HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement..J the PERMIT ZdQ S — �p� y ISSUE DATE (Type of For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT Sub -contractor 73 /11,ililRoayve, Street Address or Property Tax '�''� • have agreed to be (Primary (rd. r.1741 A -•AO? It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub- ntr ctor notice. CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) R'Jptq_ /c PRBVT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER .2 State of Florida, County who is personally Imown� or has produced a_ dayot STAMP �. 44HY Py8••• NICHOLAS TUCKER Sa°, ; o•; Notary Public -State of Florida ,. , , •'; Commission 8 GG 037485 Revised 111 �•'� a:F f1Q F. °,°."' My Comm. Expires Oct 10, 2020 Bonded Through National Notary Assn. G!L PERMIT # ZUU :r' 06 6 Z ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ti k{mo e/�f /Q-� mlrol®y have agreed to be (Co,m,p�any Nam Individual Name) /e% � /, j the boas l teo0r.✓1r Sub -contractor for) VC-40 Co...SM/v " : 4-V— �-CG (Type of Trad (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 671/7.7 /' oweiwo s (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Su contractor notice. S� O RAC OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINTNAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER O State of Florida, County of ^ Ord\ ttiJ� The foregoinginstrument was signed b r a me this dayof 202P by �b i who is personally (mown ✓or has produced a as identification Signature of Notary Public ulyA� SC3 tco n Print Name of Notary Public ��s �rtr�� Notary.Publio So tate of Florida ap m Brien Sartain '/ Fsplrea 011301202326Mf a Revised BF7B-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) eer Iu dvw�4 PRiN� E COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County Th oregomg instrument //w11as signed before me thi� day of who is personally kno or has produced a as identification. STAMP [✓ - STAMP Signature of Notary Public ar/ Print Name of Notary Public i KM NICHOLAS TUCKERry Public -State of Flori ammission # GG 037485omm. Expires Oct 10, 2020d through National Notary Assn. RECEIVED 07/21/2020 11:12AM 7T-- -1457 LUCAS Jul 21 2020 03:11PM Jimmys A/C 7722993'', page 1 PEro 200 7 — 066 L I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVE40PMXNT SERVICES Building & Code PompUnnee Divleion < <" �=I wLd For the project located at / Y73 It is understood that, if there is any change of status project, the Building and Code Regulation Division filing of a g4w A, PRINT NAME COUM CERUnCA770NN Bhteo717oHd>t, Corny of % itNtory°Iar lnYrummew///���7//u��il��____d 6diR �y - Vot SdL 6/`v/ o, LI,I"//z �rha penoua}400�lu'prvdo'tl�� /w✓N a idmaaue°a grAMIP �iArtZ !uWe� "`r'">"'• �s'• NICHOLAS TUCKER r°' Notary Public - State of Florida •5 Commission # GG 037485 it My Comm. Expires Oct 10, 2020 ' 1oa`.•` Banded through National Notary Assn. have agreed to be (Primery Contractor) ling our participation with the above mentioned Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the 244�4 /MAW/ NTRAC[ORSI (Qmaev) Fr�.�..n n (1 7 \. - ....\ r CouNPY CER'AIPICA71ONNOAIRaR ahkorPketL,C°onty of.-.Y-ii71.a' F-FY e'T 7b! tORa010({10�f we sipad b�re®e WPa �� 1 wmbpem �glLu�/ pe°d�rnd• sigdrmre orNlle�rlae PeiniRaMaitNeMryPoNk PERMIT# Zoo a -OGIoL ISSUE DATE Vz.IC+9-L. , the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT in�.C1 have agreed to be Sub -contractor for f.✓ty40� �"' , !�?v 1GC (Primary Contactor) % 3 fA%ftaw6 Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-co)f1ra9ltor notice. i PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION /NUMBER State of Florida, County The ore�g�oom/g mstramentt�Was �signed bef re me/this0?/`day of 2o?dby C�7 GG S who is personally lmown or has produced as identification. Z,— Revised llll62016 - IJA-" S CUNT CIOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) !lA/L t�. LvUhS' PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 2,nd are Ri le r The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 day of July 20.0/by f0411 LOCaS who is personalty tmomm v or has produced a as id fill tioa. STAMP STAMP SignatureofNotary Pan c I ••tp0.Y P(/qQ NICHOLAS TUCKER lop .} Notary Public - State of Florida • Commission # GG 037485 My Comm. Expires Oct 10, 2020 Bonded through Nalional Notary Assn. ••My Comm. Expires Apr 14, 2023 GG 323282 %`P> F4!Bl1C, r the PERMIT# Ud, — o662 ISSUE DATE (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for/—,, '1' -4 be4- az (Prit9gy Contractor) Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chanr CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) RV 6-&y NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County o��u" The foregoinginstrument was signed eforee me this /" day of AMA41 .20 by who is personally known _or has produced a iS1 11 as identification. Signature Revised 11/16/2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of(✓t?.�' The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day of 20_, by 12yffi nd a ug k2, who is personally known --1 or has produced a as identification. sy STAMP LI � � Public Sig7ire of Nptary Public Or �.2lAnre� 0 U �n8 y Public Print Name of Notary Public f 04M UB�"""" 's NICHOLAS TUCKER :+a Wotary Public •State of Florida E' * , » • Commission # GG 037485 `.�+, +�:� My Comm. Expires Oct 10, 2020 Bonded through National NoAssn. ' '.,y p4 SUZANNECOLLINS ?°/o W COMMISSION #GG289441 d EXPIRES: FEB 24, 2023 Bonded through let State Insurance STAMP PERMIT# 9�® ®40ip. ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 16 f !' �dw1 have agreed to be (CohtpanyName/IndivtdualNa / / 4ee tie dbtisy,p�,/y Sub -contractor for sSv4�P-8 C (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 2 oiec Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing 4Change//of__Sub-c actor notice. CC CONTRACTORSIGNATURM antler) Q, j,�• I4 �vis PRIA"C NAMx COUNTY CERTIFICATION NI MBER State of Florida, County ot.1�2h1U� /! The regoinng instrument was signed belt methiszg! 6yot 0420— by - "14 /G 11 who is personally im wnAor has Produced a STAMP mm„ NICHOLAS TUCKER on, 'ems Notary Public -State of Florida We Commission # GG 037485 o*.e My Comm. Expires Oct 10, 2020 Revised 111162016 %°;:Nct'� Banded through National Notary Assn. lbs r76 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM"" State of Florida, County 0f_7444 The foregoing instrument Ras signed beforee m�e_thips X day, of .28 by I , tl`GNK�pii//',`,� who is personally Immvn" jor has producccla asidentifiealioa. elx STAMP are of NotaryPubtc LiGa N G- Print Name ofNotnryP Elie •.m%i.' •. OAVIDYOUNG ;.; ,; CommisakngQG939710 _' a:^ ExpiresJlne3,2928 ''�E'f; 4A• BandedThmTroyFaN Neurepta80a38Sf019