HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land Affidavit PI.ANI IIqG&�E LOPMENT_SERVIOES.DEPA'R'TME]VT
a 8 Code Re ..a dli�H >ons,Drvrs on
- FQRI PIERCE,I'L 34092-56k
EILLTirDLAND FEB 0 4 ?_0?0
ST. Lucle County, Perla[wml
, " Iy°the iridersigi�ed.,an tie ov�rnei of tt�e f�Xlo�}�g,desc�abed property, ,
(Parcel,Rift/Legal:de�ciipf�on/Addxess) J-" ' '
fog which I 'Have applied` to St. ,Lucre County for a, Fina1` Development Pernrt In'
accepting this;Finali`De�elapmcni:Pet mtt, Bg';Numbed a f�D� F4, :1 ackrowleclge
that as ;ovcFner ofIte above clesctibed property, land �n accordance; with: 'Section
704`Ol(D), St`;;L ue`ie Counter Land:Devetapment Codes T shall be les"ponsrlle fo assurui'g
adequate drainage-so:that WILL,NOT'be id'W ely affected„
I 'furttrer°acicriowlede fhat'in gra"nttmg:this permit for``.the development of this property;,
Sti i Lucre County,isi'neither':obltged not liable`to provide for, or maintain In any form i
adequate, dra�rage off my, pi opety rvfi`tch « li not adversely affect the immedrafe:
co�run ><ltty;
Proper t}r �vtter.Name tease Tr fit .
Pr per Owner:. tgttatiir - - - Date;
VATI,o FLaR[Ll ,;OM aF`�''�--..t '-LUCt
a 16Ai4l.— z2rt Eslt.., �YHQ141'�t SONr1L[Y fC OIYN TO\fE( 70R�V[{O FIAS;
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SL€PDSA'RiwrscJ04l1/20CL r o State of F[oYrda Notary P4t3'tic
• commission M GG 266213 ;-
st �'+ My Commission_Expose:: �
"`O -Datotier14=2022
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;iF L 0 R I D AB T�,DTITG &.°CODit:RE0C7L j)jYISION'
Tl a Boarcj of GQunty Cotnrmssioner approvedja code change that wall require a copy dfa current sealed'
stYrvey wlYeti4apP-iymg for a btttldrtrg pet tntt for a prrtinary struetu[te or a 6urldtflg permit dot an ace'essory '
Mott with a Yalu exceeding >9,000, T_t s.becan a effective fuly t, 199 '.
• The gtirdelrttesaat~e as f�llovss' ,
z;w No Building Pertrtrtshall lie tsst ed tov.deve[opmentunless a copy ot'a surrey of dV property oxr;u�hieh
' the required activity rs`to be pei►rutteda�comparttes ttretapplcatton=for 6uildtngpertntt All suivers.sliall
demonstrate cornplranceyvrth-ilia prlled-L.ands;AffidaYtLsrgned 6y ih-Property0vners(refer(o t Lucie:
County Land Devel t Code,.Sectr'.`an 7,0 t3 3',)and:.'completely depict the folto�v_i°rig;;
r I Tfte location of the goosed develapntent aetvt€y
2 The r elationshti)of the.activity under application to all'adjacent property l lies,anc3 asmay
rettttnecl°for the evrew�f theajiplteation,All,;adjacerit.struetares, unprovetrients or_:natiirl l
-:features,,inelud mbut not limited't'ofihe iteareA_',bl il'ding corners df all adjacent-primary and
apcessoty strpetttxes,pools and sateened euclasures;:feaices,sheds;tYtilityLe setnents,weals,septic
_ sy,W its drrvetvays,cul crts and ally landscaping mcxisting uegetation;ltocatedilong the=
3;; A- `.I_
2 :elevations�alon eacli.;roadva on:whrctr.ttie ro ased acttt tt t�er°zEers tlre<
O g Y _.P p Y �
eirsttrig,grouna,elevatton at ilia appiaxttnatecentei-of the proposed structure, tlie;exrstuiggeound,.
el'ecattor:along the�srdt`property lnies adjacent to the:proposedstructute,and ttre:proposed
finished floor el:evatton of tiles"t ctuie undez application a�tdfi�ushed,gractes for anyadJaet
st iuehu Oft a in ttetn'?2 The=propositid`finisl ed floai ale aftons tum be Eousrsteitt witlz j
tlie;approved--'Eleatth Dgparftnent O.tr-gite Servage,D sposal System onstruCttoniPermtt tfdtt sat '
sewage cispasal,is proposed;;
my"; subtn�tted sha[I U0-vtopar.0 signed hiid sealed by=,a )i idrtda Registered Land Sphieyor., t;
ccordanc ,widi the pro_utst6W, Cha$0.61Gl 7 6,.Ef X except;those applications for inter ioi
at a e9vei'ed by tlre,roof'surface; or any-otlts eo►tnrtreqvuinrgecmodifcafions or:-constnicton roofing pr ;actiu tl "k erd - tnn sct e oadt
suit n diioo opie p vityladnot athnse
of arrypot'fron of the�xislrng stntetures shall noVb.e required fo subrntt wsurvayi, Accessory strtidures
'; �tcith a btiildtng value o 1_ess than ten ft�,ousai�d dollais;($I Q,000}slta;> -ot-,required to sub►n>t a;survey;
alai shall ;ttstead be regt'i""red to subiiiif ascale i plot.plan dicatih ..,Ih location of-Ihe.,aceessory stnucture<
and ifs compliance�vrth�rivnrrn�tin setbacl�standards Copies�o£or rgnal surveys tneenng the abcfve<. •- :'
reluu ements may be sutitrttte �vttlt auy application=for lid tng permrta provided that tlze'esut vey still, ='
depicts tlexaccurate locafron ofali.structures-arid otierwimprovements Qn tlieproperty '
Pei ]Flori la Adi trnist-I"'k.,Code Cl aptei 61G]7 6:00;6,;0ArAgeaph 8,ad titions,:ox deletions to.
sawey dia«u�gs,by�otlei tl#ail the sgnwgtipnrty of parties is pohrUitedwitliaut tit ritten`coiiisent of
fhe:A'19%49;Pvrty cri parties: _
SL�PDSD�er Ot��18/2Qt'0 �� -
` ?J9LOG'cttrf �'