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7/21/2010 FLO'IOA 01,7 110 - 8175 Rome ' Loi in. I U3cr Rciis rxation Rot TOPS Florida Building Code Oidine � t , Submit Su:cha.—„e Stats & Facr. _ Publications I Conta« Us I SCIS aie Map Unks aearcn bFIFO-NIda�� Pr–.duct Approval USER: Public User Product AOoroval Menu =Product or AOoiication Search = Application list = Application Detail FE w FC16i/i-R -- Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application status Approved Cum,„ents A, �.hlvea Product Manufacturer Custom Winda- Srotams Iric. Addrebs/Phone/Bmad X900 �w agLh Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext 291 JlaLhropCcucws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@Cwb.cc 'Ihchivical Representative Jay Lathrop Addrcs3/Phane/Ernmll 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 k352/368-69cz Ext 291 jlathmpCw-3.cc Q.ality Assurar— Raprenantat6cc Arturo Montevarde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (0x2)068-6922 EXL Z41 amunteverae@Dcws.cc Category Windows Sub. ategury Singh Hang Cvmpliant:o Method Evaluation Report 6 um a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Pmfebblonal Engineer rvaluanon Report - Hardcopy Received Flariaa Enginaer,,r A ,hitect Name -ha developed the Laps A. 'turner Evaluation Report Florida Llare5E PE -58201 quaiily Assurance E.Aky Keystone Certifications, Inc. QoallLy Assurance Contract Expiradon Date G1/c1/c030 Validated By Stevcn M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate ofIndependencz Referenrd Standard and "t , (of Standard) Egaivalan.-= of Pruduct Sta,.aards Certified By Standard AAMA/W DMA/CSA/ 101/I. S.2/Ay V 0-08 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-09 PA TAS 201/ 202/ 203 Y_ =arc c0o8 2005 2007 1994 httnr•//flnrirlahiiiirlinn om/nr/nr ann rill aanx9naram=wf=FVXDwtDuuvvf4noAXh10v8OtiDbmBlPratAGRlxlsuliUObEAbcoo%3C1%3a 1/2 7rzwzuz0 Secdonb from the Code Product Apprzval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Odd! Pending FBC Approval Dat.- Approved Florida Building Code Online Method 1 Option D 09/28/2017 09/z9/zI!Il / 10/03/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, No ... bar or Name Deszr:pCon i6a77.i j I SH -8100 PVC Single Hong SH -8100 PVC Single Hong Impact Re.ibtant window. Limits of Use anszallation anstruetfons Approved for be In HVHZ: Yom. rLArox// K2 a t-wa-tsi/t-.oar Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Luta. A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Prossnre: +70/-70 E.alaation Reports Other: SH -8100 PVC ImpatT, no sill ancho:b required. Safety FL16177 R2 AE E„alReRort812C.adf giazing required on outer lite above 30 ft. In HVHc. Glass created by independent Third Party: Yeb compile. tv ASTM E1300-04. Bleu Remit :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee Fl. 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 Tn. state or Flunil- I! oa AA/ErUcm.,.loy... tanvdoht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statemant :: Accessibility Statement :: Refuna btatement Unver norTa now, emao a5uuresses are public records. If you do no. wan, yuur a -mall address released in res, ase to aPublic-records reyaest, do not send electronic mail w tna entity. msleaa, concacc me office By pnone or By -31tiona. mad. ,f you Have any questions, please ...n..eu-, 8.0A.7.r39a. *Pursuan, w Section ;S..2,z(1), Flefltl . statute._ eReztice CMDe. 1. z01z_ IlMnsees licensee under CRapter 4», Rz,. most plaWae me Dapanmenf wool an email alf0ress n may Mve one. one email! Provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. em..11 ..caresses ore paoiic record. or yo- ao not wisR w supply a personal ail3ress, please provlae Lhe Ueparnoem with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine ir you are a licensee unde. CflbPtv.455, FS._ pk. dick here . Frodu- approval Acce,—: credit Card Safe nunc-rtnnrinannllninn nrnrnrrnr Ann nil a�nxrnaram=wGtVXOwtDovvfvnoAXh10v8t3tiDbmBlPrafAGRIAlaullU06EA54-uQ%3d%38 z1z TURNER ENUINEEXIN(i & UUNSUEHNU, INC. I239 jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-38U-15"/4 FBPE C.O.A. #29 r/9 Evaluation Report 812C August 29, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact, 517/8" x 613/4" unit size, +/-70 PSF, no anchors in sill Mauufaeturer: Custo,,, W;,.dow Systems, I..c. 1900 SW 44`1 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Con,pl:ance. i h;5 ,epo,t evaluates the above-libted p,oduct pe, the,equ;,ementa of rAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requ;, ements of the 6`" Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) ApY,oval d,aw;ug CWS -812C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Repot NCTL-210-3815-1A, -2, and -2A, by Nat;v,.al Cert;iced Test;..g Laboratories, O,laudo, rL, signed and sealed by Ge,a,d j. Fe„a,a, with telt;„ perfv,,,,ed: TAS 201/202/203- 947 ASTM E 1886-02/04/05, 1996-02/04/06/09, and AAMA/WDmA/CSA lUl/1.5.z/A444u-U8 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS -812C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner; P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -812C. Limitations of Use: This product: • may be used in O/X cunfigu,atio„ in s;,&'c5 and with ,,,aA. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS - 812C s Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 7/8" Insulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite (Tempered , equ;,ed above 30 ft ;u HVHZ) — Air — 5/16 Lau,;nated (118Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann) inboard lite • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.u.A. 16-1117.02T • Kequu es Quanux (Mikron) white ,;gid PVC fra,n;,,g ye, Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206. 10, t i have evaluated the materials in these NOAS and find that they comply with the is ju;,ements of the 6. Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in tGts product. %e, [:f:ea[:vn of t„8ependenee: i do nm have, no, do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a tznanc;al interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing o, d;str;nutu,g p,oduet5 fo, wnich this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest ;u any other ent;ty;uvolved in the test;„g v, appoval }.v=5 of this product. lu v -.,.: NC 5:3201 Turner t.4—' STATE 2017-08-30 Q ~ 0=-tSTATE OF �: �_ 8/L9/201 / 16:11 *20:00 ,� U'' [ ° R:Lucas A. Turne, P.E. rr"r CONAL?�i YL.Ph 458201 (� '031181HOild SI ONI'SW3ISAS v Z moompA rQu ninj ya mumalivana V N31LIMM 3H11f10H1IM 3lOHM - �J' • - = V Sv a0 lava NI 100uui 100aaya W d MOONIM WO S'ONIf10 0 A1213dONd s U — Z m = iw aFI.:. %,IvlClmvau aIRI =x6 Z pQg �+ _ NI 03NIViNOO NOLMMO3NI 3H1 s; �;•.,•• IVLLN301dNOO ONV AW.LaIdd0ad s 33 0 0 �z WW o at LU O O C N 17 �a z�2 N Q z www ut W 6Z m to �VNFN j WI-- Z fq �wQ to t¢zA0 co z Owl p o.� Smm ui 3 O o�KO w OF ILI V Q LL v m"=w F =p i w E v2p_p m 2U)t1-i! Om p WJOQZ Z(mqu K J� — 2_ w MM y2 N pco M.@ �to V) 3Z �tal1 p� OS,.,s m zm�N N� R �K P 0� a =�'w=_w w ILI 0 t� -2 Oil zw��tF w 0 ZQ7H.; Na0 ? o O nd Csa� zJin �F �"� w xx i �30� �Wz$ �aZ� mw o Fw_ 34 ��i$ 6 K �w�wO`r' OMSV �� w "z o¢_ m > a F �o„ S �2 paap�t y zQ0 CLte,., ny =a2 �Q ILD w WOa �c) FRW az�.0 b IF ai zFx o , �F�wN? cli of o vi to ti ad of oa z 4 m �WI uj m a wNVWLL Z NFo � wa � W.0 o lV ,d (L J o, LL Qw ¢ J W .. �.., a In W LL n z w — z e 'OytlnIROOd al UNI 'SWMlOAD W m a MOONIM WOISf1O d0 NOISSIVROd r ac Na.uiaM OM11nOM11M y IURM r (0 MR: v aV W; IHVd NI NOuonc0Md3Ll -q ANV 'ONI 'SW3ISAS 2 N MVUNINI nMz;i 1U w A OOauaa w G 3'I0S 3HI Sl SNIMVHO SIHI O K 101 Oa1017i10u✓ 100¢vrvuv�l01 �Rt J yu�I X LL W m a N N r ac C G r (0 MR: a m � 2 N y W Qg m O O K mm a W Z LO J yu�I X LL W m a J r ac V r (0 MR: 1rwfl� - E id N VlCO iMmc? 0. , ` a •• J yu�I X LL — — t \11111.1//1/. •071ItlIF1�Oa 51 :JrvI J1�71JhJ ����P * .�^��; �! 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A�,�a c x ? a 0OR C W w O W w� a r zo Z=LU J LLJ J W o e�ZoZ_ W� �C y W Om 2w — v iqi C8'y� g pp W O]� QW'� _r O JE W W co °° w to C O O p Wm OamK G SRV m O zz0 FUJ � �m�Z am Qav� J— FP J �z2go 13 0- UJ 5 g doh O V` LL— O iY M X LU mw W 1 .00— z0 c abi ZgZQ �eaai iia F% m 0 I- ofir m ioo zc)R� — .U)-;: i O LL O U d tumW�pe fq j� pL a� Tj ffiz mW V C1 z w- r p�iu ulw I�i r 9 F Zi z gg z ai z ��m w J a j�� m hill. ` zvmi Ziu � � p T g o_ W p O E W E m m �� UI U ►D i0 ADW 3 dY1�1 O p W if d c� t�3 til O ac ak 1- o zUa (ft-CL x x\\X a m , m 0 0 rj K K ,arj a.� �Z i fi W p W W m Y "C) s e et W beo a"d S '011 13 �� r Fm m��qaa�Jmp * y SWy.7� 11w1 f0 azo Z O ZZ� NF r za m p (Qy HN Rm? mLL Zw = mom ay `� 7l2 ilLO2U Florida Rdidiny coda unline Bubiness r urofebsilainal .egulativil r 300 Rv.. i Login . User rtegisrratlan Roc ioplcs suomir nurenarge owts IN rani PuMitatlons j contact us w u ode nap UnKS seams Florida Product Approval USER: Publk User Product ADnroVal Menu > Product or Anolication Search > Application List > Appdeaavn Vet -n FL # Appli.Ation Type Code Version Application Scows Comments Archived Product Manuracturer Add2bs/Phone/Email Authorized algnamre Tcuh..I al Repre5cntat6a Addre.s/ Phone/ Email Quality Asuura"cu REprE32ntati,z Address7Phone/Email Catagwry Su6cat<gary Compliance Method FL16736-R2 Ruvi.lon zv1r Approved Custom window Systems int:. 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala FE 3gviv (352) 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrup@vYvo.cc Kevin Pine kpinzc°rcws.cc ]ay Lathrop 1900 Svv 44tn rave Ocala, FL 34474 (3S2) 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathropcucws.cc Arturo Monteverde iyU5 nW 441h Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext 221 arnonteverde@cyvs.cc Wlnd:,..s Horizontal Slider Evalaatkire Report rrum a Florida Rcgioterad Architect or a Llc.nsed Flarida Priifcsolonal Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name w"no aeveloped the Lucas A. Turner Evaluation Report Florida U ccn3u PE -58201 quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/21/2030 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Indapendance FLIB736 R2 COI EvalReport871C.puj Referant.ed Standard and Year (wf Standard) stanaara e AAMA/WDMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440-08 2008 ASTM E18a5-05 c003 ASTM E1996-09 2009 FA/TAS 201/202/203 1794 Egal„alznce of Product Standaraa Certified By https✓/tlori7a6oilding.—uig/pr/pr_apN dll.aspx7para�ir—wGt_vxQwtDyol3U51%Z11ZMb I yPwnUontuaSHAtsPuyYUlxit Fir 1 uxA7Sa730 irz 7/21/2020 C Florida Building Cude Online Sectio... from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 uptlon u Data Submitt.-d 09/28/2017 Date vaildateu 09/29/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/03/2017 Datz ApprwEa 12/12/2017 Summa.,, --f Products FL # Madel, Nrmbor or Nome Description 16736.1 HS -8200 PVC Hurizuntal Slider HS -8200 PVC Hurizantal Slider, IMPACT, 74" ,. 63`•, XO ur OX. Limits or use Installation Instrualone Approved frr uou in HVHZ: Yes Approved Fr dee outside HVHZ: Yes I-LIO/6t) KL 11 t-yyD-0/1t..Rpl Verifiea By: Lum. A. TUrner 58201 ampaLT Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yep Design Pr�saerz: +60/-60 Evaluation Reports Other: La.ge MissilE, 74". 6311, DP r/- 60 p.f. Outer lite In FL16736 R2 AE EvalReoort871C.odf I.G. must Oe safety glazed when used above 30 ft. in HVHZ. Created 6y Independent Third Party: Yes Glass =mplies to ASTM E1300-04. 16736.2 HS -8200 PVC Hu. izontal Slider HS -8200 PVC Horizontal Sllae., IMPACT, 111" . 63", XOX. se Ineutllation Instructlone App—cod fr.- cue In HVHZ: Yes FL16736 R2 11 CWS-869C.odf Approved for dee outside HVHZ: Y.s Verified By: Luca. A. Tomer 58201 Impact Resistant: res Created by Independent Third Party: Yes De3ig" Pressure: +60/-60 Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile, 111'. 63-, DP 4/- 60 puf. Oota. lite in FL16736 R2 AE EvalReRort869C.odf 1.G. must oe safety glazed when used above 30 R. In HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party: Yob Glass =mplies to ASTM E1300-04. 6ac6 i9ext Contact Us :: 26o1 ara.r stone Road, rananassee rL 3z3e9 Phone: 850-487-1824 . ne state er Randa Is an AA/EW employer. :: Prlvad Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement vlMer norMa law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want ywr a -mall address released In . p"nse to a Public -records ...,vest, do not se. -.d �kc�nlc mail to mis entity. mneas, conwEt me omce By paone or By traalaonai mall. s, you nllve any-yuesuu.u, please conwCL 350.;;87.z395. •Pursuan, w section X55.275(1), Florida statu emss, �11.81v- IXMDo r 1, zalz, ncel.aee IRZITI a unser ClIapter 3da_ r s. must prowae me Cepalaaent wltn an email ap8ress h may IMve one.. ns emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses ..re pubi.. record. 1r ,,,e av nor -isR till suppiy a personal-aa.ms_ please provwe Elle Deparallem w.u, an email aaaress wrl¢T. can be mage avadaele aI the public. 7b de.r mdne If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., -please dick here . rrollu�'® RR ff pprovai ssccep■ , l - f J I4�-1 Credit Card Safe rlyrnrsunnrinanudrllnn nrn/nr/nr ann dd aenx9naram=wGEVXOwk6ou8obl%2flZm6ToPofilz6-ontUd5FL4BPaaYUlxl"FJ. I C:XA%3a%JFI [12 TURNERhhhNCi1NK1N(i & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 7abara Ave. North Pon, FL 34288 Ph. 941-38U-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #z9-/ i9 Evaluat;o., xepu. r 369C Septe,nbe, t- z -U1 i P. oduct Lmc L jipdu..: Se.;m 8200 PVC Slide. W;..duw, La.ge M;sbile I...pact (H V t1G), AOA 111"x63" unit 5;ae with des;gu p.essu.es of +/-60 ysf (Pun u, rJunrc window) Ainnumetax e1: Custou. W;uavw Sy5tc1115, inc. 1'JUU SW 42i h Ave, Ocala, PL 54474 Statement of Compliance: This repot evacuates the above-c;sted p,o8uct per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6`R Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Tecn..kal Documentation: 1) 1 his .epvrt, plepaled by Luras A. Tu.ne., P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., Nv,th Polt, FL z) Approval drawius CWS -869C, signed and sled by Lucas A. TLunG1, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3887-3, -3A, -4, and -4A, by National Cert;f,ed Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 2ul, 202,203 '94, ASTM E 189(1 02/04705, ASTM E 1996,04/06t09, and AAMAIWDMA/(;SA 1017I.S.21A440 '08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS -869C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -869C. L;n.;ration5 of Use: Th.5 pmduct: • May be used up to the sizes and daylight openings indicated in CWS -869C • Achieves design pressures of +/-60 psf Is Large Missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be u5cd in the High Velocity Hu..icane Zone • In the operable sash, requires Kuraray (pupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16- 1117.021, and in the fixed glass requires Kuraray (Dupont) SentryGlas Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 14-0916.1 IT Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.10' I I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in these Dupont and Quanex NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6'h Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this p.vdurt. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial ;1,tc.est in CUbte.,. Window Systeu.S v. u. any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, not do 1 intend to acqu;,e,11o1 w;111 acquim, a fnallu,al;ute,c5t in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. Cuces Turner 2017-09-16 u9:27+20:00 �t.nlr/tri! NS .✓ _ No 58201 M • -S LL- E LrE OF 2'!1:Z Si �=•'P� o R t p P.. ����� P7 o1V 1+1' � 9/0//201-/ Lucas A. Tutner, P.E. YL PE #/58201 � '031181HONd $I ONI'SW3ISAS `- �aE;....... ,�. AW MOUNIM PGt3lal IJ SU 190lbt QtJ=Ja V O H N311RIM 3H11f10Hmm 3 ,Onm v, m ui > n0lava RI NOIlO_f10_OMd3U =�31 y y� [J vp ¢ W Q nIQO'JI41 �$��15n5 -K;? MOONIM WO1SnO d0 A-LUB. d :� o s ; — N m 105 mFR sl vNlMvau nlfll G6 :; Z "• g $ W "+ 6 Ni 03NIV1NOO NOLLVWUOdNI 3H1 lVI1N301dN000NVAi1tl131ad021d �•u.�„��;..=� o 2 yw m W W O Q> Z W W W 0 o w g7O, j O yj t ym 5pOOW EU. TZ !p zz Oz4VW W ypwp pzza Nyt2H v (� Z cc WO=O W Ny � Q�� 4-1 w >� C72� F F w0 a5 00 (V pa.Wr mU wW g W W` --i C1W �cz0 ZyU mss DD tl1 a,0 '�f11 N U -i yj� Um }� fp (y/1 W W 2 6 O Way�mm' W b mQ 3O roo §- j, 009 F- �v.J,1=WLL H Zp- y2 .� Q U. a meawzw W QW ya !// v V l'J Z O_11 Y zWF-N N J p,m ��00 O �a WE v € ?¢ y z �� o d w ig azzw oZ o Z o _ g J 3m uen ¢ w Wig �W wz$ Z-0 aiEo ¢ �a E.w, i wsl Eqy opmp-ova mom,-qAq o1 iZ fil1ggpp p}ZLLW a, ¢ BWQ EW:U 6W.WW W. 2 vQ 20 �' a ii 6 v ~ w aoWF-0 � �'mo Qt rn �wlllKlKll uj z WOE(az (az7w c; o WW CSZ L3 05SU-• �twj1 W Wb WO .. n N tC IA m o. C; 0 0 I I� � Ca 10Qm=-- w m 620EX YJ c O_ N 1 p ' I 1 1 1. pN w— Z M m Z m � V W m O I Q dl e 1 i �o � 1 1 I o I 1 , m<a IIH oleo 1 o 1 ID 1 1 1 �1 X I \\ 1 1 U U *4- m --- J W W c Z 12 = n�4i2 Ids= N 620EX U a z F CO F CO ffW^^ V J 0 Z F W LL W � 1 0., Z W O w N U F x YJ c M R O 1. pN w— Z M m Z m 3 V W m O O ZC-N qJ— K��LLd Jik ¢•• .v U— daaat o 0, fl��m€2 J W W c Z 12 N U a z F CO F CO ffW^^ V J 0 Z F W LL W � 1 0., Z W O w N U F x Q 'MulmlROna al unl 'siQ=LLSAS � .� ;. • 83�i�;� .�� a - p_� �j 1O W mvONlm 1TviSn9 =O ROlssl.-rc=a J iLy J v m LL 1` V L� N3.UlklM am inOH11M 3lOHM s �: -, - ` y 1� } j N ¢ ��1 a W c = v b a0.Lova M.10OuinuGaaao 3 z �• ^, - d < '- a ANV'ONI'SW31SAS „ ,# fie ° mvONlm 190.MriLl SU A10a000a � a'v H "'9` � � ~ W Q 0 � a z �+ 3 •r 310S 3H1 SI sNIMV21a SIHl a a a p q co RI OyRIv1Rui R0u vvmvOiRl yRI LL N = g m LL m _ ° V 3 = l.LNyU1yN00 ONV Aav13ma0ao ili , p►�1 z ; C2 e4 V LL N w 12 u m O _ rn Z F11 C=== m 1 � �g C, Lo u� z_ o uCL CL a zd WV 4517! lJ 0 ISOo - 15, a o0 §k _■ LL ®w a§ oB9 Eo eeeS §% §§§ d§�§ � 6 k � , I ■ 'MOw91ONImOIS2 z- § IN �$; 42 m-q w U v > 0 � to k 2 a m o2 m ■ 2m_w6& £ Ate_ N32a 2I22�m�2_ ,» uOIsamR £so _. IM o mw 3n � 2a� a Mba_� _��m m k� ao awom,& Mz■oi a�ao owAa�Udad §k _■ LL ®w a§ oB9 Eo eeeS §% §§§ d§�§ � 6 k � , I Ea ktL r §§ % �8 le § g$2( § .� E22 \o K k§9&/ § kb IL H b§ 2 4 m mai iskLL m §�K B ©§=7.9 .'¢k e k�q 7E§§I k § z k �o Ea ktL r §§ §. �8 § E22 ;§ § kb IL H b§ 2 iskLL §�K mak§ .'¢k e k�q ¢w§� k § -- -- 2} }k§ 22= . �/ ig ■ to Ea ktL r §§ Z O t fo W LLo of V y � A m tp m Q Oxlllilpvna wI :1141 Jw=1JAb ,��\��a(�.. • .... �� �w N m (O w MOONIM WO1SnO d0 NOISSIWM3d � •' •, d - ~; z ,y1 c v. U m p 5 }. N3111MM �Al .Lnum1m y 1atim vi o 0 p _-_ rn w vov ff— — LA a�� ® J V �• CJ Q v av au lava 10, NOI�,naiaa3u AMd'ONI'SW3ISAS _ o _LL;w * �;Z� cl d =ae�L-=r i2 °w 7CU q '� " f'- mvuNlmRUJAa U20Ala7aVaa 3'IOS 3H1 SI °JNimv- SIHl =��� o F "-v_ x ' 6 �.� Zto �c ?y: O1 F wQo a ° °' Z NI OyIQ1V11V�:J IDUQVIYaV7Nl �Ai y� � ............ �; LL 7.7 x a m m N IL �1•n.„n;\\\ V 3 IVIi14:%0iy140:7URVAa .LZICa a8 J z _ m fp U N Z O t fo W LLo of V y � A m tp m N E E E E i E E">ai i i E S g 3 LL S w s ac.ac.NNa�•o. aa0. RR o, o, ln� o ff M �fc3�ln3ma to x I;Ell -a�f F .�+ u � B E L �LLc a 2 m aaaysi� �2XYdX Q fll�Y� tnY � m W J E j¢UmE E a9a E m d U a _3 m 3: co �g� a,N x a3 02 _a ii IL 0�LL�a=1/ru �1Fa8°�°N� �Xa���mLL7�7J c c c25 FL a O�a � c E� fVn Em x x m'—° x c= 'tO 117 X K 'o °� •0 d d i; a m 4 ci Q x W 9 d 6 R c .D 5 Q 2S a0 r :o J IL Eo. ui ul 3Z 2 tu t91 was N E E E E i E E">ai i i E S g 3 LL S w s ac.ac.NNa�•o. aa0. RR o, o, ln� o ff M �fc3�ln3ma to x I;Ell -a�f F .�+ u � B E L �LLc a 2 m aaaysi� �2XYdX Q fll�Y� tnY � m W J E j¢UmE E a9a E m d U a _3 m 3: co �g� a,N x a3 02 _a ii IL 0�LL�a=1/ru �1Fa8°�°N� �Xa���mLL7�7J c c c25 FL a O�a � c E� fVn Em x x m'—° x c= 'tO 117 X K 'o °� •0 d d i; a m 4 ci Q x W 9 d 6 R c .D 5 Q 2S a0 - �avunl.gq e co M1181HONd SI ONI 'SMISAS a .......... �,�;� wa N - m tj LL W _ mUORIM Malt nu no AOlabin za V m a Q U O N311Cki RlM 3Hl 1f10H11M 3lOHM y- ! e :yam e� W=¢ `�' o 3:0 J v by oo lova RI ROu:n luooala 3 " N O Z m a4 �` d 0 ¢00 — to Q ANtl'ONI'SW3ISAS ^oWC�w # �;�= `° Q1° t� m1= � z q p 0- mvoRlm wotbllu y0 Ala=00i+o 1 O w Q I3 S 310S 3H1 Sl SNIMVLIO SIHl J -' a �i R � _ LL m S y g p V NI Oytn RIV1NOO NOI1vWL10dNi 3Hl �i4............. ,�� LL N a v y - g^, WIIN301dNOO ONV A 1 I d gt�Nq .. P % z " P w z a m F J (� y Q Z 2 € K N O m O to D Z y W co J OF O Z 6 a C� 0 0 N ¢ z LL mornQ ix z W Q z o OF T z N G O W ? ��W (V2 O F N Ou W W w W Or Co a z -s a We W w am � _j J _�� I PA w W LL K ri I � x �w o WsW ?ZR G N O U Z i J O lu to E s z z rc w ZZ O m W U -F D. O y ¢ U OO•' t } Y O M 2 QW- U Wg O F 1 R 1 � p u= U O C F0 y W �Fgi ZO VAN }tD Jdl fC = 111 Z m ^ $ d N v, g Zwo oCwl z z i3 0 a,'y, zy wz Z o i z ��5 z m� FN 'd_ w 6p c'�x }psi ffi z zo 1 � ;1 U R oa MO Z. z V 9 OW� z a= Ci _� mN w - - — Z Zf U Q wzro Eg tu a R� m 3 K -y m x U1N o Y flww7 z too `� - M MT d J W 33 O O p to to O O m j m V w5w -1 mzLL� �g O O L 1 ZO F VO mZ U 008 i y��jyjj t/V1 Q ¢ W V a O 8 c�,�._ _ 618 8 x 9- �m1.. '�zc "u�w X rw Z xt11 '� zZi 5 a ?= d UW KN �JJ aLU W -? U= to Sa O� rN= 1' y �_� �,t �� m a mmam moo K z � Q 4@ W FO F 88141 ¢s LL,V Z Wzz E o rc� F� �Fa 2 g Az U 59 0 Z? ym �inel-i i 8 w rxi�c0i Adm z�dzz a 3wa 6 b z - ci rS o m td 1- aD of 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 I m'031191HOW N SI ONI 'SMISAS A W V O mUGNIM wO1S11"J yW ?90ISbIpGsyya qty v?�' J 6 N3ILILIM 3n11f10H1IM 3'IOHM V SV NO.LWVd NI Nou3n0_OLId3Ll w i i rn1° y� 0• AiQv'01a1'S/VMiaA5 MOONIM WO1Sf1O d0 A1ZI3dONd 1 NlmvoG Wu DRi 5 u zmzlu W 6— NI03NIV1NOONOIIVVYHOdNI3H1 cr`Fi J O0cftu o, s = IVI1N30LjN000NVAUVIEflUdOLId $ WO m ZO °J ♦ 1� W `—+LL _m a J LL m F U 5 i O �W Ngo FW S z ZZ uy( UO g� Z b ~ U)6W (/J m(/1 �J yvZLL =m 2m vlm � - zp�(� �m Z LL ImZ° ZN tQG K C U, w� W�- �w-- 9 M� O 00..,� J� GJ LA {Q Z pZy Z Q � pz �� e I 2w r� �.........., i(r���' •� N W z O LL qty v?�' Zoe 2W K w i i rn1° J S o N# F �i"� zw-m a OjO: ¢ pik �. F W O Z G 3 m 0W O�s3 J O0cftu ° zdR -a ' N � $ WO m ZO °J ♦ 1� W `—+LL _m a J LL m F U N 0 zaw— b=:H z ZZ uy( �� �J yvZLL O fj 8w w o13 W z vg a in 5 4 z �m U, 2W K O W Zvm � 3 W O W Om � L 1W= o w 0W O�s3 J O0cftu vba am N � $ WO 0 ZO Qpug� Z rW r3 = f• F ¢�ZQ wm zaw— b=:H ZZ lJ O`LO� �� �J yvZLL W WLR1 U, w� W�- �w-- Zvj00 am IS M� 8w w w 2LU LU W m x W1O Zn fN zy ftm _2 1yZ.rn mF� Fl 9 w c� w 0W f0 ~tw'! Zp 4 KKKQ FF afn am N � IzW Hui W x W1O QW� o0 _2 1yZ.rn mF� Fl 9 a 0W f0 ~tw'! KKKQ FF afn am uwZW IzW Hui W r/Z-uzM Fiorida Builaing tone Online Business & Professional Regulation mrturo Monteverde WOVEN&, 1900 SW 44th Ave __ 1"r. _ SM;, Rome I Mg ,n l User RrylsaraJon i nor .opics auama surcnarge suets a Fads Puollea—ris wneu Us �. aCs sae leap d ilu it Product Approval Category windows Subcategory Horl��ntal SBder UaER:PualleUser ru evaloadon Report from a Florida Registered r%rrhiLect or a Licensed rlortda 1 Product Aooroval Menu > Product or Aoollcatlon Search > a > xppl,cavon oe.en Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received r FL # 36-R2 Application Type on Code Version CAppm�ea Application Status Commemrs mrchlved Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems I„c. Addm.s/Pfh,na/Email 1900 SW 44th A„anta Ocala, FL 34474 (6DL)669-67LL Ext L71 jlatR,.,p�e �z.cc Authud,ed Signature KwL, Pinr. kpine4ews.cc Technical Representative Jay Lathrop rddress/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext 291 jlathr vp@cws.c., fit un.s seaFM , ttualtty mssarance Reepresentative mrturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 amvntevcl'ae��ws.�� Category windows Subcategory Horl��ntal SBder Compliance Method evaloadon Report from a Florida Registered r%rrhiLect or a Licensed rlortda Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Archkocr Name who developed the Lucas A. Tome, Evaluation Report Florida License PE -58201 Quality Assurance Entity K—.ystone Urtincati'vns, Inc. Quality Asuara.z. C.ntrct E..pl otlon Date 07/21/2030 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validates„ CREcklist - Herd -pr Rz li ed Certificate of independence Referenced Stanuarn anti Year (or atantiard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Standard AAMRwDMr-yC�w.L U i/].S. yA4z10-Uo ASTM E1886-05 AS r M E19y6-09 PA/TAS 201/202/203 Year 2008 2005 ct)n 1994 Raps7moria8ouilaing.orgipr/pr app_all.aspxrparam=wucvxuwtvqu8oal%20Zm6TgPohLz6ontOd5HABPagYUIx14ZFJrTCXAak3d%3d 1/2 7/21/2020 Flurlaa B.,;lding C:ude Online Seaions from the Cote Prudoct Approval Method Method 1 Option D Datc Suubmitted 07/28MIL/ Dat.- Validated 09/29/2017 Date Pending r5C Approval 10/03/2017 Date Approved 12/ic/2uai Sommasy W Products Model, Number or name Description > 6is6.i riS-840 PVC Horizontal Slider HS -8200 PVC Horizontal Slider, IMPACT, 74" . 63", XO of OX. —Im-. f F of U Installation Instructivem Apprv..ed for osc In HVHZ: Ycs FL16736 R2 11 CWS-871C.odf Approved ror use outside RvHZ: Yes Verified Br: Law. A. Tun1cr 58201 Impact Re5;stant: T.3 C,oated by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pmia.u.e: T60/-60 Evalaarion rteports ivzher: Large misslie i4" x 63". DP */- 60 psf. Outer lite in FL16736 R2 AE EvalReoort871C.par I.G. matt oa sakry gladaa ..Ren urea a6o„a 30 ft. in HVHZ. Ciieatea by Indepenaent Third Party: Yes Gla.5 Compile. to ASTM E1300-04. •6iso.c HS-acu0 PVC Horizontal Slider HS -8200 PVC Harixrntal Slider, IMPACT, 111" . 63", XOX. Limits of Usu Installatio.. Instructions App.. vied far ase In HVHZ: Yes FL16736 R2 11 CWS - Approves ror use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified Br: La.A3 A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Y.s Created by Independe..t Third Party: Yes Design Pre.sw.: T60/-60 Evaloarion Reports Other: targe Missile 111" x 53". OP :r/- 60 psf. Outer lite to FL16736 R2 AE EvalReaort869C.odf I.G. must be surety gla..ea ..han u.ud abv.0 30 ft. in HVHZ. Created by Inaependent Third Party: Yes Glass w...plies to ASTM E1300-04. BacReent Contact Us :; Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AAJEEO employer. Coogljght 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Pdvm Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: treruna statement Under nontla law, email aaaresses are public recoras..i you Co-ot want y"ur....... d ..W-3 —Iwxa IF.. —pime to a Public -records request, do not send el—nlc aFii Ur mis e.-,Uty. inste"a_ oritac-f In. office b, phone o. b, traditional mail. If you have any questions, please mn. u 850.48. a39a. =Wrsuam w secwn Florida Statutes, effective October ., 23x2, licensees Ilcensea un"uer; ,apMr Toa, Eo. mus, provlae me DeparMlent w1Ul an email aaaress if May Rave one. me email?: prvwaea may ue used ror omaai eommunicad 3n, witn the licensee. Rowever email aaaresses are putlnc recoM. if you ao ner n.an Io aappl, " personal address, please provide Me aepaRRient wIM "n e ... ail "aa— aR0i wn 6e mese " -haok to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click lista,,,. F�I�LTPL.roduct Approval Accepts; a] ® f4ME. R%/" Credit Card Safe Mttps:unod6ar)uiliiing.org/pi7pr app au.aspx-rparam=—GEv,&QwiDya8t:61%211ZM6I4PonLZtiztit)ntutl5FIABPagYUlAl.FJrit;xA%sa%3a 212 TURNEIK ENGINEERING & C:UNSULIIN(i, INC:. 1239 Jabara Ave. Nortil Port, PL 34298 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 871C August 29, 2017 Product Description: Series 8200 PVC Horizontal Slider Window, Large Missile Impact (HVHZ), XO or OX 74"x63" unit size with design pressures of +/-60 psf (Fin or Flange window) Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44'h Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4). This r.odurE MmFlies with the . C.lui,'c...c..Ls of the S'h Ed;t;e.. (2017) Fla.;da Bu;ld;..g Cede ;uClud;.. , the nigh veloc;;ty i he p.oduet test;ug zumda.db pe.faimed inc; out6ned oriow. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS -871C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3$87-1, -1A, -2, and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201, 202, 203 `94, ASTM E 1886'02/04/05, ASTM E 1996'04/06/09, and AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 `08 4) Suyyleu.c,.tal C.1c.latimm to support CWS -s / 1C, bigued Mud be3le3 by LuCaS A. 1 u...C., rX. l,mtallativu: u,uts a..ult bC iustalle8 aCCU.aiug tO app.vval doCu.ueut CWS-S/lC:. Limitations of Use- This product: • May be used up to the sizes and daylight openings indicated in CWS -871C • Achieves design pressures of +/-60 psf • Is Large Missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.02? • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.10' T I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6'h Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which This lcyp.[ ;s bCu.g ;slued. I de not havC...0. do I i..LCud Le aCKu;.C, ..in will I as KuuC, a f111auCial iuLCiesL in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. ut rbi,��s `,'taRE ti, Eucas „J:No 58201 i urner *: 1()17-05-30 16:09+20:00 S1'Al E OF .SOL /2r2U 17 R P.�\�=,4. o Sr017M�-��rs LucasSA.yl Tu, P.1✓. � �fl,l1ItIits FL PE #58201 �pwuun.p R '031181H021d SI ON1'SMISAS�0 �E:.::.8.a W muUFlm muian, iG mi momora _` 'rte •• 'g� V G N3111UM RM InOH11M MOHM > o a �1 z e� a J � v av aO.tava RI Ramorruvaaza - 5 " $ O kNV'ONI'SW3ISAS ea%w N rt m mvORlm "D.Lti 1J Ov n.La=laOaa v 3 S w�_ 31OS 3H1 SI LJNIMVHG SIHI = y S 3-0 0 V N103NIVINOONOLLVWHOdNI3H1 = a UNaawRo0 0NV lH 31Md-o I �� ire ,■P 1�' o S� ��?10 �6LLmm •Z m �w w w iu=w �UNj > m m�j ,PjOZ N ?Z m tag, � �LL� Ca� O V z z �e�� o ane = =��IW � E z w v v •1'g12 U13wa yes m .5� - -Q Op-uzirr'a ao ¢X0 ER WZo od Zp=•. NmwR W2 ag0� }Q = ��B u aU. U ..m . 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