HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4745643 OR BOOK 4465 PAGE 2234, Recorded 08/25/2020 09:00:35 AM Permit No. State of Florida, County of St. Lucie NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Property Tax ID No. 2407-801-0042-000-0 The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencements Legal Description of property and address if available SANDALWOOD ESTATES SR? BLK D LOT13 (0,34 AC) (OR 1817-1031) ; 304 Deerwood Ln Fort Pierce, FL 34947 General description of improvements Vihndowa OwnerAessee Benito Guadarrama ;Bertha Serrano Address 304 DeenNood In Fad Fiend, Fl 34947 Interest in property: Owner Fee Simple Title bolder (if other than owner) NIA Address NIA Contractor FHiA, LLC Phone # 954-7924415 Address 3044 9W 42 ST. HOLLYWOOD, FL. 33312 Fax # 407.4728380 Suzy WA Phone # NIA Address NIA Fax # WA Amount of Bond NIA Lender NTA Phone # WA Address WA Fax # WA Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Statues: Name WA Phone # WA Address NIA Fax # N/A In addition to himself, owner designates WA of Phone # NIA Fax # WA to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.713.13. F.S., AND CAN RESULT M YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTMIDST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON TRE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TOOBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT. or ()waer's or cwf-e r // ftnatory'sTitle/0ltice Florida, County of St• Licit ledged before me this , day of _ 201 by - r �� �, , � ,� • ersonaliy known to me or who has produced as identification. Commission (tel) IIIH li LLC I icen s e No. CGC1 4 6'1890 / QI844818 3 044 9 W 42nd St. Fit. Laudenciale, Ill 333112 t- arriel Impraveimenit Contract Hage 'I of 8 Bnawarcl:954-792 4415 Miami Da de: 3091-545-4469 Flax: 9.1114-,1192-2'170 Web: wwmull is nemodeling.com Illi a il: in 10@ -II is nemodelin g.com r16 BEHN N CIL AC pIIPII IIIfiIIIMIA / 772-519-6288 Dale: CI8j111,12020 BIERIA / 11147x21 bennysuadaunama@yahoo.coni Req: David Aslin 3 04 3o erwood Ln f111QRT PIERCE FL 34947 This Conti is cl is made and eri 1 ered into this da 1 e of (18/'111/2090 by and be -1 vlleen FF IA LLC, a Clek wane Clonponation known as ("Clonlnactoii" or "FH IAI, 1-11 , a nd Owrii niamed above oil the pnoperly local ed at the addres s lis led above I nown as ("Owned"). 11 he Clon-1 uaclor agrees to pen'lonrn the work described belovi a l the pnopenty listed above: 11 Remove exislingl unills to be replaced (Nolle: Remc ved ite ms likely to be damn ged.) 7) Priepane opening as nea a s s a ny to nea a ive nepla cement units. 3) Total number o1 windows being installed 11 4] 1111otal nunibeii of doovs being insla Iled 0 5) HI a ink NCIT 1 o be a ompleted: No Irl a nioi a n e) itenion pairrl iri g. 6) If applia a ble, remove the hollowing sl ulteu pa nels, and,jon secunily bars. (spa a iiy) 7) Special lnsbiva pions: a', Cleanr p job debris a ri d pi ovide rata s s a iiy permits and in s unan ce. If applicable, in the event i ha i Contnaa f or is unable for what ever ne ason to obtain piioper peiirn ii s pnior to coni mencemenl oh any worik, Contnacior s hail rellund any previous 11 a yment a nt i his i riansaction shall be automatically cant a lied. 9) Additional WoO : ISN o linish woi ik of I eil l han normal iri stallation is to be da ne unles s not ed be low] BERNY GUI ID/IRRAN AI,1 B1i / 11'14772(Cusiom a ri's Inilials) G H oma owner's Association is 0 1 Total tlonlnact Price linaluding all discounts] $19,040 Wa ni arity: Clontraclor will pilovide provide via manly inlorniaiion to Ownen will in 30 days a 1-1(n complel is n a nd final pa ymenl . Sc I edule: C a n 1 iactojl J I a II Commence 'I he miork 7 days slier a na a LItion o'l this Clonl nacl (The "Comment a a ni eni Dale) a rid s l a If a n deaver 14 a ora 111 le le all via rk hene tin deiii wilt in 120 (falls a fi eiil the commencement c I;i le. N 'iscellaneous: TI h Cloniriacl and the accompanying woO sheet a on i ain it e e aline agreement ba tura a n the I a nl ies. 8 y 1 s ign ing 1 his CIa ri 1 iiact, Clwner agrees and acknowledge s i l at it has re a a ived the accompanying wojil s l e el. This Clonl ra al may n of be cha n gle d onaliy but only by a change ander on other wrill en amendment signed by both parities. TI a mialven by any pansy o'1 a I peach o1 arty provisions oil 1I is Coni raaI shall not operate on be construed as a waiver al any v+inilten amendment on waiuen oil any subsequeal breach 1114 m pa city. Yoci the buyer may cancel 111 is Contra at all any •I irna Anion to midnight on the thind business day anter 1F a claIe o-1 this Clonl racl . Property Claud Page l al 1 Micl elle Franklin, CFFI — Sai11t t ucie Clounty Prop erty Alppraiser -- E III rigl is ra : erved. Iinclplelrty Idil llfloaliarl Site Acldrass:304 IlarealID: 24C11-801-0041- coOuntAI: 19951 S erlawn/Fango: DEERWO(ID I N 000-0 C 7/313 /44 11 Map ID: 2,1/019 Zoninll : RS -:I - Coi Use T;Ipo: fl 100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucia flaunty Ow nlershipl Leglal C escripticln Bonita Cluadanama Sfil ` DAILWCKID EI' TArFES 9/[I BI K D L(IliI (0.34 AC) Bartha Sen-ano (UI 11117-10] 1) 104 Dea rwooc Ln Fart Pierce, FL 34947 VAW: Yaai Built: 1999 Primary Vial]: CEI Stuaso Badroonis: 0 Full Batl s: 2 Ha if Batt s: 4 Him 11Ccvar: Elirrr SI ingle flramc : 4tarA Haight: I f torl A 0 114: 100 Va Hari ted %: 10(44 4prinkled %: %iI III rior Uii to Roof Stri ch re: Hip Grade: C-1 'No. Un its: In teric r Da tr Electric: N AXIN UN Heat Tilpe: Fra Hots it Heat Fuel: ELEC Taltal Areas 8 uiidinll Type: HC+ 8 ffec ti, ie 'Year: 1999 9ecandaay V all: I rine a ll Int Wall: Aliig Hgt/FEoor: 0 1 rimarl Flaary Carpet Fiji ist ed/Llnder Air Clunieril Values F islarical Values 3-yelar Jusa arl et: 11:15,400 Assessed: 191,619 Year JasLN r11at A Issessed Exo mil tiori s Taxi ble Esiemptions: '190,00( Taxal]a: 141,619 2019 5195,400 $97,619 $10,004 141,619 2913 $130,200 $95,199 $10,004 14:1,799 2(171 5114,809 $93,E29 $110,004 141,839 3 alc F isl cry Date Book/Page S111e Coda Dead Grantor Pnic4i 09-:I 012001 18171 H 31 XX00 Wil I open Joso L 111 9,9 00 42-13-1999 1203 / 1069 XX00 Will N ERCEDES HOMES INC 589,900 07-11-1993 I N61 113'1 XX00 WD flmnoes J Ta la 'I 1.000 Primary 9u ild Ing Ir fall ial icln ■inishad Area of t1h buildirll : 1,54 ( 1 fl Gra ssskctahadAlea:1,061 �F VAW: Yaai Built: 1999 Primary Vial]: CEI Stuaso Badroonis: 0 Full Batl s: 2 Ha if Batt s: 4 Him 11Ccvar: Elirrr SI ingle flramc : 4tarA Haight: I f torl A 0 114: 100 Va Hari ted %: 10(44 4prinkled %: %iI III rior Uii to Roof Stri ch re: Hip Grade: C-1 'No. Un its: In teric r Da tr Electric: N AXIN UN Heat Tilpe: Fra Hots it Heat Fuel: ELEC Taltal Areas 8 uiidinll Type: HC+ 8 ffec ti, ie 'Year: 1999 9ecandaay V all: I rine a ll Int Wall: Aliig Hgt/FEoor: 0 1 rimarl Flaary Carpet Fiji ist ed/Llnder Air 1,]40 (SF): Grass c kotatad Area 2,061 (SF): Lang I Si:i a (a (i n i s): 0.68 Land Siza (SF): 39,420.1 Total 8 uililiull Count: I Special leatu lies arid Yard Itclms TiIp1 Qt} Units YoarIIt UTILITY AVG 1 1411 1999 CHAINLINK 6' 1 9 3:1 1999 All in& rmation A beliaued t4i be �iarrect 2 t tl is time, but is cul ject to ahanic and is pro, ided with tit an`I uiarrant, . CI Ccplirigl t 2020 Saint I a ie 4 aunty flrolart, / Ippraisor. PIII rig hts reser+i ed. httpsl ://Iwww.pa:lla .org/RE(lardl 3 112, 24 20 �l:11I202U Rbrde E uilding Code Online BZW 91. ; uq t f U:a I R.Ost a I ria Twp SubrM Sura; W ` Snit s Faft RtWBHOM !, Us 1 eC :I SRe �W sinks ! Seme I I - r 14 Itrodnd Agpniival FLAAusea: Puhlk User sof > > AmOuSm List : A motion Deo A Fl- 41 FL:I 6:1 �- At T pltcatiorl TWq Revision Code Versk n 2011 Applicatiorl Statr s Approves Comments Ard I, les I M LI e. M, nufadi rer Custom Win ddw Sysberre Inc. Address/Pha er Emall 1900 SW 44ttl Avenue Ocalt, FII 3447.1 (312) - 68-592] E)d 291 jla thrnl @avd.oi Authodt ed 911 n: [sire Kevin Pine kp lnei@cm.cc Tec) r icail A epres4 ntz tlw I lal I Lati Trop Acldress/Phoner Imo 11 19 09 SW 44tt Ava Ocala, FI134CH (312)3611-6922 Ext 291 jtathra pCxws.o Qual ty Assum no i Representative) Arturo Ma Ite r rc e Add reWPhonea Ema11 1901 SW 440 Attar Ocala, 1`111341 ail (3: la) :I FA -69 2: Ext 2 31 amonteverdeeo s.cc Categii ry VJir down Subcab*orl1 Single Flung Cora gHance Mathod 13+iaiue tion Haps rt trim z Flarlda lleglstered Arcs ited or a Llmiset Florld7 Fra fessional Ed glrm er >=valuat a i Report- l li rdeopy l ecelved I IU rid, Engineer or E rcW ect Na me who dens k ped the Lt cas AI TUrrler Evill ra don Fb pi rI Fit rid, Lloer se FE`38:111 Qriz My Assurar ce Eln tltV Keylsb Iris Certifications, Inc. Qrjafity Assur, nce Contrac Expimtiar l Date ( 7n 111030 Ve lid, ted By : teve n M. Urld I, I E VAN; tion Check ist - Hardcopy Recei, eel CetWicabi of Lv epent emce i Ra fil reined 9 b ns are a rm Yei r (of 9 tarn r rs 1) Et uM lenui of Froduc Sty ndardi Certifies I B� I Standa[i AAMA/V C MA/CSA/11011/I.S.2, A44( -D8 ASTM 11886-0f1 ASTM 1199E -09 PA TAS X41)130:1,1203 YAW 2(11E Ic11° 2015 .1594 ti1rm-Ih%vkisUmdtlku nroirmtrm ann dIl.amnVIrurarn,-wGF..V)INItnavvf rnA)MMOlObn 91F'rEfAGllt IscIItI0EE4bzoQ0A3d%3d 112 7!2112020 Sec Ions frOn d le II a Ile 1 rol uct Approval Method Date SI1bn Itted Date VAItdatel DA to PCrx in g M Apprr val DA to Apprl Ived Florida Bulling Code Ulm m MI thod i Option o FL # Mot e , Number or Nan e 1!1177.1 9 FI -8100 PVC SIIII glc }lung Lin tl of Ilse Apprw ui d fa ll use k HVH3 : Yes Approi ed to I I use 4 utc da HVHZI Yen Em1 act Resistant: ! les Desilln Presse re: -1 il0/-70 Other. SH -1100 PVC Impact no!i I n n dw.. required. Safetj l glazing retlulm on outer Bte zbo+le .0 fL In HVHZ, Glass complies to ASI' E1300-04. Descrill tion 9H-1100 PV(I Sick In Hung Impact Heslstallt windom. Instt patfon II at ucttorls FL16177 P2 II CWS-812Codf VerlFlerl By: Luc s A.-Mrrler 582( 1 Cres to d 11.1 Independent Third Part) : `les Evalul tion Report! Created 1:11 In fepeadent Thlr( Part)!: ` les QaW 1:: ffiorke:11Q2 Th I Stm a of Florid i at AA/EW employer. QedgM 2007-2013 Stilt of Fwrlda.:: Mvbcv :: :: katund tlydn PAwMh law, emee addresses ere PK" records I l ya1 dtl not ww* you I small add [at+ rete®t In rft4w r a a PL" -records rm"st, d 1 no sem e*=ntc mN t tit I cont . irate* , ax -AK the olaae br phone or bl tradKlonal mil li you tarn cry questUans, *me cantad M.487.1M S. •Pwuw tt Sectlo A 5.175(1), FWM Vatutes, dferslva Oaobe 1, b 12, aoensee1 Smue rwde ChWo 459. 1.5. mint pmvkl the hapMvmn with w eine address IN they hn+ orla Thi I Woos Wa'kled mW be used for onlclel oxnnuvom on .eth the lk tragi i tmeevu ema ad nwei are publk reawd. LI you dd not wish to supply a personal, "drm , please provide the Oep rbnwNl with ar emae addrts whid can IM made eyed It to the public To determine 11 yo ant a poeryee under fhWler 49! , F.SI pease dkk ltt>Fal Produc Approval / a pts I.�L�,{1 IME2 Nd EB • SC' ll.lJ1' 5:1 1 1=N tltni-llnnrir shrti0 rxrnrnlnrin ann rltlstrnti?nm7imawr-EV)IDwtDavvA rwiAX110vtOlilbn BlPrafAaklt' lsallUObEAbioQ°A3d%3ll 211 TURNER EINGINHERING & MT, SUIITING, ]INC. I9 19 Jabs ra Ave. Nor h Hort, PII 34288 Plh. 941-380.1574 HEIPH C.CI.AI. #29779 Hvalus tic li Rel ( rt 811 i C AugLI st : 9, 3 017 Pi is duct De me rill t is is: 9 e hies 814 0 PVCI Siu81le 1l ung, La rl a Missile Tmpa ct, I I M" x (I l 3)4" unit s ice, 4)1-701'',I F, no a nii 1 of is in sill Mlanufaet uneii: Cusu m Win clow Systems, i na . 194 0 SW 44"' Avc, Ocala , F11 34474 SI at a ni ant of Ca mplianea : 11 his rape A c va luates the at ova -lister pi iodu c t pen the requii ern ents of FDIC I Product �IppiiovaI Rule Clhaltei161C1211-3.005 441. Tl is 11 ra due t complies w`tl the re quint ments old e:(I(h Editic n [2017) Flani(la Building Ca de including the Hig t Vc too ity Hurricane 2 one. 'the product testing sitandands penilormad a r( outlined i cilom . 71 1 nical )E ocunientation: il) 'IME iiepoi t, piiepaned by Bua w A. Turn ei i, P.1., i 1 1219 llabara Ave., is oath 1 art, FL I ) Alppiv ial ( Ira wing OA 5-8120, signed and : eale d t y Huca s Al. 'Aur a r, P.E. 3) Test R q out NCITL-210-381:1-1A, -1, and -3 A, t y Nrtioua 1 C er it'ied Testirig Labaratonies, Orlando, FU, Ogned and sealed 131 Gert rd J. Ferrara, wit] te:i ting pe ifa rme(: 1I M 2011207 /: 0:1- 94, ASITM H V86-02/0,1 105, 199(1-4 2 04,106/0, and AIAMAM IMA (19 A H L I1.S.2,IM440-08 11) SnipplearelitalClalciilallions i(i support CIWS-812(1, sigge(I an(I sealed bylhicas A.7urnen, P.Il 1 m t a IIs tis ri : Units must l a ins tailed a ceonding to apptic tial (lociiment CIVL S..812CI. Ilimilations afU.e: 'this piioduict: + M m 3I ba wie d iii OfX aonfigu of tion in sizes and with max. gh s: MCI height: at sl owri in CIWI; - 3120 + is impact nesh taut End doe, n(i t sequiire the use oil shuttans M a3I be use d in the Fl igh til els a it y E urria ana sone Pequ irei Wg" I nsu lating Cl las i ca m isting o f 1,18 Ar.lneala d on 7emfl eue(I outs sand lite r(i mil ened negrrined abode 14 ft in HVHA) —MI— Sill(I Laminated (1,18An6.O1(PV13-1,18Ann' inb(i zid lite Hequ inei Kutiart y i Pu11 c nt PVI In to iii pen Mia nni-Da (Ie 1* .O.AI. 10-1117.02T + Hequim- Quin ne)i (Milman) whits iiigid PVIC fila ming peri Miami -1; a(le 1'.01.1. 17-09 (6.14t t l hwie evaluated the rnatenia 1i in those NCIAs an(I find d f t they c(rnply v ith the uequhcme uta oil the 6" Ed. 120 11) Hla nicla F uilding C la dii R r use in this 11 no duct. Certification afindependati(e: 16o not hvie, nar do 1 intend to aequine, tion w'll l acquire, s financit 1 int4i rei t in Cri scorn Wlin dow Systems on in a ny a ompary nianuflcti ring % diff tuibutinl piiodrrat,i 0c n wl ich This aeporl h being is sued. 1 (lo not Katie, na:u dol intend to aaquiiiie, r oii will] acquiiie, a firianaial interest in a ny othaii entit31 inw ived is the tea ting ar a ppiiova 1 prioaes:i (f this pre duat. 101 P:"1 s Lucas w 111i ssat I = Tuuneti 2017.08-30 STAT w Cil: 16:'11+20:00 Q ` .� 8 /: 9/, d 17 k,451,• •..,,.,•• a III= A. Ilurri eu, P.1 1�r4,'sINA �sS-% F11 BE #9820:1 C1�1181N961ll:Nl':EN3.I.i7 MOapIIM WOJSfIO.qe 1101. II IM13d ���,d�`=jk'wy leiv.l ¢ o (I LU a 113J17 IM 3Ftl. flOFIlIM = 1 C I IM 4, �R' J r o a ,may A ?g o 0:. %� > en h N Q LL w znQ w Z } O o o as vsvNODJVclI,INOI.1011clO�G13F1 _; fl, �: �. DuIY � �1= pv �3e� Q„Fcall ANV'Dbl0WdjW MOGNIMWOJIflo;ICA.ZEidQ2iel _��w * z;= •:[ISV<I� y� \ ��I c ula0• �� w Q o ui 1 III tS alfa S 3HJ. Sl 9 NIMV2i4 911ii NELE03PI III 03i'I-MiNS� '.�I"t.l m '� s',,s�� ` m a ° °' cI Yz�^ c Q W aNV a OHticl aw N CI a 2 �e1 ,..h S wU' n n C] i ,1N0: °p O p Z N � k-• W 3I�II � (n � � GA UPI a a K �y wLl a to m O y � ,n �- Ili [ry F1 `I z 6 Q3 h C1 ¢¢ x C CII Lj a 4 u�l O ccl 4 C QO 001310 11 OF- } � �}• y^ U U a o ° k a r; a cy zo7He 7 }!1 M 6611 N Oni LU d � 1 m ws--j a' z� 0 I m 9a �x iv �I' J s_ h flu in mi11N �i wm�O IJI wLj u! q �¢ 41 QQN O31 W 07I w1m ��C�II a ul a{I �tb a) p¢2 of F. ��cl [C ° DCC 11 'FFO- �o °d W N >1 • v O��AO° ��1z EI a :1 zW O 0 ul pI0!2z yy O 0 wl~ia� > �I"-" ` > N Zy j of (; 22 u w Z q ,/�f/�O� q O yO_15 O F-ZaU 0.°• pm i z LII O U ul IWW � lu f31 �ri�oo A1%Mmt. 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A ddre ss/Phonq Flrrwill 1940 SV 44th Avec ue Ocala, FL 344114 (153)368-(9,12 Ext 7 9:1 jlathnl p@cws.cc A uthorizei Si[ m2 III re Kevin Pine kp neo cwa,c4 le chnicz Represegti live ]A y U throp Address/Phone/Erdall :1900 9W 441 t Ave OalG , FL: -14114 (191) 358-41922 Ex' 19 :I i lett I rop@cm-ci Qua Iity Assure nm Re(( resents tive Artuni Monte:ve rde Add esA Ptlone/Emall :194 ( Sw 4 tt1 live Ool t , FL 344 741 (:192) 68-1191: E)1221 a me Intl 1111 e@avi.cc CatE ga ry Wig cls ws Subcategory Singl■ Illi Cornpl4 noe F lel hoc Evaluatiol I Repori iron i a F lodda F egls eyed Arcl• Iteo a r a Licensed Florida Pro]esslat al Engineer Evaluatlon Report - Flardeol y Received nIrlda IN inee orArcht e:et Nance v the len ielojed the Lucas A, Turner Evdtuatkml Ret( rt n rida License PO -5824 1 Quality Assuranci 11I Keystomq Certifications, Inc Quc Ity Asstlrancl C1 ntr2ic Expiration Rab I 07.I21/a-11 V2 iida ted 811 Steven 1I Urlct , PE :' Va lidation 0 hecklis1 - 112 rdcopil Recd cued Certlfteat4 of Inclependence Refarenre Standare ane Year (of Standard) Equhr lence of F roduc SU ndl rdl Ce Rifted Bl1 ,R 4 111 JII WOM N Kr:1 1071-1 Ii *- Ys1ul ANIMA/WC MA/CSA ]11/1.9 .4A440-08 2108 ASTM 91884 -09 2WI ASTM 119 6-09 2009 TA 101/242,1a1 1994 t ttpi •r1111oridal uilcibif .a g/g rhj r apv_dtl.asp)C F i rF m =wGEV) QwtDqvFGYZQrZO R911l 11,14 X$P%2 p( G2n446le Vt MhW%2bDF IN4gg%3c 91311 1/2 817r11020 Illorida 8 ulh ling Codd Online Sections from ttul Code Produc P41pro'0 MetW Method i Option 0 E ate 9 ut mitted 09. I; f 12 11 11 E ate l lalldated 09.121/2 011 I ate F4 rH Ing FBC Approw, I 11, IC 2/. 017 1 ate App roved 12 12/;017 Sun nary df pro+_ucts FL # Mode 1, hunt ism or Ni nle Deser ptk n 17617.;1 Stl-E 100 111-1-8100 FVC Single hung LI rratts of Use Instaflatid n :Instruct ani Apll rx ved fur ust I to HVHZ: Yei FL17647 RI H CWS-958B.Ddl Apgrt Vac fon US41 outside IIWIZ: 116$ � IeHHed a y: Lucas A. iUmer'187111 Impact Restst nb Yes are? ted I y Indeperw3a t Thin Party: Yes Design Riessura- N/A lualuatk n ptpelrts Ott er: 5ek instaltatkwl dettlll fol si; es 1 ni DPd Outer Iid T.G. FL17647 R1 AE .EvaIReDQrt958B.Dd1 tc be si fay gh ss when used a bove 1 C ft. W HV Ila. alas: Created by Irw ependent Thin Part! : Yes comp i l es is ASTM V V 00-04. 1764;.:1 St1-9:1a0 St1-9:IE11 PVC 3inEIt I ural Lnlft% c-1 Use installatiow Instn ctions Agprilved for rias In K%IKZ: lel FL -17f47 RI TI CWS-8828�d Agpralvet for usi outside W FIZ- `les Verif ed By: Llltas A. Turner 58]01 imps el Resistant: Ye! Createt by Inde pence ntThird Fart : Yes I n ign 9re"iin: +'IC I-70 Eva him Us ri RA ports Ott er: FIs rlge anly, Max. size 11-;II,IE" .l 73'. Outer Ilbt I.A. to FL1764Z R1 AE EvatFteport882B.od be sa fil Ity t lass Mir en I1sed a tx ve :10 ft. ill FIVH21. Gas! Creates by Indepee dedt Third Fi rty: Ye: or mil Iles b ASTM 1 1100-04. Baca plant sgDtlsctd TN I State of fbrW b a AkIEEO employ -i :: ah= 5U : t Amas :: B Rind U,Kmr Hat- I law, mrd ad*esses are public records. I I yoy do not wn you I e -a 6ddrea9 release in MR -4e to a W -d* --rd req- st d<I not —0 ekcdodc mall to ti b *AM. Insteai , cu tact W office bl phon or pry traditfond mat if you have mW qua him please cortac 7 51 A 17.13 5 ' Pq mw* t secbm 457.275(1), Florida Stet -tea, VNdlw October 1. 2012, kwsn e' do tm undm Chapter 455, Fw 1 rrntst provide tiro Dopa tmeM with an enW address 11 they hevii one. The emalls provided may b user for oekAl aonnwnkmW with the KDentell. However erten addres3k are public recon N you do not wht to u pWy a p mvw. l address, pkata pmvWe the1 Depwtrnent vMh eco small addnm whid ren M nude ava8atble t the pr blc. Tb determine ll yoq are a Acearsel -nde Chapte+ 155, Fs, please d kk b= I roduct / pl lroval Acceptst MR ED ® � e tPr..ISri.tN 1EERIC: i dps: nloridabuilding.tx&fipr_app_dtl.asl x?par4 m--vC EVXQwtDcl, IHGYZSJ ZFRgFM UJ4X"l 2fpC G:I n44 Es VhMI W%2bM N4gg%3cPb3d 212 TURNER FINCIINEF (RING & CONSULTING, ]INC. 1239 ;Iabana Alve. North Pa r1, FI134288 Ph. 941-380-1574 1111BP101 C.O.AI. #29779 Elua luailion Hepa ut 951 B Alugq st 7 9,X 17 Proc11ia1Dasiription: Sariei 81091'VC Single Hun g,IJargeMissile lmpact,J5114"x10 3,14"maim. uniI size at+/.70lis illfon flat geoonlig(1nation and+1 69ps0*.i fin con fig nation, N 2nufaciurar: Oustom Window Systems, hic. 1900 SW 40 Alva, Oaak, FII 34114 Slailemantof01iallhnca: Th';iupontevaliiatesthe a](ve-listeclpioduatparthe naquhementsoiFA1CI Pcoduot Agpnova l Rule Clhall teii 61C120-3.005 114: . This pno duct c orng lies wit] the ra quinernents old ed" Edition (, 017) Fiori(Ia Building Cade iii eludin g the High Velocit}I HuniicK ne Zane. 71 a gra dust testing sunel<:iids peufoiumec ane outlines below. 71c chs is al 11ocuni ( nilation: J) This nepoiit, pnell a ned t y Thiii f ,ii A. T ui nea , P.D., i t 1219 R bara A, ie.,. ` oath Pa nt,111J 1) Alppnow I draw. ng CIM 5 -9 581=1, iignec and sealed 1 y Illuca s Al. 'lunnsr, P.I . 3) 'pest Repor s h CTIL-210-1 946-0:1, A, -OSI, and -4A1, by A ational C eutifiec 7easting FJaI anateria , OdEnda,F11,witl testingllenfouinecl: 111eifingFeu]krnied: AIAMAIW©MA/CISAIOljI:11.S.2AAI4,10- (1, AS TQM f 189 (1-05, ABIN E1996-0:11/( 9 and WI8I 201,102, 9 03 19 94 (IIA51 repoits 39,1 EI -2/ and -4A I signet I ant I seals d by Clens nd J. I c i irara, l .E.) ,I) SupplernentalCalcuktions tosugpojitCIWS-9JEF,siggecland scale( bylhica: P.lurnen,P.E. Iasi ally tk ii : Un tai mm st ] e ins tall(i d i cec riling to r ppioval (loco ni ent CIW 151-9 58H. IlimilatiensafUse: Tlhispiiodtict: a Mt it be use d tip to the sides and daylight openings wit] glxiiir g a s itidica ted in CIWS-9x111 ■ A lehie ves dei igil p3ies:l urea of +A 701 s f fon flange a nd +A-611 ps1 ilon fin a Di I las ga M issi ile ini pact ref istsint and does not inequise the use ail shuttcni a Ma J II be we d in the 131igh N eloa ity I 1 urrie ane Zone ■ Requ is ies outs r lite in ].0 I. to 1 a safeb g1w ;i who n used in HIVHZ a bove 30 ft c f guade 4 Requi ies Kura ri y ]lDapont; PN B Intoulayea peri Miaini-Da e1e 1` .O.AI. lit -1117.0 " 41 Plequbes Quane?i-IMikr(n) white iiigid P'VC fllaningpen Mianii-ba(k 1` .O.AI. 17-0706.101 t 11 ha`ie: avaluatacl the n atirii hi in these NCIAi and find tl at they ca rtply miith the iiecluiiientanu of the 6" Ed. r.O11) lll]t uida Huilditig11 C lade far use in this 11m duct. Cartificatisn ofInd(pendanca: I clonat hwic, nor do l intandu aequive, tioii will I acquiiie, i financial intEi res t in Cu sta ni )AII in dove Sys to ins on in any a om11 i ny manuft cti iih ig on dis ti ibutin g pnodii cts fa u v hick this rips nt is being issue(I. I clo not haiae, nos do I intend to aoquine, not will I a cq uiue, a financial inta rest in any otl en entity it lve(1 iii the Lei ting or appnoval pnanes,oi (f thio p:uoduat. lSl111111 r�� ri�'�CIIR1=l,1, Lucas NO 5820'1 :,�p urn en 2017-08-30 ;'; � : '16.1 3 20:00 .+ Q ;+ STATE C III �:;�► 8 A7 9 A2s)17 I IJuca s A. Mmen, P.H. #�li i SCI N A���*1� FE P1111 #3820] `a�rrat.ra�Si�i� 00 z Ili C13h Ili ILhlOa NC IJ VWNC . ID113F1.1 oWIJ 0310111,109 (INV, MV131WO11d a a a o ¢=�i n a z W W ¢ Ql aI }. m 01 dr su � ZOU m ai H w m �Z l w 711 ] &1 t-�a � f- OUJI, ti LU W 0 m X .I 2 1 6'~'4EI uk If 0.m �2 ` m UI a u al cu C,0oal UJul i, aoa b yE� Z03Iu! VIA F7 �iF� �ultl CS a O W W EI L 0 Z L] tff4F1 ( PI W +nm a�tn ri [I gQK v)C•;� [1 �� � ZOf a maul [I } [' 1� T. dl I- al 'Ca 0 W n ]I 7 �j ill . i l ["' Q 7 1". a }: 7 -+ ^ O E/l � -:Ix"10 1 tItl ma 5* F ou Er`� 01 PI u z� ull aloLU aa�Oc� 21132 u F`i'Z Z(j a $a y b cl�O�s- '' o �II Xa y 301 1 ii NJ cI ZU—' Vlz41 d WHO G� Q a:1 O m�p 0. z yQm (u?uff '�+s� 201 1 001 aiI�wawd 6vx��II p dol a. Q�illO� a �I��<+ Qkl Fa 3:1W W(y (?u� ZQ " HA � [s r-��Q'a KQn(Jna SI[1 ��I w wul OFa I 0.1p4¢ e' ki. [I, U' N^�. 3:;m A9 W eJQ E3U Pli l�OiilN l O f, lZ a lq zzIIWz fl[0u dull jln U1O 4E.Q¢ [I .- Ci e+i d d ci n m d r C 1 LL1 m W °- uivv Lu Ld o aumii�w; n4'i N .C4 cl NKP 3.0 N O C1 C) v%r z 'O�iE81HA>:l�IlICNI'SMI3JSJ'f MOONIM WOJSfl030 tic mw I ,,<.a�e•,:..:�a,y + 4; ' '•. a i a n x � � � h131JIiAam.1CORIIM-11101A sl!IiilOJ.iIN=IhIIN(II.IOtlOtl21�13f1 : ��h � a [I uin � .I XRO 3 Q9,6 Com? „1 all r a l41OVIIN WOJ!1 0), Mad( HcI TIC S311.1st1NIMMI(Il IRI o�u y�6'.� 3I F [ wq': 00 z Ili C13h Ili ILhlOa NC IJ VWNC . ID113F1.1 oWIJ 0310111,109 (INV, MV131WO11d a a a o ¢=�i n a z W W ¢ Ql aI }. m 01 dr su � ZOU m ai H w m �Z l w 711 ] &1 t-�a � f- OUJI, ti LU W 0 m X .I 2 1 6'~'4EI uk If 0.m �2 ` m UI a u al cu C,0oal UJul i, aoa b yE� Z03Iu! 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U. L SCIS Ha Loy IA UW r PAWY eoa rar Tb" i She Swd=Ma i smr a Facd ft6kMkm ; cu«au Us ' sus SPA Mp um I swcn � IechnIcal Ri presentalM Sall U throe A dnms/Pb ne, Email 194 ( Sy 44th A ve O®4 , FL 344741 (391)361-&22 Ext 7 91 )la tlIrW@cw9.d Quant Assiu"Ie Representative ]all U thml Adc res%nft ne/Ema II 1111 ( SN 44th oI ve. €est An preval' (3!12)361-E922 Exi 291 Orfid MC - _ - PL Um C1 te( ory t Prod= AomovW Hem, > AQdQWMJJ9 > AWkatlan Dau I Comq It m a Method r _� F7 ;0 UcatGl r Type CaIU Versial CFLU13(I(-fl1(App App I cathI r SU tus BPR. Approvals tr DBPA d all b reviewed and refine, b)l the POC and/or ttnl Commis4om If necessar} Comments ArChK" Produc Ma nufacti ref Custom W ndow 9ysten s Inc. Adcress PtlorWe ail 19i1( V144thAvenur OCati , R. 344741 (391) 361-6922 Ext M jie throp0cws.01 Authorizes SIgm tine Jall U throe jia tl Irop@cvrs.al IechnIcal Ri presentalM Sall U throe A dnms/Pb ne, Email 194 ( Sy 44th A ve O®4 , FL 344741 (391)361-&22 Ext 7 91 )la tlIrW@cw9.d Quant Assiu"Ie Representative ]all U thml Adc res%nft ne/Ema II 1111 ( SN 44th oI ve. OCati, R 34474 (3!12)361-E922 Exi 291 jlathrop�cws.Gl C1 te( ory CZ Subs tegor� I Comq It m a Method Certifies tion M -I 6104 ust ng Certil ca#or A{ enc) Keystana CertFButions, Inc. I lalldated E, Steven M. Urlch, Pt I A Vaft tion Ched is - Flardcop!l Received Referenced Stam arc and hear (of Stan a r) Stan l3 Yesr MMA, WOKA.. CSA 181/1.9.2/,4 40-05 20119 MMA/WDMA C! A 10111.!1.2/1 � 140106 200E ASTh 1188" 5 2009 ASTF 11191 BA 5 2009 MA TAS 291/ 12/:03 1994 E4 Iva lee Ce of Pre uo Standard Certil ed 9y IraduotAFilrnval tIettsd Il 1 C gtion A ( ate I ut mitts 41 C1,128/1CIO 1 ate III lidatecl C1/28/1030 1 ate R ndiml liAI1prrl.11 1 ate Apill vai1 C3/0(1,111;30 8urrirna ry oil 11 roduets I -- Ili Model, l iml er c r Ni nle DeslmHill ic it 11010.1 1 V -815( IVC Fi:Mld Wlinda w Il 191 PITC Flg/Fin Mind Winclow I imits of Ulla Certification Age nay Ceri licate Aplraiied for use in PRIME Yes FL13010 R10 C CAC 138-1357 CIRO.0+11 Apliumielliloruse cutshletlVH;II:'Ies Fi_.IMI( Riil C dAC 138-1361 CiR0.nd1 Imllac Ra sista nt:Yc9 111113010„R10CfI,AC1,V,-5g,7f;1,A,0.oclf 13 e., ig r are:Istlre: N/A Qua fill Assura rime daetra( t I xliratic ■ 13 ate Otho r:IW-8191,36"xil]"an(I]"e"v;fi"5eeinstillat'or ISA14P1;:1 clelti iF for Mls. Largo Missile Impact. In IIVI121 mall onl)l 1 a lnstallatian Instrucli used till U 3011 Ureide. it lass campliaal t( ASTM i11130C- FL13010 R10 11 CWS -43311l (,I. W rifla l l 811: I I lcas A. Turner! 18101 Cre a ted k! 1 111 do I I vi dE i it Third Pa irl I I❑ Evaluation Roporill FL13C 10 RIO !1 E EvalReport433D.od1 I Creuted t!I IadallelillThird Farty.Ills 1301.0.2 1IV1-815C Fl VU lhiii d Window M-81911 IMC FigAllin Fined Window, (arill us Ilei 11 & gill. L irrliii o f Um a Ce rtifiaatic v Age ncl I Cm rtifiaa to Allnrw ecl fa r use in iIVll Yes FL13010 RIO C CAG 138-261.edF All g roved la r uele of itside tl VH31: ' es FL13010 RIO C CAG 138-105.odf ltnllac Resists nt: Yes138-70kadf Design1remiure:+ll2.3/-IIa.9 Qua Hill AsluranaeCdoidaatExlliraticn Date Othom U rgz Missile, DU •- -3,1- 01.3 1sf, Plait. size Ad I/E" )1 I8)112/2123 'A7". Outer lite must to safety glass i tale 38 ft. In H11H; . I installation Instructlorus Gla slcomlfie st( ASI 1Ma1311C-14. IILI3010 hill 11 C1N9-510C.od€ Verlrie+l BSI: l i lea s A. llurr e r l87 i 1 Cre al to d t! 1 Ie do Ile ( de it t' Third Party: I c Evaluation Reports FL13010 RIO AE EualRepors;510C.nd1 Created t!1lzdale neleatlhird Farcy. Ills 13011.3 FV -83 OC M Hill Window Mil 3C4 1 V FIgAair fli)cld Wi11doW, 110" x141" Lir its e f Uee Csrtifisatica Alenall Cartifiaatr Allgroved 11i use in HVH21:' les FL13010 R10 C CAC CAR 138-251 Allnroued alar use acil le ll 'll FL13010 RIO C CAC CAR 138-41 1.ud1 Irtiilacl Resistant: Ye: 11IL13010 Rio C CAC CAI 138-411r Dmal lrr F ressure: +110A-;110 Qua litil Assura yiie (Ilan Trac Ilziliratic 1 Late Otherr:IlW-E30C, 111(" )148", D1 =I/ -7C lsf. Urge PIimile 04/19A2I27 Impac . Glass c(mplie,l til A9TP1 Elll (II -04. :1 nsWilatien Instructions FL13010 RSO 11 CWS-3130.pd€ Verill i l B)I: Li cas A. Turnar, F.E. FL F9 #98211 Cre i ted t 1 Ill dol 11 t it dell t Third Fa rty: I lc Evai l tiaa Roll rttl FL -1 I R it A E E%i ll r i 7 Crcated t!I III de llerd(eltThird Firty: Ill 13OI11.4 8V1-83001V(l li)uldWindew Sorios(13C11 PVCfixlo IVindow,LirgeMliiiilelmpant,418"xl 77" I nit sizl -1] F95, or 7]":11116" L sit 51za -CII 6; .! (D116!1 otltsidii HI Ill L.imlitsl o f Use C4 Irtif Riatic i I Age nay Ceer ifioate Ai protlecl its r uele in FIVH7:'lesl 1IL13IC10 RIO 1 0A4 138-250 COR•I.odr All proved fo r une outside li :'les FLI3010 RIO C CAC 138-274 CIRC) :111m act Reslstent:Yes PL13010 RIO C CAC 138-11130 C1RCl Design F resl:uure: NIDI FL13QIQ RID C CAC, 130--Z22 Otl II hies Lill to 18")1 ; 2" Limit size at desig n pressures of 5L13010 R10 C CAC CAR 138-1093.nd +,il Iisf, (r it size, ul bI 7<'"! 1 8"tnlitsize et cle liiir FL13010 R11 A (TAG CAI 138-1320 .e2.odf pr(s:1ure. ■f+A-(17.51 psf in HV1121 43r•i/-0!I isroull ti a FL11C10 RIO (I (IA(I CAR 138-457.ndf ll Z, N itt mi M. glass ch ylif ht sizes a i sl own in CN IS -11511 1l 0 Rip -C-A§. CAll 131-44 5.0j Gh s I oomllies tc ASTM 11310-14. FL13010 RIO C CAC CAR 1311 Qui Hill Asilura Mile Gal trac I nniraiic n E ata 14)139/2121 Ili Aallatian Iasfiructiams Fl i0_ RIO _I CWS_j59E.odr Ve rifi(d 8) . l i v s & Turwi r, F.E. Ft F i l #182111 Created 1:1. 1111da11eedaatThird Nrty: I c EraltlsIll Re parts FL13010 Rio AE EvalReoort159E.odt Created tll IndepenllentTl IhI Party. Nei = CI :: 2601 tlWr Stowe (teed. Tiitakmea FL 32399 Phare: e% -16h1621-1624 TQM State of FlorkU k as AAMO empkare Ceevrleet 2007-7053 Stmt■ a Florida I I Prtvacv ftm :: AQN*LRWKV Rafund Under Florida lex, mall addle6ol an public records. 11 you $1 nl I want YOM &-M eddrM released Y Mponi to a PO Wt-tetadf regwst, dd not sand ekwuo k mal t tit an tq . RdM& r, cmtoc ttd odic I by phone 4r by tradilonal mal ff you Gave ani gvesaoas, pleas I cOntec e50.07.1S95. 'Pnrswn to SeRtal 155375(1), nwk%m Statutes, efkcthm October 1, 2012, keoseet IkalsOd uwde (jbW r U 5, F.S. row PMIM lid DOP&M A wld an ental addrwr 11 they Maya ono I TL erast provkdw mel be tela fat d6da cb9Wrk nk ftA WO the Moarm a HOWDMI mW bd*M : ON po6C record. If yew d 1 not wish t supply a plgwtiel addres . pleas, I mvelde the DepeMwnt wth an arwal addreri whkh ata W nod avalaMe 16 the public To deternfin I I you m a loaasee under Chlpla l 155, FA, picric dck km, Preduet Apprors Acapcn M M MEIN TURNER ENGINEERING & CIONSUL7ING, Ills CI, 1239 Rbara Tie. 1` a n h Por, IL 34288 111h. 941-3 J 0- 1174 FEE PE C I.O.A. K 9 779 191valuati( n Repoi it 35919 Sc ptember 11, 20111 Pcioduct Bet eiiiptic n: Senies 1300 P1iC Fixed Winslow, La rla Missile Impf ct, X18"ri 72" unit size E P55 o r 12" 1176" unit size APE17.5 ;PH (15 outside H VHZ; M anula:i hived: Ouitom )Mlindouu Systems, I nci. 1900 SW 4'1O Me, Clcah, FIJI 14471l Sl ai s ni eni oil Clompliane e: 'llhis hell (nt evi luatea tl e a bovo lista d pnocluct ll eci tha iiegti ire and nts a f FACI Product /i Ippiiona l I! Jule C1ha pten c I I Gla -^� .001 (el). This pi is dttc t complies uuth the i equiram(i fits c f the 6"' Hditia n 12017) Floiida Bluilc lir g C lode ina luding tl e HIVHZ. 11 he 11 roc ust testing sitari dards po a ifa rncec ane a trlline( below. 'Nei Weal Elosi menial !on: 3) Th's tapori, ptia paned by Dic a:i A. 7 urnen, P.H., z t 7' 9 labs ra Ave., North Por , FIJI 1) Appaasial drawin8 CAIS -15S E, sill r ed and sealer by Duaas A. Tunieii, P.F. 3) Tlestaipori NCCIIu21Q-395,1-aIall d-1 A, andNC17L-710-39:1191-4I all d-IA1,fro mNationFI CertificidllestingLabonateriea,Otdsndo,FLl,uiith'ilestinl Peyifornaail: AAMAIWEMAUA1 l 0I A .S.2/lA l4, 14 -JI 8, A: TM EII l a 86-01, AS7 M E l 99# I-4 5,109 a nd T A, 20'1,203,2W 1994 (Tp IS tsponts 39.114 -IA and 39 55-1AI sigge( and seailec by Clem rd 7.11 einara, I .E.) 41) 9 t pplamen tat Claloulatiovs to ,auppont CIW9-I39H, iiignod and a ealed 13111m s Al. 'llurns r, P.E. Jlnstallatio n: Units niu,iit be iusti ll(d t caonding to apl1rcval document CWI S-159 E. Elim ii 1 a tions a f Use: TMc product: + Mall bs used in O configuration in sides up to 48" x 73" un t sine at desigtl pressure, of+/ -55118i1, or it i s izes ul to 7T'x 7f111" a n'i !l ize at design pi iesi stones of +, I-67.1 psil it i HVHZ or +01-611 pit outside the fI'+H2ll, with mart. gle is daylight si: es as thowri in CIW;! -159H + Is large mis ;i ilc impa ct nesistat t anc 1 does no t re qn ir( the use oils huttel s + M all be u o c d in the E ligh'v ela c ity El urrici at c sono � Hequine: outer lite in I.CII. to 1 e aallet3 glass when tiso(I in F VHZ abode 3 d i:1 of grade 131equire r gla2iing i s s ht wn in ONIS-159 E, wnh Nlui ana3l i IDull c of Set tr3lGla s lntanlaya:ii per Mianci-Dade r OA 14-0911111 in DP61 c n 67.1 units ori Kurt 3iay (j 3upc nt ; PVB lntetla yer 11 eli M iatni-E ac le l� OA 16-111'11.021 in DP5:l units • I7lequire4 Quane)ii (Mikran) white nigid PUC filamingpoli Mianci-Dad( 1, OA 17-024 f1.I01 t I haiie 4valnated the interlailen and flamin j mate iiials in it ese llupont an(1 Qua nex NCIAs and End that tl ey coni ply with the requinomet is a f it a 6" Ed. 1120111 Flonidci Builcling Code fon use in this p] lodill et. Clevi1fi( of 4f)lndtpendeti (e: I c10 not have, nor do l intend to acQluite, non will I a cqui q a fill all cial interest in Oustom Wit clow 9 31stams ori in any oompi ny mainii lkturinl on distl ibutinl pi oduat;i Rn which it is raporl is Beit g isstied. l do not have, nor do JI into nd u acquine, non will l acgti ire, a financial intenest in all 31 othor a ntity involiied in The tea tin g on a ppnova 1 pnoa ea s a f this l raduat. Luclafl Turner 2011-01-'16 07;24+2Ia:CK] 9/97.12017 Buca s A. T urnen, f I.E. FIA PE #1E 201 ,s >� YSTC 11 C6R'I Np��/y'fE[II b IEI.- iNC. DocumerA'iile: m fact Puriollmancel Carl iii tla ion Liu No: MRN B'I-�• '�: n�vNe: 4 !age: 1 x Authori2 ationl Reirlarl 138 L SPI ReIII Liked RI& PRa 89-03 CIAR 8 Product l0 Numben: 138 - 250 Issue Date: 6,124,12008 Revision Clate: 9,1512019 axpiiiation Date: 5,112/2021 Cc rni 111 a n ] Code: 138 Tl is Clertifica f on p luthc r'za f ori Report (CAR) III uei l y Ker ptori a Gei t X11 a atia ns, Irl c. (KC II) after lull vailii la tia n re view, and is tai sect on a sterdarclized a%ialuatiori of the product conducted ty an indepeincknt acart dited labcrator in a ccordance with the ail e:cifieiI referenced star dard. Aatual fanentration product p Ir€o mance, ma11 va q basic don many llactors , inaluding installation, con cutis n of the miallilrool substrate ant tt a age of ifle proc tact and inti tally tior aompori e i tg . Tt is report inc kites the product is a igit le br the application of Kerlstorie Clertification Prglraim certification labels. l imnses Stipulates in affixing ceirliftcal'c r labes to product. , ttat those pros ticts are rcpre:ientalke of the spe(ilmeri e vi lrlate:c an( dociimen tec liar c(ir1fiaation authc riaal'an. anl}I Il rc cluc ; bearing sud a certification tabs! s t all N a onsiderex certified. Tt a in formation in this repgrl can be t edlic d at www.ke llstc neca its corm. Licensee Inlf© imailion: F ralc ucil Inikinmatian: (Itlstom Wiri cls w "1I)lstems, Ina % a dal: 8300 Vinyl Irapa a t Mixed 1900 SO 44th Avenue CIp erata n hype: Ow ]a, I=L 34472 Clorrlig: No, CIS - 15132" Lami IG L SPI h am Wiclltl : 72 lv am Heiglht: 76 Cllorre: I onding E Item a tonal CA Rt: 138457 Redlerenced Sllancarc: Fricicuc^I Rating: AS 11 to E 1886JE 1996-05 Misi : le Level D, " ind lone 4, DP +,11- 67.5, 712x76 QualiNing 1 esi Inilcirirriatian: lest Report N a : I I unl- 210-3 93 0-1 A sl , 2A Test Fllel c rt Expiration: 1 51'121202'1 Aulharizec Siclna,luiie: Kglsitinc Cartificlalliclns, IrIc. Date: 2C 19.09.05 '145 Limekiln Rd., Suite •I OOB N ew Cumbe nland, Pennsylvania 17070 11:511:42 --CI4'00' Rhone: j '17-932-.8500 Flax: 717-932-8501 www.r IPI $CON ea eiRrsA ora a Do curm int' itte: Im �lact F c ri ollnl'c1 nCl tocNo: FRN 131-43 e,�Vwa: 4 N9e: ,�SSSTO � Q 9R' IF[CTT14� C Irl itlCatlCl111 138 L SA X c A idth: 48 Aluthoriaation R eparl N a )i Heigt t: 72 Roo uired 9y1: PRCI B I-03 CIRRI FI Alloduct 10 Numbeii: 138 - 274 Issue Date: 8,129,12010 Rei inion Date: 11,127420,19 Expiration Cllate: 3;116,12023 Ca nig an y Code: 138 TI is Clertifical'on Ail the rimaatioa Report (CLAD) h issued I y Kglstori( Carf-1catio ns, Ina. (KC 11) alter IL III Iialidall'on review, and is based on a standardized 411altiatian of the nrciditat condttated ty an independent acarai(lita(l laborator)l in aacordanco with the specified rafarenced standa n . Alatual fenestration product pirfarnnance ma)lvaq U sed on rnanll flactor:n, including installation, aoti litic r o-1 the vialUrooll s ub:ltnte and tt a age al ti1e pros t.ict and installation a ompor ant. TI is re port inc icates the product hi eliglit le for the app iaatkin of Kelston a Chi rtifiattiatn Praha rn certilia tion la be l:i . I icen aeft stipulates in afliming ctrrlification labels to pre duct`, that tIose prat acts are repmentative of ti a spealmen avalu9tec an6 doaumer ted for ctrlifiaatian auherizall'on.OnIllAroduats bearing sect a cerlifictition kit el shall be aonsidere( aertilied. The information in Cis repclrl cart be verified atwww.ka)lstc neaents.00m. Uicensee In,lorrnialicln: Froducl Inicirrriatian: Cllltislom Wirl claw Systems, Ina Nadel: 8300 FIVCI Mir/Flange F ian a Irr [act Fi: ie d '1900 EIW 44th Avenue CIIn era for Tylla : MA Oaala, HIII � 4474 Clonlig: N o, CIS -5116" An r t an i IG L SA X c A idth: 48 N a )i Heigt t: 72 Clollresponding StrEia,lulial (IAF s: '138-730.0 Referenced E11ar dard: Rraducl Ralincl: AMM E'18 8 0 /8 1996-05 Missile Level E, V1 in ;k r e 4, DIP + I-EII~ I, 48x72 Qt aii4ing lest Infarrriatian: lest Fla n a rt h o: hest Iden ort Exq ire tion: h C-nL-210-3672 1 A/2,AI 3),10/1023 Auilharized Signalune: H eNsllonel Celrtificllallianel, inla. aatle: 20119.11.27'145 L.imef iln Rid., suite 10( e New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 170710 `! 09:27:05 --0911`00 FIF one: 7'17-932-8500 Fal x: 7,17-932-8M 'I W WW.FIEYSTONDICERT5.COM CPIR 11 Prc duat ID P urnt er: 118 - 730.0 Issue Date: t scurieni Tiae: Structural Pari ormancEl II oc Air. FRM 91-02 I e"AI' ' Awe: °I >�YCIT�1ti,ll Certificaflon 138 AL 1 f c1 rb ation Report Ricuir(de,l: PRCIBl-03 CPIR 11 Prc duat ID P urnt er: 118 - 730.0 Issue Date: 8A29 A20-10 Flevi9ion Date: 'I'IA27A20'19 Expira tion Date: 3116=23 Company Clode: 138 This Ce riificailor Authol'zefori Report (CAR) is isstied by Kayatone Cleriilciitlons, Inc. (KCI) afer lull validai'on remiaw, and is based on a stanc arfted evaluation o tic II rocluct con cluctec by an independent ac(iredited label taitory iii accardai nae Hutl tie speciified reierencec stan (lard. PlctL al tlenestraitiom n rciduct f erforno a nce rn ay varyba sed on many ilacitors, inciuclirx installation, condition oil tie walllrocri subOrate and the age of ON f roduct and it stalla tion ca rnpotl a nb . Thi: report inc icat(Is #r a prodtiat is eligible fclr the application of Ke:ystora Ceriillication urogram emrlificaltion lath ls. Lala ena ee stip ula # s in of lixin 91 certifica ion la t el, tc products, that t lose n rodcx #s ane rep reg eri tr tive of the sil ecirren evaluated arld dcicurrientec for certification authanization. Cllnly prodUCtal bearing suah a car1fiaatior label shall be c( nsiclei ed a e rtified. The inf(I rmatic n in Elis ro pgrt man t e va dfied at www.! eys tone c ertm.co m. ] Licelnsee Irkirmlaticin: I Alnciduct Infolllmalicin: Custom Window Sys tai n s, Inc 1900 SW 441h Ai len tie Ocala, FL 34474 lJ SIA Model: 8300 P\ C Fin/Fla n g e Fiume Impact Fi) ied Opetlalot -lype: FW Cori fig: lr o, GrS-91'16" Alnn Lami ICI Max W idth: 48 Max F eight: ;1112 Refepencec Stanidwid: Niciducl Railing: AAN AM L MAICIEIA '10'111S2/A144( -01EI FVI-I-0511 '17'19 )il 829" (48)172*) Qualifying Test Infoilmalian: Tec t FIle:port ho: Teat Repot ftK illation: NCITL-2.10-3672.1AI2A 3/16/2023 Atiihanized:lignalure: Kcyatcirle CertifitlaltiorS, Ina. Date: 20'19• 11 �� '145 Lime I iln Rld. Suite '10019 l ew Cumbellland, Renr :1 ylvan is ,17070 08:51:34 -05'00' Phones: 7,17-93;1-850 0 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W_KFIIYSTQN9CEATf1 .COI I CZAR & Rroduct Ia Number: Dam mint I -We: Structural Periormancle ow IIt: MRN B1-12 FI"I"'`: �: Of. 1 <gY51T4NEI C ed ificaticirl 1116.12023 Compa n) I Code: CYIR.IF] I1G/i711tl� I�'> INC. � Aluthoriaa#ion Rlepori Rewired BW Pli BI -01 CZAR & Rroduct Ia Number: 138 - T 9.0 Issue Date., 10:128,12010 li ion 11i le: 1 '1127,12019 1i iration Elate: 1116.12023 Compa n) I Code: 13 8 This Clertifical'on Autlx riza t'on li (CAR) is 1151 Lied by Ke}Istone Ce fficatia ns, Inc. (Ii after lull validall'c r review, and is based on a standardized wialuarian of tte ilrcduat ccindcrate:d ty an independent acalie(0te(I Iabcratonl in as ccrdarim +mitt tta npeciled rellorencex standard. Ali al ft r itratiar prodriat p( rfarrranm maylvat) hl sed on many factors, including installation, aonditic n of the walllroail st bstra to and the ago of the pro( uct at d ins tallatim ca m pon a ntil . This report inc im tE s the product is eligit le br fie a pplication of li Iston a Clertiflcatiori Progm ni dertificaticln lab* Is. Licer : ee stili tes in affixir g certificatta n labels to products, t1i those pro( ucta are n(i preseritatitie of 0 a spe(ilmen evaluated and (locumentec fon certification authcrivi . Clnli plrciduct: li aucl a certification latal stall bd cainsidered certified. Tt aitlfdrmation in this report aaa belierifi* d atwww.kelI:k necaits corn. Licensee Infarmailior: I REKildii Inllcitirriailicin: Custon W indomi :I)lsiems, Inc 1900 :IW 44th AIvenue Ocala, FL 34474 USIA Model: 8 300 Fixed with Fin on f=lange Operator hype: FW Cori fig: No, GS -5,116" Ann i -a ni i I© Max W idth: 48 Max 1- eight: 72 Refei encec Shlanc al c : PI oduct; Raiing: WAS 20'1,12021203 Laiige Missile, UP +A-55.0, 48x;1119 CI Cluallifyinci Tesil Inticitlrniailion: Test F epor No: Test Report Expiration: li -210 -3672-' 1 61 -7 31116,12023 filuthomized Signature: Keysltar is Cori ificlalticinisli, Iric. Cate: 2019.111.27 '145 .imekiin Rld. Suite '1008 I� a mi Cumk eriland, Fen r s lIvania 17070 / /k 09:11:52 -05'00' Phone: 7'17-9 32- 8500 Fax: 7'17-.932-860,1 W W W.PIEN STOI I HGI IF T9 ,COM Culp 81 Pnoduat IC N urn be r: 138 - 1093.0 Issue Date: 616A20'14 F avisiorl Elate: Z28A20'18 Expinat[on Elate: 4A29A202'I Clompany C la c la : 138 This Ci rtibit tion ALItherizeifon Report (CIFIR) is issues biI Keys tane Cleri'ilcations, Inc. (KCI) after full %ialidal"on rel[ewi, and is bawcl ori a stanclarcli;ied evaluation of thea product eoncttcte:c b)I an inclepet (lent accredited laboratory in accordance v ith the : pea ific cl re-lere n a ec a tanda rc . f Ich a I fen estration pr( c lust pq rforma n ce rn ay � lary be sedan rr anyl facts r`, Inc Iuc Iing In: tallatic n, can clition o1I the %mllfroaf subs trate arid the a g e cY the p mats t and installatian componer is . This rep a rt [nd W atea tt a p rci duct is c 14 ible fcl r 111a air plica ation o l Keystone C lertific atic r Prog ram ce r ifia ation [a bel.. L icensee s tiptllati a in afruiringl aertifical'on la t e Is to 11 rodiiats, the t ttlose p oc uc is are represent tive a f tt a speaire an evaluates anc do a urn e n ted for certificatic n i u he kal fon. Ori ly products bearing s uct a ce rtifia a tion lit el s hall be considarec carlifie d. The infonriiatia n in alis reipert cEin t e veeAfied R twww.l eyatoneaerts.aoni. Licensee Infairrialicin: D=mantTitle: Structural Perk rmance Doe tlo: FF IV B1-02 ReaPla: 7 fags: d(: ji�f,�YSTONPClertificail ion Conligl: P o, CI.rI-7!'19" F S Lami ICI C7arrneAfew rae Nau, 1eWa. lv ax F a ight: 76 t Au 11NorizEd!or l Report F equi€nd EI y: PRO E 1-03 Culp 81 Pnoduat IC N urn be r: 138 - 1093.0 Issue Date: 616A20'14 F avisiorl Elate: Z28A20'18 Expinat[on Elate: 4A29A202'I Clompany C la c la : 138 This Ci rtibit tion ALItherizeifon Report (CIFIR) is issues biI Keys tane Cleri'ilcations, Inc. (KCI) after full %ialidal"on rel[ewi, and is bawcl ori a stanclarcli;ied evaluation of thea product eoncttcte:c b)I an inclepet (lent accredited laboratory in accordance v ith the : pea ific cl re-lere n a ec a tanda rc . f Ich a I fen estration pr( c lust pq rforma n ce rn ay � lary be sedan rr anyl facts r`, Inc Iuc Iing In: tallatic n, can clition o1I the %mllfroaf subs trate arid the a g e cY the p mats t and installatian componer is . This rep a rt [nd W atea tt a p rci duct is c 14 ible fcl r 111a air plica ation o l Keystone C lertific atic r Prog ram ce r ifia ation [a bel.. L icensee s tiptllati a in afruiringl aertifical'on la t e Is to 11 rodiiats, the t ttlose p oc uc is are represent tive a f tt a speaire an evaluates anc do a urn e n ted for certificatic n i u he kal fon. Ori ly products bearing s uct a ce rtifia a tion lit el s hall be considarec carlifie d. The infonriiatia n in alis reipert cEin t e veeAfied R twww.l eyatoneaerts.aoni. Licensee Infairrialicin: Rnoducl Infarmalian: austom"indow 9y:1 U rn E, Inc IV ode[: 8300 FinAFla n gle Fname PVCI Imp Fb i(i c '19 a 0 M 44th Avenue Openaloli -type: IM Clcala FL 34474 Conligl: P o, CI.rI-7!'19" F S Lami ICI IV ax"idth: 77 lv ax F a ight: 76 Rleieerenced Standard: Plraducl Railing: AAMANVC MAXI.IIAI 101A.192/1,440-108 C Ilass LCI-F11G65 '18] 9 x1930 (72x76),..Talpe FW Wi P='15.0 Qualifying -lest Infarrnia-liar:: lllesl Rep ort No: cleat Fllepor E)Ig iration: k CTL -2'10-3954155-0'I 429.12021 Aufharized Signalluiie: KaySior eI Clertiliclationls, Incl. ZC 1 E.022.28 '145 Limekiln FId. Eluite 1008 t ew Cumberland, Rlennsylvei n is 170 110 C 7:C 121:56 -C 5'C}CRhone: 717-9324 500 F a x: 7,17-93 2-850'1 W W W. P I E N I SI I lO N I I C E III I IS.0 OM GAR b1 Pnoduct ID INumben: ooctimantTtle: Sirs; Citural Performance Dn'lilc: FRM BI -02 R�' llt. 7 gag: ) or: � KYSTC� C eri if`IClatiorl 9,123;12021 C o n pa n i l Code: MATt[I, TIS :W G ¢R'i[Ac Authorivit ion Report Required ly PFI© 131-0 a GAR b1 Pnoduct ID INumben: 138 - '133G.0 Iss L a date: 1211 U20-14 Revision [late: 5,131,12018 Expilialion [late: 9,123;12021 C o n pa n i l Code: 138 TI is Clertificcaian Autlx rizE Gori Mir ort (CAM is issue( I y Keilstone C(rtiticatic ns, Inc. (KCI) after frill valldafc n reriievi, a ric is I ased on a-Aandsrdim d a %ialuatior of the product c(indtiatec by an indef ems E int a caro dite(I k ba rata ry it a a cords r ce witt tt e s I eCUied to ferenced sta nda n . Actual fenes rati(n proclud perfarrn ance ni ay va rj N sed a n many ill ctor i , Including iru ita k tion , cca ditia n o f tho in alblrooil s ubstr to and tie aga of tie proc uct and is s tallatia n cci rr pon ent . TI is report Inc icate s the praiduct is eligit le for the apll Iimition of Ke)Istor a Certification Prat r rn cartifics tion la bE Is. Licen seer :itipula tes in a ffixing ca rlifia ak in labels to products , tt at gloss pros tecta ai a rapre: ( ntatit a o1 tl ( s peciini en evaluated and cbctmeiitec floi carlifi(iation autoriaal'an. Cllnl;l grciduats bEariN sucl a certif cai tion lata[ shall bE carsidere( aertified. Tt a in formation in [his rep(lrl ain be % erili( d atwww.ko)pt( necei ts.aom. L licensee lrfarmailion: I Rrcc uc'I lnkfimaticir: Cusi to rn Win c la w clystemsi , In c 19001cIW 441h Avenue Ocala FL 14474 N a del: 8: C 0 PVCI Flin/Flange Impact Fbied C n a n tori lllype : FVI Clonfg: No, CISI-7,1'16" HSI Lam! ICI Mwi Width: 72 Max F eight: 76 I Referrer cec Shan( anc : I Priciducit liar ling: PAIL A9 20'1!12021203 1 arge N issile, DH +,67.5, 72x76 Qualifying Tes-1 Irrlonmalicin: Test t Report No: To 9 t Report Ilxphation: N CI7l -2'I 0 -39511:9 55 -'IPI 9123,12021 Atilhonized Eignalure: 241 8.05.--1 11:14:C2 -44'00' Kelysllfclrle Ceirtificlatkirls, Incl, 145 Limed iln Rd. Suite 1008 INew Cumberland, Penns)llvania 1707CI Phone: j111*17-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 WWWAMYSl ONUICER79.COh I CIAIRI 81 Pnoduc IQ � Linn t a r: -138 - 457.0 Issue Date: DIamerit TRte: Structural Perfa rm ance DooPlo: FIS P1 Bi -p2 rte,. Pio: Rag, : a TO"' Certification 138 CIgYtFllil rl-rroN'GIIy 1r 11 a1. tv ax 1- a ight: 76 AL II t orization Report Rec i in d e y: PRO B'I -{ 3 CIAIRI 81 Pnoduc IQ � Linn t a r: -138 - 457.0 Issue Date: 6/24,12008 He vis=a n C ate: 5121120'l 8 Expiratic n [late: 5112/202'1 C lompany C lode : 138 This Cie rttlica t or Ail tt oriaation RF port (CV IR) is is suet by Ke ystc ne Cer1'1 cations, Inc. (KC 1) after full ualidal'on reiiemi, and is baa a c1 ori a standa rd'uied evaluation of the product aonductec b)1 an in 6spee de nt ace redite d laboratory in accardaneaWith the : pec ifieclne-lerenae( atandarc./Ichi Ifen estrationproi(lact pelrfoimenceniay)iaryWsed an rraiiy acta r; I, including installatia r , condition of the walVroaf subs trate ar d the a 9le (I the p roc ua t and installation camp onen is . This rep of t inc iaates the p ra duct is a lit ibla fzl r the ap piiaatic n of Ked i tc ne C le rtificatio n Prot ram cerliliceition la bels . t ice nse ei f tipLllatd s in affi7iln91 oertiiical'on la t e li to p roduets, that tflose 11 roc ucts are no present tivel a f tt a spe alrn en eva.luatex and do la uni a n ted for certification a uthodza fon. On ly produats bearing acct a certili(i a tiorl hot el shall be consideree cerlplie d. The Mom ation in Tis re pqrt can I e verified atwww.l ey.itcrVioentscom. Licensee In* tiny aiicin: Riioduci Infarmia-lion: Clustom UI in dow Systems, Inc N odel: 8300 � inyl Inn p a ct Fixed '1900 SM dkitt Avenue Openatoil T}Ipe: F" Claala FL 34474 Clonli9l: 1` c, CIS - -15/32" Lami ICI 1v ax VI idth: 72 tv ax 1- a ight: 76 F leleirenced Slanid and : PIrac ucl Ra -1 ing: AAMAIWLIN AIC15fi1 101/IS2.IA440-.05 F"- C165 1829x1930 (72x76) Aullhairizec Signallmie: C 18.CS.C2 07:27:00-C4'C0' Ke�alonie Ceir 11liacllialns, Incl. '145 Limekiln Rid. IItlite '100B New Chimberland, Rllennsylvania 1701110 Phone: e: 717111-932=8500 Fax: 7.17.4 32-8511 '1 www.= fe STONe=a ae7IsA ane QuaI1411nig Tesl Iniarmatian: llest Retl orl N c : -Rest Repa rt E xpinatia ri : h CIIL-..210-3530-1A 81-2A 5A,11121011 Aullhairizec Signallmie: C 18.CS.C2 07:27:00-C4'C0' Ke�alonie Ceir 11liacllialns, Incl. '145 Limekiln Rid. IItlite '100B New Chimberland, Rllennsylvania 1701110 Phone: e: 717111-932=8500 Fax: 7.17.4 32-8511 '1 www.= fe STONe=a ae7IsA ane CIAR EI Bioduct IC Numben: 138 • 465.0 h .i ue Date: 8,114,12008 Revision [late: 4,130,12018 Expiration Chale: 5114,12021 C lorn n a v y Code: : 138 Tr is Certi"fon Atlthcriaai'or Report (CVIR) is issues by Keystone ClerlAcations, Ina. (KCI) after lull validation review, a nd is t ase cl oa a stanc a rMied evaluation o the product ccl c luctec bbl a n in dependent accredited labs rvtor3 it accordance with the specdlle d releni ti (ed s tan(la rd. Flc hl a I -leri estration pre educt pgrforma nae rn ay Diary based on nia ny factcrai, including imitallation, condition of the wall/roaif substrate and the age of ifle product and installation conn ones is . This report lndiw tesi tl e F roduct h elk ible MrTe aplpliciatic r a-1 fleystone Certification Program cerlilhcatior labs Is. Licenses stipcllaicl s in aftingl certificat'on fat els to products, tl at tHme products ane rep reser i<tive al the spe(ilmen eva luatec anti da aumentee 'lor carlitianition autha nizal'on. Only producits bearing such ai mirttlicE tion label flall all b9 can: ids ret ceti is d. The inC miatie ri in itlis reipgrt can t e vetilled at www.F eystona certs.ca n . Lictinsee In lenmai%an: I C=mail Wig: S1111. cltural Pertormalrlcle DocNc: ON B'1-02 Ri11NC: 7 lags: 1 ¢f: eysToNeCIer1i ta�1a- m�9 iaaticlr Contig: N (, CIS - 15)132" Lami 1011 sc.i -lhe+cl e IV ax Heic t t: 76 Authorizall [on p epori 0equitdsY: PRO 81-43 CIAR EI Bioduct IC Numben: 138 • 465.0 h .i ue Date: 8,114,12008 Revision [late: 4,130,12018 Expiration Chale: 5114,12021 C lorn n a v y Code: : 138 Tr is Certi"fon Atlthcriaai'or Report (CVIR) is issues by Keystone ClerlAcations, Ina. (KCI) after lull validation review, a nd is t ase cl oa a stanc a rMied evaluation o the product ccl c luctec bbl a n in dependent accredited labs rvtor3 it accordance with the specdlle d releni ti (ed s tan(la rd. Flc hl a I -leri estration pre educt pgrforma nae rn ay Diary based on nia ny factcrai, including imitallation, condition of the wall/roaif substrate and the age of ifle product and installation conn ones is . This report lndiw tesi tl e F roduct h elk ible MrTe aplpliciatic r a-1 fleystone Certification Program cerlilhcatior labs Is. Licenses stipcllaicl s in aftingl certificat'on fat els to products, tl at tHme products ane rep reser i<tive al the spe(ilmen eva luatec anti da aumentee 'lor carlitianition autha nizal'on. Only producits bearing such ai mirttlicE tion label flall all b9 can: ids ret ceti is d. The inC miatie ri in itlis reipgrt can t e vetilled at www.F eystona certs.ca n . Lictinsee In lenmai%an: Rrac ucl lnlormlatieln: Clustom lA in dow EIysieni : , In c lu odel: 8300 % inyl Fixed 'I 9100 W �l40 Aven t a Opens f or Tyq a : FVC Clea la FL 34474 Contig: N (, CIS - 15)132" Lami 1011 IV ax XA idtt : 72 IV ax Heic t t: 76 Relarence d Sian ldard: Dirac tical Raing: PA TIMES 201,12021203 Laiige N issile, DP +,k67.5, 72x76 Qualifying'lesi lnfallmlallian: Test Report Igo: NCTL-210-3530-1 F1-2 Tes t Repor E) ip enation: 9!'I 413 i l 'I plltilhauized .ligntilure: Keyfflonlei Ceir1liliceiitionls, Isla, 201 U4.30 145 t in ekiln Rd. Suite 'It7013 P ew (itimbenland, Rennsyh ian is '17070 '12 :3 7:41 MC 4'C 4' Rhor e: 717-93214 500 Fax: ill 7-932-8501 W W W.PIE)ISIDNECEMTII .COM " Ioctimc11CHIC: Impacil Performar ae O1cI1cr HRIV BI -43 Rai iI °: 4 Ij9Q. 1 01: 1 KF,YSTOIN Cla ala FL 34474 CloMigl: N a , Ca,1-711'1611 l- 9 La nn i IG '"MlcG -roams, INcI. CertificationCmi N a x H eight: 79 Clorresponding 9truciuiial CIARls: '11111-'1093.0 Auil f oriza l ion Report E equired E y: PFOB -143 CAR 81 Rnoduat 10 Numit en: '138 - 534 Issue [late: 6/16A201,e1 Mlle visit r Clate: 2128)[201 p Expinatia n Clate: 4/29c12021 Clompany Clode: 138 Tt is Certilicifon Akithcriaafon tyle port (CV13) is issue( by Kaystane Ceri"ications. Inc. (KCII) after full rialiclal'on lievievi, and is Iased on a stancaid'i.ied evaluation of the product aonrluctec b)l an inclepenclent accreiditacl laboratory it accurc lance with the s pec Me cl re Ieten c ed s tanda rd. � la tua I -lens a sir=i tion prof Icict pet rforma rl ce ni .i y va rN ba sed a n rn am I factors, inclluding installation, conclition oil the Halllroaf substrate: and the aile all the prodwit send irstallation comp a nen to . Ttis repart incicslte;l tl E product is eigllbla Mr the apAliaation all Keyatcne CarlifNatlar Proglram aertification labels. t icEinse(i stipulates in affi)iingl aertifiaai'on la t Ella to 11 ra clucts, that Mose pro( ucts are I epre si a ntii tive a f ti' a speaimen evaluatec arc dliaunianted for certificatian auhonizai'cn. Orlly produats bearing suah a certification label shall bE considerec certifia c1. The infolnua ion in alis ra pqrt can be veri ied a twww.ka ystc neaerts.com. Licensee lnikinmaticin: Praducl Infarmalioin: Custom VI inflow 31ysite rn s, Inc lu ode]: 8300 Fin/Flaagle Fname RVCII Imp Fixed '1900 W 44tt Aiienue Clperaton Type: FAA Cla ala FL 34474 CloMigl: N a , Ca,1-711'1611 l- 9 La nn i IG N ax W idth: 721 N a x H eight: 79 Clorresponding 9truciuiial CIARls: '11111-'1093.0 Rellerenced 'Illanda■d: Rrac eici Railing: A97M E'18 8 64 ,1 /E-1996-05109 Mh sile Lwiel D, %ind alone 4, []FI=+/•.65, 71) 176 Qualifying 1 wi 1 Informiaticin: 11 est Rep a rt N o: lllest F eport Expiration: I` CTL• 2' 10-3954,155-01 Q21 /2 0 21 At-Ihorized 5lignatlutie: Kelsilone Clclrtificlailitansl, Ira. 201 8.0222E '145 Limeyiln Rld., Suite 10 OB New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17(170 C 7:50:33 - C 5T 0 0' Pit one: 717-932-8500 Fax: 7,17-932-8301 W W WJIE)ISTON1110ENT5.COM PICTURE 1A INDOW - LARCIE N ISSIL E IMPA01 GENERALNOT-S —MX 1. THE PE DDUCTSHOWN I IERERI IS I ESISKDAND ANNVFAOTUREC K TOCV41ITHTIMEFI.ORIVI OURJI 816 CODEIFIIC},CURIIENT IWIS 1A4THAVE. LtkK ISYw. EDRR)N iNCLUDII17TNR"It11VSLOCMIIKMRINCANEPON1LKVM U FI ORI OCJ DASA 34474 ANC IS O T-1 TTIF WWI ZM 411ZME LEWL I RA IACT USE AS OEFR IED IN ASTM E 1998 PFR THIN FIC W W TABLE 01 CONTI NTS GENERA€ NOTE A ELEVAITICNII...._1 AICHITECTURA SHAPE: ......... ... 2 EsVN EWS ........__..._....._......... ANCHLL SCHEOULE& INICITES._.6...-..7 63TM.1ArX 45 oETF ILs...._..... ,....A LtrAS11LI'll EI' 2©17-(1-27 11:4-061:0( 10CATION MAK UNIT SI; IE 01111SIGN I FI ESS URN RA -MG IA IF ACI T RKnNal ANY 418":1112" a -59. I IQ N HVhle17-TYPSF I ARd 9 MIi SIL E IMPA C7 k111Hi1 12-,. 11E" 4/-113 N9F 13(1 I VC 111C1IURS VIA COV I IMI F AC•1 'x1 g :I 20 [1�1 !1 3 013 (� uIA 20 71t �Vl MAR hµGU£{A�r4� 1 4N • No S6xDi � i9 : 1R CRICLE FI ILL ELLIPSE ("OVAE'S 114 IRC TM , TOMBSTON9 NOTES" I, SFE SHMS 6 A 7 RA UETAILEC AN HOf HCSTALLAT101 REOUIREVENT91 M THFII FRALIE• TAASONRY, WOOD OF M1ITAL OPETWIG. THBR FIII-WOO OPE ll 3.Ot ERILLS29MUSTNHT TER T141MAMIWl ANDHEIGHI W RECIAI IC KM% 1040M 01 SHEET I. 4. A NCI I ORSIM ING PDR ARCS I TACTUAL FLANGE AND FIN W thil M IST FCH.t04 THE IAVW IS SHMIN 01 SIP EET1647.11 ITH AWAOI SPA CING MEASURE( IALONO THE LENGTH f F THE PRODUCT. 190011 W 44THAVI L cltAtA FLORI M R4 A,IeO I Yc PIEI TUB H'Al A1DOW IRIPACII ICRA .11ages 8z u13f a• w �'• T 3 s a �• s ui A. JA.t ib N loll oyygg 71 K11 YaaI�F Yo4Ii "o"Iy60REi+",wo S'�5. STATE OF jG,, 64, ala 11:7_ 9122/2617 LUCAS A. TLMEF , F.E. FLPEISE261 i2n JA9ARA A VE. NOF TI I POI T, FL 34288 PII. 041-3$0-1174 RCI IITECTURA L E HAPEE omwuv- ME - ADO A09 65166/67 . vs a WA •159 e SFIEEI i:t 20F9 wn� 190% 41THAVE, CICALA, I AHN 34474 W W WIC% S.CC &IUPIC PICTL RE FINS Ow Illlll ACII MI 0: g 0 EII V OM"I V OVEPALL a Oct jj�i 1 116'AWMELL.IIJoITWPEFED MV NEAT STREM THu TEWeRED oS.. yZL tl f"T., � urAasPrce i Y4•NRSPACE �3�T !116•Lam TED Me LMH GLASS ilt O'1$` 7 1t1'AHNEILLED 3F16'NEATSTRR*M W3 UI Oil �I L"WFPWII WIIIIw4r Y61L A9P SENTAY G1J15S 10NDIUST IRFEIRAYEH € �3 a� W AMERLED - YIF HEA ISIRfA i H gIUSPN DIR+ASEAI� 6 BE3KA ILfX SS CAMUDURWAL 6 VUI IL.Ex552 ��il EIiB� ES D SPACER SIKl No 592! 4 11Y GGBB BiT 1 r LII 12' CLAS LHC E 7 7 _ .`�ySTATE a FE444 'ICCCiph..n4N.� GU Ss TYNE A GU So TYPE a 912210 17 LLM.k ! TURNMI.M.E. iL PE 9 SB781 123DJAEMI PVEII I (OATH SART, FL 34781 PL 941-3WI 6 FIOHI 1 �1 GLATIMI OE A&I Q LA` `5 i 1 S SSC � MFIWlIWe SETTWGBLOCWIAE B 2411 .1.1 All 0510M C 1 -It-511 A 41 ;171 ews•is9 _ E Ill 11-6711 11 X74 7HEEnl 1:1 9 4d 8 3 4 YVIM�'Y OCA A. 44TH A 3 A.ymal ASg4T4 INf9R�IR r W VIVIW.4 ws.a1 s IN ou NVIC s s s ° PICT( IF E WINDOW IMPACT r 1 7 Wim' HI!91. Rim. 072 Q¢�51 C7i1 I'3�� �N■ e s et SHTICH VIEW 143 z� a SEI Hill �'� ?vr• Ha 537114 i, �95.,s BFA7E iIIF ��C 1t e ° � ��tniiini9l"� 4 1 °9r2?f�7 L TL RM Ill. P.E. © D FLIP] 958201 1231 JAINW AVEI NIII TH I ORT. FL 34281 PH.9 1-30011574 1 6 stwto SEC11011 VIEW Ayl 9111 CTION VIII W11 AITERNATE FIN FRANE E3iGilii' w A9 a 05163/07 FEV ■ WS -159 gear -SI IEE7 1.1.33 410F9 2 P�HRAME�FtAHG ti 81 I x PVC GL.A7ESEM -S-N0 p PVC FRAMN MI - I+80W SCREW SLIFPC7Fi' I - f J' 112 INI IM IITHAAAL =,= 34414 8300 PVC PICTURE YAM IOW IMI ACT 1 L x;2 W=17 WCAI A ILRV A I E FLP! 95701 In I JYIW IAVE IIOIirH POR ,!9.312{ PHI 911.Uk7115if E%J RU%Oi1581 ON. AMI OSA0 W CWEIIN E JiHBcI 1:1 !I OJ R I AM JI Tf®1 I II Am tl ImcFttpTwN VENOOF KA TERIAL Fwom [PRALffl FSA, MAIK HEAD MOM PVC 7 1116NO F A MM PWMAKSIU I MVIRIN PVC 3 H-WUBE FROM, PW, MARF,1.. Ama KOGRON PVC -- 4 J lq#1m F rw, lam, M. JAMB KRC*4 PVC I )IOM FRAMU, VW, MAK l MKRON PVC A R ZRT Ti-jR-r=wiFIIIIRORT€' Pvc I F I Slit MLK;. St UOR, 1181 � W21.G. FRAW UN 10 PillObER A PURFECIGLf `K, SWAFLEX551 IIENKRUM WME 0 .97&1 CAP PLUG, JW HOLE Kmm 9 1f 3 084 1. O.A. UL) MKRDhI PVC 11 - A— ISME SUEET11 2 P�HRAME�FtAHG ti 81 I x PVC GL.A7ESEM -S-N0 p PVC FRAMN MI - I+80W SCREW SLIFPC7Fi' I - f J' 112 INI IM IITHAAAL =,= 34414 8300 PVC PICTURE YAM IOW IMI ACT 1 L x;2 W=17 WCAI A ILRV A I E FLP! 95701 In I JYIW IAVE IIOIirH POR ,!9.312{ PHI 911.Uk7115if E%J RU%Oi1581 ON. AMI OSA0 W CWEIIN E JiHBcI 1:1 !I OJ R tv wx 61 Mal S' TAMC I ANCHOR uyour -1F1N1 NCTES: 1.INSIAILOIIEANLHMATEACI INSTALLA7161 tOC MN.ANCHOK SFACNO APPLIES TC,1 LL SWIPES ISEESIIEET21ALOWALLFRAMEEDG-E . SULANCHORSPACINC SAMEAI HEAD. 2.SHIMAI REQ ATEACNBISTALLATWNAI ClIORUSiNG LOW BEAAINC SHIM'.. MAILALLOWAE i.ESHOA ITA KTG BEV4'. LSESHIM- WHERESPA(E GREATER THAI 1V1111 IS PRESENIL LOAI BEARRLI SII LiSSN441,RE CONSTRUCTEDOINIGHDEMSCTYPLlS1 CW BET ITER. WOW SIDMS AR EATALLOWED. 3. ANCHOR TYPE, SIZE, SPAS NO AND EM IEOIIEHT SHALL BE NI SPEC HIRED I4 THESE ORAIAUNGS, SEE IIA LC S. SHEE IS C ALL INSTALLATKNI I ANCKliV I MUX T BE MAI V C P OR W 1I TDCTED YIHT .I COED QVOt RF:SL' TAN1 MATERIA l OF COATINI . DISSIMILAR METALS OI 1.4 RERiALS IN CON' AI T VMH PRESSUR I TREATED WODI MtKIT BEPFOTEC3EOTOPAW4W1 REACITION, S.NSTAI L I TION ANCHORS SHALL BE NACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR UkRU ACTURER:INSTALL KNI IISTRUCRONS,AN: ANCHDA:1 SHALL MITSE USIN BSTR INSUATESWRTISTREN4THSLT:SSTHAN THISMTIIMW SPEEIRIED IN TABLE 1. SHEETS S.AN HOREIIIIBEDAENTTtl1 SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYONC WALL DRESSING ORSTUCCI . FOF CONCAET ICUUOIENNf S,tM EDMENTSHALLI ESEY011 %1 DODBUGKI,IFLKIEI, INTO SUBSTRATE. NSTALLITIOIISTOSDIIOCONCRIYEOI GROU FILLED CMUNMI1NE!W CLU 9U OC XQTRELIUIEIXW IgKKSSCTWEENTHEPRCKW IANCISUSSTRATE. NSTALL TK)NSTO HOLLOW CMU CI E k"t THE USE OP IX SUCKS 9EIWEEN THE PROM IT AND SUBSTRATE. T..I N PIT 10114 ENTER TOICEFFTER SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAMIED BETA EEN ALL FAST£NAI RS: 3' FOI MAI OW Y, 1' FG R WOODAM METAL B. W(X DCA U4SONRY1 PERM , BLKXSAI DBU0. FAST8 ERS SHALLSEPRC PERUI DESIGNI I S)l TH I ARCHIT IGFOR ERG11 EER OFRECORI ANP DSTALGI ■ 7p Y2WSF IR 5 IINDLOADS T! THE STRLARURE. SII BSTRATES SHALL? IEET THE MINTMULI STIENGTH REQUIIEMENTE Al SMININTABLET,S""TC CXNCHETEAM LW,sCINR1I SUSTFUITESMAYNOISECRACKIO. 0.41MINGAM I FLASHINI STRAT94 IDSF(I R OVC FALL WATEF RESISTANCE CP NSYALLATION"ILL BE DONE BY OTHERS. FOLLOWA II TH E CI RRENT VERSI N OF TRE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: FNNRAAFA 100(F9I WND[Av51, PMII WA1Nl2d3(FLANGI N W DOW S �, FMAMTC NUI 25gBON W WDOWEI. FNWAAMAM DMA 300FXTERCOR DOORS) 2—ft—mm 1961 IWI 441WIVE. OCAU FLU IDA 31474 WWTI ZWS.CC IU1 PVC A ICiUR8 WH is OV IMF IAC•1 � I a a�i QI�I3� ta F�>p:(Kj[I3 �O N ry�,ryt y ouN 1 f� G O j L i 'I t vT y a0.a��e o°4i'Ap� I e sews :am La # -•I C �Sy �?•• STAFE OF ice•.: "�LI Ninitil?�r xz LI ICAs A. TURNER, P,E, F•L PE E 55201 1239 JASARAA VE. Nd 711 PCNL1. FL 342BS PI.941-3WIS14 A NCHOR SCHEI I ILE E N(IT $ IAr — vote: A D9 G! 05707 HIT.- I CVI:I.159 EI ' SHEET 120 6018 ANCl�R LAYOUT-IFLANGEI OA •F 61 PSF l' LVJI 4 LW I W ALL 1TIOF7 ANCHM ma) DP •f•S5 P8F 1.INSTALLO/ E ANCI SIR PT EAG I STALLA' I OF LOCI TIOD , ANCHOI SPACING APPLIES TCI ALLSHAPES IEEE SI EET2) AI ONG ALL FRAL18 ED ES. SO L ANCHOR SPAOINI I SATS Al MAX, 2.SHD,IASREI $TEJV H DIS ALLATIONANI IHOF USING LOAD BEARING SHIKADL MAN ALI OWABLB SHIM IT.ICIC Td SE 114'. USd16F MIYIHEIESPAG ORF.IT6#7t1AIF'RG-EI PRESENT. LOA: BEARWOSHWSSHALLSE CONSTRUITEDOFHIOF OEIISITYPLASTOCGI BETTEF VIDODSHRASAI E MINA€I GWED_ 3. ANCHOR TYI E, SITE, SPACBk I P 1HI EMBEOMIINT SHA IL BE AS SPEC IFIEO IN THES I DFU iIIRFG;L SEE TABLE 1, SHEET 8. 4. ALL It TSTAELATION ANG IORI MU•ITBE MADE01 OF P11 -I TECTIO 5111TH A it ORROSIQI RE'.STAN? WITERFA C R 0OA1 NO. DISSILI [LAI UEIALSOA M TERM S W CONTACTIIIRH PRESSURE TREATEDV Ow MILT BE WI4 TEAITED TC PREY HE REACT IOD L S. VISTA ELATIN ARM AS SHALL 61 IN ACCOR DANT EV IITH AN CHO R MANUFAC TURERTI INSTALUl71011 INSTRUOTH N , AND At CHORI I SHALL M IT BE USED W SUOI ITRI TES WRIT I STAB HGTII S LESS THAR THE MIRVA IM SPECIFIE1 INTABLE 1, SHEE118. S_ ANCHOR EMBETAAEN I TC SUSSTRI Oil SHALL BEBEYONC IWALL DRES1 INa OR STUCCO. FOR CONCRETEICMU 01 ENIINGS. 91,111 L ENT SHALL BE BEYDI IO WCKM BUSKS, E USES, INF[ SUISTRATEI ItISTAUATIO4I TC SOLID CONCF ETE OR II ROUTAB.LEl CAI MAVINCLU0 E BUT 04 NOT III ITRE IXWOOI LOW DI°EWN IEEl THE PRI DUCT ANL I SUSSIM U. INSTALLATIDN 14 NO LW I CMU REOE [IRE THE USE OF TK BUCKS III ED I THE PRI CTAD 1)$U5 ITNATE, 7_A MINIM M I ENTER -'FO -CENTER SPACINII SHALI BE MANTA INEO BETWEEN, I LL FA TENERS: 3'FOI MASONR, V FS RU IDDDAN IETAL. S. WOOD C R MASOI R I OF ENINGS, BUCK: AI D BUG FASTENERS SHALT BE PRO ERV DESIGNED BY THE AF CHRECT 01 ENWHEER SF RROORI At O INSTALLEL T# TRMISFER WWI I LOA DE TO THE STRUCTURE. SUBSTRATES SHALL MEET THE MSIIMVMSTRENGTII LGOL IREII Al SHOWN IN TABLEI, SHEET? CONCRETE Al DMA ONRYSUOITRATESM/DINCTSE CRAC700. S. SEAUt I AND FLASHING STRATEGIES FOR WII RALL WATER RESIN. TANG I OF IN: TA LLATK H SMA L Or; DONE 8Y C THEIRS FOLLOW NG THI CURRENT VERE1101 OF 7M F EFERENCE DOCULUINM P WM1AA 100/114111 WDOWSj. FMAlAAM 2"FLAHGEVYW00WS), FMW DM125oI Wu 1D°WS), FMAL4AMAAi IDMA 30Q EXTERIOR DOORS) wu+hl' OG SY1 IONBAVE. mI. FI OMEN 3N71 W INf1111I.CV I8LC 83110 PVO F1 IC111UR! I VIM a W 1MRACI LI gym: c - . i uI 6H _o WWI 11I j • dll 6 a 11 .` r!!c Fuw r q _ag,�S�C EI B'E Fy i3 �- � Ile SB201 d'� 1 •.dam V La: 1��� STATE LIF 441' w� G p1t F.' .Jjjj ':;� :zf LUCAS A ruRNlii 1, I1.F;. FL PE # 58 01 1230JABARFIAVE. NCI IIM IIT,FL9 288 PH.941.980-1574 ANCIIi R SCHEOU1.98 Nil TES ADE 05!05107 CWi-158 III E 11:11 ET 1:20 1 OF 9 ANDCW IAAIMMMbPbd..sYO ULWrI 748 AUATIM AIAMO SR TA" 1 mer IWA99"ILLIM e II'Rwl"p..IAAH I- 119=1 AM OUT IRA7E.Y11 TIBU. LQ L1<L .!ALW UIOE LCIIBI MM ST MAUER t71` am I a W1 Am MCKWEDOW .q TAACUII 101 IW 1 IM — YF PNE fO+rl87 -- 1-Lle- 7111 622=17 IOP 14�E'�ii®tfd LUCAS A. T1+IR/LyT.I X - _. KiMISCREN1 I OAIIOE .STk.RT} iG 7T.LT77kie-€cbT<.f PLLL', MONTH POK L FL 3cm #IC.1 YAsW iR+) t�cxM IAC aCJiEW 7IN1 0.Oe7 g�k4LCttifIALSFF�11 lur AW.01 eAklab UNI) ca tW5W1LVafMMW - [AIADEaeRP-TAw++OI wcl. THMMm7 - �BO1EY1 TI/elaW IML r .mT7 111- W T. 94WIC RORmO1RA! 1 TTVW(MAIIIAN0JDM% fi I RAI AMS L YJR Mt FIN*Ua1LI ITIM wpmowsmg 101 VM40HAVC OCA3A FLORIDA 21 ,NM UWA= M mic NCTURE VANDOW III 1 AC11 .27- 622=17 LUCAS A. T1+IR/LyT.I X - FL 1731 %&#RAAVE. PIMME t.8A7.A7R MONTH POK L FL 3cm Oypcs.tw we" AND OUT PK K 7 V"V4 g�k4LCttifIALSFF�11 � 5ds�ti&�Y6TULfT� s'�.Ai. R.L YtNI lOfl eKUM AU -OM 1NQI�ALLA7ICF OE' A" FV,Ml! RB"AL MORE: PAMU IU I C.I FTAI n REUOVWO TTI4 KMOE; . 1117[AHD WUM04ABOX.RtAM IAPPLIC.AT1OM I8 ACCEPTABLE PROVEW: ADE Osmw - YN 1NI Fl3.E' Of CCM47AUCFpM-OfiM AOHIW CJIIIIi q APF11� N78X141AIo OUT. FLLL PEiEE7Et.8Y H6TALLEIII I1N8-169E -PRCOMGTAHd10RA0III /1 A�CCORDAEIC WITI Rf:OVii9®ITS A: SIT aHom FUR FLANm vmgx VT . 13 a OF 8 M 1/2( 20 Rlorlda Buildinil Code Oniku b � et19 lkrnl Lp to ?. V=1 Rtykhatlu Hd I look Sub M Surcrdrge SU" a Fels PWft flans Contact Us 1 BCV 51 e K I p Links ; Sed rch j Prot t ct APllnl vaI - Useft_ PW tic Use I _Produd Appmyal Memil -6qQjmjj20 > API acatron oeWi FL it FL9l:l 4 7 s` A F pllcatJon 11pe Revisia I Cale l tars or I (17 A p plEcation 9 U tu! Appl oved Comments Ard ived Proc uct FIt n ufactur( r cusblm WI n d" Sysl ems Ir n. AddreWP% m /Ed ail :199 0 9411411th Aveaua Ocilla, 1L 344;14 (191)3611-69.2 Ead 291 jlathropocr s.ax A uthorlaet 5 gnat[ re ret in Pine I pine@cws.a Te I nical Re presen U tl, Ie ]a y Le tl ball Adc ress/q t a M Ema If 190 0 SN 44th A IE Oeal la, FL 34474 (391):161-69,2 Ext 291 jlattlrop@cw.a.cc Q ua114 Assurance Repn Ist ntt tivc Arl ure Ment( vt: n e Adds ssi Phc na,lE mi 11 1900 5V 44th Ave ASTM El 1S !19-09 OWIa, FL 34474 FA TAS 291ij3 (] /7 03 (35])J(4-6922 Fact 221 a rnonteve>I de0cws.cc Category Vl llr dotes Subcat( gory Mu11N ne CDmi Mance Mrlthod Ill t14 n Report from a Florida 0eglstem Archited c E Lkarsed Florida I rofm lanai Rn1 In eel EY1lueUoi i R por - Hardtop} Received F lock a Eng neer or A rchitec Na me wl o dd ve loF ed the LM s A. Turner Elvalual tlon Rep r1 Florida license IE -58:111 Qua lily A sst n nce Eli ttty Key stone CertA a tic n:3, Ir a . Qua lily Assurance Oontil d EI gkatioll Date (17rj 1/70; 0 Valkiatec ll Steven M. Uriel , PE Va filo tion Ct ecklist - Ha rdcopy Received Cert ficaiU of Independence Referenctd'tandar(I and Year (cf 9tarderd) yea AAMA ,I 5a-1 a Ill 10 AS7M 019119-05 300`-1 ASTM El 1S !19-09 ] (05 FA TAS 291ij3 (] /7 03 :15 94 Ec ulva lencn of Produc SU ndard. CertiHedl B)i Fil ld Llcens(d Rr4fesshmal8nginaera Architect 4n 71.1 /21] 21 Florida Bolding Code Orlin Sectidns frdm the Code Product Approv I MI thod Method 1 0AtkA l D Da til Si tan Itted 09,125,12( 11 DFbi Valid!ted Hill IA Dahl Pending HBC AV 11rcval 1Cr109,1201, Dain Appravad 121:I3,120IA Summery oil Prot lice Ill. * Model, Numhl r c r Na me Descrinth It 9.93C.1 3" A turn. 'ill N Mull of 3" A lura. Tube Will on, Hol Iii VE 11, FM & I rips app Ialtioru . (IMl ACT) L mite e f Else InstalEetior Irl struetiorl s Al prom led fa l l use in H1 M21: 'les FL9520 R7 II CWS-83613.Ddf AM prom l ed is I use outsl i l a Ill Yea Ve railed I y: Li A. Starner 583 01 Inlnac Reatstallt' Yel Cmlted I )I In de pendent Third Pa rty: Yes Desllln iressunl: N/A Ill ishiall n Report Oil ler. Lai Mlss le ImMlct; Sed Installation Instructions and FL9520 R7 A£ EyalReoort836ll Evaluation Repqrt far oomple a list e f Limitations as cl Cm Stet I )l Independent Third N rty: !les Condidoru of Else. 9 5:10.:1 4' A um. - I it a Mottle 4' Aim, Tul a Mullion, Ha rizontai E Vera fd I, Firl & E lingo all i a n:. (IMPACT) L miti of tIse Installation Instruct ons Agproued l i use In H1111X.1 Yes FL9520 R7 II CWS-837B.odf An proved ft I use C utsh a HVH2i1 Yel Verified 8y: l uais A. iIIinwr if 301 Inipae Resistai t Yet Creates b)I ladspendent Third IN rty: lies Design I rens un : N/A Ovall e in Report, oti len Lai a Mlssibi In I p; Ict; See In sti I Iation Irl strL cola ns and FL9520 R7 AE Evatllepprt837B.r1df Ivaluallcn Repor fdroomplll to lis of LimNations nd Creates b)l liIll lentThird R rty: )Ies Coa clitllon s of Use. 99IC.I 9 1/3' A urn.LbI l Illioil 9 1/2' A Sum. Tribe MuHinrl, HoriaOi E Vents 1, Fid & flange a I pt call . (IMPA CT) I smite oftlse InstilIts tlon Inas long Ali Prom led IN r use in HV117: Yes FL9520 R7 II CWS-838B.odf MI proved Id r use t llbi HVFIZ: 1 es Verified B) : Luca s A . toast Ir SCI it :I impact Resistant: Yea Creates b)I Iidei penderlt'lhirc IN rtyl: lies Design Pres: ure: Hi evaluation itepclrts Othe r: Large MissS Imp! ct; See Installedon in stnxtior e a m FL9520 R7 AE _EvalRenoitB3all 1vi1111ailcn Repj rtfol comlllete Its of Llmltattl ns and 0real by IndepinllelltThlrc lai `les Ca ndil la ns a If l Ise . F-71 r'oxt argad l :: 2iHdintcsrone Road.TiiflaIMWW Ft 32395 Phene: 85"182s Th state of Holds e u AN ®o empbye coorrtoirt 2002-2013 state of Fmrida.:: I arAtllaM :: Atmalli S I I nda Florida) taw, ema4 ad re I fee are W bb remrds if ya dd riot ,,errs your ,man address retuvW In rasporw b a pe,hlk -records request, d 1 not sere eloc i A O to tht enM . Unites, , mntac the oft 16 plane or In traditlonal maN. if yoq have arra gwsii pterin mritoct 850.487.1395. Vornant to Sadist 451.275(1), nDridl Si elfecii WOW 1, 11111.2 kensee kensa wide Chapter 4$5, FS. must provide the DeiSartrnen wnh an emaa addreia III they M rl I ons. The erna0s lr'ovleed may be use for onkiM cor imunrcntlar wnh the aQrnxe. tiowevei I erne ad ressei are i record. a " de not wW t supply a personal address please provide me Doi with an ern 11 addres whid cos tar mad avaNabi to the pui li To determin I I I yal are a Irxesee and r Ci 453, 1 please ckk bli 1roi u�C�,'"A'Jppeavj t Acral ter-. lm Grp( 11 Clard Salk I TTURNER HNGINE111131ING & OCI NSULTING. INC. I r® (I iw1 Dei eriplion: PNI C 3 " Mulli(n H-1198 1239 .Ta bans Ave. 1` arch Por, INUIT 34288 Ph. 941 380. B74 HBPH G.O.A. #29779 Elvalua lion Rapoiit 836H Se pternber 16, 2011 M anufactuneii: Clu.tom Window Systems, lint. 1900 SW 40 A.Ive, Ocala, FIl 34414 Silalemenl oil( (niplif nen: 'Ilia report avalcutes the al cve-lisitesl prioduatpaiitle naquiirements oil FDIC Pi iodii c 1 Pppnovi 1 Rule C hall ten 61420 -La C S (4'. This 11 ra duct c omg lies witl the ra c uir cements oiltl c 6`h Edition (1011) F'la r'da E uildint C l i de irr clui l in g tb(i Hit h Ve locit` l Hi m iii i nc d one. Tl e llna duct testing s tanclaudi penia rme d atic outlinc d 1 c lovas. 'Real u ical Il of umenilailion: :I) This napoiit, piiegai ed by Iluaas A. Turner, P.I3l., a t 123 {I 7i bari Ave., Notith Pont, FIJ 1) Alp11reval dn:iwing GWIS 830, aigna(I aticl sealed t y IJllucas Al. 71ttiintiy P.E. :I) Test Haporrts 1` CTIL• 2111-3 833 -1, -lAI, -2, -1 AI, 4, and -:1 AI, Flom Natianal Clertified testing La bona u ria , Onlanclo, FL signed and sealed 131 Ganand L Feriran , P.E . a. T esting N rlki rmed: TRIS 201A7(2)I2(I 3 94, AISIM B 188(1-Q 2, 04A0`I, ASTM) lq 9 6 04AO it li 9,1 nd AAMA 1450-06 'I) 9upplemellul (la Ica. to suppont CIWS-83(113, sigged and scaled byLiica! A. Turner, P.R. line t:i 111 tic n: Units roti st l a ins to lied a caie rding to apll rc val clocun ent CWS -836B. Himitaliow oil Ilse: 'phis product: • Mi y 1 c ui ed up to the sizes and design piiessuiies as shoviiri in CI1r415 4 36EIII, using a lips ai i l owri in C1WIS, 836H hi Lang( IV. iss He Impact Resistant and clow tict iiequire the use oil 9htiHe:is May 1 e used in the F igh Vel(city Furriaanc Zone 4 Mt y a n ly be use d with C lu i tc m Vi lindov ii Sys teni, ] Inc. windovii l , pleaiii t i e e =, eparata indhiidw I winkw ut it approvals fon applicable clei it n linea funes and fon more details. The lawar of that individual viaindow design pressures and tl c niullion d( sit n pnessunes shall apply to the entirc a ssa mbly. Roc uves 60(13 Tt I a luminum mullion and slip extru!i ionii . C Ic rtiflcf tion of llndeperi cl a nce : I de not have, n o i do I int end tc as gaits, not w1l I a equine, a fina ncia 1 intenesit in Clustom Alindovri Systems or in any aompan31= nufacturing on distnibuting piiodticts for which this rieg ( tit is being iss uec I. 11 do riot hi ve, noii do l in tend to a c quire, not will I ac qun e, a finan cis 1 interest in a ny a ther t ntity in` a lvec I in the testing or a ppnoiial p ra cess of this pnoe luct. Lucas 711 inei1 J I7-CIc'I--J8 C111:30+100:(10 Mffjl(IAi CIRE Ki drr N0 91820•1 9,126,12017 Lucas .4I. Turner, P.?'I. ' 11 L PH #58211 SIAVE 011 0 p,�{�► r 1�1 II *. ,,•� � r r��f�ft111 1q1 1, i` v y e ri ¢p n{nn a rcu ,IDp 3 g'i „!E Co V GI < - _j o311J181H02dSP9Nl`9W3.ISA5 M00M1M V110.1 SM A P 10199IW2I3cl PI3iJPaM31J..LrOP{IPM=1'IOIIM IStla012!/cIPI1tJQIJ3110f1ai1311 aNtr'0P11`lW�J9A9 Mo4I•IIM WOJSf10;I0A.a3dQd41 :Xs3111S19hIIaEIFII 111 Q3?IrVDI03 NOW IWa(1.INI M1.I Illlllf lltfl! �plta�y l F133i�� a�4� '' "'• � ``"y r'�`���. v s�'y'y :3:a�fl C p 1~ =UII:� - u1 I: ry e, =eY•ut In •I CI•,` -o'u a I Q. r4 ?1 F� z ull1�g�l 5 Q y k ,1 p+„Itt=kss,s10 11! 4 ! v �C"41� Zm4u d LYu aF,:at lactl u1,10� a4'y4a a s J z <I 41 FIZZ i' d F _l7 ii �I� ; LI I w � U Il e~ cn w ILL 0 xQ i" o m � 3 � a N VI ! 01;11 109 111114'11 a 2M.131H(1 1 lcl 3 11 w w a� w <I Ef w EIl � fn o W n lfi Q d of ,-� LU >- L O wo In � 0 Via} w �il w a mu) t cls ]II 5?Z I. �o F 01 cl t 06 �� wZ � �m ipt tY zgn a w i� < ¢� LL tx- u 7K w x 11 Z 71 FD c3z Fy¢ XO ou 4'ccll N `I Z Lu Z]} I LI7tl Q Eby <I 00 WK fs..O �i0Y fwy! 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C '(13JJSMUdIIOM'!IVI:IS) 8 MOONIM WOJ SM dO NOISSI WMd W4W8A 131+1 1(14 H.UM 3IXIiN I t4t14111l1!!! �J`H 1,0a���`�i� •' ; I� i ti "� e� �Qr l I i4, al o Q i ai () I SV NEO.I U4 d NiNI NOnCK)�JN .ti � q Z� titi' n .3 :4 cao o o q I ydq t AMi'OP7 S{.ISAS MOQ M ISM }.� +' p ";`��?ui i ¢r4= lV idv pj F7aC� a S F .40 ,UWJdOHd 3'lCk I AL 191 JNINIVHO SIFLI ob 1 NI 03filPdJJVOO tdOtLtl►�IO713FL1 4j' l`4`'Q' lea €I W bo 29999 ooa a a '89 oo u7 C Z b P o o a a9 w L co o b o o q Q Q p a S F q>000a x$$99 ob UI bo 29999 ooa a a '89 oo u7 C o g o o a a c P a ! rc r'$g9 �. Q O Q O a 0 0 O� 8u w o 41. c o o .�9 �e� a)tl�o �4a s E �Iv"i a I'u!I KIM 31 Min w a 9� 11 i a Q QOO a O Q $S� t .w bPaba,n.a ti 4' 0 $ 0 •q• o aqe d $ $ aoa q am a. o 8 83 $ S 9BI bI 'S p 3 � QQQ� F. 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