HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED TriBuilt_Smooth_HT 06
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Business & Professional Regulation
sm 1''ft"' r L" G* Lftor IML qp" *b61Mft Fw Top" a Iftm IwiM{atA&U C wm■+G# 4ft SaS Sam L1171M
jg PrOhduCt prowal
FL 6048 - R6
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i- -n tpt :- LZ MXL 4DIL
A40 # 1 Type Rmw4lon
Cxm:* Versoon 2017
APpa Gat-*n Sty M Approved
Product ManufaeWw1l wilt Materials Group, LLCI
AddrewPF*nEmail PO Box 70
Rutheilord, N] 07070
( 800 ) 1516 - 1485
david , ry il CD trM b u I l t rrag ,Com
Auttmonzvd Signature Day d Ruiz
dawW .r .rtzCk tj1 bu I .00M
Tri ICW Re Rrn tative DavMd Ruiz
AddreWPhcne/Ernall 250 Raute 17 North
East Rutford , NU 07073
( 201 ) 842 - 2449
david ,. ruirotribuiltmteri-aisgmup..com
Quairty Assurance RepFe-senkaklve
Aid r VPhone.,/ Email
-� Roo fl ng
Subcategory U niderlay men ts t
Comp 14 nce Me thod EvaauaCton Report from a Florida Registered Amhltwt or a Lkensed rida
PrafessionaM ENinr
Evaluation Report - Hmrdcapy Received
Pori Er lneer or A itect Name +noho developed the Robert Nkermlnen
E va IuaWn Repo rt
%-rida Lice nse PE- 59 166
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC
Quality Assurance Con ct Expiration Date 07118/2020
Valkdated By John W . KnezevO , PIE
%* Validation Check kst - Hardoopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL16048 R6 COI 2017 f1i COI Nieminen .
R eferenced Standard and Year (of Standard ) Standnrd "
A5TM D 1970 2015
ATTM G 155 2005
FM 4474 2011
FR5AfTRI April 2012 (04 - 1 -2 ) 2012
UL 1897 2012
Equivalence of Product Standards
Cefti f ied B y
Sectio n s Fro m the Cod e
C er tificate of A u (horim tion #9503
( 2:03 ) 262 - 9245
TRI-BUILT Malerials Group, LLC Evaluation Report A42960 . 10 . 12 - R6
PO Box 70 FL16048- R6
Rutherford, NJ 07070 date of Issuance : 10/ /2022
( &W ) 516= 2 5 Revision b: 09/25/2017
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rine 61G20w3 and the applicabl e rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nileminen,
P . E . for uae of the product under the Florida Building Cade and Florida Building Code , Residential Volume . The
products described herein have been evaluated for compltance with the b t " Edition ( 2017 ) Florida Building Code
sections noted herein.
DOCRI ON : TRI &,BUILT Roof Underlayments .
LABEUNGP, Labeling shall he in accordance wi th the requirements the Accredited Oualit-y Assurance Agency noted
herein ..
WW1' % UE D COMPLIANCE : This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named products) changes., the referenced
Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change . Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report by t he named client eonstitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P . E . if the product
changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentarian changes. Tr ' ni ty I ERD requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report relative to updated Cede requiremcnts with each Code Cycle .
ADvERTWMENT : The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words rinity I ERD Evaluated " may be displayed in
a dvertisi ng firterature . If a ny portion of the Evaluation Report irs displayed, then it shall be done in its enti rety .
WspEcnopc- Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shalt be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
its distn- butors and shall be available forinspection at the job s ite at the request of the Bu i ldi ng Off icial .
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6 .,
Pre red .0raw.JW
�"+ n",
L *Iph
EL L ' Who r
i %
;9. a' ;� Of �L i
Robert J ., M . N " eminen, P . E . 0 rj fL���.•• ni s"P .cw+r eswna uena.i .anr �aMrerwmwn.
nerida Pegistratiorr No. 5 9156, Flor ida DC4 ANEI 983 ?.F a^ ar1nM 1. mdm "o' K"'• •"" •kvqe*'O1��"ft""'
1 . Trin rty � ER O does nOt hare, nor d oes Ft i nte n d to acq u ire or w AI it a cquire, 8 fi n a ntia l I nte rest I n a ny com pa ny ma n uiart u ri ng or
distributing products it. evaluates .
Z . 7ri n rty I E R 1) is nvs owned, o pe rated a r corrtro l led by a ny co m pa ny ma n uf actu ri ng or dist ri b ut in g p rod ucts It e va l ua t e s .
3 . Robert NUIi ne n, P . E. doe:, not have wr will a cqui re, a fi na nc ia l i nt e rest ina n y Co m p a ny m anufa ctu ri ng a r dist rib ut i n g p ro d u cts fo r
which the eva lua tion re port s a r e bein g issued .
4 . Robert N sem P nen , P.E, does oat have, oar will acquire, a financial interest in any ether entity involved In the approval process of the
5 . This a a buiwing code eva luat fa n . Neith er TrInity I E R A nor R obe rt N lem in e n, P. E. i re, In a n y way, the Design e r o f R eco r d f o r a ny
p roject On wh ich th is Eva ju at i on Report., or previ ou s ver sions t here of, h/w a s used f or parm itfing o r de s ig n g u i d a nce u n less r eta i ned
specgialiy f o r that purpc�AF .
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Product Category : Roofing
Sub - tegorV Unqqlayment
Compliance Statement ,, TRi4U1LT Roof Underlayments, as produced by TRI -wBUILT Materials Group, LIC, have
demonstrated compliance with the fallowing sc[tio n s a( t h e 6"' Ed Iti on (2017,) FkrWa B u i l d i n g Cock th ro ugh t esti ng
i n accorda nce with the followi ng Standards . Compliance is subject to the I nstallation Requ irernents and Limitations �
Con ditions of Use set forth herein.
Section P rope rty Stan da rd Year
15D4 - 3 + 1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011
15D4 - 3 . 1 Wind Uplift UL 1897 2012
1504 . 6 Acce le ra ted Weathe ri ng ASTM G155 2005
1507 , 2 .4 / 1507 . 161.p 15137 . 2 .,9 . 2 Physical Properties ASTM 01970 201S
150733 P hysks I Pm pertles FRWRI April 2012 (04 -12) 2012
Ent1tv Examination Reference te
ER D t T:5T6049 ) Physical Properties W540 - 0213 - 1 02/19/2013
E RD ITST6049 ) Physical Properties S4054011, 13 11/ 19/2013
E RD (TST6049 ) Physical Properties S40540 . 03 . 14 03/26/ 2014
E RD CM6D4 9 ) P h ysi cal Prope rt ies S4M70 - 04 -14 - 2 04/02 /2014
ERD (TST&)49 ) Physical Properties 544870...04 - 14 - 3 04/02/2014
ERD 6049) PhV I Proper les 544870. 04J4- 1 04/ 10/2014
ERD (TSTW49) Physical Properties 544870- 04 - 14 -4 04/ 10/2014
ERD (T5?6Qd4) P hys[ca I Pro perties 54 3 5 3 0.02 . 14 1 • R 1 05/ 1412014
ERD ( T-Sftoo4q ) Phys-1cal Pro penles S43530 -05- 14 05/28/2014
ERD ( TST6049) Physical Properties W540- 10 - 14 10/31/2014
E RD (TST6049) Physka I Properties 5C 764 5 . 02 . 15 02/ 1312015
ERD (TST60491 Ac ce lera ted Wea t1h e rin g SCS520 . 04 . 15 05/27/2015
E RD I T516049) Wind Resistance SC 14045 - 0 5- . 17-R 1 06/07/2017
ULO LIC. (QUA9625 ) Qua Ifty Control Muftiple - Llsflng R16814 22/ 10/2015
UL LLC . ( QUA9625 ) Qua l ity Control Service Confirmation Exp . 07/1812020
4 , 1 Tri- Bulft Sand - R SA Shingle Underlayment is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand -surfaced ,. SBS
modified: bitumen roof u n derl ayment, with a 3 6-inch sh eet width ; meets ASTM D 1970 .,
41. 2 Tri - Bu A S/A HT TU Undertayment is a self- adhering, non - waxen polyester fabric surfaced, SW modified
b itumen roof underlaymenI; meets ASTM D1970 and FR5" 1 April 2012 .
4 . 3 Trl- Bwlt Smooth HT 51A Underlayment is a self- adhering , glass -mat rei rced, film -surfaced , SBSL
modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970 .
5 . 1. This is a building code evaluation . Neither Tnonity I ERD oar Robert Nieminen, P. E . are, in any way, the
Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report , or previous versipns thereof, is/was
used for permitting or design gu idance unless retained specifically for that purpose .
5 . 2 This Evalua tion Report is not for use in F B C HVHI j u risd ictio ns.
5 . 3 fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materi als
Directory for fire ratings of this product -
E Xt Rcuar ch and Design, LLG. E va tua i ion Report AQV4&1p, 12•Ri
Crrtl(krrtr of A ufftrirarro n I9$0; 6M E ION IN171 FSC NON-HVHI ( VALUATION Fl3KW8- R6
TA I . 6 Ul lT Roof Ur@d4YtvpmniLs; (Wo) 5 16w 1M A evislon 6.- 09/25/2017
Pale 2 01 6
Scanned by TapScanner
5 . 4 TRI- B U I LT R oof U nd effa yrn e n t s --tr ay be u sed with any pr epared roof crn P r wh ere ttse pr oduct is
specifical}y referenced wttt++n F BC a p prova l docurmn If not ksted, a req u est may he made to the
Mt tsority F. Jri ng u sd iction for a p prorW based on th en eva l uation combined wit1� ppDrtke data fut thew
prepared roof covering.
5 .3 Allowable Roof Cavers -
TA2j I R CDvt I OffXM
lh�derlaymerR 06phaft
r Na�FOn Fi! F oa m-0 n Tiesill;"s����
Td4kM Svx" SA $"M* Yes !Ua Ho Nv Yes Yes
Td4kmit SIA HT TU , was Yes yes Yes Yes Yes
Lhdartayrr�t spee SS' I
-U -BuS"%Cq^ si� h r s/" ra Mo MO yes y a-
55 .2 'Faa m-0n Tile " is limited to use of the follomng Ap;; ro vec t P A e a dh esives / u rtd ertayrnent combinations .
Ad�+eslne Honda PTod Lod rip Ararat u ner rllyrnemb
KV Ad!ies6�es POWArua FL6332 yrnent
Dw TAe&mm1ll` fU2S2,5 Tri- Sufft S/A HT TU Urajvknm%"
5 -6 Al 4o+wa bk Slu b str a t es :
I " Die ect- Bond to De6;
T" uift Sand -.R SA $hingle Underlayment, Sri-Both S/A HT TU Underiayment Tn - 8 u ift Smooth HT SIA
Underlayment applied La:
i PtYwoc�d; /MM D42 pn med P lywood ; OSB: ASTM D4I p ►imeti TS B ; Southern Yellow Rine; ASM D42
prir:�ed Sovthem Yellow Pine; ASTM [A1 primed scructura! cnncre: e .
Wh i le not req u ired aver p lyw oad.. 05 8 or Southem Yellow P i n e s u bsuaz es, TRI- 8 U I LT MaU rWh Cwoup, L!�[
r s P n M 4 ng th e deck ff ft fina l roof core r is no t sat ed Fo r insEa ifa t i c r. within 2 4 hou rs . Note :
VOUILT Materials Group , LLC requires tolingue-and-grocve board decking be covered wig plywood or
C)S 0 prio r ; a i resta Hat i or. of the se l f - a d heri ng unde rfa yme a t
s ... 6. 2 gmd -tCTfnsei � ation :
16wguilt n d - R SA Sh F n gi e U r d erWym ent Tn-F.Ep.lift S/A HT TU U rkkirWyrn ent or Tri.- B uIft Snx>oth KT SSA
UndeH4yment applied to:
i Den s Deck Prime; S EGJROCIC Gypsu rn -f i6er Roof Board ,
For installation ur+� e ' rned'+ anually attached prepared roof [werings . inwRa[ivn sham be atacl►ed per
rtMnim u m req u i r e men ts of th e p r epared roo f coveri n g ma n ufa Ctu rerS Prod uct ApWan. l_ For irtM I latior s
und e r foa rn -on t he systems (Tf'lr.%Ru ift S/A HT TU U n d e OayrneM on ly}, imuW attach meni be
des, g ned by a qu a lifi ed desig n p rofessio na l a n d i nstal led ba sed on testin g of the im Wfim/williliod e rbyrrwn
syxtem in accord a n ce with F M A4 74, 4poe nd tx D or TAS 114, Append 1z j
t R&f to TAo., MOrjufc;ctLj rel's or AkfheliFm A40FJufcycturrrs Fbido Produ[f APPrOVC-1 fcw Qrerturnr+Q Momen t Resmana PdfamarMCe.
Effle@na Research ar Des*% Erahiston IMle►t MMfQI0 kl-Ri
Ge+'upote of AutMrllariarr I9503 6 fD171UM 12017) F !C M0Y-#fY4Q EVALWT1pM fU6ftBF4%
T�4iUILT Roul Under4aywrents: { 0Dl SIF14/S Re+�a1u+'+ 3: 09ASM17
�e 3 of i
-Nor 0
Scanned by TapScanner
\ INI 110Y r RD
S1M11�! kv` : � , 4: 1 •••r-+ t U000 VA #I T RI w 1�M1iy1M11R M IN4 A .+iR A „l .,w•�11R �►
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Dt& b 5ttuctUt -Al :■ywtrlr to meet rwowi. 1 riyunrrti ►Ci1ta n! Autheflh F+ AMMy
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(Opt Iona 11 R E SISTO F X1 E K I OR V R I M tR
UrkhwWVwmit %% T"u H% 31A H T TU U nderts V timid, $*I I d hvvdo Nh im It bo t 1i o i vi t a rk u s uV hal Id
nil{tr a n dlkw ighl e6d wilt+ t o muure 11) e r-t +ra n a vpld �, a nij #4 1 ► u rr t h r I v s ip n p
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HA I rig hutl.d iC lion
BA - I Sheet : ti�i p i 3 Li il l Mod- I t i qd Spoo Id It 111 c%, hi i 5l� iN i"NCNW wit h noft I sl ?.I L I I
dnd 111 ) . 111-S rRC 15 046sal ] xE13- 4-L i• d Q �1 �il� h o x . it the- Ais�1 FN ii5k h tt&. In tht",
cyyjuv , i, aced rows In I he t % nW ot t ho I
he got
Undvi JjYment Tri-Lbuitt 11A MY TU Un det 1 ,AV mvit .ell .0h 1-4 + 1411
W Pr 16r*wh rw1 lR 411 IlC. 1r�ti �ru., �� A� �'1� AQ �6+� an 1 j M
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Scanned by TapScanner
5 ..6A.1 For rtred}a n -Ica l }y a tta ch Ba se Shee,t„ the maxi m u m d esign presw r e for th e se fetted asse mbly steal! meet
or exceed th a 1, r ev u J red u nd er FWAM I Ap r 112 012 ( 04 Append ix A. Table Lk
Mtefm tNelys the Yum design press .: re f cr the seiected assembly shah meet or exceeo the Zane 1
design pressure deierminea in accordance vrFth FBC IW9 . In this case , Zones 2 and 3 steall employ an
attarhmiers; density designed bV a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria .
Commonty used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1 , FM loss Prevention Data Sheet. Ir29 and RocTwg
ton Standard 'ROCS 117 - Assemblies marked wRh an asterisk ' carry the firrIftativns set toeth in
section 2 - 2 . 10 . 1 of FM Loss Prevemtion Data sheet 149 (lanuaq 2016) for Zane 2/3 enhancements.
5 . 7 E xposu re Lim ita ti on s :
T" uift Sand - R SA Shingle Underlayment or Tri -blBulft Smooth HT S/A UnderLayment shall not he left
exposed for i-org pr than 3p4 ays after in stailatipn
T"Wit S/A KT TU U n defla ymeM shal t not be left exposed for l ong e r th a n I 80-dwp a ft e r i r sta ll ati o n_
5 . 3 Tile SfippLage Limitations TA5 10 3pe r FR Rl Ajo n l 2 0i2 104 11
Wh e y Lo a d i n g roof ti les an the u nderlay meitt i n d irect-wdeck ta l e assemb l ies, th e maximu m roof slo pe sh a ft
be as foNows. These slope Irimitations can only be exceeded by using ba " ens during loading of the root
IrPAU 2qF 1rU SUPP A41 1JM rTATI 0#6 Fox DI R E cT- M cx T&E IM7ALLATKM
U n d e rtayrn en t Tile Pf ofile Staging MetW s10 Pp
Rat Max- 10-We stack 6: 12
Lwied Mac 10-tile sticlr 5- 12
Max lisle t 2 -die stack
s hag be i nverted. fotbwe4l by 8 u tes ho 612
on sbpe, as Owwn beiaw )
T"Lpmft S/A HT TU
�� Lamed
Fxlenvr �eset'O+ and DeiWff. LLL EvaL.rtion Rrport Al2968. 10.12•R6
6 " Eflff10M 120-17 ) FBC MO4FFIVH2 fVAltlATltlN FL16D4& R5
TRI-BINl7 Roof Undcrlayments: (WM S164"S Rrrsipn C. 09/B/2017
Scanned by TapScanner
6. 1 TRI -BUILT Roof Undedayments Shall t�e instiUed n awvdance Mntt+ TRI-BUILT Mater-a '4 C:nN*� LLC
published installation qui�ments subj'6ev tt� the litnit �tiorts sei fn►th � n 4�rtx�� � nme n a� tiae
spetifia noted below,
6 . 2 Fte - fasten any loose decking panels, and check fur prot-ruding nail heacl& Sw" p t " c ttroriiikr�•. s
t a re move a ny d u st a n d d e b ris prior to a Pip Gca t ion , a n d prima Vh e s Oh44TiltE (tF ap�slkar : r `
Lid T" witt SandmR SA S le U n dtdayme nt, M !§& TVA HT Hayment prjDr -�€ .M-1. S"MNM&l "I SJJL
kk dj rlaYm e n�T �.
6% 3 .. l Shall be installed in compliance with the cequirrrtknts fer ASW D 1270 u1►d!rlayfelc n t a'+ FK TMk
I W7. 1. 1 for t h e type of p rep& red roof coven' nj to be in st alkd.
6 .3 . 2 Non -rilt �
While priming is optional TRI- BWL7 h�lateria4s Group, LlC rccnmmrnds prirr�ry !h� deck if tt�r �+na l roof
cover is not slued f or installat ion u ithin 24 hou rs
ApplVsheet parallel to the roof edge Roll out appwmimatety 10 ft of membrane and peO bKk Ow fxst 3
ft of release film,
Adhere the exposed part to the substrate a nd unrali t he a emwin ing membr ant as fair as W .
Once the enter length of membrane is in plan, peel -o!� the Weise film dUSonaltvr rA�lt hal&nj tl+e
me mb r a n e tight . F i rm ly ra ft, braorn or h a n d -press the "mbrara bito place to aM ! bmIM1 ,
H orizo nA a I se a m s sh oul d he m i ni m u m 3 4 nCh es , c n n Fegu red to thed wa trr . Veimra l cra ms O.LKPjW be b-
inches and st �o hf .•
rrd not less than 2 • rnmen � cai scams ia � n t he course below ., sealed in Acc%"AncawlM
TRI-BUILT Materlak Group , LIC requirements.
W han instai [i ng a t s l opes a ho►re 3:12. TFU% B U i LT M atN"I& is G rou p, L L C M-KICA nlf
nrid s back -na i Imt in tA!
a%V*erlip area at the top of the sheet at 124nch ox,
For Valleys and RWges : Cut underfaymrnt Into a to 6 foal lengths Pre] the rrle�a. r paper aad t040l4 Uhtvt
over Valley or ridge . Drape and press sheet into place , working fmm The : enter of Me via hey or ncttr + n
each direction . For galleys, apply the sheet sta at the, lowest paint and wain upward
6 _ 33 Ti �t�a lwnj Md -B uils 5l A IiT TU V [I d�g� p� 2aw :
Reference is made to FRSAJTRI April 2012 (04 - 12) Installation Manual and TatPe 1 hen , uunC tt%*
in structions noted above as a guideline .
Far foam -on rile applications, rciercnce is ma d r t o Secti on �,.i.; 1�r+rin For wind r+rusta +►[� NmA�ti0r►t tmt
fall outside the scope of FRSA/TRI April 2012 ( 04 - 12 ) .
Tile sh a ll be loa de d a n d s ta g a�d i -n a man n o r t ha t p re ve n ts I i I e slip pap a ndjtu darner ft ft
underlayment . See Tabie 2 herein, and TR? %,1BUl1T Mate (Jalls Groups UC publi&hed " u If"11111114 tat tft
staging .
7 . 13-UtILDINC, PtRmrr REquti; i- mENrL,,
_ As required by the Building QFt[ial or Authon !1111111V Hiving lurisdiction In doter to pau�� cvatuafr! Mt instillil�tk�R flf
this product,,
Gulfport, MS
LIL, LLC - QUA9625 ,, (414 ) 578 - 3406 ; kiichancellorLOus.. ul. corn
blen' ar Arworrfi and IlWh4n. llC. Crwl�� af +�+q �r �r•� � � i : 4fA 1p, 114%
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T II I II U I l T li cpf YndMiaymo nt y (jkVj glifin VVIlk 1"i I
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