HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; NCFI EnduraTech Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Systems over Steele DeckLOVE WAA MIAMF nunntl-DADS COUNTN' DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND F('ONOaII(' RF,SO URCES (RER) 1'RUI)UC:'1' CONTROL S1:("I'IUN BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION 11 Ha5 SW 26 Strecl. ILwm?n8 Miami, Florida 37175-23'4 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE_ N_O_A — ) 7s6) tis-zsvn r•(7s6))is_zsml _ — _— NCFI Polyurethanes ----------- _wnx•,mimnidadr �n /ecau mil _ ..— P.O. Box 1528 Mount Airy, NC 27030-1528 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under file applicable rules and regulations governing the use of curlsu'ucliom materials. I'hc (Inetnnematiot) submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RBR -Product Control Section to he used in Miami Dade County untl other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AH.1). '['his NOA shall not he valid after [lie expiration dale slated helow.'I'he Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or file AI 1.1 (in areas other than Miami Dade ('ounty) reserve file right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purpose,% If Ibis product or material fails u1 perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur (lie expense of such testing and the AI IJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RGR reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Mianmi-Dade County product Control Section that this product or material faits to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity I lurricanc Zone of the Florida Building (ode. DESCRIPTION: NCF'1 EnduraTech Sprayed Polyurethane 1/(milt Systems over Steel Deck LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the l uuudaoturers name or logo, city, state and following statement' "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL. of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur alter the expiration (late Or if Ihcre has been it revision or change in the materials, use, and/or (manufacture of the protlucl or process. Misuse ol'this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall autonmtdically terminate (his NOA. Failure to comply with any section of [his NOA shall because for termination and removal ul'NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and lollowed by the expiration dale may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the mmnufacuirer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA N 14-0717.04 and consists of pages I through 13. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera MIAMFOADE COUNTY111111 NOA No.: 16-1109.16 r Expiration Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 1 of IJ File Copy ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL Category: Snh-Caleeory: Materials: Deck !IRE Maximum DCOL'n Pressure Roofing Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Polyurethane Foam S(ccl -427.5 I)sl' TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Product Dimensions Test Product Description Specifications NCH FnduraTcch 10-0 11 N/A TAS 110 Polyurethane spray applied foam intended tier roofing applications. NCFI Spray Adhesive 13-003 N/A TAS 110 Polyurethane spray applied foam intended tin routing applications. 'PRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS Test Product Product Dimensions Soccifications Description Manufacturer Blastomeric Roof N/A ASTM D 0083 Blastumeric coating fix Gencric. Coaling application over polyurethane (with current NOA) spray applied foam. Black Resin Coaled 48" .e I W N/A Black resin coated mesh Saint-Gobain Mesh Flilco Fiberglass various N/A Nlesh impregnated with a H.L. Hilts & Co. Fabric highly specialized asphallic material. Iligh Density Wood Various I'AS 110 High Density Wood Fiber Generic. Fiberboard insulation board. (with current NOA) Polyisocyanurale Insulation Various I'AS 110 Polyisocyanurate Insulation Generic. board (with current NOA) Dens Deck Various TAS 110 Waler resistant gypsum board G-P Gypsum Corp. OMG MID Various I'AS 114 1118tililh0❑ fastener OMG, Inc. 3 in. Round Metal Plate 3" round I'AS 114 3" round galvalume AZ55 (with current NOA) OMG, Inc. steel plate (with current NOA) Olympic 3.25" round I'AS 114 Polypropylene plastic plate OMG, Inc. Polypropylene (P) (with current NOA) TAPCO 410 quick dry N/A ^\S tM D 41 Primer used as a bonding coat. 'tropical Asphalt Produc'Is asphalt Corporation MUWIDADE COUNTY NOA No.: 164109.16 "�142;1;1617411 Expiration Date: I I/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 2 of 13 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Aeencv Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Celotex Corporation Testing Service 258132 Physical Properties 05/97 ASTM C 273 ASTM D 1621 ASTM D 1623 ASTM D 2856 ASTM E 96 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. OINK20266 UL 1897 0620rU1 PRI Asphalt "Technologies N(T-003-02-01 ASTM D 2842 0211.1.01 ASTM D 2126 I'DC-U11-02-01 TAS 114-H 02/28/05 PRI Cunstt'uction Materials] cchnolugies N(T-028-o2-01 ASTM C' 518 II/16/0ll 9 NCF-022-02-01 TAS 110 10/21/08 NCP-044-02-0I Physical Properties 10/13/15 IR'I & Consulting ol'S. Florida, Inc. 01-015.01-016,01-018,01- TAS 114-J 06/12i01 019, TAS 114-J 06/13/01 (11-020,01-021 TAS 114-D 06/13/01 Factory Mutual Research Curp. 3016938 4470/4880 01/13/05 3035470 05/07/09 Atlantic & Caribbean Roof (bnsulting, ACR(' 14-003-R 1 'TAS 1 14-J 03125115 LLC A('R(' 14-006-R I TAS 114-D 03/25/15 AC'RC 14-007-RI TAS 114-1) 03/25/14 ACRC 14-008-RI TAS 114-D 03/25/15 DECK M,REss ANALYSIS CALCULATIONS/R .1,01v1'S Eneineer/Aeencv Identifier Assemblies Date Randall Fowler, P.E. Letter C'(2) 04/09/15 M01MMADE COUNTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 t t Expiration Date 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 3 of 13 AM"'EN'1' Ii1lMllll'1'Y APP1;1(*A7'ION LIMITS SPRAYIs) P'(II,YLIRE"I'IIAN@. FOAM Maximum Wei llulb and Relative limnidily fora Cwen Dry Bulb Reading --- Table 1 — --- — )ry Qulb Tem P• _ Wet Qulb'1'emP• R.F1.L .. _ Dr-- _ ry Bulb Temp. N'el Bulb 5 l; Temp. 45 4 40'/z67 JOF) 46 4I'/, 73 68 47 424: b8 74 75 70 48 43'/, 69 ---_ 76 70 49 43„ 6t) 77 70!/2 50 45'h 70 71';, 51 �_ 70 _ 78 72 52 47'/: 71 79 73 53 481i, 71 8073Si 54 491�r T 8� 74'/ 55. SOy_ ---72 --- 8- 75 56 83 � Xfi 77,, GO SS 8 7 7875 fit 56'/e 75 98 i14'h 8 !/7 57„ 8)62 — 79 77 90 79 52y, 77 9164 0 h5 60'/. 92 80'/, 61'/, )356 81 7 6,2 /, , 45 ) 1vz Eft -- 63%; 79 69 64'l, 80 96 _ 70 GSi; 80 97 _ 71 66'72 80 q8 ----- 679, 79 qq E:-72 NOTSpray polyurethane foam shall not be sprayed when environmental relative humidity limits listed in this'1'able. MIAMMADE COUNTY 77 76 76 63 56 54 53 are beyond the temperature and NOA No.: 16-1109.16 Expiration Dale: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 4 of 13 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 2: Steel, Insulated Deck Description: Mininaim 22 ga., 93.5 Iasi, vented corrugated 1.51, WR Type 11 steel decking. System Type A(I): Sprayed polyurclha le foam covered with an elastomeric coating adhered to mcchanicallN fastened insulation layer. All General and System Limitations apply, Note: All layers shall be simultaneously adhered using NCFI Spray Adhesive 13-003. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Insulation Laver Insulation Fasteners Fastener SECUROCK Gypsum Fiber Roof Ro:u•d Density/ft' Minimum ''/:" thick N/A N/A Polyurethane Foam The polyurethane tram shall be applied unilolinly over the entire surface a minimum of Application: 1 thick in compliance will, the rcyuirentents set forth in Roofing Application Standard RAS 109. 'I he sprayed polyurethane foam shall be feathered at the edges to produce ;t smooth omisilinn Protective Coating Shall apply a Nli:oni-Uade County approved elastomeric roof coating will, a current Application: NOA in accordance with the guidelines listed in the NOA. Polyurethane lixml Surface shall be free of moisture, dust, debris, oils, tars, grease or other materials than will impair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or defects to the polyurethane Want Stuface shall be repaired prior to the coating application. The Muse coal shall he applied the snore clay as the foam when possible. If more than 72 hours elapse prior to the application of the base coat, the polyurethane limn shall he inspected for I1V degradation. Maximum Design Pressure: -427.5 psf (See General 1,intilalion N9) MUIMMMOE coUNTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 •� r Expiration Date. 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 5 of 13 Deck Type 2: Steel, Insulated Deck Description: Minimum -12 ga. 53.Sksi, Vented corrugated 1.5" Wl"'ype li G-90 steel decking attached In steel supports spaced 6 f. (i.e. 5/8 puddle welds and washers tasleners spaced 6" o.c. (a( (he hotlnm flute), and with side laps attached with H 12 SD screws 12" o.c. This tested assctubly has been analyzed for allowable deck stress. See Evidence Subnli(led Table. System Type C(2): Sprayed polyurethane foam covered with an clastonicric coating adhered to mechanicall) fastened insulation laver. All General and System Liniitalions apply. Note: All layers shall be simultaneously fastened; see insulation layer below for fasteners and density. Insulation panels listed are nlioinmrlt sizes and dimensions; if huger panels are used, the number of fasteners shall he increased maintaining the same fastener density. Please refer' to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Insulation Laver Insulation Fasteners Fastener SECUROCK Gypsum Fiber Rnuf Board Density/ftr Minimum �h^ thick OMG XIID with 3 in. Round 1:2 ft' Metal Plate Polyurethane Foam The polyurcthauc foam Shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface a minimum of Application: I" thick in coutpli.mee with the requirements set forth in Roofing Application Standard RAS 109. The sprayed polyurethane loam shall be I'eulhe'ed at the edges to produce a smooth transition. Protective Coating Shall apply a klianti-Dade (burry illTruved elastonleric roof coating with a current Application: NOA in accordance with the guideline., listed in the NOA. P(.rlyurclhanc liuun surface shall he Dice of uwislurc, dust, debris, oils, tars. grease or other materials that will impair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or (ICICCdS to (he polyurclhune liram stulace shall be repaired prior to the coating application. 'I'hc base coal shall he applied the same day as the foam when possible. 11' more than 72 hours elapse prior to the application of' tile base coat, the polyurethane liuun shall be Inspected fur UV degradalion. Maximum Design Pressure: -67.5 psf (Sce General Limitation 97) MIAMMADECODNTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 r r Expirnlinn Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 7 of 13 Deck Type 2: Steel, Insulated Deck Description: Minimum 22 ga., I'Ve li, W R G-90 steel decking attached to steel supports spaced 6 fl. o.c. 518 puddle welds and washers (asteners spaced 6" o.c. (at (fie bottom flute), and with side laps attached with liuildcx'I'cks I fasteners spaced at max, or6" o.c. System TypeC(t): Sprayed polyalelhanc foam Covered with an claskancric coating adhered to mechanically fastened insulation laver. All General and System Limitations apply. Note. All layers shall be simultaneously fastened; see insulation layer below for fasteners and density. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; iflarger panels are used, the number of fasteners shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density. ['lease refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Insulation Laver Insulation Fasteners Fastener Any Miami -Dade Approved 1'olyisocyauur:dc Density/ftz Minimum 1.5" thick OM-' XIID with 3 in. Round 1:2 it' Metal Plate Dens Deck Prime Minimum '''W' thick OMG X[ID with 3 in. Round 1:1 ft' Metal Plate Any Miami -Dade Approved High Density Wood Fiberboard Minimum V22" thick OMG XIID with 3 in. Round 1:2 ft2 Metal Plate Polyurethane Foam I'hc polyurethane liana shall be applied unitbrnlly over the entire surface a minimum of Application: I" thick ill cumpli:mcc with the requirements set forth in Roofing Application Standard RAS 109. The sprayed polyurethane (oain shall be feathered at the edges to produce a smooth transition. Protective Coating Shall apply a Miami -Dade C'ounly approved clastomeric roof coating with a current Application: NOA in accordance will) the guidelines listed in the NOA. I'olyurclhane liiani surfaec shall he free of Moisture, dust, debris, oils, tars, grease or other materials thal will inipair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or defects to the polyul'elballe Joann surface shall be repaired prior to the coating application. I'hc hose coat shall be applied the sanie day as the loam when possible. II' more than 72 hom:s elapse prior to the application of the base coat, the polyurethane tuna shall he inapcctcd fiir UV degrad:dion. Maximum Design Pressure:-45list' (See General Liuti(alion #9) MIAMMMADEGOUMTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 Expiration Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 6 of 13 Deck Type 2: Yccl, Non -Insulated Deck Description: Minimmal 22 ga., 3.1 W. 'I ype 11 steel decking attached to steel supports spaced 6 ft. o.c. 5/8 puddle welds and washers Iasteners spaced 6" o.c. (at the bottom Mae), and with side laps attached with Builder Teks I fasteners spaced at max. of 6" o.c. System Type F(1): Sprayed polyurethane Braun covered wish an clastonleric coating adhered to deck. All General and System Limitations apply. Deck Preparation: Seal all deck side laps with spray -applied polyurethane foam and then install an asphalt coated liber glass mesh labric having a 20 x 10 weave and meeting ASTM D 1669 Type I. The mesh is to be installed over the entire surface of' tile metal deck in accordance with NCh1 specifications and recommendations. Surface Preparation: Metal surfaces should cleaned with I'Sp or equal. For Iei'1'UIIS Illclal. I'crilo%e loose 'list and unsound primer ff0111 shop -pinned lion 'Jill steel sulrlacex by sclaplllg, wire 1)ellS111119 or sandblasting. Prime according to NCFI rccononcndations. r penun-ferrous metals, clean and prince aluminum, copper and stainless steel sill laccS as recumneraled by NCFI. Primes Shall he applied III ;Iccunlanec with their manufacturers instructions. All printers must be lhonalghly dry ;md aucd prior lu foam application. Polyurethane Foam Application: The polyurethane Iir.Inl Shall be applied unllitrnlly over the entire surlacc a rninimum el 1" thick in conlplIII ncc with the requirements set forth in Roofing Application Standard '['he RAS 109. Sprayed polyurethane foam shall be feathered at the edges to produce a smooth transition. Protective Coating Application: Shall apply ❑ Miaoli-Dade County ;lppruved clastomeric roof' coating with a current NOA in accordance with the guidelines listed in the NOA. P01yurclhalle foam surlacc Shull be lire of mulislure, dust, debris, oils, tars, grease or other materials that will impair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or defects to the polyurethane foam surface shall be repaired prior to the coating application. ]'lie base corn shall he applied the sane day as the foam when possible. If more than 72 hours elapse prior to the application of the base coal, the polyurethane foam shall be inspected lur llv degra(lalion. Maximum Design Pressure: -82.5 psf(tics General Liari1alion N9) MIAMFDADE COUNTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 BE M I Expiration Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page Hof 13 Deck Type 2: Steel, Non-Iusululcd Deck Description: Minilnu"t 22 ga., ASTNI A 1008 SS Grade 80 steel decking attached to steel supports spaced 6 11. ac. with I'I'W 13uiklux I'raxx 5 lusteners spaced 6" o.c. (at the bottom (lute). and with side laps attached with I'FW 13uildex 'fraxx I lustencrs spaced at max. of 24" o.c. System Type F(2): Sprayed polyurethane fuam covered with all elastomeric coating adhered to deck. All General and System Limitations apply. Surface Preparation: MClal Son IfICCS should CleMled with fSl' ur equal For Icrrous mchil, rl'IIDtYc loose rust and unsound printer front shop-primcd iron and steel surfaces by scraping, wire brushing Or sandblasting. Prince according to NCH recommendations. For tuna-Ictruus metals, clean and prime aluminum, copper and lainlasx zlccl,wu'luccs as rccmmitcmled by NC'I'I. PI liners sliall be applied in accordance Willi lhcir manufacturers instructions. All printers "lust be Ihuruughly dry and cured prior lO foam application. Polyurethane Foam The polyurethane licuu ,hall be applied uuilurntly over the entire surface a inininuun Of Application: I" thick in cumpliauce with the requirements set forth in Roofing RAS 109. '['Ile spr:ryed pOlyurethanc foam shall be feathered at the edges ttonproduce rit smooth lrunsiliou. Protective Coating Shall apply a Mm"u-Dade County approved elastomeric roof coating with a current Application: NOA in accordance with the guidelines listed in the NOA. Polyurethane luam surface shall be free of moisture, dust, debris, Oils, tars, grease or other materials that will impair adhesion Of the protective coverings. Any damage in defects to the polyurethane foam surface shall be repaired prior to the coating application. The base cOnr shall be applied the same Lilly as the foam when possible. If more than 72 hours elapse prior to the application of the base coat, the polyurethane fnant shall be inspected Im I.IV degradation. Maximum Design Pressure: A05 plot (See General Limitation #9) MIAMI-DADE MIN NOA No.: 16-1109.16 rliau;teyAqr Expiration Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 9 of 13 Deck Type 2: Steel, Non -Insulated Deck Description: Minimum 22 ga., 53.5 kst, vented corrugated 1.5" wR Type B steel decking. System 'Type F(3): Sprayed polyurethane fount covered with an clasanncric coating adhered to deck. All General and System limitations apply. Surface Preparation: N/A Polyurethane Foam Tile polyurethane lirnn Shall he applwd uniformly over the entire surface it minimum of Application: I" thick in Compliance with the requirements set firth in Rooting Application Standard RAS 109. The sprayed pulyure(halle Foam shall he feathered at the edges to produce a smooth transition. Protective Coating Shall apply a Miami -Dade County approved clastomcric tool' coating with a current Application: NOA in accurd;mcc with the guidelines listed in the NOA. Polyurclhanc foam surface shall be IICC of mousers, dust, debris, oils, lays, grease or other materials that will impair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or delcctS to the polyutclh;nle foam Surluee shall be repaired prior to the coaling application. 111c hose coat Shall he applied the same Clay as the foam when possible. 11' more than 72 hows elapse prior io the application ol' the base coat, the polyurethane litam shall he inspected fur UV degradation. Maximum Design Pressure: -255 psf (See General Limitation H9) MIAMMADECOUMTY NOA No.: 16-1109.16 UM Mil Expiralion Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 10 of 13 Deck Type 2: Deck Description: System Type F(4): Steel, Non-fnsul;ucd Minimum 22 ga., 53.5 ksi, vented cnrrugaued 1.5" WR Type 13 steel decking. Sprayed polyurethane Iham covered will, an elastomeric coating adhered to deck. All General and System Limitations apply. Surface Preparation: N/A Reinforement Mesh: Scal all deck vide laps with spray -applied polyurclhane tioam and (lien install all Sann- (iobain resin coaled mesh. 'llic mesh is to be loose laid over the entire surface of the metal fleck in accordance with NCFI specifications and recommendations. Polyurethane Foam The polyurethane tiuuu shall be applied Uniformly over the entire surface it mininunu of Application: I" thick in compliance with (lie r quircu)ents set forth in Rooting Application Standard RAS 109. '['lie sprayed polyurethane limn shall he feathered at the edges to produce a smooth transition. Protective Coating Shall apply it Miami -bade County approved elaslon)cric roof coating will, a current Application: NOA in accordance with the guidelines listed in the NOA. Pulyureduu)e loam surface Shall be Itcc of moisture, dust, debris, oils, tars, grease or other materials Ihai will impair adhesion of the protective coverings. Any damage or defects to the polyurethane foaul surface shall be repaired prior to the coating application. The base coat shall be applied the same day as the loam when possible. It' mere than 72 hours elapse prior to the upplication of the base coat, the polyurclhane foMun shall be inspected lit' UV degradation. Maximum Design Pressure: -395 psi (ties General Limilalion k9) MIAMFDADE COUNTYM NOA No.: 16-11119.16 r I Expiration Date: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page I 1 of 13 GENERAL LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not par( ol'this ucccptancc, refer n) a current Approve[] Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings ol'lhis product, 2. All work shall be perim-riled by a contractor licensed to perform tooling in Miami -Dade County and it NC'FI trained and approved applicator. T'hc contractor shall be familiar with the details and specifications published by NCFI and the elastonicric coating manufacturer. 3. Spray polyurethane loam shall not be spraved when ambient (culpellnure is within 5 degrees of the dew pout. Ambient humidity applications lintils shad) be as listed in Table I herein. Contractor shall monitor and record environmental conditions in the .loll Log in compliance with RAS 109. ,lob Log shall be maintained at the .joh site and accessible to The Building Official, 4. Fhtshings and waterproof coverings fur expansion µmils shall he Of compatible materials anti in accordance with NCFI published lileran ic. Insulllauun ol'syslcnt shall be in accordance with NC'FI published literature. 5. Miscellaneous materials such as adhesives, clasumicric caulking compounds, metal, vents and drains shall be a composite part of the ruul'systent and shall be compatible with the loam find coaling. 6. Fastener spacing for insulalion auachnwnl is based on a Mininnon Characteristic Force (F) value ol'275 IbC, as tested in compliance wills Festing Applicalam Standard TAS 105. [('the fastener value, as field-tested, are below 275 IV. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. T Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift prossurc requirements of those areas. Fastener densities shall be increased for boll, insulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Cadculalions prepared, signed and scaled by a Florida registered Professional latgincer, Registered Architect, nr Rcgislercd Rool'Consuhant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Lintitation H9 will not be applicable.) 8. All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform with Roofing Application Standard RAS I I I and the wind load requirements of applicable building code. 9. 'file nlaxinuun designed pressure lunilaliun listed shall be applicable to all rool'pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor exit apolation shall be permitted fur entranced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners). (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation N7 will not Ileapplicable.) END O 'PHIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: I6-1109.16 Expiration Dale: 11/29/21 Approval Date: 12/08/16 Page 12 of 13 r GREEN SUSTAINABLE ATTRIBUTES GSA _ SCOPE: This document is solely I'm ilic purpose o1'vcrificalion of Sustainable Attributes of construction materials. The documentation subnultcd has been reviewed by Miami -Dade County Product Control. R-Value Insulation / Thickness Assemblies: 6.3 1 inch -- All Assomhlics utilirin NC10-01 I SPI' 13.4 2 inches All n--FI -_- -- -- — — — -------------�- —... --- sscnil,lics ulilirin N('FI I0-01 I- 27.4 4 inches All Assemblies utilizing NCFI IO-pl I SPF Alex 'f igera Hoofing Product Control Examiner NOA No.: 14-0717.04 Expiration Date: 11/29/16 l: Approval Dale: 03/03/16 -I