HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING APPAll APPU CAE IL € INFCI MUST BE (I CIMPLETEID FC IFI ARI L ICATIC IN TCI BE AICCIA TEl7 PERMI TYPN: PP MMM IMPF t VFfU PUT I I'1 rAl IhN- Ianmit Numben: Building Permiit A pplitiation A(Iclress: 7740 Robert I RD Fort Pierce, It 34991 Commercial Residential Y FraFIartrlTariID#:1;01-614-01554(113 Lot No. Site Pla n Na me: 7200 Rot a its RD FIIc rt Pierce, FL 34 951 Ella c k No. A reject Name: Kenneth VA Floc germ Jr r ETAILEO C ISCRII TIOOF WWF K: Replace 19 Windows WAmpaot. Siwe for size. IC10MIRI ICI [ON INFO IMPTION : Addil ional world lo be 11 a ri(i rme(I under 1 his permil — ahecl all it a i apph : —MentaniaaI —Gas Tank _043 Pilling _3futters X W iii c I C ws/Doons _ Ile ctric _ F lu mbing _' prinkle ns General oil _ Rooll A i l ah Tolal 9q. A oil Cans ruction: lql. Fl. of Iirsl Fla ar: Cost oil as nsl ruction: ;I 31 00 W ilities: _ 9ewen _ ]epl is E uildinl He ighl: C WNERAVISSU: CC IN TRA. CTO Na rn a Kennettl W Rodgers Jr Name: aL FAN ETT WAYN E Add re Is: 720a RC bertsREI Compan}I:FHIf1,LLCI Acldra ss :3044 "M I � 2 %Ill (I ity: Nor I Pierce Stal e: FL City: HCIL LYWCIOD 91atis: FL Zip (I c (if: 311951 fla)i: F t one No. Zip as de : 7 3 312 Fa ai: 07-477 8384 E -N ail: F hone No 9 54-797441!1 Fill in fee sirngle Til le Holden on next page ( H diflere nt 8 -Mail oriandc permils@fhiaremoc le iin91.coni from t he GWnen lis I ed a I c uej Sl ai a on County L ieense FI If value o1 constr( ctie n is !1250(1 oci ni a re, a A Ell ORDII I: No I We oil 41 a mmenlre ment is require cl. If vale ie o1 HVAC is $7,500 c r morie, a RICCIRDED Netiae o-1 Commenaernenl is regluireiI. DESM NERJENGINEEPI, _ Nol Applilxlble Name: Address: city: S1 ate: Zip: Phon e FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ h of Alppliubic Name: Addaess: City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COM PANY: N of Applk able Name: I It Idiiess• aq : SI of e: Zip: Phone: BONDINC CIOMPANII: —Not Applicable N2 me: A Iddress: City: Zap: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACIIDR AIIFIDVI'1: Apr licadoo is her a b� mac a to obti in a pentlit to dc thn work and Im to la tion as N ckatee . I c rtify tl la t no work or Installation has carnrne need prior tel the issuanu a f a q enTkh St Luc f( County ma l es no aepre ser'l atW n that is gran tirur s emit wI ll at tha rice therian n � I o der l o build tt a wbiect wuctu rc which is in conflict Waith ani II p tical le I lome QAAen! Ad Iatlor iiules, bylaw or an ena nts that mat re trill pi o Rltt sue h structs ne. Please cor srii w your Home Owriers Aslociatian arx review yow deecly nestrictior s whicA may al glj. In considera lon o the glans I ng a f this req uesteo perni It, I do I en eby aI Tree that I will, in a II re!spe cts, pgrform the v fork in accordance with the a pprovei plans, the Fla rlda Btlitdinil Glcles anc St. Luck Codnty Arm Inc rnents. Tt c fol lowing Ix ildir g 11 errrilt iI pptication s ac a e) ern pt €torr undergo ng a N II ca curd envy review. roost additloc s, accessory ! tructures, :rwimmiq pciols, N need wags, sign!, sae en roams a nd a ecessory uses to another non -res k enttial ust "VIIIAMM TO OwNEIE YOUR 11AIwRE TO RECOIIID Al NOTICI MALI RI�SMll71 IM OMR IigIrING Y'MrICE FOR TO 11OMR PROPiEwn A I NO OC I MM M SUMORDED /IIID POS'T'ED W1 TM JOB SITE BEFORE TTNB FNM m 4u u 1 END TC! I OBTAP FMrANC G, CONSLUI VIUM Y Altil ATTOI�Y BEFORE RECO Cll>FI C:ONMIMMMC:EIlEN11L"' x Z� /Z Signature of Owr I / essee/ ti actor as Allenl for Owner: i of Cdnd act* /tkerm i HokW STA ITE OF 1 F IDA STAKE Oil FLC RIaA / COL Nall OF - lJllG[ _-.- - OCIL h TY CIF_._.57. TI ei fo oW g instrurneint vias acknowledge( before nra Tk e f lrsll insi ru en l wa:i acknowledged b> fore me this & y of 2011 bi tl is 41 01 70-11 by ``tt ll f king states t. Name of II err a n nl a king stats merit. own OA tion tersom NJ Known CIR Pi oduc c Identlfitath Ir l a tlor ,�� Qt*�L, ... ��Y, ..al 1 yf a of Identlfleatior tameof ` 1}i� Procucer 00, ` y � s it �:• tore of No ry Pts a or ).� c`f •• (Sign i ture of S1 A60011 ri iN ERCADO i J p ndE d ItiT550r1 NO. �.y$ he u��� M)1 CgMMlSSI (0i 1741 CCI P10. )Ip1RI 9 /g. 7071 Wi is S1" 1\\ II���iFfifilillltt REVIEWS IIA ONT Z{]N INC 9 UI 11 RVISOR I LAN_' VEGIETAITIC7IH SEA TURTL9 N ANGROVI a iu NTER REV IEW REVIEW REV IIII W REVIEW REVIEW REVl11 W tIXIE RECEIVI D DArM CON 111 ETM) Rev. 217119