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Revision; Removing Offices & Bathroom
OFFICE USE ONLY: 9 DATE FILED: REVISIONFEE: PERMIT # �11 �• 05 9 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772)462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE A ""DUQQ. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: C_ G-C 6 3 B d ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: jVhlwa-10- ADDRESS: CITY: ST PHONE (DAYTIME: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DA' SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 R' John M. Foster - Architect Member - American Institute of Architects - LEED AP 11205 Ridge Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 (772) 370-9464 jmfarch@gmail.com Florida Reg. No. 8511 Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 SLC Permit #1910-0599 Warehouse Addition 7369 Commercial Circle July 21, 2020 1) Per Client request, office and restroom interior build -out removed from plans. If there are are questions regarding these revisions, please contact me as shown above. yip (E OF p� ....a:,. 0AM.Ir •Dpi ,•�O 0s��,4y rn 0 • 00086, Jokn M. Foster - AIA CONCRETE TESTING oj c.j— ® . o Strength of concrete fn specified in excess of 3000 pet V a shall be sampled per ASTM C-172, capped per ASTM C-617, curerel per ASTM C-31 and testa per ASTM C-39. PEKMiT5 Testing laboratory shall be certified per ASTM C-1077. Contractor shall apply for and provide all rormfte and inspeotfone as Tests shall verify compressive strongth equal or greater required for all a@pecte of Construutfon as shown on these drawings. than specfflcatfon strongth. SITE 5ET-Ur Temporary sanitary facility shall be maintained on sfto during WOOD PRODUCTS Unless otherwise noted on Plane, wall etude shall be #2 & construction. better nominal 2x4 Hem-ffr. Contractor shalt review drawings and on site conditions prior to Wood in direct contat with concrete shail be prossure treated, permitting and start of construction. Cellfng Joists shall be #2 strueturai grade southern pine, sfze as Additionolly, contractor shalt verify location of electric, telephono, shown on these Plans, water, gee & sanitary sewer service prior to start of contructton. Wood In direct comet with concrete shelf be pressure treated. If the contractor believes he has discovered errors and/or ommfsefone STRUCTURAL STEEL Ih the Construction Documents, he shalt notify the Architect in writing for clariffcation before proceeding with any work. if the contractor Structural Steel shall conform to the latest editfons of AI5C specificatfons for the deafen, fobricatlon and falls to gfve such notice & obtain wrftten clarlflcatlan. he shall be creation of structural steel and ASTM A-36, latest edition. responsible for such omfse(on(s) and for the cost of rectifying same. All field welds shall be repainted w/ two coats of rust Contractor shall furnfsh or provide equfpmont, operations, labor & Inhfbftfng pmfnt of the same brand and type me the shop coat. materials, necessary to perform and complete the Project. PRE-ENGINEERED STRUCTURE Work shalt be done In accordance with applicable local, state &federst The intermediate frames, roof purlfns and framfng shall bufldfng and saftey codes and with manufacturer's published (netructfone. ba components of a pre-engfneere I bufldlne structural WARRANTEE system rated for F13C 160 mph , Exposure "C". Manufacturer Contractor shall provide owner with a full year worranteo on the entirety of the completed entirety and additions notwithstandfne shot[ suppl structural drawings prepared, sfened and seated by a Florlda llcansed structural engfnoor. warranteas issued upon Individual components by manufmcturere or sub- MISC. METALS contractors. The 1 year period beefns at date of acceptance by Jurfsdictfon havine Supply mfecellaneoue metale as required to eomptate structure Prof other eomponente. authority. INSULATION SOIL - Clear the buildfre area of trace, roots oreanfcs and 5ufldine roof & wall Insulotfon shalt be shall be 3" vinyl faced Fiberetase batte . other deleterlous materials. - 5ackfill with selected granular materfat fn 15" maxfmum ROOF & WALL PANELS Iffts Prof compact to a mfnlmum dsnefty of Sa% par ASTM -Iron5uflt 26 gaga "Rib 12" Galvalume overlap straw -down D-1557. panol system. Areas that are re -excavated for fouhdatfon (hataltatlon - Install per Manufacturer's FDC 160 mph 3-second wfndzone shall be tested and satf@fy a rnfn. 95% Modified Proctor acceptance. dehelty. All components &halt be a part of a efngto manufacturer's Allowable groas Poll pressure for foundatfon deefgn fig angfneered system. 2000 pef and shot[ be verified by an Independent testing HARDWARE labratory. rroducts installed for this Project &hall be brand, tine &flnfsh per CONCRETE ifetine below. Contractor to submit (4) copies of Hardware Schedule Concreta shaft develop a minimum strength of 4000 psf prepared by an Architectural Hardware Consultant for review me at 2d3 days. Concrete shaft be ready mixed per ASTM C-24. Shop Drawfnee before re[easlne matorfal. REINFORCING Kafnforclne steel shall be deformed, new billet steel in CAULKING Exterior sealant shall be single part polyurethane accordance w/ ASTM A-615, Grade 60 and detailed per ACI 315. DOORS Splices @hall be shall be In accordance wl Chapter 7 of Access Doors - Hollow Motel - 0-60 galy. steel 16 sage ACI-318, w/ o minimum splice of 46 bar diameters. Insulatod door & frame with ADA einglo-motfon egress/ ADA paddle lockeet & safety chain. ... .............................................................................................................. PAINTING SCHEDULE 50d(ne wall & roof parole. trim and accessory components shall be pro-ffnfshed. Touch up of any scratches or mars shalt be affected with products matching the pre -finish color and type. Gypsum drywall shall receive one coat of full coat Of latex primer. Two additional coats of eggshell eheen latex shall be applfeel over prfmsr. interior trim & doors shalt receive primer & two full coats of samf-gloss tatex. rC LUM5ING NOTESontractor shall cap -off ax/sting plumbine dra/n 1/nes and domcstic supply llnoo below alab level. Retreat for term/tes I Install .006" poly vapor barrlar & re -pour conrete slab. ELECTRICAL NOTES Electrical imatallatIomo and oquipment shall be in accordance w/ the requirements of the 2014 edltion of the NEC (NFPA #70) me amended, and all local mhd state codee in force at the time of construction. Contractor shall make final arraneamonts for electrical and tele- phone Service. Verify transformer location and service points for utilities prior to bids. Provide all necoesary permito. All matorfal shall be UL approved & labeled. Ground system in accordance w/ Article 250 NEC. All outlate shall have a bonded ground with an actual copper ground wire to the outlets ranalboards and loodcentare sha[i be Square D. ITE or approved equal. Provide a typewritten directory for each pahelboarel. Raceway - all conduit shall be EMT Outl boxes shall alv. et a t steel for an s( r t na 0 g g size required, fo I boxes will not be acceptable. Provldo oversize boxes & covers if reauirod to provide NEC wire cloorahce. Covers shot[ be Type 316 55 w/ Type 316 55 screws. Outlets shall ba mounted at 42" AFF, Switches at 3' a" Per NEC 2014 - Article 513.7 - All electrical wfring shall be, in EMT raceways or be Type Mi. TC or MC cable. rroposcd Additfori to Warehouse 7369 Commcrcfal Cfrcic 5t, Lucfc County, Florfda Parcel 1D # 1335-802-0047-000-5 Sheet Index A-1 Dufldfng Elevations, Notes A-2 Floor flan A-3 Foundation flan A-4 Dctafls E-1 Elcctrfcal & Lfghtfng plan Fanclboard & Load Calc'e. a ova 2,�� u N C m ;�•? s m s s ° iz U d o O z i o o 0 © 0 o LL jj_ U c N v Q� CDOODDIR (1160`0DUT.PaaIlk Ma'd! I R i L - Florida Bufldfng Code 2017, 6 th Edition 5aojC Load FaCtOrS 0 -160 rr1Ph__Emi ura "C'- 3 -second burst per I=BC 2017 section 1603.1.4) _ Occupancy - FSC Section 306.3 W1nd Velocit Ult = 16mp h 0 mph, A5D =124 --- Group " F-2" Low hazard Factory Industrial y - p p i Type of Construction - 1113 - un-sprinkled i Exposure "C"LL a FSTable C 504.3 - Allowable Height Above Grade Plane 5ufld(10 Designed as enclosed Structure U f Maximum 55' height - Actual height = 20' At ridge , Per F5C Table 1604.5 buifdf ng i6 S_ F5C Table 504.4 - Allowable # of Stories Above Grade Plane 1 "Kiek Catagory 11" - 5torage I AllowmWa # of stories = 4, actual =1 Roof Loads per buildfng manufacturer :3 v FOC Table 506.2 - Allowable Arsa Factor = 23.000 s.f. Dead Load - 0. 73 pef, Live Load 20 psf 0 - Area of proposed additfon = 2.982 5F, gross - Overhang = 0' 0" goof Pitch 1/12 S O ExIsting structure = 2,100 5F i 0 Total_a_rea = 5,082 _5I= Mean building height =18 L U �FDC Table 1004.1.2 Occu ant Load -- - I P Exit capacity - 3411clear opening / 0.2 =170 persons lh Classification Area 5F Area/Occ. # Occupamto or 1134 % of raqufrerltent 0 each of a exits Office 239 100 3 Warehouse 4945 500 10zi�I Total 50&Z 13_! Components & Cladding; I I WCAUVIO I manurPvvurrn I Inwrdai rr I rL it / iNvr1 I euilAhvFreesures I Des. Pressure OH cooing door war Door Corporation ro ,3 gaY w/#C-27530 age slats 15960.1 Yes 3/4" thru bolts to Mr. frame at 18" o.o. 32.3 (-)35.8 88 (") 8S Access Doors Dominfum Bide. rrod.1 WindMAXX 1 10294.1 1 Yes (8) #10 eelf•tappime screws W each Jamb 32.3 O Storefront Doors A[elora Alum Co. Summit Entry Door NOA v-oszsma I Yes 5/16" x 11/2" Tok screws 0 &" c/o 152.3 . � t) John M. Foster -- Archftoct - Florlds A 0 008511 . z 0 W 0 sheet ill C} op Lj J if 4 o v t.o ,)UL .21 202tl Imtcrfor Ffrlfehce Warehouee Floor - concrete Base - N/A Walls - vinyl faced Insulation COMMO - vinyl faced 111SUlat10n _J• 0 d- Ar 1' 2 " 'L ' C 6' 0 It 121011 10' 6 11 3' 4 It 7' 0 " 31411 10' S't ..� _ yl ___ ____________ r / 1 ,fr Path of Travel <50' i 1 I I / , I I 1 I I I / I i I I I ' 1 / I I / I I ` I / I I I N�I , Warehouse 22' 6 it1 11 2 11 121011 6'D" 0 ------------------ remove existing wall parole & hor(zortal structure to roof Ilne FAI exlotxe come wal i�'l /' r' ,/'' /'' , ' ,r' ,♦` a II♦ I AI 1 1 ♦'Uf �i ; ,'; ', ',, 1 / I 1 ' / I 30" x W clear I floor ererw ' � I I , , / - O electric motor \ & panel 23' 8" 231611 221411 I I 114 II Proposed Additfoh C�)oorr r:;>cllce�ute Mark Size ThlckhC55 Door Mat'L game Kcmarks 306a 1 3/4" Alum, 5F Alum. com Alumilia hurn tepull & pueh bar &thr'eehold automatic clover, Impact rated gCaee, ADA 2 120120 31t Galy. StCCI Galy. 6tCCl Overhead Door Model 610 3 3a68 1 3/411 Galy. StCCI GISIM 6tCCl hollow metal w/ "single motlon" egress hardware -IIL4tl 1�\J•61,i .1 Ill,l lea 'l,� 51 10 • Exfstfng Buldfng , / r !North I"I,,l l 0' S` 10' 15' 20' 25' 5calc - 3/16" Ln Oz n 0 L L % O.cRZ;m n�nnR VLF i a _+1 oLIs06 N + 1 41h kN OPMUQ .0 gyOS;'•xU� L 0 Q i IA 0 L m n t41 lb a. LMe U LUO31�IL m R Qp� O S �noa��s 1110D. LO 5, o00t)X nr .sLrx+3 0 0•- 1-19+100U7Q 1 h 13;J 1}1Y1111 4-1 N 0 T x i Q} A V < R t 0 0 n L � b S 1 V = n L` v i r / !-1... u h <m� Q�O�x �M NCLL WVA IL 7 7 >� tJ i ZS V u � 0 � v 43 s s � U Lou o Z E U zi W" Z Z = CC 0U. .� 0 0 R• w U� 101, cc ' 015F Fj� Ur I 1 I ( bl� ,-�-Vl ^II %,� 1 I , I •' 1:, 4Y,,, V"' 2t FVC to shower..` 4", 2-way rYC cican- out to grade w/ screw-' cap 4" PVC OD.125" slope per LF of run ICut outfall ilrne & ____� :)IIII PI, both ends 5aliitary Kfocr NT5 Fr aj,cot Dotes W Al 0 0 _ DD Y r- 0 N I 0 0 f - O u Lt 3" PVC to each WIC verify connectlon location to exfstfng 611 sanitary lateral 4 3 2 1 112„ I 221611 I 23'8" I 22'6" 11ry 11 6'0I' 121 01, 101 6II 131411 111 71011 11 3'4101 GIi 121011 V 0 11 G ( DO' 31/2VI A -)0' 31/211 i (-)O111/211 K.O. 8 R.O. 1(-)0' 11/211 (-)o' 31/2" i V ..I. T .I:T 1 T. Y sto d'1 " - _ _ }61b a 2" " . I" p- 2 : p t' �6E _ : _ T "3 11 a G Y •' 1• OwjlY I" -. \J -ai. ...�+..-.-.......�.�,...T- a T T T T Tr9 ''-',r rj'rr r J t_ _ ' -r: - _.� _i_t:. -_ �'�' . ` :3'_` y._r. - - - - - �J ." -T_T-_ __T_.. }} , l T-•t-i-Y Y• 1• r 1 1:. ,. fi .r'. _ %x I- I `� . , t.. }ram' •�.•;.,. J{ l :1. i '. l .,., :-•r: 4 E1:' .: • :' t•' 1J1I `:. i. l -: x '. ': ':. :.:::.: - : ': / . A' , !. !. rr':::-':-?.;:..'..:.:°:::::c:z?:?:-I cI: '. ::l.lr.• r.,�l / , r/'.I.. �,"�l",'r,":,:-':•',.+:. i,'i,1. 'a 'r"'.I-..."1. :•.":-.,'.".'."t.":'.":'."+.-."t,.!'.{.•. r. t.-_. r.,r.t I.t t ( . .1. , 1./ r_ ' .r -Y• . L, L I - Ir i- !� I �. " ��f :I: _— .. " . - L ' 'r: r""�. ;. .I. i i- r, . c I. 9 _ •N .1'.': ` .I' WCd e a `,d''T. i r .1: ::'f u . t t ah. f 6: i b..-.,'.? / .hf hsa f. i': A Lin ei•: .• d 6l'81 A r'. a' : I. -. ur. f u h -: fig: - t ex[st A e 1, 1 3�s• � . •'.�t�ish°Roar. +'. -,... r •I:• I �. I:. ..t:.: __.: j.:.: x .'� .' ` L`: 0::: O :'? :, —_ ; . _'._. ".1 r hA t F*1A h :4 •.• 1 . L' (_ ��� ,-.I f-. p. p. F. . 3.::": 1 i ': '. `:. . : -. r -. , -. : -. . r •.1.... .: j:. i.r.r.r.. r."r. :r; :;.r: m. ,.. . -1: -':: `-,-:!-r .• . +.� .A., �: F A. `-Irr ..r ..(..`... t t;,,. i f t I ..r.' .--r .4 ." ( .r_14\ 1. : :' : 11 +: : /(( ?� !,• - .r " _:__: . , - . , , . . . . . . . . 4 ' I . " j z , . 4 � , ; � - . , , r, , ? : ` . +� � . * . . 7 , , - , - L , k: '2 — . — 0 / 4 ..:"= 4—L - - I I - I . , , I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . �. _. _ :.::. CL 5 cut a cap 4--- --- - - ------ ------------------- it outfaU line -- `> - ----- -- -- --- -4.;-Z.:- - c41 I �-- A ,- (2) 2" PVC elec. condults a I4", 2-way PVC clean- 6 to FP & L reansformer out to grade w/ a' o „ty' I screw cap 4" PVC a .1251, slope IIYI I) ,AI, 1'.Jl i, !!P!,'� i�i'�iA 1 11 , e)41-%J 1, ��/•1 `i I'll it V e tl J. JA' y• �� •I, i-V VYI�1, �•- ,�n1'11, �'ih1/1,+V ,i(1.1 ..1 %,.1e ; I, ',.��1.1 i �,, L; r.:-I,�-it41, I♦ . ,4 1, ,�"V11.11`1 !!W ,— ii °' - V'--V1+'i ���- t, �, 41V r' - q, `A`,, n' �, I,, I, "i" YI,III ,iJI Y1 I,V v"ii .V Ii,V ( V. l�I.I,I II. ,"",Jx., r• ."l rrojccs 5tirucT,ural Nozc9 Ytan NOT,CS North ' SOIL - Clear the bufldfng area of trees, roots organics & other O CONCRETE 5LA5 Concrete slab shall be 6" thick, 4000 psi on .006 deleterious materials. - Backfitl with selected granular material in 15" maxfmurri polyethylene vapor barrier. 5ofl preparation & lifts and compact to a minfrrrum density of Sa% per A5TM compactfon per 5tructurat Notes below. D-1557. Reinforcing shall be 66x66 welded wire mesh Areas that arc re -excavated for foundmtfan fn6tmllmtfon placed At midpoint of structural slab. shalt be tested and satisfy a mf n. 9a% Mod(ffed Proctor (2) #6 hafrpfns - bend behind anchor bolts w/ 4" clearance density. © typical. Place 0 mfdpofnt of slab. Allowable gross soil pressure for foundatfon design Is O #4 x 12" 0 2' O" o/c - min 4" embed & epoxy fnto exfsting d 2000 psf anshall be verified by an fndependent testing footing. Tic #4 r6ar from F-3 across. Imbratory. ® 1'/2" recess fn spab for door threshold. CONCRETE - Concrete shalt bo ready mfxed per ASTM C-24, 0 1/211 closed toll foam expansion joint - Concrete stab &footings shall develop a mfnfmum strength of 4000 pot at Z8 days. This concrete shall ba tested per ***** 411 cone. slab - start 0 (-) 0101/2" * - slope out 1" - Concrete for walkway & egress door stabs shad be 3000 pet. ® (* maximum 1/2" below f(nfsh floor) MONOLITHIC FOUNDATION REINFORCING 0 11/2" recess for OH door - verify plan size Rebar - Refnforcfng steel shall be deformed, new bfliet steel frn mccordance w/ ASTM A-615, Grade 40 and detailed per ® 4" thick, 3000 pot concrete slab shall be refn- ACI 315. Splices shall be shalt be 1n accordance w/ Chapter forcd w/ 1 1/2# of Ffbermesh polypropylene 7 of ACi-31a, w/ a min. overlap of 4a bmr dfarrtete fibers per cubic yard of rrtfx. Plmce over com- 5plices shalt be shall be In accordance w/ Chapter 7 e ACI-315, patted clean sand fill. w/ a mfnlmum overlap of 46 bar diameters. ® PT 1x expansion joint thru slab & F-4 FA 231 5 11 I Z31 8 Y per LF of run I 22' 4" 1 711011 Fropoecd Addition (-)0' 31/211 (match ex(sting) ,, , ,' verify connectfon location to existing 6" sanitary lateral 11411 1.111 Existing Building J 0uf1Gi.--qt1 A0f1 Flaf1 5calc-3/fro"-1roil Foumt;1atiom 5chedu[c Mark Size width xdcpthxlcmeth keinforcime A.D. Length Kcmarks F-1 2' 0" x 1' 8" x L (4) #5'5 cont. w/ 4' 0" x 4' 0" corner bars 1' 4" Add (2) #5 x 8' centered on each column - mid depth of ft'g. CD F-1 &l F-2 F--2 2' 6" x 1' a" x L (4) #516 coat, w/ 4' 0" x 4' 0" corner bars 11411 F-3 1' 0" x 1' 0" x L (1) #4 continuous * N/A * tie to #4'6 x 12" cpoxlcd into existing Slab C 2' 0" oic F--4- 0' 8" x O' a'r x L (1) #4 continuous 7 N/A Edge of sidewalk See Irortbuilt Metal Buildings, Inc, engineering drawings for bolt diameter, placement dimensions and Structural loads - Frojcct # 17-523076-1 - 5t. Lucic County, Florida .�. I . 2 L 0 0 = 0 1)5-%-� �] 0 L0L00 O S R : L t+3nu� Q V L S r 4-1L L i4•' rx X— L 421 L >I % a 4 3 41 % S •N 00xV_ox U L a a,,; go<> atLr% n u L _,bLX�43 3 41 L L S Om _ 41QOL hL L U 013 k)X !iS SLS P 0 0- j J1 1 1 I U V 6 u� N 0 S u � Z 0`< gig c L 1 Q 0 L o ' 4113 t u Is J_ 'N L U u m = u f it -% IS)% Lt L ° � 0 �-0 1 Ili r� 1i.. - I40 Kj n ' m0to rt r 4113 U n h _r _SL �I N S_ r � % -Q ._, o � m .� s- , -V-N � v L 43 I _1t 5 u '% 7 c t Im L s � U - o } � 1 li !I ',. C F}- Z �'-. r _ `_'"' U. U > tYr.I. l A -. W L) Q M .F' dl , . LU _J '. 0 � t -,+jz"" . r , . ; % 020 __.`, rr Structural "Z" gf rt 24 gage G-90 hot gip ealy, drip - insert mill 3" under wall panels exterior wall panelS 24 gage galy. ZI 1!2 hood at each exterior door door 8" galy. steel 16 gage door frame - back -paint w/ coal tar epoxy rubber silencers n®a r H earl A-4 For otorfrorlt & hollow metal doors 101 hollow metal galy, steel door & frame rubber aflencers & wetherstrippfne prlefin(shed Galvalumc trim at door frame prcfln(ahcd Galvalumc wall panels NT5 A-4 PVC corner bead 2x4 wall framing gypsum drywall ��-J-bead around perimeter hollow metal aluminum door & frame 1/4" self -tapping "TEK" screws per Florida Product Approval Impact rated glazing 0 rubber ofiencers & wetherstripp(he exterior sealant CH door / roller structural framing 0 N head trim & flashing jamb channel Interior Exterior � O.H. boor Heed Nrs A-4 Exterior jamb trim & flashing 6" door jamb channel by bufldfng manufacturer 3/4" mount(ng bolts 9D1' G" o/c weatherstrf p door slats =I E-gulde OVERHEAD DOOR Model 610 galvanized, palmed steel overhead colling door w/ C-275 20 gage slats, 12'-0" W x 12'-0" H w/ wcathctretrlpping A-4 F oaT7 Jalmb NT5 .' A-4 hollow metal door caulk along aluminum threshold frame ledge (see below) pour walk flush w/ bottom of 1/2" recess closed call foam expans(on jofnt slope away from bufldfng 8" G—� . ,• •`_' _" recess : .' . _' _' _' �" threshold : ' , ;'` '. _ fasteners per FBC _ product ••..• `••���`�`�_•`�••�•'•'•� _'`-�-'' 4�� - 3000 psi :'' approval Galvialf ume / \ preffniehed Galvalumc concrete walk wall panels trim at door frame Alum. F Jam 51'11 CD E fit rpy N1_5 � A-4 Wall insulation hot shown A-4 FEW #2001 T ADA threshold A-4 0 door facing parking 6paccs - mill fimheh alum, ......................................................._................................................................................_...I....-................... Omit Detail Ai NT5 3" vfnyl faced — F(berglas his. 'T' girt - a part of bufldfng structure washer & nut per Mfr'se. spec i +' 0 n _ ° q° basaelate o o° : ;;:%;:%;:� %::%:: % n a� to 43 p3 :. :;::;;-�'•% concrete a 043 ;: : ;:%_.; ;:%;;; ;%.??'foundation 41- r.cLs+� "7 , `: 60Y. fill �- ,�: ';:�;, % ;:%;;%-; ° a 3 n level : %: % %, % : % ;":•' L ID mA 41 1. Locate anchors per 6. Fit nozzle & extension tube, o©a 3 u buildinene(neerine p[an. to epoxy cartridge, discharg o Lj L �0 +' a w 4 IL 2, Dri[tg hole Val' forger outside of bore -hole until a.13L L than anchor bolt d(a. uniform color Is achieved. %) 0 s r ° E..? using hammer drill & '7. Flace d[schargo tube at o °c as carbfdc bit. bottom of hole, fill with u u H L X J o 3. Using extension tube, epoxy keepfile nozzle tip blow-out bore -hole w/ below fill level to 60% of contaminate free corm- P lMark pressed air . 8 gill -thread anchor rod �+ 4. Mount brush on drill & w/ requfcrcd embedment depth, fully (nsert brush three Insert on hole using counter- t(mas, start CD bottom. clockwise rotation to indfcatad 5. Usfne extension tuba, depth. blow out aealn w/ com- pressed air. S. Fill any gaps around anchor �° a rod dfrectly after Installation. L3 10. Do not disturb or load ° o. anchors for a minimum of 24 0 L Products hours.E Rh a - A5TM A-36 (min. W yield) all -thread rod anchor bolts - ITW 1 edHead "C6+" epoxy embedment adhcelve ,, to r - ITW I cadHeadl wire brushes "Wi3056' or "W5034" for 5/6' or 3/4" Wt5 Amrknr ROCSC) 0) ^ J NI non A A-4 % Maximum torque -1/2" = 164, 5/8" = 474, 3/4" = 704 Wfoing mf'r base angle F cove interior partition & coifing j Ai G" 4000 psi cone. 01 o f I slab w/ 66x66 l/ welded wire mesh Fin. Floor r= l^-1 --. - r: r:o : . �- �.006" polyethe[yna ____ _________________ vapor barrfer Exterior office WaH omit Dotal' C A-4 .................... ................................... ................ ................................................................... .......... ....................... ..................................... .................................................. 411'-1` T U V . U4 a r o ° p LL +3 N�,1'� IL V � O O � u � N L � � s I a� sQ U 0� L 0 q 4-1 >• � r 0 .�1 KZ v L �O U � � v L > {��., 0 Z Z L: Shoe/I'/�t w LU f 4 r. - ram ._................................................................._ ....................... ..................... ............ ......... ............... ................. .... ....................... ........ ................. .................................... .................. .................. ............. ...... ................................... . o naa- o I I I I ( I I L41� I i I I I 1 I I 1 Llehtf he Dcncity Audit rermc5o5.5.3, Towsc4m.5.2(2) nS �, I � i�i0i i m 1 Room Area (5F) Allow LPD Allow Watts Aetuat Wafts 01 Ao%W LPD (W exterior I l 2" x 2" x 1/4" a +3 i j- - - - - -- mount fan mounting anglos ®o o 1 _Warehouse 2571 43 0.8 1865 _8_70 _ 0.34 2" EMT. w! Panel A L �' 3 --- -- -- — 2" EMT. w/ Panel A OSHA compl(ent E n ° S Totals 2550 1274 or 507. lose than max ® (3) 3/0 THWN Cu oath 120/240 V (3) 3/O THWN Cu each 120/240 V I fan guard L o s n s (1) #4 Cu ground 200A (i) #4 Cu around 200A ;) m s P >,+' s Timer Controls • F5C "Enercy Conservatlon" 5eotton C-405.1 1 ph 1 ph ,S/ ,i 1 o s o a Timor switches shall be lntermatlo "Ascend" (n-wall 7 day programmable 20o A fused 42 cir 200 A fused 42 cir i� ;( 4- -i- ° 4l L 4 i disconnect dlseonnect m Os n r- Q n #5TW700W. Note that this switch can handle up to 600 W LED load & NEMA 31t NEMA 3R ; R >) 3 li 9 0 i is equipped w/ astronomic ON/OFF dusk to dawn & automstlo Daylight 5avine Time. -- 8" dla. thru-wall m 0 L t n W u m 1 I I I I 1 I Meter socket Inlet r a9 L o a n NEMA 3R Q i o 0 ° 0 3 �� vorlty trane• ! l a m former location „ thru wall thru-wall r L L $Cruise & socket i service & ®pan >� L run ground NEMA3R run /'"' 0round Z-purlin o n n 0s a. s feed s Ls In EMT feed in EMT l' i- al+� 0 0 U 7 Q conduit I1 conduit l Llght(ng - UO service to G" 2,550 watts connected load 0125% 3,167 VA Fr<raneformor +r4ereund-bond 14 Itoropt. V 160 VA 2.520 VA `_: & rcun Ind .�, >z 6 round rod — a .707 VA ' 1 5 707 VA / 240 = 23.6 A - Service Size 5200 A 77 1 I 1 M.L.O. '- - .. 1 Win Dr. ■101 E'er■■����� �a■■�_��■ �'.�■■��—■■'E'er■■���■� .- ■ Square.. mil'/■■���■■ F�■■��-■■ NEC Article 220 5erOce Load Calculatlon Elm Service Kfecr NTS i ( i I I I i i I 1 "EF-2" Thru-Wall Vcmt Fan NT5 F15C 2017 Mochanlcal - Table 405.3.1.1 "storage" 0 0.06 CFM / SF 2962 5F x 0.06 ofm / SF =179 cfm rea'd. art ecrecncd 300 cfm thru-wall vcnt fan - Volts-U5 We. #VCN 200 (f nduotrialfansdfrect.com) wall mount CD 12' AEE L 1 g h� F i xt u r c 5 c h e Gi U[ f Installed items shall match lamp & dfetrfbn utfo. Mark Descrfptfon Manuf. Catalog Number Voltage Lamps Kemarks Type Watt CIZI Ffnfsh Mount A Low bay LED tube fixture e-conollght E-HLE13 120 LED - 4000 K 100 80 White 9" suspended 13.700 Lumen output E3 Sharp cutoff wall pack Tamlite APP5LED-75-5K-T2-UNV-6F LED - 5000 K 75 >70 Bronze wall(ellpfit) 7600 Lumen output C LED wall pack - small Tamiite WPA-LED-30-5K LED - 5000 K 30 84 Bronze wait 0 10' 3300 Lumen output - - LED - 4000 K 92 > 80 White celi(no 3000 Lumen output IZtZ emergency I(ght Tamllte E5LK-3 LED 3 White wall 90 min. battery backup LED 5 White watt 9p min. batter backup F Combo exit Cmer . , light -bar Tann to LXPCP LED 4.5 White wall 90 m1n. battery backup - L-ED 15"-e "Cloud" -Tamilte -"TAMFC'-4=35 LED -4000 K 35 > 80 White cl'/wal[07' office/Men's KIZ LED - 4000 K 16 > 80 White wall OD 7' Werner's KK ----------------------------- V l7 TTT/ r ------------------------------ ------------------------ Off foe 2 ® ---- Eir,ate Office�> re5t� ,, 4 I rooms & ohower5 + r 1 � I + A --- --_ ------ ---- - -� ------ ---------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------- --- -------------------------- -=- ---------------------------------- 1 1 � 1 , 1 � 1 1 I 1 rPx 30" x 36' clear O © -- r.. ..... T 7................................T. 1.. floor area (typ) ana r n n l D Panel C .® ........................ .................... .... -7; .... .. .......................................... -o ...... .......... Nropoecci Addition ---------------- > (2) 2" PVC Cleo, Conduits o FF & L transformcr min(mum W cover Panel B CXl6t(n ( g) Existing Building ---------- ,-- ---- —t - - `*----��------------I------:--------------------------------------------- f anet B exlstln ( 9) ................. �...........,................. E[cotrrical Flam Nor thy Scale - 311611 = 11 0" Electrical 5ymbol Lcocmd LEJ Electric meter E5;;] Electrical Panel 1:3j Disconnect surface mount tight fixture :Q= Duplex outlets at 20" AFF q.0 Sharp cutoff wall mount area light ;___'; Low bay Interior pendant w/ stainless steel safety wire Exterior wall mount Ilght fixture Interior wall mount 110ht fixture Combinatlon exit/emergency light - 90 minute battery backup Keetroom emergency light - 90 minute battery backup /d Vent fan - see above Switch 0 42" above floor w/ oaly. ,junction box & sw(tchplate fT/3T lntermatlo # 5T-70OW 7-day programmable in - wall switch w/ overlde $(Mole'T' 3-way"3T" QM Lutron "Maestro" motion switch #MS-OPS-5M-WH (max 250 W) w/ pro- orarnmable time-out Per NEC 2014 - Article 513.7 - All electrical wiring shall be in EMT race- ways or be Type Ml, TCor MC cable. FBC 2017 Edition 6 A5CE 7-10 , 160 Klok C,ateoory ���� Exposure ' C o�N NEC/NFIaA-10 014- C .l T s S U z U d t ° � L 4 Q ° L li n FU, L a L � � o !L v u •¢<n 4 V N I• R P7 I- 61 CQ � -6 L (j) u 3 _ v D i ) . o 43