HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlot Plans/Surveys 1/27/2020 Florida Building Code Online BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Toplcs I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts I Publications I Contact Us I+ BCIS Site Map'I Links I,,Search b a I r Product Approval Lj USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail • I FL# I FL320-R8 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Armor Screen Corp. Address/Phone/Email 2744 Hillsboro Road West Palm Beach,FL 33405 (561)841-8890 dougt@armorscreen.com Authorized Signature Douglas Turner dougt@armorscreen.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email I Quality Assurance Representatlye Address/Phone/Email Category =Operable Subcategory Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer iEvaluation Report-Hardcopy Received I Florida Engineer or.Architect Na me who developed the Theodore Berman,P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-09814 Quality Assurance Entity I National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By Simon Segal, P.E. lV' Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received I Certificate of Independence i FL320 R8 COI Certification of Independence.SS.pdf I Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202EVIE ?-® F TAS 203 199P4'` CODE COMPLIA E� / Equivalence of Product Standar S Certified By ST. LU C I E WU Y Sections from the Code ®� Copy PiCrorCA https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dti.aspx?pararp wGEVXQwtDgtdGm6vrgJgxm17gzj%2fH5m5TkZEla0pTs8%3d 1/2 1/27/2020 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/18/2017 Date Validated 12/19/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 01/02/2018 Date Approved 02/13/2018 'Summary of Products FL# Modei,Number or Name Description 320.1 Hem"cord Roll-up System Flexible Wind Abatement/Impact Hurricane Protection Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use In HYHZ;j Yes FL320 R8 II FL320 Installation Instructlons-Hemcord Roll-up Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes ayAtemxdf Impact Resistant:Yes iVerified By:Theodore Berman,P.E. 09814 Design Pressure: +110/-119 Created by Independent Third Party: No Other:Glass separation is required for installations within Evaluation Reports Wind Zone 4, High Velocity Hurricane Zone and on Essential FL320 R8 AE FL320 Evaluation Repot pdf Facilities.The un-breached envelope criterion is met since the Created by Independent Third Party:Yes system is considered'non-porous'outside of the High Velocity Hurricane Zone and remains intact under Impact and air pressure loading.The system Is to enclose the protected opening all around. Back Next i i Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 12399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.;:Pjivacy Statement::Accessibility Statement;:Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the pffice by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails' provided.may be used for official comrrlunlcatlon with the licensee.However email addresses arepublic record.If you do not wish to supply personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click hair— Product ere.Product Approval Accepts: cCheck Credit Card Safe I I I I https://www.floridabui[ding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx7pararn=wGEVXQwtDgtdGm6vrgJgxml7gzj%2fH5m5TkZEla0pTsB%3d 2/2 I 1 Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization #27502 I i December 12,2017 Engineering Evaluation Report Report No.:TBA 15-0428.01 I Prepared by: Theodore Berman, P.E. Florida Professional Engineer License No.09814 Manufacturer: I i Armor Screen Corporation 2744 Hillsboro Road West Palm Beach, FL 33405 I I Product Line: Armor Screen HVHZ Hemcord Roll iup System I Product Description: A flexible wind abatement and Im act Protective System. Code Compliance: The above mentioned product has!been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code 6th Edition(2'017)and as Per Rule 61G20-3. Supporting Documents: a) Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., File No.:07-482, Lab No.:5174, Report No.:01 Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., File No.:07-482, Lab No.: 5180, Report No.:02 Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., File No.:07-482, Lab No.:5279, Report No.:03 ASTM E330, ASTM E1886,ASTM E1996 b) Fenestration Testing Labo iatory, Inc., File No.:07-482, Lab No.:5446, Report No.:04 Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., File No.:08-482, Lab No.: 5533, Report No.:01 ASTM E330,ASTM E1886,ASTM E1996,TAS 201,TAS 202, TAS 203 7970 Biscayne Point Cir., Miami Beach, FL 33141 Phones: (305) 868-4707 Fax: (786) 206-6017 www.flproductapproval.com j Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization#27602 c) installation Instructions,Armor Screen HVHZ Hemcord Roll-up System,Revision Date 04/28/2015,Verified by Thgodore Berman,P.E. Limitations and Conditions of,use: • Maximum allowable design pressure:+110/-110 psf • Maximum Span:Hemcord 1 192 1) • All supporting lures shall support the superimposed loads indicated on installation Instructions. I • This product is for use wit I hin and outside of the High Velocity Hurricane Zones(HVHZ). • The separation from glass is required only when system is installed within Wind Zone 4, High Velocity Hurricane Zone and Essential Facilities. • Mullion shall not oeused . • For outside of the High Velocity Hurricane Zones the system is considered non-porous. • Product Data shall be in a cordance with installation Instructions, Armor Screen HVHZ Hemcord Roll-up System, Revision Date 12/12/2017. • Product shall be installedlinto substrates shown on installation Instructions not to exceed the spacing indicatecl� Anchorl embedment shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. • Anchor design on concrete in accordance to ACI 318 Appendix D uncracked section. he Installation Instructions will require further w Site conmnonsthat deve e details on ` � ana|ys|sfrom alicensed Pr,ofessionalEngineer. | w All components that are\ permnanent|y installed shall be protected from contamination and corrosion. ' Quality Assurance: ' The manufacturer has demonstrat I�d compliance of products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity:: National Accreditation and Management Institute(FBC Organization ID#QUA1789) Each product shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of the quality assurance entity and shall indicate marking as indicatedion installation Instructions. 7970 Biscayne Point Cir, Miami Beach, FL 33141 Phones: (305) 868-4707 Fax: (786) 206-6017 ! Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization #27502 Certification of Independence: Please note that Theodore Berman,P.E.,does not have norwill acquirea financial interestin anycompany I manufacturing or distributing the Oroduct(s)for which this report is being issued.Also,Theodore Berman, P.E.does not have nor will acquirela financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). NO 09814 40 R I NAL 212 2017 Ted Berman and Associates, LLC Certificate of Authorization No. 27502 3 7970 Biscayne Point Cir., Miami Beach, FIL 33141 Phones:. (305) 868-4707 Fax: (786) 206-6017 www.flproductapproval.com sQv- ARMOR SCREEN:HEMC�ORD:.ROLL-UP SYSTEM* GENERAL NOTES: INSTALLATION NOTES:• 2 5 M 8 •This Flexible Wind Abatement/impact Protection System is for use within and outside Ore ..Deflection is the minimum glass separation measured at mid span of the screen and W� z y c high velocity hurricane zone(HVHZ-Miami-Dade&Sroward Counties).Separation'from subject to rational analysis and may be achieved by using Storm Bars, o� glass is required only when system is installed within wind zone 4,high velocity*hurricane .All specifications to be equivalent or greater In product. to o>= U,o oar 12 zone and on essential facilities. •All Aluminum Extrusions.to be minimum 606346 or as indicated. tr Cc} '•vo asst�o• +The design toads are calculated in accordance with the Florida Building Code 6th Edition :The thidar'ess of typical facing matarfais Le.stucco,siding,stone,bdck,paver;,etc: g IS M X E (2017)and ASCE 7-10.Pressures obtained under ASCE 7-10 may be multiplied by 0.6. are not to be considered part of the anchor embedment. Longer fasteners may be .2..r a •Testing meets Florida Building Code 51h.Edition(2014);TAS 201;TAS 202;TAS 203; used to allow for facing materials. Lu ASTM E330-02;ASTM E 1996-05 Lever E;and ASTM E 1886-05 per Sections 1620 and. .Anchor embedment shall be in face,shell;not mortar,joints. 1626 and fulfills its requirement for opening protection: •The screens may be'tnstalled'at any lieight on the structure as long as the design Testing performed by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,inc:Medley,FL:. pressure rating for the screens is nat'exceeded Test Reports: Date: 01128107 File#07-482-'Lab 95174 ,Report#01 .Ali fasteners shall be corrasion resistant as.specified in the iRC,IBC and FBC. U Date: 01/28107. - File#07-482 Lab 95180' Report#02 :In distances where a screen is made up of two places of fabric oi.for repair purposes, ,r Date:.08125t47 Fite#07-482 Lab#5279 Report#03 a flat felt seam or.triple layer hem wi(li�a minimum of two rows of double lock stitch ___ -'a_6.8 Date: 12/07/07 File#07-482__1.610.5-4-46-.'_Report.#04_.—_ ------ thread-is-aa�ptabW.Ttie falide comes in staisdari lengths such as 12'wide;fherefare for v�• ti E Date:-02/08/08 File#08 482 Lab#5533- Report#01 -screens that are larger;two pieces are seamed together as'ho( above: W *h 75 75 V $, •Has been tested for resistance to buming,.smoke,ignition,temperature and weathering:. •Roil-tip must be installed plumb and level for proper functionality.. v o ASTM C158,ASTM D 635-C1,ASTM D'638,ASTM D 1929 and ASTM'G 155.. v Cn •The pores in Armor Screen are small enough.that the surface tension of water causes. me ti 'd' iz the barrier screen to become solid in the presence of rain,and prevents damaging 0C voluminous water intrusion;even from torrential'rains. c In dry conditions,the pores remain open,and based on testing,allow approximately 3%of M <0 m 9 CL the wind to pass through. CC m –� •The unbreached envelope-criterion is met since the system is considered'non-porous" E and remains intact under impact and air pressure loading. This envelope criterion is xo mat when the system encloses the protected opening ail around. �v U •Product Marking: A permanent label shall be fixed to the screen barrier with the following m statement:"Armor Screen Corporation,West Palm Beach;FL,Testing Standards,Current FBG Number,Job Name and Screen Opening/Number,Patented and Patents Pending,US •��tpit+rrrr„+r Patent No.6176050'. PRODUCT DATA' % •Geosynthetic hurricane screen: The hurricane screen shall be produced from a Na. gt4' q?~� polypropylene,woven geotextile fabric with filaments woven such that the filaments retain ? = dimensional stability relative to each other. 9 BTATE,pF .r The woven geoteXtite fabric shall have the following,minimum average roti values:. Grab Textile Strength (ASTM D4632)' 425 x 325 LBS O rt Puncture Strength (ASTM D4833) 130 LBS C � p++irriiiitit!���. Mullen Burst (ASTM D3786). 675 PSI Trapezoidal Tear. (ASTM D4533) 150 x 125 LBS "'e°..—t- RE Wide Width Tensile Strength '(ASTM D4595) 225k 205 LBSIIN , ialtvmr Thickness (ASTM D6199). 20 MIL Afl Geosynthetib Hurricane Screen assembly detains depicted within these drawings are typical for the. DATE: 01/03/11 Wide Width Elongation (ASTM D4595) 22 x 21% installation of this wind r rain abatement and impact system onty.Ali other building components shown Apparent Opening Sae 30 US STD Sieve- herein are depleted as vitisfing or samples and not oonstnicted by,the screen company, REV, Percentage of Open Area 5% DATE: 12/12!2017 LIMITATIONS OF USE: DWG#: 201-2010 Maximum Span 192 inches Hemoord Maximum Design Pressure +110 /-110 PSF SCALE:. N.T.S. • The design pressure may be increased 5%for negative loads, • Span equals the distance between the primary rows of fasteners. SHEET: 1 of 12 /4 a C3 E 'Z K'Aluminum Pap d r Z to Q� Aluminxm Hood Bm* 6�R,p, y Rohr Fonn.040'Aluminum Gear Plata W W a—D'03 12 or Motor U w W W'�t �_ j;• Bracket •entry p, •U' N t x t Ye' A /� CC U) 0 Gulde (7�? =m x r1 E m �y s■> swa <ui _aror Bait ''<W 7ubulnr. .Cr�CNI +•• ' Mot- Q m Steel orAlundman TubeP y, 2K' ' l • COM USidor 9 Standard or• . Mate Adjustable pivot K• Ae®us tide Beadhq Plata Cv ' ,x Idler �_a.la. _._. -- - _._.—Support_._.. Ql. Fl"Guide. _ 1WenhMlm No dxy tTypt Q�'1. N W E sPX'. X• a-�:'-� 'GASKET X' 1� Co ' •5•;T $ : xx• splional) side nae liar Fam,.010' S o:m c•, n Ataml O .: c+t o to N•� J V~' C Armor Semon 'tA LL CL R LL-UP BOTTOM RAIL ROLL-UP SIDE RAEL Q o•m c� ` 6063-T6 Aluminum 60fi3-T6 Aluminum —_-eamn, ROLL-UP = ' ASSEMBLY ca :.Q m o C '.o L � n ROLL-UP SCREEN Rax End Cep M.m �E c ELEVATION r 4O E.NS r--�A tv m' AlumdewnSWctuml MUAbn � V CIJ CDQpUonat Storm Bar Tuba(Note:For Mullan Sund-cul or p p .Structure tafs.See pave 6 of 12) / 71a pped F— z. / 0RE 9 I ti•S-Z oris• �''. •+a• s Den�dlm De Anchor. No 0981,a •=� e Ertd Grp $ AppATE d {. —r _ i — tna? TQF •to Archer Side RA. .r .Y •. � p.,r�`. TV_ . �t/ .Ittttttltt111��,�� •t i gMounting Sredcel� THEODORE eSUM,P.E. cryp!. ua ora,. txnmmr Defection Damamon SPAtV sPA ...._..._.. Spen ._..._...._. _. span .._._...,. DATE: 01/03/11 Trial Span NOTES: 'DATE: .12112J2017 Jf a.•Refac to are appropriate product approvat for storm bar da41 END:CAP MOUNTING BRACKET 2.'The storm bar splits the anchor/screen span Into multiple SECTION D-D' DWG M .201-2010 spans,each of WhIch is used W determine the minimum t`` denection. MULTI UNIT ROLL-UP SCREEN 3.'Multiple storm bars may be used within the atiowable spanH E M CO RD RQ L L=�P SCALE: N:T.S: ELEVATION 4..An stuminum extruslons tube 6063-T6 minimum. s, For Mullion Wells,see sheet 6. SHEET: .2 of 12 'g• e CzD Z5 N + I1 > .R � s _ s Q o .O O O O . o. o } D a D u N� ) �o H t � � M I N �9 P m G . 0 p O b X 0 4 N D + N N i i4%&Hl flit,,�,r, H ARMOR SCREEN m fn m ci m:9� Ted Berrtian and AssocEates,;LLC tiEMGORD'ROLL-UP q p ?_W Certificate of Authorization#27502 SYSTEM :1 z a � �►��: 925 Arthur Godfrey Rd.Suite 10,4 ARMOR SCREEN,Inc. o Q .,,....... ;����*` Miami Beach,FL 33140 2744 Hillsboro Road Y � (305)868-4707 Wait Patin Beach;FL 33405 ro www.flprodtietapproval.com (561)841-8890 www.armorscreen.com i _ Ln Existing Structure(Typ) Trod"°" 7- Cl +Concreto.Filled CMU,Metal _ Z j C p Hotitm CMU or TvAbor + ` Approved Anchor. ` . Lu. O v W—J' Zo_U.af a •a•.' oe a a•,' ;a fL':.C? W.e=aro m Equ. •- Approved Anchor �X F W� to v' roved Anchor. �• r/) .0 y •: y o a •"Edi aaUnoty .. •. " y. ,. y, iHlh Ilj ,aT�^ •'�d a,. - �4 •�, kyr \,"-Access Hole Acnase Hca Accoa Holo Approved Anchor. tJ Accuse Hale SECTION B-B 'TYPE _L.:N-. SECTION B-B' TYPE 2 __ __ SECTION B_--B___TYPE 3. ---•-- TYPE-3 AL3ERNATIVE-- - - _•to --_"--"'`TRAPPED TUBE INSTALLATION TRAPPED ANGLE'INSTALLATION r. WALL MOpNTI1VST1CLt ATtL1N_ ^ N 'X2'X a' � E 2'x4'xtYaorY,') 2W.M 8 2'x,3`x(Y8:•orYa') . .2"X3"X,' .0 o1 J3 r m ��3"x3"x(Ye oryy') wm.�in n ` 3'x 4"x(Ye'or Ya')' w •N O: LL It cl 2}"x2}'xk Q �o.8 c A m Q� ID v % ` G o p m 0 a s" UP .. .d. •EEe. .+' .•d''• _ •Eap M 'm E G ' •a• Storm Bar Bradca .a .`e . En,e," d_•r �. U rn E E •a ilFkaft ..` r .GEiVyi :Q'1s&�I� Approved Anchor. Delloclon Approved Anchor. ApPmved Anchor, .Approved Arn3ror. .V S qZ a� •No'09814 Approved Anchor. Arae p ZC;. STATE•:OF, ttr� Sym,. R14 ��, Approved Anchor. Access Hde Aocma Hot �tlrrttlUtiiaaaa�� Starm Bar used when Dellectlon quired.See page 5 TmoomeEAwx.v.E. SECTION 8-B•TYPE 4 Spee rardetalls. SECTION B-B TYPE 5 SECTION C-C. TYPE 1' uo.aBet. BUILD-OUT INSTALLATION BUtLO-OUT INSTALLATION STRUCTURAL POST FOR MULLION mvr�op- 2'x4'z(Ye orY') 1'x3'x(Ya'orYa') 2`x4'1"x 4'x x a or Ye") DATE: 01/03/11 4`x4'x(Ye or Ya) 2".x3`.xik�orW)- tY3'orYs') R 3"x 4`x d"orY" , te` 3'x 4"x(}"'or 1211212017 }•) 3`x 3'x�.orYy' ") NOTES: D 1. Refer to the appropriate pradtil3 approval for storm bar data. 4'x 3"x� or Y4') 4'x 4 x d'or A : 2. The storm bar splits the anchor I screen span into multiple spans, DWG#: 201-2010 each i wnlrm Is is m to determine the minimum dee span. H E M CO RD ROLL—UP . SCALE: N.T.S. 3. Multiple storm bars maybe used wtthtn the allowable span. 4, All aluminum extrusions to be 6063-T6 minimum. 5. Mount ail build out tubes with Wdest side against the structure SIDE RAIL' DETAILS SHEET: 4 of .12 C) STORMI BAR TABLE a. E Storm Bar Span I Length 3' 4' f.V: 6' 6'' i0' i2' 14' w D8 Max.PVF Per Deflection Table• 4 Otrset 4 Onset O •w ed-o U.—Deflocitim Per Deflection Table U a.w W o Reserved f OQC'� co=to.- 0 py �•_ . 2 Reserved O Glazin �'� R Alum.Tuba s1 zing ¢ w •a"� 3 i"x 2'XY"5063-T6 CNI X. wall wall— ¢ 4 Alum.Tube 2'x 2"x%!6063-T6 % X x ! 1 Alum.Tube 5 2'x 4"x Y"6061-T6 x X x Removable s orY'Bait a Nut Permanent Screw _ . :. .__.-_..----------. ---------AkkaChma vdlh:4-=#12-x1'S.cri3yrs: _-. -----8u;iportf'otntof$torfi8ar(typj n 8 Cn E s " Afiim.Tube x x x x suppo oiot or star,ear(w) ALTERNATE BRACKETS °' N °' 2 x 4 x Ya 6061-T6. m ac'5 a Alum.Tubs 2"X 2"X "X Y° v O co S*}h > 4�'�''C t7 ") O F : " " x. x' x x x ALUMINUM ANGLE ur '°' v•o. 2'x 6 x Ye 6063-T6 �'. >L Atum,Tube• `� a'm Z ab' 6 " " x X X x: x x •x Offset c 5`'cc co � 2'x S x Y 6061T6• to ¢•. a p a 9 Alum.Tube _ cn • ,-- 2"X 6"xY"6061-T6 X X X x x x x x IH— E . w ¢ RSTORM BAR NOTES:. tt] 46 N 1. The storm bar system is designed to achieve deflection and may utilize one O7 or more storm bars.The offset may be increased with blocking at the h support ����warrar+r. 2. Storm bars may be positioned horizontal;vertical or as required. Glass—/ V'OpRE,8F''•., 'llrids closed with a vinyl cap �, ��.•� 3. The storm bar bracket may be permanent or removable and attached to e• 2"x 6"Aluminum Tube. `` '' F�•9 structure using two(2)approved Y4 inch anchors. Refer to pages 6 (Optional) NO 099'14 4. Use"Deflection"'span and'positive wind pressure to determine the minimum separation between screen and glazing. c scare of •`rum 5. Use'anchor'span and negative wind pressure to determine f ener size STORM BAR'&BRACKET- " s ,,. and spacing. Aluminum"H'Bracket ' S*`tVt.. 6. Storm Bars#3,#4,#5,and#6,screen width supported b toren bars shall jr,+rrr`tits�a'' be equal to span or 6'maximum.For.screen s wider the maximum width Q use multiple storm bars. TME 0014 1177°" 7. See Table D-1.1 on Sheet 7 of 12. 3"Clevis 2" Pin Zinc DATE: '01103111 REV. 12/12/2017 ' 'DWG#: 201-2010 Cotter Pin Zinc BRACKET 6063-T6 SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET:;5 of 12 0 MULLION NOTES:. E MULLION SELECTION CHART 1.All mullions to be A►uminum 6061-T6. W J... W co 2:.Mullion shalt of be used within Wind Zone 4;High . �O � .w u_m d Type Site PjAA Velocit} H 'cane Zone and Essential Facilities. U 0 w W .2..d4p ' HT45. 55 65' '75 90 110 too W•m•am � A 4x4-1/4" 3:•All Scre &'Fasteners shall'be.corrosion resistant.. } m 12' C' C C` C .4; Larg dimension of Mullion shelf be perpendicular to Q O o :—.B 4x6-1/4 11' B' .C. •C C'• C•. '•— S n. - 2 V�...lY,=•E.0:.0C4x8'-114" 1 Q` .•B B': .B:. B C C: 5: ullidn shall be used with Screen on both sides;not• ¢'W OfN' B B. B- B: :B. ' C isolated or comer.MAX. SCREEN WIDTH 8'. �A' .'�B`' B: '8•` 'IB- ' 13% :A, ..A: A '. A:. :B, :BPSF 65 • 75 .90 110 6' A: A: AA• •A• •. 3000 PSI Concrete . A: ..A: A A. A AV. Housing o c�mue Fined WIDTH 16'' -15'- 13'---12'- --- - _ _ _ __. --l_.N_See Mullion Connection Detail. toE N •N.d 0. tr7 p TABLE A ( q,000 PSI Concrete). Q.'o'�. a ' p Go (a Go Mullion .Q 0 o. Type Anchor Detail Min:EFnb. Fastener Detail c, a. — a Mullion -CU m:.� c A' 4 x 4-3/16"6063-T6 Alum: Clip Angle(4) 1/4"Tapson. ,4^ (4)'4"-14 Teks ' .o.Q -M.4. B` 4 x'6-3/16"6063-T6 Alum:Clip Angle(8)1/4"•Tapson4^ (6)a"-14 Teks,• m' rn p V. C;;--74 x 8-.3/16"6063-T6 Alum:Clip Angle(8).3/8'LDT Anchor 3.1 (6)k.-26 Teks -(D `A-&B:2"x Depth of Mullion.x-1,1"6063-T6'Alum. Clip Angle. See Mullion Connection Detail. "C:8"x Depth of Mullion x&"6063-T6 Alum:Clip Angle 1"'from ed -of steel and 6".O:C: 3000 PSI Concrete ND 09814 ��92= uIlion See able A Anchor Detail. .g, �:4E '9 STATE OF O O O MULLION ELEVATION s:;�. R l o p�,•' WIDTH--I ���ptlri4�i►����� THEODORE BERL"K P.E. NO.ON14 1L17rAr7 O O 0 0 ROLL-UP ROLL-1.1 DATE: 01/03/11 z' REV. Mutton mounted lD. ULLION , 12/12/2017 to &bottom or A�..rCDetail. P Angle see Table A.' I, DATE PL or Into grout DWG'#: 201-2010 Filled CMU. See Table A Fast MULLION CONNECTION D�AIL MULLION DIAGRAM SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: 6 of -12 u} 0 ao Rh=•W'L/2 LOADS ON EXISTING STRUCTURE.FROM SCREEN-SYSTEM LOADS ON.EXISTING STRUCTURE FROM SCREEN SYSTEM Rv=Vit'(L"Z)I(DEFLECTiON), W J -u cc �i c:Rh=PERPENDICULAR LOADS(PLF) RV=PARALLEL LOADS(PLF)• TENSION=(Rh"2•'Rv^2)AU. W �' t3v is�'�� e . Span . Span PRESSURE`(PSF).'. Span: Span PRESSURE(PSF} In feet. In inche 35 pat' 45 59 pit N13 75 peJ 90 paf 110 paf In feat In I 35 per 45 pa[ 55 paf 85 psf 75'psf 90 pal 110 Oaf .: RV 0 U 'p_ EE ' cc 3 ft 36 in.. • 53 . 'BB r 63• 113. '135' 165. 3 R..: ':36 In. : 186: 72K.7221. 238 2b6. Rh W ' a. Oft .481n. •'70'•. .90.' :110- '.150' .180 220. :4IL '48irL-. :206 223 248 273` '285 '317. 342' `V Ts 5 fL 60 in. 88" 113 138 188 •225 275 ••5 it. • 60 in.: •257 278• 310 341 369 396 42T- � � 72 in.' 185 225 270 330 6 72 in: 372 410 4d3` 45 'SU7 84 In.• 123 158 193 263 '315 •385 7 ft: 8416.' •.360 390 434. ••478 .517: •555• :598Span' (- D.fection.6 fL 96 in.- 1 0 '220' •.300; 360 440 96 in. • '495 546• 591 634 683V 91L .108 in. 158. '203 .248 293 338 405 '499- 9 ft 106 In `°.463 501.• •55T. '614• ,664• •7T3' 769. Pressure PSF . r N 10 R 120 in.. 175 225 275• 325.• 375 450 550 10 fL ' .12016,: 515 557' :619• .683:' 738• '792 :854:. ------------ - - - 11 fL -=-132-16.-- -248:--303`"358- 413 •495. :- 11 It.'.. . 32,in.:: 556 613: 681 • :•7 1.' 812: •871: 939 4) N.� E 12 fL 14416. :210. 270: 330: 450' :.540 660 12'ft:. 144 in: :-,618,1:688 743': $9' '886` "951' 1025 Rh �' '-v 13 fL. 156 in.• `228 '293. _33-8 :.423-- 488` 585. `.15 :13 fL'- :-156 In.% 669 '724. SOS•. M. '960 1030. 1110 `ta' o.r i cn r. C••_=. O 14 f. 168 in 245•. •315• 385 ':455•• 25. 630 '770 14 ft' 16 in: .721. `780'- .867: -956•. 1033 1109 11% Rv. rn •ro .r rr Q 15 fL 180 in: •26 38. .413 .4 8' S6 . .675. 82 15 ft'. 180 i6 772.. 835 929' 024 1107. 11 8 281 Q,.o a 16 ft 192 in. 1-2891.360 4401-520-1-600- 17201 880 16 it..' '19216 '824•• '891 991' 1092 11181 1268 1366 .. Q `L�C4mm C .TABU E D-1.1. Hemcord(flection Table �' $Pan Span. DefteRrfl'9>k If1 inch¢s ... `',`�0, � fist' Itt feet IO inches ::30 psf. ::40f: 5Q psi .& ". ...7 '.f?sf:::. 95'�isf?' 1►0 pgf "4 :-.CEIV9•'91i+•r 2ft 4. 2.0. 21: 2' 2.5 ' 2.6. . ' .3.0 . ..3.4 . •. F•:9 3}L 3f 3.0 •9.2' ..3.4•'= 3.8 4. 4,6• '5.1 �'� Nrr Osata ::� 4 fL 4$. 3.9 4:3. d 5 5 0 .5:3 6,11" 6. 60 4: 5:7. 6.3" :8.8' 7.6 •'. 8.5'. 9. a STAT6 4F :7.T 8.0 '. 8'.4 9_T::., .10.8 •'�':[.' a:'kA .3 93" 9,7 11:2: 12.6-. ,oR o_,. .... $ft 4'fnr 104. 8 2 9 .- Si.4' 10.5 1. 12.'; 14:2:' ���tt#tttttits��, 9-IL 4 es .. . 112 9.2 lO.O': 0.5". 1:8 ,3.. 114:2:: 7_0 fL Ain. ' 1 4' 10.2 . . `11:0,' .'::1.1.7 13.0' :..'13.7'• :' ••15.7 -17.6 n+Eaoo�rr�arw.rE 111 R:4 in: 136 11x'2` �3. 21: 92:8 14:x.: 15.4' '17.3 '19.3 12fil'in. 148 112.1 2: 13.7 '16.5-.' 46.3-: 18.8:: 21.0. DATE: 01!03/11 13Q: : 156 12A. 3.5 : .14.7 16.4 • 172:' ; ..'19.8. -.22.2 •1411, 1 ` '13,6- 15.0:-T. •15.8 17.6 .21,3- ' 23.9'. REV, 12J12l20iT is IL .180 148 16. '169'. 18.s 1 :8 22.8' 25.6' DATE 17.1::. 18.0 . 20:2:' 21.2..' 24.4' 27.3' 16 ft. -' •192� .. 15,7. 1 - DWG#: 201-2010 NOTE:Dermclion is the minimum glass separation measured al mid span of the screen and subject to rawnal.analysis. SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: .7 of 12 i TABLE.1 ANCHOR•SPACING CONCRETE,3000 PSI-Ya"ANCHORS .TABLE 2 ANCHOR SPACING Z :3- c � C Min. Min. -Pressure Span w y Min.. Min.. Pressure Span w � w LL co Anchor w K Anchor, O M`W Q.=co Embed. E.D. .(PSI to 48' to 76'. to 100' to 124•l0 148' _ Embed: ED.' (psf) 48• to 7s• to 100•l0 124•to 1a8' U t{� o•� 30(Pit) 6•: ..6- 6- 6.•. 6: Z Z "30(x' ..12.. .'12' :12' 12'-.1 12- � 1 to :U y MIi a o (P Z Z _ (ash. 6• . 6' 6" 6• 6".. 12 0 a of w >_ tn.;_•m -E . 40 �. /e 1TW 40 ' .i) '12' 12": '12',: :12', 12' 0 O to 2 E m m y :DIA_x1'Y.• 134' 2Yi 60(psn..: 6'. ..:6', 6• -'6' 4'.. H\,EUILDEX 24' 2�'• :(Psi :12'.. .12'. .:6'.• 6' .:6'.. X. � A "' xi:• o d' Ss TAPCON. Mi SERIES w d v O 90(psi) 6'' 6" . 4.' ..4- ' .4- oo' TAPCON 90(Psn 12' ' 6'. . '6': 6' - _ w c y 03 Z 110(Psn 6'. 6'. 4'. 4' 4' �.?, 110(Psn .. 12• ' 6',. .6• Q 30'(Ps0•' '•6- 6•.: 6- 6- 6- a: rDvkX2Y= 4o(psfj s• '. '.--6" s• .-6•' TA E 3 ANCHOR SPACING PANELMATE ] .' .•60 Pressure ... .Span... 'U UJ INSTALL PER 1/' 2Yz. (Psn. .6' 6'•'. 6: .6• . 4':• . y MI Mln.,. J Anchor' PANEV.u7E .. ... ed 'E.D: S to 48' l0 76' ro 100.' to 124• to 146 10 166• to 19r J .�a. INSTRUCTIONS) 90(psn .. 6' 6• .4' a•; 4' _ .• (P. - V -- ----110(Pgo"• 6�: :::6°- --4'.- -7:4 4'-- -- -z--- _. ----30(PSt)_a t2'- 12' �2� iZ'. 12•. 12•. .i2-- ,yam N o E 2 -__ m 0 30(psf)' . 12'. •12'. 12'.` 12•, 6", Q �'DIA.4 .40.(pSi) 1r. 12• .1r 12":' 1r '12• . 12• :N. H Yr ELCO 40(psi) 12' 12" 12' . 6" 6' ss DIA 5 3' 4' 60(psf); :tr 1z• tr: tr. ar tr.. tr o.o� o.o CRETE FLEX I1 41O SS 2- 2 Yz 60(psf) .'12;., -1Z•.- 6' ` 6' 6' , B 90(p5f).. ,12'. .1r. .1r 1r .12" ' '12" 12" -c �`r a 0 (INSTALL PER 'tu . Q'. o �`' 03 c MUMIOADENOA 90(psf) 12' s'. 6'. - - W . . 110 S •.ir. 1r 1r 1r. 12- 12' tr. . N L cD N1 No.17-017&091• (P '/' '0 . .k U00 U 110(psi) .. 12' 6' 6' - Z •30(psf): :12`. tr, .1r 1r' •tr. 8' 8' Q m C o 30(asf) 6•... 6- 6. 6-'. 6•• 0 40(PsQ.' .12• it .6 6" .6• 6' G r_ O c+7 Cl-' :DIA 40(pso 61 6' ' 6• 6• 6•. 0 to tmy= m WEBS y 3e'LDT 3,1••. 5. 60(Psi]`. .'.1r . • 1T• 6•'. "6. 8'� 6• 6• E 17 � 1'/a' 3' 60(psf) 6": ..6•.. 6" ..: 6• ,.46. 0. _ . 4WEDGGE BOLT 90(Psn. ' 6' 6' 4-. ','4' 4'' c 90(psf) 12'.' tr 6•. 6•' 6' 8• C0 N 110(PSn 6' •6' 4- 4- . 4' . C3 110(pS0• 12",. 1r .e 6•; 6• CONCRETE NOTES:Provide longer fasteners,if required,to allow or �\D�pRE•@��i�i��. thickness of finishes such'as stucco,plaster,siding,etc. •�\�ENSF9?ry'�s .No'09814 t2~ =p . STATE• OF' •'4¢i� �=•. �1j11f11t11111 1Ne000RE eewAN,v.E 1Li1f1017 DATE: 01/03/11 REV. ;12/12/2017. DATE: DWG'#: 201-2010 .SCALE:. N.T.S. SHEET: '8 .of '12 CD - CD TABLE 4 ANCHOR SPACING TABLE.5 ANCHO PACING Z:a.?? z g .CONCRETE BLOCK (CMU)-1 CMU AND TERRA COTTA BLOCK WI STUCCO: 1/4".AND 3/8" w o� -W Q _�.0) Anchor Min. Min. Pressure Span Anchor. Min.- Min. Pressure Span rn 61-- v Q o Embed. E.D. (psf) . to 48• to M. to 100•to 124•to 148' Embed. :E.D. ' {psf)• to 48• to�6- to 100`to 124`to 148` —m U 3 1 a:• 30(pst) en s.. . 6` :. .s, a,. 6;.. a ELco.Y.�z z. : 30 1r 12•: 6•... s.: s. . v '.-0 v ; ca 410 SS hag be in 40(psf) 8` 6' 6' f3' 6'. �' CRETEFLIX (pSQ .' .12' G, 8' 6' — W. o�04 V U m—TAPCON ace shell, ' R. MASONRY' 606":.. 2 Y` 80(pSQ .: 6` 6' 6' 6' .4• m. 1 Y� 2Yi tPs<I.. ::12'.: 6• Y c c tearAtlPER. not G' FASTENERS 0 OPSAI-owErmA mortar. 00(PsQ.• 6' "'6• 4'. : 46.. 4• i P+suLLPER 90(psf)•... 6• 6'.. O n�rm.asarr4.m) .joints A W"ACTNJRS — — — 110(PsQ.• 6• 4. 1 4'_. 4' .-4• tNSmucnrn+s)' .110(psn 6'• •8' _ m p n w C3 E 1 Al 30(psf)' „6' 6' ..6• 6' 6' 12`•, 12•' .12' 12'.. 12" J .-Ca 30 tPSQ m: n ;DIA.X 2Y,: hag be In 40(pSQ 6" 6' 8' 6` 6• Q 40(Ps. 12` 12' . . 12"-. .12'. 6` 0 E PANELMATE ace shell, C:Cu .OM. - J N -- a WAMP�PER,as--not ---3•— 80(PS�._ .._� 6'_._.:_6'._._..6_.- 4`=--- --- �-EOUFLER.IN_ ----4--.---60(Psn----f2'__.—12 -12' —6'——6•— -- ... - - o O — _ 0 Q :4` V 4' 90(psQ ... 12` 12`. 6; s,..._ 6' ' ) N W TD,4f = v v r+sreuerroRs) mortar 90(ps ..6' � 6' � o joints.: 110(Psq 6' .4. 4. .4..: 4. W 110(pso. 12' .1T .6' 6` 6• v in . p .� Mo Notes: .Custom fasterrer.� 'x 2 Y:'threaded and(30455)w/Ys•x 1 Yi coupler(31656)fugy inserted m J Q in V dia 3 Y•screen tube fuN filled w!SAradur Andwdbc4 In)ectIon Gel to N W a a 2.t4•z 1•cordage boll,eye boiL or maddrre screw ¢.*r- t c, C•• U fD Co CONCRETE BLOCK(CMU)NOTES: M < .0 v .0 Allowable values for Terra.Cotta Block with Stucco per HTL Test report m ED m to.O .Provide longer fasteners,if required,to allow for thickness of finishes /#0365-0416-06 dated 05-31-06.: � '� m n such as stucco,plaster,siding,.etc. m e'• '�"' J= to m N U rn a). .F- ,0 RE°6Cc,'ir ,e •,92 No'09814 Z..33'. CSTATE.'OF •�� �' ��ir�asvpe7 �!r1l111III111��,` nrEDOORE eEFUM1.P•E M M14 w1=017 DATE: 01/03/11 ,REV.. 12/12/2017 DATE: .. DWG.# .'201-2010 SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET:'9 of 12 SOLID GROUTED (CMU —%4'+ A D 3/" TABLE 6 ANCHOR SPACING Z j W�. Z (riern E Min. Min. • Pressure. Span Min. Min, Pressure Span W o M •w • -o Anchor , Anchor ' v.�w Embed. E.D. (psf) to 4e• to 76' to 100' to 124•to 148' mbe (Psf).'; to a to�6• 100• to 124• io 148- to tee• to 192•, rn 0 U MW o 30(psf) t2• .' .12• `12' .12•. 6• ASTM 3043; E 30(psf). 1r. 12' tY,. '.12•.. :1Y. 12•. 1r O0rp .�" :m d- ,ED-. it 2A .3Y2'• �U Eto m rDIA.X 1 Y.' hal(be in 40(Psf) 12• ,12• 12• s• 6- THREADED• shall be 40.(Psf) ';1Y ..12•. 1r.• 1r.' ,12 12'- 12' l0 to 410 SS TAPCON OD IN EPDXY �. : N (INSTALLPER (ace,not 2 YY 60.(Psf) .12• "12' •6' 6' ''6• O .JSS COUPLER in face. 12' 60(P .' 12','• '12"' tY•. '12'. .12• .12:.. 12• w MANuFAcTURE"`s mortar LU AND EYEBOLT.'. hell,not = Q INSTRUCTIONS). joints 90(psf) 12• 6• s• - - �.'wsrALLPWAW �� mortar 90(Psf).: 12 :12•' 12'• .1Y-' 12•. 6• 6' f 110(psf) 12'.. 6• 6' - - sTRucnDNS) joints .110(Psn 12'.' 12' 12' 112- Ix8' 6• 6• F :. : V 30(Psi) :12• 12• .6. .6. .'. 6- v, 30 sf). 18'` .18• •18''. .•18•- .18• 18• 18 , CI Y.•DIAL 410 Ss . 1%" shall.be -J LU 40(psf) :12'. 12• 6' 6' 6• 40(ps 18'• ]0'..' .• 8' 18' 18'.' 18' 18'" J W POWERS shall be in WEDGE In face — ? WEDGE BOLT. '. _--.- -WEDGE BOLT_:-she8-..-4•... `To-(pSf),-:-•SIB'---r1 .18'` ;98' •-16•—-".18':. --18'-- -- O face.not. -3-3/a— _60-(Psf)-....-,1Y---6' --6' - -,_.__-. M MALLPER------ - (LOT)•410Ss .. uj LO MAIJUPACMSERS. mortar ., .. .. rw�+e Pm lest Mw not .'90(psf) ',18• 1 :: :18'_. .18'' 18• ..12'.. 12•.- �.:N m p E IUSTRU=ONS) .'joints 90(psf) s• 6 - - - dpwd 12-T-0n. mortar m...sr '9•v' p 110(psf) s• s• - - - oTn 110,(PSf) 18'' a •. 1B•. 1e'` 1r /z 12• y c'rn m n•"m y 30(psf) 12• "a2• s• s• e• SOLID GROUTED CMU NOTES: v :� LL v 'a 2• .S aciri Q .o''^ ob C y;I Lco shall be in 40(psf) •'1Y• W 6! 6• —• p g for fasteriers used in:testing are hown at spacing used in tests '<.0 �.v •Spacing for all other fasteners calculated 'tfi SF=3'mina c Q c0 m. cttErE-PLEx face,not 2 y2 60(psf) 12• : . a 6• - m.� .m to 0 a1O ss mortar 90�PS0.. . .e. .s - - - m m,. :E c joints --r m '3 110(pso s s• N ''i-= Lo 33 .a)•CIJ SOLID GROUTED CMU NOTES: StDgLTO � �. c Provide longer fasteners,if required,to allow for thickness of finishes .�OpOaE,BF such as stucco plaster,siding,etc. No"09814 :Z 9 STATE.OF :. t,'. .. THEODORE 119RUM P.E. NO.awl. 72112lA]i7 DATE: 01/03/11 REV. 12/12/2017 DATE: DWG#: 201-2010 SCALE: 'N-T.S- SHEET: .10 of 12 0 FABLE 7 ANCHOR SPACING z? $ W'd Zf 12 tea WOOD SYP #2 -1/4' and 5/s" !�lIOOD SYP #2 -8" a a" M 0 2 W 2 rA. H a met Lo Anchor Anchor. "Mtn.- n. . o W } '.� "'CD CO o Embed. E.D. (psf) robed .E.D. 0 (P Q U`n E'm € PANELMATE .. - _.. .. _ � N �d (INSTALL PER . . •Q rn tU INSTRFUCTIO S) 34" 34" p, jl`DIA.SS 1 y" to �. NOS FO(VALUER PER �' LAG SCREWS 2" or, , - - NDS FOR WOOD - W ..lintel..N CONSTRUCTION) - - - O U) TAPCON- ---- - - - -- --- _—-- - -- J-� -- -- C (INSTALLPER - — 3 to. E MANUFACTURERS .. .. . . .. . 13 INSTRUCTIONS) 3I" 3�" ._. ...._ :_ .. _. ._.. .:. :-.. 114. -Id 12 ts _ �. N N O o (VALUES PER - - 1 Y'Into M ' 7 NOS FOR WOOD iG"DIA_ C' CONSTRUCTION) LAGS '3" - Stud or. '• - •O•.a m o''j� lintel. v) co,� •J t` 2 - - - o :N D LL v CL 11 e ¢' o'm=CO.m — — — — c �, m 0 LAG SCREWS � x•01 u� p LAG SCREWS 2" into stud - C .0.`- O or lintel 2"into' CO" m:t A c - - - LAGIS SREW• .3" sidec _ . U)100 '''N b lie( 0.,U o 1 Yi 0(P�I1 T2_7 ..IZ 1I 7. �e DIA:SS 2' into stud eD II LAG SCREWS - or 1I9B 11 7 FIE.Q4 9•��i — �� �:•��G E AIS11 Do OF s 01 .4s - - - * :.No 09814•.•91 S ':tr WOOD SYP#2 NOTES: •Provide longer fasteners,if required,to allow for thickness of finishes �� STATE.a such as stucco,plaster;siding,-etc. �o ' X 6,R 16. s � ••Design as per NDS 2015. �!•,' " •cr�; �, :.� •'Lag Anchor to be-fully embedded. Douglas Fir-Larch alternate acceptable wood type. THEODORE EERIAM RE Ro.MI. •Note to Installer.P-Lag'Screw does not have available hole.plug for side 1M2=17 rail. DATE: 01/03/11 DATE: "12/12/2017 DWG V-: 201-2010 SCALE: N:T-S. 5 EET: 11 of 12 METAL -Y4'g TABLE 8. ANCHOR SPACING C, a ��� E Min. . Min. Pressure. Span w Anchor Embed. E.D. (psf) to 48' to 76". 0100' to.124"to 148"to 168" to 192" 0 2 •w Q.t w METAL NOTES: w u .� $ t3 30(psi) 6" •. ..3" 3• . 3- — — — .Minimum 3 pitch'shall extend past metal substrate. C3 W .v a c v,ME; .=14 TEKS 40(Ps) 6" .3" .3' - — — — 0 o y .0 SELF-TAPPIN 60(psf) — — — — — — — 4'a _ ,M c y SCREWS90(psf) Q= Q N t1 —. . , �' SELF-TEKS 30(psi). : 6' 6" . 6- .,6" .6- 6' 6' c 40(psf)' .. ..6"• 6" 6" ..6' . . �. - 6�.... 6' t45, c SCREWS V 60(Psf).... 6' 6" S".. 6" 6". 6., JN a(spacing.per - - —— - :._._.:_ - -- -- --- ---- -- - ------ J lest#!01 dated 90(P� 6' 6' 6• 6' 6" 6' 6' �D 2-8.08 410(psf) :..6" . 6- 6" 6.. 6' 6' 6' E 'a.a� E 30.(p3f) 12 12'' 12' . 12'• 12' 12 12' U p� c� rte'Cc -� 40(psf): - :12'.. .•12' : :12 12• 12• 12' 12' N;;�'.�-��o- 2 w Y"'14 TEKS . vl... U_v n , H SELF-TAPPIN 60(psf)'' ' 12 1Y 12• ':12 .12 .12".... .12'• <-0 CD c°o• SCREWS 90'(P§f) 12" 12'.' +1Y ': 12'.. :12' 6' 6"' y ca• �0m� :110(pSf) .12" .12" 112" 12' : 6" 6' 6• C •.O. —M a. fD .al > Esc w 30(psf) 1Y 12' 12" :12' 12• .12' .6- . 6" .6" < � 33 N• i-14 TEKS 40(PSI) .12' •12• 12' .12" 12' 8" CIO. E N m. SELF-TApPIN 60(Psf) •. .'i2" 12" 12".• 6" � 6' • 6• -.6- SCREWS .6•SCREWS (N 90(pSt) :. '127. -12 6'.: 6' 6'• 6'.: 3" 110(pSf)• 12 12' 6' 6•. :..5" 3". . :3. ����- L ��� `����►t»uee�����, 12" 6" 6• 3" 30(pSf) 12" �� L1 f) 6' : 3• 3' . 40( I---- P .. 12'. 6" 6" .,3• .3" 3" 3' •.�, F••• zO Y4%14 TEKS SS 4No o98i4 '9y" M SELF-TAPPING 60(psf) 6- 3- 3- 3• SCREWS '4 90(Psf) ,'6' 3"... 3' 3' — STATEOF 110(pSf) 6' 3" 3• — — — — •�� �• 30(psf) 12' , 6 6' 6' 6'. 6' 6' Oft 110110t ' '14 TEKS S5 40(psf)..' 12" .'6" 6" .6" 6' 6' 6' z~y THEODORE UEA1Un.PP .SELF-TAPPING60(psf) 6' 6" 6' 6- • &. 3'.. 3- HO.M14 $SCREWS INpg0/7 ,. 90(PSO 6• 6- 6' 6" 3" 3" 3'' 110(pSf) 6- 6' 6- 3- 3• 3" -3" DATE: 01/03/11 _ REV. DATE. 12/12/2017 DWG#: 201-2010 SCALE: N-T.S. SHEET: '.12 .of 12