HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permti app ALI:.APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED:FOR APPLICATION TO BE°AMEPTED Qate: ad Permit Number:_ J Building Permt ApOcation Plarirring,and Deveio�smeirtserviees; ` i .Mi lding,and Gbde,Reguldtlon,Dty s on 2300 Vlrglnfa Avenue fiort Preece`l:C.14982 I Phone:(772)462 1553 Fax,(772}4E 1578, . C-Mmer0al . _ .RoWehfi I PPMIT A fk CATfON FOR, S�awa11 ,Address...TB Legal Description,.WINDMILL VILLAGE,BY THE SEKREPLATTHAT PORTION DESIG AS WATERWAY( R1017=:2131) Pr?pert;Talklb# 45 I1=809 0QD5 000=.9 Lot';hto, Site Plan Name: WINDMILLi/IILAGE;SEAWALC Bloek:No.:- ;Pi o}ect:[Uame NDMILL,VILrLAGE SEAWALL•. Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: .Left Side: • 1 . EPAI`R f REPLACE UP'TO 300 L FT: OF4 SE,AwALL V,V1THlN: 1 V'OF'THE EXI:STING WETFACE" f,NSTALL CigP AND BA?TERPILE:FOR SEAWALL STABILIZATION. hive f OZ � ST" U �• 1 EC)• M 1 1 Iona wor, tv e e arme,o un.ert is permit :c .ec..a. ;apply: I�HUAC L 6iiisTaok. ❑Gas Piping. =jtShutters a Windows/Doors Ele-dric O Piurni ng 1;S rink[ers GeneFator ❑,Roof Roof plfel = i Total Sq.Ft of Construction., $', Ft-Df First"F(oor _ ..-... .. , t5oi' -fl0..00..: i Building Iteight Cyst ofConstructon. Utilities .!SewerSeptic" Name ASSN:[NC VUINI)MILL VLG BY SEA- Naipe 'FtOBEEtl VUiLLIAMS __. _ - Add ress,10854 S.OCEAN DR LOT 189 Company WILCO CONSTRV.TION.;ING' City. JENSEN EACH ;;State FL Address: 10751 ORANGE AVE _. 34957 NIA. FORT PIERCE a Zi"p Code,. _ Fa�c city: '- State FL __ _ _ Phone No.RQBE~RT FOSS 772=229 7769: Zip Code 3494'�S Fax. 7l2}46 6929` E-Mail.N/A Phor<e No 772=46fl<6924 F II:im fee simple:Title'Holder on next page"(if different E M`4il- W[LCOINEG�BELLSClUTH.NET _ - frorrr the Owner listed abavej State or County License . SCC131154026 2911'5 If..value of construet�4n Is;$250Q or'.raore,a,dRECO,R.DEq Notice gi.000nif ncement is required. PLF #M,v,jR1,q.1TfAW1I1C$X,NSS RAF MILKNARRMLA 0NO I DESIGNERIENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: :x.Not Applicable Name.. Q/#NIELPAULRETHERFORD. l „ _ ; Name: Addre55 .1402.HARTMAN,RD Address: y; FORT.PIERCE: FL C t State: CityV State: i'Zip:' 34247 -Phone; 7�72=224-9azs Z'Ip:. Phone.:: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER. X .N.Ot Applicable BONOING COMPANY: _Not ApphcaE le Name:; Name: ;.Address: Address:_ City:;. City: - p:; 'Phoney ;;Zip Phone - - - - - (:certify tliatno Work o"r IristaIlation:hascom men ced prior to:the issuance of.a.permit. 'St:Lucie County makes no,representation that is granting a-permitwilf authorize the permit.holder to buiid'the-subject.structure which is mcon lict with any-applicable Home O.wners;Association rules;bylaws or:and covenants that may-restrict or prohibit:such structure.Please consult With.your Home-.Owners Association and'review.your deed-fovany restrictions which may apply. [n consideration of the granting of this requested permit,[do hereby agreeahat T will,in all`,respects',perform the work accordance with thea"p' rov"e plans;tine.Florida::Buiidir►g-Codesand,St;Lucie,CountyAmendments: The follow-ing bua Ing permit applications are exe_'mpt from"undergoing a fu_II contiir`rency,review,room additions, accessory structures,,swimming pools,#ences,walls;-signs,screen.rooms and accessory uses to_another non-r6f.dential use WARNING TO.OWNER:'Your'failure,to:Record'a Notice:of'Calmmencementinay result in.yourpaying twice for Improvements to your property A Notice of Commencement must be recorded ands-0 ted or[•the jobsite before the first inspection If you intend to obtain financing,,consult-With lender.or'an attorney,before commencin -orkor recordirig: our:'Notrce:of`Comrimencement:, 1 Signature:of Owner/Lessee/Contractor:as Agent for Owner Signature of Con ractor/License Holder i STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY'OF ,� j COUNTY OF The r oing instru_ ntwas acknowledges fore me his day,, Th ,forgoing rnstr ent was acknowledged before;me ty of 20 y this day of 20,,�by. MK Name of Person acknowled Ingr (Name`.of perso n acknowledgtrig) u (Signature of-Notary Public-State of.Florida) (Signature of Notary Public-.State bf Florida;) Personally Known O.R Produced Identification Rerso i'if,Knovvtrt OR Produced':identification:• . Type of ldentification•Rroduced __-. .__. -Type:of Identification'Produced, . Commission No: Commission No.. DAMN FITZGERALQ; v�°Fur-QA�F[F! t `Z' ,r a_ PAY COMh4SSi0N#GGQ116004�6S IO 'GY62346 PIRESrA XPIRES:.December;il202 ReVl � oQ Bdnde thru.No►ryPublicU Sed07/15/20 4 '.','FF .. 6o didThru;MoLgPutilic;UndervRitars_I REVIEWS 'FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR. PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE ;`.MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEVIr REVIEW REVIEW HEVIEW REVIEW REVIEW, _COMPLETE INITIALS; _ i I