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Bulletin 71.1:R622 D1 0 3 0 9 4 X 0 1 2 June 2010 www.fisherregulators.com Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulator W8806 Figure 1. Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulator • Compact Design • Protective Inlet Screen • High Capacity • Inlet and Outlet Pressure Gauge Taps • Light Weight • Internal Relief Introduction Type R622 direct-operated, spring-loaded regulators provide economical pressure reducing control in a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial applications. These regulators can be used with natural, manufactured, or propane gases and have the same inlet and outlet pressure capabilities. Bulletin 71.1:R622 2 Specifications Body Size and End Connection Style(1) 1/2 NPT inlet and outlet Maximum Allowable Inlet Pressure(1) Operating: 125 psig (8,6 bar) Emergency: 125 psig (8,6 bar) Except 1.8 to 2.2-inches w.c. (4 to 5 mbar) spring range which has operating and emergency pressures of 60 psig (4,1 bar) Maximum Allowable Outlet (Casing) Pressure(1) Operating to Avoid Internal Part Damage: 3 psid (0,21 bar d) above outlet pressure setting Emergency: 20 psi (1,4 bar) Outlet Pressure Ranges See Table 1 Orifice Size 1/8-inch (3,2 mm) orifice Flow Coefficients Wide-Open Cg for Relief Sizing: 12.5 Wide-Open Cv for Relief Sizing: 0.36 C1: 35 IEC Sizing Coefficients XT: 0.78 FD: 0.82 FL: 0.89 Flow Capacities See Table 2 Pressure Registration Internal Relief Performance See Figure 4 Internal Relief Performance Start-to-Discharge is 8 to 22-inches w.c. (20 to 55 mbar) for setpoints from 1.8 to 20-inches w.c. (4 to 50 mbar) Start-to-Discharge is 140 to 200% over setpoint from 20-inches w.c. to 2.2 psig (50 to 152 mbar) Spring Case Vent Connections 3/4 NPT with removable screen Temperature Capabilities(1) -20° to 160°F (-29° to 71°C) Approximate Weight 2.35 pounds (1 kg) Construction Materials Body, Spring Case, Diaphragm Plate, and Orifice: Aluminum Diaphragm, Disk, and O-ring: Nitrile (NBR) Adjusting Screw and Pushpost: Delrin® Closing Cap: ASA Thermoplastic (UV-Ray Resistant) Control Spring: Zinc-plated steel Machine Screw, Spring Seat, and Lever: Zinc-plated steel Valve Stem: Zinc Relief Valve Spring, Relief Spring Retainer, Lever Pin, and Vent Screen: Stainless steel 1. The pressure/temperature limits in this Bulletin or any applicable standard limitation should not be exceeded. Delrin® is a mark owned by E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Table 1. Outlet Pressure Ranges OUTLET PRESSURE RANGE CONTROL SPRING PART NUMBER CONTROL SPRING COLOR CODE SPRING WIRE DIAMETER, INCHES (mm) SPRING FREE LENGTH, INCHES (mm) 1.8 to 2.2-inches w.c. 5 to 7-inches w.c. 6.5 to 9-inches w.c. 9 to 13-inches w.c. 13 to 20-inches w.c. 16 to 35-inches w.c. 1 to 2.2 psig (4 to 5 mbar) (12 to 17 mbar) (16 to 22 mbar) (22 to 32 mbar) (32 to 50 mbar) (40 to 87 mbar) (69 to 152 mbar) T14453T0012 T14398T0012 T14399T0012 T14400T0012 T14401T0012 T14402T0012 T14403T0012 Purple Orange Yellow Silver Gray Pink Light Blue 0.051 (1,30) 0.062 (1,58) 0.067 (1,70) 0.072 (1,83) 0.080 (2,03) 0.093 (2,36) 0.105 (2,67) 3.40 (86,4) 3.40 (86,4) 3.61 (91,7) 4.10 (104) 3.60 (91,4) 3.52 (89,4) 3.66 (93,0) In addition, Type R622 regulators have internal relief across the diaphragm to help minimize overpressure. Any outlet pressure above the start-to-discharge point of the non-adjustable relief valve spring moves the diaphragm off of the relief valve seat, allowing excess pressure to bleed out through the screened spring case vent. Specifications The Specifications section lists specifications for Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulators. As it originally comes from the factory, specifications for a given regulator are stamped on the spring case nameplate. Bulletin 71.1:R622 3 Figure 2. Type R622 Operational Schematic INLET PRESSURE OUTLET PRESSURE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE M1027 RELIEF VALVE SPRING VALVE DISK ORIFICE STEM LEVER CONTROL (MAIN) SPRING UPPER SPRING CASE DIAPHRAGM PUSHER POST Principle of Operation Refer to Figure 2. When downstream demand decreases, the pressure under the diaphragm increases. This pressure overcomes the regulator setting (which is set by the control spring). Through the action of the pusher post assembly, lever, and valve stem, the valve disk moves closer to the orifice and reduces gas flow. If demand downstream increases, pressure under the diaphragm decreases. Spring force pushes the pusher post assembly downward and the valve disk moves away from the orifice allowing flow through the body to the downstream system. Type R622 regulators include an internal relief valve for overpressure protection. Installation Type R622 regulator may be installed in any position. However, the spring case vent should be pointed downward. If gas escaping through the Type R622 internal relief valve could constitute a hazard, the spring case vent must be piped to a location where escaping gas will not be hazardous. If the vented gas will be piped to another location, obstruction-free tubing or piping at least equal to the vent, and the end of the vent pipe must be protected from anything that might clog it. Dimensions are shown in Figure 5. INLET PRESSURE OUTLET PRESSURE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE INLET PRESSURE OUTLET PRESSURE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Bulletin 71.1:R622 4 Figure 3. Vent Position POSITION 1 VENT OVER INLET POSITION 2 POSITION 3 VENT OVER OUTLET POSITION 4 Overpressure Protection The wide-open Cg for relief sizing (see Specifications section) along with the capacity information should be used in choosing appropriate overpressure protection devices to ensure that none of the limits in the Specifications section are exceeded. Overpressuring any portion of a regulator or associated equipment may cause leakage, parts damage, or personal injury due to bursting of pressure-containing parts or explosion of accumulated gas. Regulator operation within ratings does not prevent the possibility of damage from external sources or from debris in the pipeline. A regulator should be inspected for damage after any overpressure condition. Capacity Information The high efficiency flow-through design provides maximum capacity for a given orifice size. Table 2 gives Type R622 regulator flow capacities at selected inlet pressures and outlet pressure settings. Flows are in SCFH (at 60°F and 14.7 psia) and Nm3/h (at 0°C and 1,01325 bar) of 0.6 specific gravity natural gas. To determine equivalent capacities for air, propane, butane, or nitrogen, multiply the listed SCFH capacity by the following appropriate conversion factor: 0.775 for air, 0.628 for propane, 0.548 for butane, or 0.789 for nitrogen. For gases of other specific gravities, multiply the given SCFH capacity by 0.775 and divide by the square root of the appropriate specific gravity. If capacity is desired in Nm3/h, multiply SCFH by 0.0268. Bulletin 71.1:R622 5 Figure 4. Industrial Relief Performance 120 (8,3) NOTE: TESTED UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 10 PSIG (0,69 bar) INLET PRESSURE, 7-INCHES W.C. (17 mbar) OUTLET PRESSURE SETTING, AND 50 SCFH (1,3 Nm3/h) OF 0.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY NATURAL GAS 2 PSIG (0,14 bar) 28-INCHES W.C. (70 mbar) 0 20 (1,4)80 (5,5)60 (4,1)40 (2,8)100 (6,9) 2 (0,14) 5 (0,35) 4 (0,28) 3 (0,21) 0 1 (69 mbar) 11-INCHES W.C. (27 mbar)7-INCHES W.C. (17 mbar)5-INCHES W.C. (12 mbar) 2-INCHES W.C. (5 mbar) 14-INCHES W.C. (35 mbar) INLET PRESSURE, PSIG (bar) OU T L E T P R E S S U R E , P S I G ( ba r ) Figure 5. Dimensions T14439 3/4 NPT SCREENED VENT 1/8 NPT INLET / OUTLET GAUGE TAPS NO. 54 RESTRICTED PRESSURE TAP INLET FITTING 5.56 (141) 5.29 (134) 1/2 NPT 5.41 (137) 1.11 (28) TAPPED FOR 1/4-20 MOUNTING SCREWS 3.63 (92) 4.45 (113)7.46 (189) 5.48 (139) INCHES (mm) Bulletin 71.1:R622 6 Table 2. Typical Regulating Capacities in SCFH (Nm3/h) of 0.6 Specific Gravity Natural Gas for Type R622 Regulator OUTLET PRESSURE SETTING, CONTROL SPRING RANGE, SPRING PART NUMBER, COLOR CODE, AND DROOP INLET PRESSURE, PSIG (bar)1/2 NPT INLET AND OUTLET Setting: 2-inches w.c (5 mbar) Range: 1.8 to 2.2-inches w.c. (4 to 5 mbar) T14453T0012, Purple Droop: 1-inch w.c. (2 mbar) 5 (0,35)287 (7,7) 10 (0,69)380 (10,2) 25 (1,7)451 (12,1) 50 (3,4)493 (13,2) 60 (4,1)506 (13,6) Setting: 5-inches w.c. (12 mbar) Ranges: 5 to 7-inches w.c. (12 to 17 mbar) T14398T0012, Orange Droop: 1-inch w.c. (2 mbar) 5 (0,35)271 (7,3) 10 (0,69)367 (9,8) 25 (1,7)468 (12,5) 50 (3,4)484 (13,0) 60 (4,1)428 (11,5) 75 (5,2)444 (11,9) 100 (6,9)536 (14,4) 125 (8,6)536 (14,4) Setting: 7-inches w.c. (17 mbar) Range: 6.5 to 9-inches w.c (16 to 22 mbar) T14399T0012, Yellow Droop: 1-inch w.c. (2 mbar) 5 (0,35)246 (6,6) 10 (0,69)347 (9,3) 25 (1,7)451 (12,1) 50 (3,4)469 (12,6) 60 (4,1)477 (12,8) 75 (5,2)445 (11,9) 100 (6,9)507 (13,6) 125 (8,6)511 (13,7) Setting: 11-inches w.c. (27 mbar) Range: 9 to 13-inches w.c. (22 to 32 mbar) T14400T0012, Silver Droop: 2-inches w.c. (5 mbar) 5 (0,35)274 (7,3) 10 (0,69)401 (10,8) 25 (1,7)623 (16,7) 50 (3,4)708 (19,0) 60 (4,1)735 (19,7) 75 (5,2)676 (18,1) 100 (6,9)721 (19,3) 125 (8,6)738 (19,8) Setting: 14-inches w.c. (35 mbar) Range: 13 to 20-inches w.c. (32 to 50 mbar) T14401T0012, Grey Droop: 2-inches w.c. (5 mbar) 5 (0,35)246 (6,6) 10 (0,69)364 (9,8) 25 (1,7)551 (14,8) 50 (3,4)641 (17,2) 60 (4,1)661 (17,7) 75 (5,2)614 (16,5) 100 (6,9)677 (18,1) 125 (8,6)727 (19,5) - continued - Bulletin 71.1:R622 7 OUTLET PRESSURE SETTING, CONTROL SPRING RANGE, SPRING PART NUMBER, COLOR CODE, AND DROOP INLET PRESSURE, PSIG (bar)1/2 NPT INLET AND OUTLET Setting: 1 psig (69 mbar) Range: 16 to 35-inches w.c. (40 to 87 mbar) T14402T0012, Pink Droop: 10% 5 (0,35)174 (4,7) 10 (0,69)337 (9,0) 25 (1,7)533 (14,3) 50 (3,4)679 (18,2) 60 (4,1)708 (19,0) 75 (5,2)756 (20,3) 100 (6,9)762 (20,4) 125 (8,6)796 (21,3) Setting: 2 psig (0,14 bar) Range: 1.2 to 2.2 psi (83 to 152 mbar) T14403T0012, Light Blue Droop: 10% 5 (0,35)222 (5,9) 10 (0,69)381 (10,2) 25 (1,7)630 (16,9) 50 (3,4)923 (24,7) 60 (4,1)976 (26,2) 75 (5,2)1007 (27,0) 100 (6,9)1285 (34,4) 125 (8,6)1028 (27,6) Table 2. Typical Regulating Capacities in SCFH (Nm3/h) of 0.6 specific gravity natural gas for Type R622 Regulator (continued) where, Q = gas flow rate, SCFH G = specific gravity of the gas T = absolute temperature of gas at inlet, °Rankine Cg = gas sizing coefficient P1 = absolute inlet pressure, psia C1 = flow coefficient ∆P = pressure drop across the regulator, psi Then, if capacity is desired in normal cubic meters per hour at 0°C and 1,01325 bar, multiply SCFH by 0.0268. ∆P P1 3417 C1 For Non-Critical Pressure Drops For pressure drops lower than critical (absolute outlet pressure greater than one-half of absolute inlet pressure), use the following formula: Q = CgP1SIN520 GT ) )DEG Ordering Information Carefully review each specification and complete the Ordering Guide. Send the Ordering Guide to your local Sales Office. Ordering Guide Outlet Pressure Range (Select One) 1.8 to 2.2-inches w.c. (4 to 5 mbar), Purple*** 5 to 7-inches w.c. (12 to 17 mbar), Orange*** 6.5 to 9-inches w.c. (16 to 22 mbar), Yellow*** 9 to 13-inches w.c. (22 to 32 mbar), Silver*** 13 to 20-inches w.c. (32 to 50 mbar), Gray*** 16 to 35-inches w.c. (40 to 87 mbar), Pink*** 1 to 2.2 psig (69 to 152 mbar), Light Blue*** Vent Position (Select One) Position 1 (vent over inlet)*** Position 2*** Position 3 (vent over outlet) *** Position 4*** For Critical Pressure Drops Use the following equation for critical pressure drops (absolute outlet pressure equal to or less than one-half of the absolute inlet pressure): Q = P1(abs)Cg(1.29) Bulletin 71.1:R622 The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their prospective owners. Fisher is a mark owned by Fisher Controls, Inc., a business of Emerson Process Management. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice. Emerson Process Management does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Emerson Process Management product remains solely with the purchaser. ©Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc., 2004, 2010; All Rights Reserved Industrial Regulators Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. USA - Headquarters McKinney, Texas 75069-1872 USA Tel: 1-800-558-5853 Outside U.S. 1-972-548-3574 Asia-Pacific Shanghai, China 201206 Tel: +86 21 2892 9000 Europe Bologna, Italy 40013 Tel: +39 051 4190611 Middle East and Africa Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4811 8100 Natural Gas Technologies Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. USA - Headquarters McKinney, Texas 75069-1872 USA Tel: 1-800-558-5853 Outside U.S. 1-972-548-3574 Asia-Pacific Singapore, Singapore 128461 Tel: +65 6777 8211 Europe Bologna, Italy 40013 Tel: +39 051 4190611 Gallardon, France 28320 Tel: +33 (0)2 37 33 47 00 TESCOM Emerson Process Management Tescom Corporation USA - Headquarters Elk River, Minnesota 55330-2445 USA Tel: 1-763-241-3238 Europe Selmsdorf, Germany 23923 Tel: +49 (0) 38823 31 0 For further information visit www.fisherregulators.com Regulators Quick Order Guide * * *Readily Available for Shipment * *Allow Additional Time for Shipment *Special Order, Constructed from Non-Stocked Parts. Consult your local Sales Office for Availability. Availability of the product being ordered is determined by the component with the longest shipping time for the requested construction. Specification Worksheet Application: Specific Use Line Size Fluid Type Specific Gravity Temperature Does the Application Require Overpressure Protection? Yes No Pressure: Maximum Inlet Pressure Minimum Inlet Pressure Differential Pressure Set Pressure Maximum Flow Accuracy Requirements: Less Than of Equal To: 5% 10% 20% 40% Construction Material Requirements (if known):