HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters RECEIVE® Prepared b�and Return to StSLucre-Gounty Waier,and WaslewaterlJfigy"District JAN 2020 Attn District Utlity.Director; 2300 Virginia Avonue ST. Lucie County, Permitting -Fort Pierce,FL 3498�1 j, JoSEPH;E SMIfH,.G}.ERK-OF 7HEC,IRCUIT CCIUR7` /�"% ,,,,r SAINT Wren COUNTY ' fILE# 4531352 02%'15l2019..... AtVI PRBOOKjpp PAGE 148 ,159 DadType.AGR E `:RECORDING $112`QO STANDARD PUT BL>G V AT1LIt,WAS, %WATI�:R AND RECLAIMI D WATEtt D> YELM YIENT`A GRE WENT(SDA; Tffi ACItElYIENT madeand entered mto tlrrs clay of Febr uaty,2019,by and between;. St Luck Uoutty 1Kater and.Wastewater UtjMJty D.;isfrrct, vhose.;address rs"2300 Virginia Ave, Annex,; Fort Pierce,11o&a 34982, hereinaffter"refereed to as"Utility",.arid Waterstone l3urlders,LLC a Florida': limited liability company, whale address is 140Q East Oakland:Park"B[vd Suite 103 Fort;Uuderda s F-L 33334,here nafl�r iefei ed4as,"Pi peity owner" W'ITNIRSS'ETH" WHE LEAS,Property Owner owns property located:in-St "Lucie Coun- :-Flori ,.a�rd"as more My, described;to Lxl'�lbit '°A", nttched horeto aad made a pats hereof and Itereurafter referred tar as' "P bout hroetyropety PO or �s Prty by erecting thereon' residerifiai anclJor no°-resrderiUat itriproveinents..ar irdesues to secure;"tl e provision .,water, vrrasteviater. and/bnecialm water,utility sere be" tithe Property,and`. WHEREAS,Property Ownex ackngwledges brat executtan oftth�s Agcoement ley Utility does not' ciirifer nor grant any sand use, zoning or=site plan approvals,;#or the:Property, nprz;does :it assure or guarantee Prrapedy,C:)wner that Property Owner has or will be,able to;t btarn<land use,;zottrng pr site Alai% approvals for a be able to consti uct on the Property the number`of ERC`s for whrch'Fraperty twrrer has Oluntarlly elected,to,reserve,uttlwty capacity=undor.,ibis Agreemcit - N©'1?V''fiHl✓RTFORE,for and in consrderatron of these prerntses, the mutual.undertakings:aiid agreements herein;coptaMO andassumedI Property Owner.and .Utility:hereby covenant;and agree;as :follows:° .a�. 1,, The,foreoing:statentents ar"rue aiici correct., 2 The fallownrg definitions and:references are given-`for the purpose of:interpreting=the ferns as used'in dais Agreetrinnf,aria apply unloss rite aoirtet indicates,aditTerent meatrng:: raj; "USP" tIi+e Utility Service Policy fors` vatei; wastewater:arid reclaimed rirat-- service by: "the ;Utility,: °as may :be. .amended from. fime to trine; which, is. urcorporated`hereit.by reference, tooa�4soR1>n1. yWaierstone.Builders/Waterstone�;Phase I; page i October,-2t11:8 . ,., . VI PB 38Q322229v5 Q2262997 vi ttte tJtt(aty._ xfenstai,Poltcy for water,wastewater and reclaimed grater service b lltili y ty, as'may be„amended f+ m time to time,,which rs,ttaarporated herein.by re"ference; (c) "U Af the t1t�(,ty ExtensTtin Poltcy;`Uttltty Service Policy, the YJttli r Rate Tariff, ^and other:pot>cres and. procedures adopted >y the St Lucie County (,Utility),.as stay b ainesnled,from torte to time; �+hiah is rncorpor&red_here�ri,by. reference. (d); "Service the re$diness and ability on the part of Utility to furnish potable wafer and`reclarmed water to,and'to,coltectwastewater frotn'thePropet- (e)y "Point of Service" -generally; the point where the pipes or=inters of'tlttltty,are connected with;pipes o f rite Property CSwnot as furths�defined in the PPAP (fl= "Equyaletit Residential Connection(ERC}" asystemrvcapacty equivalency tantt;: whkfiv.corresponds`to the peak:ti'emand•;of lhe single:famuy restdantial category o Customer usage IT. system:capacity equivalency unrt is utilrzed4o.establish.: the:system detnatld far yartous:sized cannectans for;.rite purpose of assessing eg, i {g)' quivatent Residential .irrigator ;Connection (ETC)" a system capacity , equivaieney'milt Al.4; corresponds ta' the peak dgtnand for reclaimed:water- tXrigation Use by a fsttigle-fatitly residential user, T'hts: systepin capacity equivalency'unrt:,is utthzod to estabGsl the system :demand for various,sized;: connections;foi the;purposc of`assessmn,:fees; (h); "Service cot Intratinn tmear. pot RPM, wter aeforiectgrr is m so is se! or n,wastew.akeY (i} "Guaranteed R6v6nueX6e"of".Guar`anteed Reuenues the tllanda ory fee paid by all customers designed to recover the;cariyutg casts:of system capacity.whieli .- has:been pt is U;etng constructed to anttetpattott of future set`vtne requosts; Carrying costs include a portiin of the fxed operating; and renewal, and; xeplacement expenses necessary`to .ma ntaun.excess.system'capacity for>future .use: Acci�tted. Amount:(TAA)" A TAA represents accrued, Guara>teed; Revenue lees payable at✓tlte"trine of execttttonof thus Agreement:for all ERC'sa' r .::reserved. (k) "Stand>(t d Development Renewal.Agi eerrrent,(SDRA)" an agreement between. Utility and tiro Pr`gperty ;Owner;extending the.capacity reaei vattotx:fnr try used.: ERCs,to a`Standard;DeveiapmentAgreeittetitfor,an`aildttional>five(5')years, (1) "Utility Facilities" water, wastewater slid recleaned water faciUties,rncluding; brit;;not (iinritted to; nnams; pipes, ones; pump: statiaiis, lrf''stations, hydrants, laterals, meters,,valves,storage tanks,meter b4xes,;telemetey equippertt, uetls, {0007d�as tt�n>.. `Waterstonurlilgrs/FNaterstone Phase C POP; Octobert118 VVP8384�222.�V5 '.1J22�299?v signs, and SCADA systems; whether Om ground;.,below. ground:or at grade. 3 Propeittyy <Jwtter hereby acicnawledges "that pcirsuant.to tlhapter I531 Part:II, rlortda Statutes;TJtlt ty Iras exeluslve=iIgllt apd privilege#o'construct,,own,,maintain,operate;-replace,,add W anil expand the Ut<lity's t ltillty Facrlttles,in,under,upon,over and across the present and future streets,road`st easements, ressrved tttltty sires and pubttc places as provided and dedicated to public,use m the record plats, .or:ns.provided;for m agreement, dedaoMions or grants.iriade v"tl erwtse,a,td iridepeiident.of said record plats Littltty covenants that it will aftempt'to`ascertain sand utilize easeiment<Iocaftoiis howevet� sllguld Utility install any of its Utility Factltttes outside a dedicated.easement area; Property Owner- covenants and agrees that,Ullty will not ke rec{uired,to;zrtove oz relocate any'factlttes lying oufsrtte a„ rledtcated easement area as long as`�lle facltttes do not uinreasonabiy ii#terfere;w►th,the titan or proposed =use of:`Hie-area:�n wliah.tl�e:`faelllties[Ia�e C�eeri installed:. property:f3rier'liereby further aclnowtelges. That the forego ng;,grants include ilia necessary°rights of ingressxand egress fo any;part iif ti a Proper1Y, vsrhtch IJttltty regaests`for the;malntenance,opeiatRta�I,repai%replacement,addttionto or expansion oftllts tlttUty Facxltties, that to ilia event Utility is requited or desires to Install any of its Cltill ttihes xt. lands wi#htn.;the Prc%perty:.Iyitlg oats�de tie,st`reets and: asemenf area's descried above, theft Property (?caner ar the successor owner{s},asrappltcabte, :shalt grant fo Utility,wthout;;cost of:expense to Utlttys. the necessary easement ar easements fo r swell Installation provided,aYl such° tnstatlations by Utility shad`: e made'tIr such AL. manner as not to unieasairabty interfse wit fhe paly us8 of such t'ropetiy; I'�+�petty Q�wnnr or t� sttacassor Qwner(s},as applicable,shalt obtain vui�tten approval from Ulih "Tr to to tnstallbng.,any structure or. ob�ectx ittcludIng, btit'not,limtted tar fences;ga#es slgns,;frees,founttatio#ts:. patios poles, within an easement area fil consideration of=Utility's.consent fa;an encir¢achlaerrt: 'roperty (7wner or the swceessot` owner($), ss, appltcatte, stxitlt agree #o:indelrtnlfy and Bold YJtlity harmless from ands against ;all ItalllittesY dain�ges, perialhes, -ctailns casts .$rid expenses; iinclttl�ng` attQrney'sfees<a#ail levels,uvhiclt riaybe'irposedupon ar asserted agarlst Utaic#y as a;resutt bfor m ally way, connected to an, ;encroachment;°approved :by, TU`tilify or" the removal: arestructtn 6f. such=; encroachmmen# us required by Y.?'ttlity In the event Ueti ty determines that it.is:necessary:to:construct;: llatntaflr,Tepalir,remo/e or repl4-,;a Y of:its facilities looated under over or upon utr easement;Property owner t?rtlte successor owners} o the portion o the Firaperty affected strati itnmediafety remove#Ire; enerciaehmentfrolri:fhb easeiment union thereques ,of.Utility at Property E)uvner's or%Elie suuccssor(s);'ns' applicable- sole cost and..expense., If Property.O.wner.or the,snccessor(s} as applIca, le,faits to,: ove`6, fhe encroachmenti UtttItty shalt hove tlt�right fd Mtuove the encroachment from tlie�easement Property Owner or thetiecessor{s},as applicable, s[iatl past all cosfs relayed to reanovnng the encroaclinrent from =the easemen#incurred:hy`[Jolty Property I�wncr,as further consideration fo l�tility for this Agieemenf, and i order to effectuate t;-forogon Y'erPro`perty and-thereby sub�ectltig t`to a Ireservafion,condt�on,lmttation or restrie#tonsilr favor of C7tiiity;asfoilows; Pursuant to Ch P,#ei 1'5 , Part lI, laiorlda Statures, Utility, or its;successors,-has the:sole and exctustve41ght4t0.- provide a[l potable wafer,wastewater i4nd`reclalnled water ser"S to 11c Property described in Exfi ibit "A" A:ll ocdilpants of any residence or resleritlat`improvemen#erected or>loaated on:tie Preipet`ty ald:all;subseque #orzf`iitire owners ar Ptirehasers of fhe Property, or any portion thereof, shall exclustvety receive #hell potahle wafer and vuastewa#er:service:from the aforesaid Utility and'shall;Pay for�5fhir sortie and shalt abide by-ttre terms�and.in#ant of'thrs A:�heemen#, and,the,lll'A.P, for as (b00749UQ R'r�12} VJaterstone uitdersiWate tone Fhase4 Pages, actober:2U1$ . (�22Ct249�ut,, I [iing as the aforesaid Jtility provides such,seruaces"toll "h Pkoperiy. Portlier,all occupants of.any �esideree of non.residential Jnnprovement erectedai located on the Property anti IL sutiequeitit or future owners or porch°asers of the Oroperty,;.ar any portinii thsreQfi :agree,.=by" occupying any ,premises on, :the Fropdiy or by` tecordmg any deer; of cattvsyanee with respect to the Property, that they will not construot rr o#herwzse tnukc. -Av..a...ilable of use potable water, wasterater,and reclaimed watersenr�es from"any spur other'than that provided by Utility. Further, ail accupaitts o any xesidsnce ar n+ �x: residential improvement erected or locabW on the Property aril a!1 sr�lssequei t or fly#ore: owners or purchasers afttie Property, or any portion #hereof, agree:that,Utility may :requite diem to purchase and use a volume of reclaimed water equal to eighty percent (tiff°Xo s�f rite volume of vc�astewatei fdischargel from 'tlie Property tin ao, equivalent: :,.average basis-as.det+eririined'by, rite"Utility': Any water weal or water source used safety to supplement irrigation water supply for the Prop"erty is e�ccluccled bum this resSriction except to the extent the Property is requited to utiI�xs reclaimed water: froiYt Utility eual tci eighty jercent $U%►)of the vttuine of wastewater'dscliaged,froin the Property; Further,in order to give an additional and supplemen Pr tary,notice;t0 ali the future oper y' t Owi srs' of arty c►f rite Prperty of"the rights of tltil"tty to provide t1�e Property w�tlt potable water,wasCewa#er and reclanned water facilities"atiil services, the Property (?wnsr tYereby ctvenanfs and agrees have the above restcii"us eoveaant or`tts egtyalsnt-included in tlt'e general sultdivisiot restric�tons and any plats of the Property and to place,ilia.saine.of record in the i?ulilic L era cis z sty Ln a ourityy Fl+u da, 4, Upan the caitt[tived aceompishinent ofall the pierequisttes contained nt this Agreement to lie perftime�d t?y the Property Owner,and siblect to cbmpletioit of the Utility"Facilities necessary tojscrv ; tine Toperty,:Utility ccsveiiaitts and i#grees than it will allow :tire connection of rite >rtiltty Facilities installed by Property C3wner to the Cltthty Facilities of lTtihty in accordance vultli the terms attd nt a�t sad phis Agreement and the UPAP Sttcti connection shall be in accordancewifh rules,and rsgulations. ftthe State,,the tll�AP, and other goverr►inental agencies leaving lutsdicttan over the utility operations of Tltility�: Propeity Qwier shall connect the3Propeity#o the Utility reclatited.wa#ex ditribytion sy5tetit ti accordance with the.teeldiiied water reqntsttftotuniseh he-UPAP &k, Pioperty Owner is required If pay the TAA in eider,tp support U, ity's investment utility facilities, as well as tins fixed costs of matittain�ng,suctt facilities and the unused capacity far flier benefifuof.Property t ,caner:"as provided in I.e..UPAF Ti a initial;and continuing payment of TAAs is,.n!?:. essential component of the consideration io Utility;'f6r.,provtdmg utility sei�vice;ta the FropertjF Proper y ; wnex agieesand apnowledges that the TA,A "s not an,impact fee;. 6 Tice Terri cif this Agreement is five, M. lTpon iecsipt° if payittent of the" Connection lies and #lie TAA due upon execution off:this Agreement;,,Utilify! agrees to initiate.the; provision of water ani ttvastewatter utility s�rvxee;for 1 :8 ERCs iFor Property7wner-wring the Term of fine Agreemet; Property Owner tray extend the Teriz► of this Agreement far additlona iveS)ysrai• berms, ly execution of a Tet7n Extension Agroeinont tQ iie recorded.against tlfis Piope'rty,payment of a< TAA meeting the theft currsnt requirements of ttie UPAI',curing any then oxistingdefaults'by Property owner under t(is theAV xisting A$t'eemetit and.payment of any addit[4nal fees requited Minder.[ P�1P' This Agieemetit shall terminate autorriatically e at fire nd t>f a'1'etili,if not eteitded iri accordance with the iIPA ,and.Pr operty C}uer Agroes:that Utility°niay record a ter%ninat ou of this Agreeinsn i the event' I'ropet ? olwngr,I*,:"net;renewed' the A.greement.. 'Elie .tern lna#ion :shall extirigu sli all> duties=anid Waterstcne Buliders/waterstotas l�hase:I Page 4= 'U`ctober 2018. WP8`384322229.v =02262997kvii ;ob Pig ttons of Utth y to property Drier under this Agt�eement, tixciudinig bad not Itm red to the, reservation of capacity ox¢tsl gaticiri to provide utility,setwo to any t o, nod connected to,the Utility facilttlea. at tFie tlme. of terrniinatiiiri, but:"shall not affect utility service to.ally custotnt' `whd Piave connected to'the Utility:facilities'and;established" a:eustorner:agreement with Utility as of`the date:cif termination of`this A 'greement, whtise utility serutce shall be governed by the U5P The duties, "o',blxgatt�lis andyacknowledge�nents of Property Owner as set�ortlz En Paragraphs 3, 5,?, g,9,Y 1{l, t3;;1�: and 16,of this Agreeinr sit surie termiation,of this greeinrifi:; 7 Property Clwner will construetup to the Point Of Service to Utility,a#no costto tltzlity the on site potable w:Ytei ctistrtbution,on-site wastewatet�t�ollection,and on site rectafined`vsratea`dlstrtbution systemsup;tc Property C7vYners ieclaiined water storage facilttte s:(not iiCcludutg on site waYer=t'eelatme ' �?vatez tttstrtbtifion facilittes vrt;the.cainsurner side of'the discharge"ta the reclalned.water storage faci3ittes referredto,herein and.sucli,z ff-site Utility,Facilities asmdefermzned necessary by t Ttzltl.ty:#a be constructed by Nopel ty Owlter fo:canne t Property Dw[ier'.s on site Ufihty l?ucillties to Utility's Utility Factlztzes(all Mich on site and, off-site "faetltt�es, zefertetl to in this paragraph at3[lecttyely as `"Property €7unec Facilrttes" , Upon compliance of sand Property t?wner Cltillty facilities with;the,reguuemeiits of thx Agreeriment and.the=UPAP:for ttiriiaver cif-facilities, Utility agrees to accept.ownership of thi; Property �. Owner Facilities for> operdtfan: Property'O.wner shad' cause tw be prepared engineering plans;arid peci ieatzons pt�epare by and sealed by a professional engi►xeer fvg*redd' to the Ste#e of Florida) showing the Prrapettj!Owner facilities Utility wilt advise Property C?wher's,engeei`of any facilEtyancl MOO suing %'equirements as mandated by the UPAP Such detailed plans triay be Limited to a plisse of Vic,; Property,and subsecluent.phases4 may be fuzmished fraitt time to'tune:; However,:each stiGh plisse$ball confc�rtp to a master plan for the development of fhe Property and such master plan shall be submitted fa TJttlity ooncntcent with or prior #rr subiiiissioni,t pas prst and speczficctlons, ncludtrig hard,Gopy and eletiotucrriedia, submitted to Utility's;eugmeez`shsll be sub�{ect to the :�ppioval of Utility and shall conform to Uttlity�s staticlards a's set forth th the UPAP, and'na` constructtan:shalt coirirnence until Utility has approved such plans and'specificaticitis.In writing. AfEer" appresval, Property 4wnei shall cerise to be canst► icted, at Property 'Owner.'s expense,sure Property- Owrteracllities as shnwn,an t(ie plans acid:specific$haiis;; lees,as set forth in lLie UPt1P;shall be levied b Utility tafeaVer the cost o plan'rey.Ier*r_arrd Iiispccttori Itilo. orti�ections a > RC`s iir ll 6e atlOft, ttl I'ropeitj�(}c tfsr has ceim -1- wxtlr rile clu reiiienfs of tills Section.: 'Tlxe Property! wherslia[i also be,zvquired=to paythe fees o ExhEbet to tlixs Agreerrient;. 1-11 During rile ceitstriicton of the Property Utthty Facilities; Utility nay frarn time#o tune inspect: such iiistallatiorts ta.,ileterinine coznllianceswith,:#lie plans and specifications; adequacy of;tlie quality�f .the instultatton, and,#urther, shall lie enfrtled, to'direct the Property Owner,;at'ttte Property Owner's: expense, to perfo>tm standard tests £or piessue, znfi[t�ratiaza, ;tine and, grade, and` ail other normal; ngiricering tests to deter►nrie that,ttie system has been;}nstallcd in accordance with the apprsived,plans; and speezfications and the UPAP f Tispecfian liy U#iUty shall.in:aa way relieve,the,Property Ov4mer of his° resparisibillty to install the-fucilititas in accordance vcrith:the approved;plans:and specifications and t1Ye UPAP Complete as bail#plans, Including bard copy and electronic media, steal! be submttted to Utility :upon ,compleivn of construction, 'ioperty Owner shill fie regtilid,ta^re iriistall and Pr�peity Cjwne„r„' :Facilities vihich.do,nat meet-:the requireziientsofrhe UPAP or appro�red plaits azl<specftcatians Property C}Wner hereby agrees to transftr of cause the transfer tb Utility title to all Property. burner aGilItles at no Gast to Uti Ity- Sucii canveyattce IS t0 take effect vtrithaut�furtF�ei zactien qp, tire' ,b acceptance by'Utility-ofthe said ittstatlation. As;fuither evidence of said transfer of title,upa»;tile:: {pno�4�o4 itTrral Jaterstcne BuilderslWatcrtote Phase T P ;e s Octobi;r �n18: =tNPB 3B4�,e~2,�29�v5 ';0226Z�9'7�Y1 coin lotion.,of the, installation and'prior to the renderings of•service-`by Utility, Piopei#y t)oor shall Canvey or carxse td be°cct� to Utility by Bill of Sale an a form"provided in the UEP the c'bin ete Propel#} !Owner Facilities as,appraved by tJtihty,slang with documentation of Pt`aperty C?wni's costs nf' oonstriletian and Fraperty Owner's No Lien Afdavtt, in form pravitled in the UEL' Subsequent ta" constr.uction<of'the...UAM' Facilities and prior twxeceivitig"a mete"r(s)fro» Utility,Prppeely Qvviier sliatl,' convey to Utility all easements and/or rights=of.way covering areas in which Uti!iWFacibties are Iacated by a recordable dot:ument iri.a fond supplied by l7hlity: Al cTanVe�ance of tlon platted:easements:or: eights-of�vay shall 6e accompanied by a paid Title policy'far the;banefit,v TJt�l ty m a rreil�imum atnciunt of • $50 00 per linear foist of any granted utility easement (based;'on ti a centerline Of-Jlie ,easement;and- $50>00000 fora Utility,own 0d pump stations, wasfewatei lift;statYori; or atler non:;line facilities(if.not coristr tcted°Militia ah existii g utility.easeirieiit):: Said titlepolicy shall-coni=trm#lie;grantar's lights to convey,such easements:or;rlghts-af wayand further;: eicmg Utilify's rrgtit Yo the coixtintious enloym�enx;ofysuch.easements or'rigltts of ways fob' those prpdsesset.forth.in;#lis Agreement.::Utiliry's acceptance of#lie.P;roperty(�wnerFac�tit�s installed;: by Property .Owner shall:be iii. accordance with the;provisions as set fartli` in the U.PAP provided: acceptance by Utility shall teat relieve Property pwner from its.obligations under this Agreement. Alt. installations by Property Owner or its contractor shall be warran0.ted far one(I}year{or five t5)yearsLiit; Sid cassnf lift station,purnps and motor asseinbhes)from date of final acceptance by the Utility of the;last -component of tlxe Utility Faelities'ta be•installed,'Mortgagees holding liens an such pmpertxes shall be' required to release.such hens,^subordinate2their position,or.lain iii the":grant►ng of the,easetnc4 or rights- of way: All ro OwnerFactItttes P shall be located within an easement if not located within piatedf %ar P'Oby- _ :dedicated rights-of way; The timely=and continued paynierit by Property C?wiier ofali fees in accoidancewith tleteYinset< forth herein shalt be ;considered:essential .to the::continued performance by :Utility of the terms and` canditrc ns of this Agreement: The oonstructraii slid transfer of ownership o the.Utility Fac'ihtres°floes- not anxi will not result in Utility warving ar tiffsettirig any of its fees,rules ar regulations Fioperty Owner` shall not have any present orfuture;r`3ght,title,;claim,or.:`in#eresf.n and.to the Utility Facthties transfelreti` 4o o,owned 1y Utrh' 8; Jpon"submission o f this Agreement, Property x wner,;at his expense agrees.to fitrntsi Utility with a eQpy i f tlte,i ecomcd Warranty Deed for `the puirpose 0-establishing;ownership Qf tlx Property Any mortgagee or Iienuholder having ail interest m.tlie Pxopety sfiall be required ti execute a Consent and Joinder t�f Nforfgagee/4lenhelder in the form•as}provided»in the UEP A Property O:wnec trust subtriit either a;t tle policy, or a letter from n.aitgrney licensed to do business in l lorida°°:confirming dial iiita there is no mortgage or:; lien on the property ar any mortgage or;lien Ixoldet has properly; ;executed a Co iserit and J'oilier.of..m©ft6geelLieitloloer 'The title policy or 1•etter must be tstuei#withxx thirty(,30}days,ofisdbmittal oftheSDA,or:else mility.airay terminate%`this AgEeemeiit o -Property Owner ackttctwledges,Mill X7ttIity that all Property 4wrier aailtties atiirveYed 0 UtiUty for use in ronnecfioi w+xth pxovidnrg potable,uteri,wastewater and,reclaXrned virater service tq the Property,shall°at all times remain in the:complete and a elusive ownershp of Utility,,-x opt as otherwise provided herein,and no entity Awning any part:af'the Property or,any:residence;or1 uildfo iistructedbI located;thereon, will Kaye any ngl�t.title,:claim or interest ni and to such facilities,,or-any,,iPa&6 them, for any�purpose, {btlU7d909 RTFJ2) atetstbne"Bu laers%ViTa`terstone;Aaml Page 6 October;208; WAB 38a322�2'9vb= 0226299y y.t.: 10 Notwithstandrng any provision in this Agreement,pursuant to Chapter 153,part-I1,Florida Statutes,,.Utility mazy "establish, revise, modify and enforce rules, regulations Ape revering tlie= }iovisioia of potable Water aricI wastewater service to tlie;l'ropetty. Al! rules,`regulations and fees as set: forth in the UPAR shall be binding upon.Property 4wner,.upon any other person.or en#ity:}oldmg`by - tluaugli or tinder Propery Uwner, and upon any C'tistomer of tl► potable water and wastewater service° provided. to the Properly by Utility Said rules and regulations include, but are not !►>ztited to, Service' Initia ion,overs zing offacilit es,use of previously oversized facilities ar=extens o�n ciiFfaatlities 11 :Property Owner or rts assignee shall mot=have the right to.and dial! noti connect:arty Property"evader Facilities or.2M ST,to the tJtihty FacilWes of 0fility tint�l approval for such=connection> 6ks beers grunted by tJfility The parties hereto further agree that tliexexpense of construChoin operation' and maiiittenance of all'improvements beyoriil the point of Service(See Exhibit`"Cs'far' 'ointa£Service} shall be:the sots cost.and,:expense.of the Property:Owner,.upon any other entity holding by,thraugE or,; under Property;Owner; and`upon any Customer of sire potable,water and<wastowa#er service provldeii to the Property. _ 12, This Agreement runs with fire:laud arid,is unique to the praper#y, This Agr+semcnt may not be assigned without•the.prior written,consent of Utility;>and.,may only.be.assigned to a successor to interest of Property o the Property As a consequence of the unique nature of providing for utility service to the Property, no parr-of this Agreement tray be assigned,separately from fire whale of the i4grep,non a ,l totwttlistanditig the above, LTtihty rjiay permit Property .Owner to,allocate the, ERCs: .t part'iautar parcets.or units_on the property on:foriris'set forth in tlieUpAP: 13 1l notcces p>`avided for heidm shall be in wrrting and transmitted by mail or by courier and,ifto property Qwnor shalt be mailed or.:deltvered to P-1-11 at Wl iteistone,auil'ders,Li;C l400`East OW Land Park°glvd= Suite 1;Q3 Fort;Laudertale,FL 33334; i�ndYif'to Utillly,sliali be mailed toilrfitility at & of County 1Nater and Wastewater utility Oist►ict Public UtilityDireetar- 23130;�'Virginia Ave,;Annex 1 ort1?teic ,Florid,34982 Witl 'a copy-ta St Lucie County-Attorney= 23Q0`Virgu4 Avenue< Fort�Prerce;t:Iortla 34982 14 burins the Term of.this Agreement, the rights, privileges, oblige#ions fend covenan"ts of; Proper y Owner and,iltility shall tot be terminated by tl e?turpgver of anyportion of the,Proper`ty:owner �(OOb74909 RTF/2} Watersione Bdilders/Waterstone:Phase°I .Oc#aber lIO 84 INP9 384327229V5- Facilities to Utility with iespect to l'ropeity:Owner completing the remaifii .portions of fire Property Owneri~acilities and rov�siort of uttii p ty services to any phased area and"to the•Property as>a whole.: IS iJnless' t000lty Owner is''roquestii g add ttonal capacity far tie propp, t,descrtbed in 'Exhibit"AW�,Thus Agreement shal}supersede, nullYand void, all;previous ageenents or representations;, either vertical orrwritten;heretofore in>effect between Property Owner and=Utility,=made.,viith respectto the: matte;,herein contained, and when dduly executed, constitutes t}ie entire;agiee�tient between the Property fJWner.=arid Utility -Noadditions,atteratians?or variatiaps of ternas aftltis�Agreement slial} be;11valid,11 can provrsiorts of.thit AgteeiW be watved'by�eitl ei party, unless sum.-'o. ditiorts,alters#tons;variat ons ..or waiver are::expressed in writing and-:duly signed?by'tlie parties hereto. Property(?caner acknowledges. ytvi bind UtitPt y araodiiton ,a}teratioyshsaffndmlosoftilyhp Ut avencauthorit oor nt A } ho, ddeny ed b the" St c �we Couy CmOh sig ae`Utli -'fhrs Agreement shall.be governed by'the laws of the:State.of Flot tda and:shall become,effective upon;execution by'the partIn hereto Tlie venue#or.actions_arising out,of'thts Agreemerit:shall•l ein St.Lucte:County;Florida. 16 Spec}al`Cvndit:ons: a Property Owner has estimated that it will require the.initiation of utility servree for the Property as of Utility shall attempt to provide water;_wastewater or reclaimed' Water capacity for the Property _in; accordance with tide Properly Oumei's:development'trine schedule, subject to Property Owner compliance with Section, }6(b} below. Properly QWtier aokiowledgirs that due to onvubtimerital permitting,securing of plant and linets►png iiglit ,pub}ic procurement;processes, ftriancing.requirements, budget constraints; force tii4jii a:evebts:and cotistrttction schedules,the Timing of p�ovtsion of capacity to the Property is an estimate only°arid cannot be guaranteed''byUt Hit y Property Owner represents to Utility that Property Owner isxnot' elying,�;upbii;the'estunate of time:set fs�i�h:above,(and;that Utility shall;riot be'responsible far,_anyry damages,whether:direct,aiidtrect,:specia}:orconsequstitial,iiicuned os a result of,arising out of of xelated to Clfilirys mobility to provide capacity to tlier;lsroperty in accordance:with t'raperty C3Wnez's developinoit time schedule: b, Ceitam wastewater facilities were installed oiE,the Pioperty;telated to a prior SDA recorded against the�P'i operty, as more fully,_described;on:F'X iibit ``C" (the "Prior' SDA. iracllitie5") These 'i for SDA Facilities are necessary for utility service,to the Property,but were Am inspected iior accepted for ownership and operation by the Utility at the time of iiistaliittton; Property Ownoi has proposed.that owners ese:liipf.;th prior SDA Pacilittes'6e,retaned by'the V+7ater4one Community Development Llistrict :("CDD"}< 'With respect to­tliesO aPrior.< SDA,, facilities,initiation of utility service for file Proper ty vvill'be subject toeexecution of°an Iriterloeal.: Agreement, tilt form;set Earth on Exhtbi# "U", yclith respect to the Property Owner Pactlihes< described fan; >✓xhibit "C, the Property Owner"will correct any identified defctelicies a>td ..z requtreinentsrsub�eet.to irispectton.and approval of the Utility,prior to nttia#iori of utility seri�ice: to the Property,and shalLprovide,'>ITtihty awv(2)yearwarrantee oir such cori:ected factbties:and; ;shalt provide a five(S),year warrantee for all vitRstewater~°punnps which are.4 part.ofthe l?, Fri �Ovs!ner-Faciltes c. Once Hundred Thirty Eight (158:ERCs of water and:wastewater_capacity reserved ad; this Agreement solely for the Property.,2 o.additional capacity.for.tlie Property or :{oao�a�a4;izrrni. Waterstone Bwlders/Waierstone Phase 1 T?age.8, :October;20h8 cans saa�z2zs�5 ;0226299T'ul £or other properties>of Property :OWmer 'is; guaranteed until; suoh time as.,Mb' i cation`tos t{tis Agreemerifprlexecueiowdat second.agreement4,ccurs,. W."! -'I'NESS WHEREAT; property Owner. .and tJttlity have executed .ar,_haves caused: this: Agreement,v+rith the riamed:'EkliNts<attaclied,to Ue duly executed m severai counterparts,dch.of.whidhi counterpart,sha116e considered an or ginal!executed)copy"of this Agreementi MUM COUNTY WATER,AND-WASTEWATE , I�'Y DIS y, n' dmmrstrato a Approved s o' o frecti"tess C,ounty,Attornej+ WITS?t ES p120P�RTY tjWIV�R' 't?4'ATERSTONE 1IUIIrDERS;MG a-Floridar"hm►tedsltabiiity company ,- �7r,,�sc.� -5 Matthew.Nlarkofsky �" Print:Natne IVlanager NOTARY CERTIFICATI STATT of LORIua :The foiregomg mstrcim- t was acknowledged before me fih�s t day,of February, 20 19, by, Matthew Markafsky'as Manager-of Waterston Builders; LLC;<a Floricla..l�mited.lial iltty company;f or and o> A." Pqrkp4a denti l knov ha ; pbehalf o ly nrd" roduced; 1 ;�►� p�+1►tD1AN��ARO igfature ofNotary +P�►•, � oatr►mWeb�fa4t3243tt0 «. aeaugu@i20,2022" TYPed, Prr.Sta � liWAE�f Notary:Rubl�c Not�YO°' ,� ,;: Commlt!elan#4f3243778. ExpfroeAuguit24;2022 :Waterston Bi'ilders/,aterstone.Phase 1= Page 9" WS-384322229V& Q2262'�97yi; JIJINIS�R.AND_Cl71�TSEPdT.OF M(1�tTG.AGEE. being the holler of.that certain inortgage dated.'he day of _ ,2Q,,dad recorddd the: day of (Officrah Record Bank;, ___ __., 'at Page, of the public.Records of`S1L,Lucre County; plorrda, hereby consents}and strboi`dri4afes its mortgage to the utrlrt� easernents qoqf jawn ln=the:: forgoing-Standard,Poiable V+ ater,Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Development Agreement: WITNESSES:: MORT.,G AGE,IQLDER True. .,.. . ..,__.:, ... .z...... Arent 1'1UTARY CTil;TIFICATE S'I`AT.I�{4F.li`Yd)RID . COUN` Y' 'The;foregoing,; nstrumeat v�+as�aeknowledggd before me this day of by of . _ on behalf of" the= He/she rs,personally known to me or,lies produced u as_ _. .. S igna"tore of Notary. Typed, Frrrited,or Stamped Name of Notary I'ub S.en aI umber, i�Iaterstnne Builderslftorm"-Phase t Page CO. C2ctober 20I.8 IN.0 484322229u4 Exh�biti ao�» �'RUPERTY D>uSCRTP'TZ+QN" Lo#s l through 66,Block ;Lo#s l tluough4 ,BlaGC 2, and'Lats I through 59 Block 3, W'-TERSTt?NE - PHASE t NE, ac ording to the.Plat'thereof,as recorded n.Pl'at Bo.,akH52,at.Ph�e�S;oftl�ie Pub1 �Records,of'St Lucie County,Fl`oridat: ,AND dots l through ,6,,Lot 9,,Uats 14 through'30; and.Lats 118 throug 127, Block 5 WATERS.T, PHASE TWO, according to the; plat thereofas recoxded in Plat Boa1c;59,at Page 1,of,the Public`Recoids of`St LucYe.Cozinty Florida.. Iaoa ��asnrFral _ Waferstone;BuiIderstWatersfonePtase I ;Page I1 Octobers 2018, INPB 384922229v5 Q2�b2997 v1 c- f ::Exlib�t'B SGH�D:ULErOF FIDES: CONN9c-,T GN CHARGEs:= 138 EKGs x 1,198 OQ pier ERG: $ ; 93,324 OfF 1N1TIAi40ARANTEfiI:l REVENUE FEES;: l38 ERCs""x l year $46340-per ERG FPUA.G"rti KAIVTEEU"M EIS UESTEES ;DOCUMENT RECORDING FEE (13yPAGES) $' 112;�UQ, >(�I O Q0 fret page/$8�SOadd�twnal}' :PLAN<1RfiUIEVJ`FEE: $: 0tt Minimum O26/o ofC6nstruction Costs wrth,Actual Addittonat CasEPayable Prlortc�Regul'afory Sign,off,tote..{ TB�Based an Engineers Certified Ct�istructian Cost: ..'iriiinum of l:lz%.af C.onstruct on frosts with Actual A40100441 Cost, aye le,:Priartcs;Regatato Sign off,°:total; TBx?,Based onEngmeers Cettifecl Cgiistrtictigir:Cost;., U�FYELtP1R AGREEMENT FEE $ ;897OQ imum af<$4,897OO,due Upon Earecutton of.Agreement; withActual.Cost Payable Priorfo Regis atoryS gn-off)> `"WATERSTOTVECDD AGREEIVIEN�'"FEE.: $ T'ED' 1NATER iVEETEWBACKFLi?W CHARGE: each). VJATEWA SEWER SI7CUlt1TY DEPP(051T (PaYd a(-trine Q1;Meter SeE); :Of1" TOTAL=DU);'ItPOlY:".EXECUTTON``QI<".AGREEMENT - -_ 1.084.203" (OOQ749Qg12TF12} Waterstone BuildOOIWOer OO Phase= Page't ; b tuber,20l INPB 38g322229v5 `�22629�y'v1 4= ElihibitC DTSCIPTION Qr PROPR'I'Y Oft?l >;R FALLS. Waterstone's'VVatei an&Sanitary Sewer system has been constricted The foilowtng is a descritton of=fhe exrshng onsrte=.gfility facilities to ba;turnea vwerlo,,Utrtrty,sub,�ect to Seetran 16(6j=above("Property! whet ��aciEites"j: =Potable Wateir�'Systeia 11 A"'O feet of 8"FX!C W a"ter=Main; i52 Eire Hy&ant $41* Watet_ServIce cannecttan,and. Valves;:f flings and apparatus Santtai`,y*I;ewer System; Lift Stat�an B 'and'� - 30 feet bf°8"I'VCForee Main; `The,above a? lut es cernponients i fthe water and santty,sewer system,rvi!1lr Hvare currently rn,ser 00 -hi-A includes the 6acCcbone I6"I'VG"",and 10"PV,,C water mains rtsrii�ing along Water tone Boalevard froii . Emerson'Avenue and`�extending eastwards to Semhale.Road,along with.the existing:t 6".1�VC sariifary," ;sewer Fprce":1Viain-and Lift Statton A ,DESCMP"UF''I' OR SD�A FACII,7TIES The abo+re also,excludes the Prror SpA FaciItttes comprased of components of the santtary sewer system„ inrrluding 22s 700'feet:of 8"PVC Gra�trty Sewer Mains,152 Sewer iVlanloles and..4Q.1 Sewer Servtce laterals.: {0007n9o�tt�rz} yVaterstone B�slders!W.aterstc►ne Phase 1 Page,i3 t!IJPB 384322229v5' 022fi2297vf