HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 day power release 08-26-'20 10:40 FROM- 7728787656 T-215 P0004/0006 F-530 + - 4•r,->v . ...nb La i:i 1 ny;: • .,j/1�� ��r�.y �y,(�/�(�� .(• .+ .ATl , �•, ` PI I. ' ffirii, Db ' �' a AVPIn P MM 7? 41iw4 � •'Fair 7-72-41-6443 �a�it�s�i�s�r•'�a��`�'��i:�ae `� r Ise Dat.. Pe !Mio3er � � '�- �,. J(o 21> P ect Addrem, THE UND.EMCNED HEREBY REQUEST PELEASE Or-ELECTMCAL POVVM TO TiaE ABO.UI:E)eSCRt W PROPERTY,FOR A PEMOD NOT TQ EXCEED THIRTY;30}DAYS,FOR TH2 PC!MSE OFTES ING MrEM Mb EQWMENT IN PREPARATION FOP,A FRIAL.INSPE010k *IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE kEQMST WE.HEZEBY A�01IMM AND AMEE AS CWS:n I., This temporary po 'v$ease is ruses dor the above sited phase scaly,an d t?em vAD be no occupancy of any type,other than that permitted by out istr ucton dtiring this time,period. 2. AS'witness by our sigrtoboes,we herby,agr-ee fid abide by-all[dans and co ons of this agreement, Including Building Ulvition.Polity,whM. is ingorpdeMmd herein tk y re tie. 3. All condiUbns:acrd regt&cMeptslisted in the atttidled document entMO-d"Requirementsfior 30'Day Power for T,etung,tov�e:bsim ftMled'and the premise is ready for c omprorm.inspecpon. 4. All regttc-ft for ata`edeMon beyond 30 days must be*made in wiubg to tt-m 8uaiding;t3i idai stattng tate naso fbr the request Pow may be Mmeved-fxom the ste,and/or a Stop alb*{Wer issued`if tho F.iirol'Inspe0on has not peen approved within 36'days. A tee of$100.60 will be r+eguwW to tilt the Stop Work Order. WE HERESY REL~ ASEMD AGREE TO HOLD HAl2ML SS,ST. LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMP l=S FROMAi 1, LIi:IB�S i� l�#S OF ANY TSE OF:NATLIR%1 HICH I4AY ARISE NOW OR IN•"l'HE FUTURE OUT. I OFTINS TRANSAMON,INCLUDING AWY DAM&G`E VM-C ! MAY BE INC,RI�J)UE TO THE i3I5C�ONl C ON di=I�. TRMC PbWEK M THE'EVE: NT OF A«LATfOhi OF AQUffiTiMfT: L/Y NER I NATUR DATE DATE I_LECfRICAL C0M`WC7-OR SIGNA-WRE DA7E'