 76` TYPE 1 16m TYRE 1 16' TYPE 1 IOPiE 2 49 - 1 5xi , Sfp plywood 76 " TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 160 TYPE 1 16' TYPE 1 16" TYPE 1 16" TYKE 1 16' TYPE 1 ZONE 3 #9- 150 . 54" P ywood 16" T-Y P E 1 IGN TYKE t 16' TYPE 1 16" TY PE 1 16" TY PE f 16 ' TYPE 2 16' TYPE 2 1 .) PANEL DESCRIPTION : SV CRIMP, M !N � 6 GA , GRADE 80, 24 " COVERAGE 2 .] PANE L FASTE N ER : 49- 15X 1 5 " HWH WITH SEALING WASHE R WI MiN. YA " PENETRATION . 3 .} MAXIMUM ALLOWAB LE PA N E L UPLI Fr - 94.2 5 PSFQ 16 " 0 C FASTENER SPACING NPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN, - 13 1A PSF 016m O . 0 FASTENER SPACING TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN BASED ON TAS 125. UL 580/UL 1897 TASTING . 4 .) PLYWOOD DECKING : MIN . I "* THICK PLYWOOD MIST HE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017-F 5.} ROOF SLOPE: ON RO()F SLOPES LESS THAN 3 -- 12 , 'LAP SEALANT MUST BE USER IN PANEL SIDE TAPS 6 .) LOAD SABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASC E 7 - 10 (KD = 0 . 85) MULTIPLIES BY 0 . 6 PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017 �DIE2 WWI - A Note . Di mension (a) is defined as 10 °Io of the minimum wi dth of the bui l dmg or j 40% of t he me a n he ig ht of the roof, wh ith eve r i s sma l l er, however, (a) ca n not be Tess than either 4 % of the minimum width of the Building or 3 feet . a'oGE .0pPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN { 1 } #9- 15 X 1 - 1 12 " HWH w/Seal i n g Wash er LONE 1 1 2$1 12 — - - - r V UvE At Panel Lap t0; 2 GABLE ROOF aMob i ' s ( ^ TYPE 2 FAS,.TENER-PATTERN ^' RIDGE # 9- 15 x 1 - 1 /2" HWH w/Sealin Washer - AAa 2 9m5l ' JL..� 9 5" 211 zow I IDNE 3 �� FLU 11651 13 k3 OCTOBER 5 , 2017 IL !Scanned by TapScanner . . . . 13 ulfCoast SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING -- � TYP E 1 F ASTENER PATTERN ( 1L) # 9 - 15 x 1 � 1 / 2 " H WH w/Se I i ng Washer 12 12 At Paned Lap TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN x ea ing Washe r IEL Sr OClv ,� ' lop No.. 75519 p �. srArE OF C)) 0 4f4f's� ONA I a� E;�G•io�os�2az � FL v 11651 - 13 R3 OC TOB E A S.. 2017 ?AETAL ROOF PANEL DE' TA, IL JIM I Scanned by TapScanner