HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponse Letter 9.2.2020rJDE CONS U LT I N G JINRIGHT &ASSOCIATES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS April 21, 2020 Mr. Tahir Curry, Associate Planner St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 RE: HSC Fort Pierce, LLC JADE No.: DHSVEN-1646 Dollar General County Project No.: MNSP-12204925654 Minor Site Plan Dear Mr. Curry: We respectfully submit on behalf of our client our response to comments March 26, 2020. Enclosed are six (6) 24 x 36 folded revised plans and two (2) computer disks (CD) referenced in our responses. Listed below in bold italic are our responses to the review comments: D. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REQUIREMENTS — PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1. In accordance to the LDC Section 11.02.09(A), the requirements for site plan submittals shall include the following information. Please add the additional information on the site data table. a. Land Use: COM - Commercial b. Site Calculations : Acres: 1.87 Square footage: 81,345.46 C. Include the name of use that was used for the 4th edition of the ITE parking Generation Manual Response: Site data table has been updated. 2. The site plan indicates a 1 inch = 30 feet scale. However, the scale is on a 1 inch = 20 feet scale. Please revise scale on the site plan and all other plans to reflect the appropriate scale. Response: This error has been corrected. 3. On the cover sheet, please replace street side setback to read side corner Per the LDC Section 7.04.01, the rear and side corner setback is incorrect on the site plan/cover sheet for the CG Zoning District. Please revise rear and side corner setback to indicate a 20' Yard Setback instead of 25' Yard Setback. Response: Site data table has been updated. POST OFFICE BOX 1929 • FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36533 TELEPHONE (251) 928-3443 W WW.JADENGINEERS.COM Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 10 K. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FIRE REQUIREMENTS — ST. LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT The Fire District has a separate application form. Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This form is available on-line at www.slcfd.org. Questions may be directed to Lt. Wayne Boyer at (772) 621-3322. The Following Revisions Are Necessary: 1. Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This form is available on-line at www.slcfd.com. Response: An application was already submitted on Feb 14, 2020. 2. Fire District review fees are due at the time of submittal. An abbreviated fee schedule is included on the application form. Response: Check #3274 was sent for $217.50 for the application fees. 3. Please provide an electronic copy of the Site Plan (pdf format). Response: A CD is included with this resubmittal including the updates site plans. 4. A separate review and permit is required for Underground Fire Mains connected to standpipes or sprinkler systems. Response: There are no sprinklers or standpipes proposed for this project. 5. An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection (shall be) is identified to all premises upon which facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings which are to be constructed or moved into the jurisdiction. The approved water supply shall be in accordance with NFPA 1:18.4. See "Needed NFPA Fire Flow Calculator Spreadsheet". Response: Our proposed building is Type 11(000) construction then per Table we are required to have a minimum 2000 gpm @ 20 psi. Please see attached Tire flow test confirming flows of 6538 gpm @ 20 psi. 6. Fire hydrants (shall be) are provided for buildings other than detached one -and -two-family dwellings IAW both of the following 1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point in the building shall not exceed 400 feet. 2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 feet. NFPA 1:18.5.3. Please provide fire flow calculations for hydrants. Response: The existing hydrant at 3651 Virginia Ave is approximately 241' from the corner of our proposed building. This dimension has been Included on sheet C3. Please also see attached fire flow test provided from FPUA of this existing hydrant. 7. Be advised: Dimensions of largest vehicle are as follows: 38 tons or 77k Ibs, 47.5 ft. total length, 21.5 ft. wheel base, 10.5 ft. total width, 41 degree turning radius. Response: Sheet C2 includes a vehicle tracking exhibit showing a larger WB-67 truck accessing the site successfully. ;BADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 11 L. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS — BUILDINGIPERMITTING DEPARTMENT No Comments M. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF FORT PIERCE — PLANNING DEPARTMENT The City of Fort Pierce Planning Department has completed a review of the Dollar General development proposed to be located at Virginia Avenue & S. 38th Street Review Advisory Comments 1. Please provide a separate gated entrance to the refuse collection area for employee access Response: This project is located within St. Lucie County jurisdiction and this is not a requirement of the county. 2. Please consider adding more faux windows with canopies to punctuate the blank walls shown on the rear and right elevations. Response: This project is located within St. Lucie County jurisdiction and this is not a requirement of the county. 3. Please redesign parking spaces to accommodate a parking stall depth of 19 feet. Response: In discussion with the county at the DRC meeting, it was determined that the 10'x18' parking spaces would meet the requirement of the city. 4. Please submit a landscape plan for review. Response: A landscape plan was submitted with the initial submittal. A revised landscape plan is included with this resubmittal. Please request this from the county if not received. Respectfully, JADUQNaULTING, LLC Paul Marcinko, P.E. Civil Engineer Enclosure \sr .JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 2 4. Please include the side corner setback on the site plan and cover sheet site data table as shown below Yard Setbacks (& Landscape Buffer) Front: 25 (15' Buffer) Side: 10 (10' Buffer) Rear: 20 (10' Buffer) Side Corner: 20 (15' Buffer) Response: Site data table has been updated. 5. In accordance to the LDC Section 11 02 09 (3), the site plan does not include necessary dimensions Please include the dimensions of the proposed building, parking spaces, loading zone, sidewalks, access aisle, cross access point, etc on the site plan. Response: These dimensions were included on sheet C4 but have now been included on sheet C2 also. 6. On the site plan, measure the proposed building from all (4) four property lines. The side corner setback is measured from the proposed property line, following 10' R.O.W dedication. Response: Additional dimensions have been included on the revised site plan. 7. In accordance to the LDC Section 7.06.02 (13)(6), include a stop bar on the north entrance onto Virginia Avenue. Response: A stop bar has been included on the revised site plan. 8. In accordance to the LDC Section 7.06.02, the minimum standard parking stall shall be ten (10) feet x eighteen (18) feet. The utility plan indicates the east parking area will be ten (10) feet x seventeen (17) feet. Please confirm space dimensions are in conformance. Response: These spaces are 18'x10'. The 17' dimension was measuring to the wrong location. The corrected dimensions are included on the revised site plan. The parking spaces are 18' long from face of curb to face of curb. The face of curb also aligns with the middle of the proposed concrete valley gutter. 9. Indicate the proposed bicycle parking location and label the proposed stormwater area on the site plan. Response: Bicycle parking is included to the West of the front entrance. Additional notes have been included to indicate the stormwater pond areas but the grading and drainage plan should be used for all details of pond design. 10. Please coordinate with the Public Works Department on 38th Street driveway curb. Response: The driveway has been revised to include larger radii and curb removed as per discussions with staff (and Grant Chambers) during the DRC meeting. As per email from Grant Chambers on April 8 this design with 40'radii seems to be acceptable for final review/approval. Architectural standards 1. In accordance to the LDC Section 7.10.24 (D)(1)(C)(2)(b), equipment on the roof shall not be visible from an elevation that is horizontal to the location of the roof equipment. Please consider moving .JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 3 mechanical equipment on the right elevation onto the roof, or architectural features, such as parapets to ensure no mechanical equipment is visible from an elevation. a. Peaked or pitched roof elements shall cover at least fifty percent (50%) of the length of a facade facing the primary street frontage. Mansard roofs and/or cornices (min. twelve (12) inches in height with a min. of three (3) reliefs) may be counted toward meeting twenty-five percent (25%) of the required horizontal length. Peaked or pitched roof elements shall cover at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the sides of a building. Response: The architectural team has had additional discussions with county staff and we appreciate all efforts to resolve this comment. Please accept this resubmittal package and all information. This specific comment will be handled by the architect directly via direct communication with staff. Condition of Approval 1. Per the LDC Section 7.10.24(C)(A)(2)(E), if the property to the east is redeveloped, there shall be pedestrian and vehicular connections between adjacent parcels and buildings. Interior sidewalks shall inter -connect with existing public sidewalks or shall provide stub -outs to designated future public sidewalks. Response: It is our understanding that St. Lucie County may request cross access to neighboring parcels if any future development adjacent to this subject property is proposed. Future consideration will be made at the time proposed. No design forcross access is implied by these plans, no promise of payment is implied by this project owner, and this project and none of the documentation in connection therewith provides any formal agreement for cross access to neighboring parcels. 2. The subject development parcels shall be unified prior to issuance of any development permits. Response: Draft Unity of Title was sent to county planning staffon April 8, 2020 for initial review and is included with this resubmitta/ package. Once approved in format we will have the owner sign the document. General Note 1. Please provide a Traffic Impact Study; please see Kimley-Horn's review of Methodology Statement attached. Response: Traffic Impact Study has been provided by Gresham Smith and a separate response letter has been already sent after further comment by Kimley-Horn. 2. Subset to the development of Dollar General, the retail store will be annexed into the City of Fort Pierce in the near future. Response: Noted. The annexation agreement was received from FPUA staff and is under review by our legal team and FPUA after further discussion and will be provided upon closing of the property. We respectfully request FPUA provide approval and prepare FDEP application for signature upon receipt of annexation agreement JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 4 The City of Fort Pierce has provided advisory comments for this report. Please note: the comments are not binding to this project, but advisory as the site in anticipated to be annexed into the City in the future. Response: Understood. Comments received and responses included here -in. E. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS NAVIGATOR — PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Lucie County has a Business Navigator to assist businesses with navigating internal and external regulatory processes, and to act as a liaison between County staff, outside agencies and other business entities in order to provide high quality customer service experience. If you need further assistance with regulatory processes, please contact Thondra Lanese, Business Navigator, Planning & Development Services at (772) 462-2548 and Laneset@stlucieco.org. Response: Noted. Thank you. F. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY SURVEY REQUIREMENTS _— ENGINEERING DIVISION. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT All comments are based on the current Standards of Practice, established by the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, Chapter 5J-17.050 thru 5J-17.052 Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to current Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. SURVEY: 1. Please change Survey Title to conform to Ch. 5J-17.050 (11). Response: Please see attached survey revised for this resubmittal. 2. Please check text for Section graphic on survey and on vicinity map. Response: Please see attached survey revised for this resubmittal. 3. Please check benchmark information, reference in Flight Notes and Surveyors Note #14 do not match, unless this is intentional. Response: Please see attached survey revised for this resubmittal. 4. Please provide a written response to all comments Response: This letter is to provide response to all comments. G. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS — ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Background 1. The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the February 19, 2020 date -stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is requesting approval of a minor site plan to construct a 9,100 s.f. retail development with associated parking, landscape, and drainage and utility infrastructure. The approximately 1.92-acre site consists of two (2) undeveloped parcels JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 5 unified with a Unity of Title, and is located on the southeast corner of Virginia Avenue and 38th Street, approximately three-quarters of a mile west of 25th Street. (No response needed) The applicant provided an Environmental Impact Report containing an environmental assessment to determine the status and composition of any critical habitats. such as native uplands and presence of wetlands. The site primarily consists of Category I invasive plants cogongrass (Imperata cylindrical) and Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebenthifolia), and Category II invasive plant guineagrass (Urochloa maxima) While there are no intact native uplands, the site does contain a few scattered native oak trees and cabbage palms meeting mitigation thresholds per Land Development Code (LDC) 6.00.04.D. Additionally aerial photography and a site visit by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) identified a degraded Category III wetland measuring +/- 0.43 acres in size located centrally along Virginia Avenue, and consists of Category I invasive torpedograss (Panicum repens) and numerous native and non-native sedge species (Cyperaceae spp.). (No response needed) Findinas ERD has determined the following items are required to be addressed, prior to minor site plan approval- 1. Provide an excerpt to the Environmental Impact Report to explain on how avoidance and minimization of impacts to the onsite wetland and their associated buffers is addressed per Comprehensive Plan (CP); Response: Environmental Assessment performed by EDC on January 10, 2020 was revised on March 19, 2020 to include a statement regarding the poor ecological value of the wetlands and the lack of need for avoidance and minimization. 2. As communicated previously in an email dated February 25. 2020, proposed impacts to any and all wetlands in unincorporated St. Lucie County require submittal of a Welland Waiver Application to the Environmental Resources Department per CP and CP 6.1 14.8; Response: Included with this resubmittal is a completed Wetland Waiver Application form. 3. As communicated previously in an email dated February 25. 2020 two (2) versions of a tree survey were submitted but neither has the required information incorporated on a single tree survey. Provide location and measurements in DBH (diameter at breast height) for all native trees located within the bounds of the development project and have them identified with a unique number. Provide a tree table legend of the following - a. The unique tree number; b. Botanical/Scientific name of the native tree; C. Common name (if necessary to include); d. Measurement of native tree in inches DBH (diameter at breast height); e. Determine if native tree is being preserved, removed, or relocated: Response: Tree survey has been updated to include all information noted above. JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 6 J Provide how mitigation is being met for impacted native trees meeting the mitigation thresholds outlined in LDC 6.00.05.D. at the required 2:1 ratio (two [2] in. DBH of replanting for each one [1] in. DBH removed), keeping in mind mitigation must be demonstrated in addition to minimum landscape requirements; Response: Plans have been updated reflecting how mitigation for impacted trees will be met. See sheet TP200 for mitigation chart. 5. Address the following items on the landscape plan per LDC 7.09.00: a Either include a column in the plant schedule table or a note on the landscape plan displaying the required five (5) ft. spread at time of planting for all planted trees per LDC 7.09.03.E.; Response: Note has been added to sheet LP500 b. In the plant schedule table change CAL to DBH for Taxodium distichum (bald cypress); Response: Schedule has been revised. C. Exchange the three (3) live oak trees proposed for the landscape islands for a different native shade tree so as not to compromise the longevity of the trees as they mature and/or damage the structural integrity of the paving. It is recommended that paving be kept out of the dripline and no closer than fifteen (15) ft. from the trunks of live oaks; Response: Trees have been exchanged with a different species. d. Where abutting residential use, provide an eight (8) ft. opaque fence/masonry wall landscaped with a twenty-four (24) in. continuous native hedge on both sides, and one (1) native shade tree every thirty (30) linear ft. alternated so that at least sixty -percent (60%) of the trees are located on the outside of the fence/wall. The fence/wall may be waived if a signed and notarized administrative wall waiver from the adjacent property owner is submitted; however, the landscape material is still required [LDC 7.09.04.E.]; Response: Plans have been revised accordingly. e. The terminal island along the east perimeter does not meet the minimum size requirements of LDC 7.09.04.C.4. (i.e., a minimum landscape area of one hundred eighty (180) s.f. measuring a minimum width of ten (10) ft.); Response: This island has been revised and increased in size to meet this requirement. f. Provide the description "wet detention" or "dry detention" for the stormwater areas; Response: Note has been added to the landscape plans indicated "dry detention" and to reference civil. g. Provide the following notes on the landscape plan: (1) All plant materials used shall conform to the standards of Florida No. 1 or better per LDC 7.09.03.E; Response: Note has been added to sheet LP500 BADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 7 (2) All landscaping is required to be irrigated by automatic means per LDC; Response: Note has been added to sheet LP500 (3) All plant materials shall be mulched with at least three (3) in. of non -cypress mulch per LDC 7.09.04.L.3.; Response: Note has been added to sheet LP500 h. Ground signs require landscape which extends a minimum distance of three (3) feet in all directions per LDC 9.02.01.D.6. Response: Plans have been revised. Conditions of Approval Subject to the resolution of the findings above, the following is a list of conditions of approval: 1. Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit or Exemption, updated species specific surveys shall be provided, including but not limited to gopher tortoises, per appropriate state and federal protocols. Response: Understood. Please see updated EA submitted with this response letter. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I listed invasive species shall be eradicated from the site. Response: Note has been added to sheet LP500 Please contact Aimee Cooper at 772-462-6440 if you have any questions or would like to meet regarding the details of these requirements. Response: Noted H. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING & WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS —WATER QUALITY DIVISION, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. Provide an update on the FDOT permitting process. Response: FDOT drainage permit 2020-D-490-00007 has been approved and is included with this resubmittal package (digitally on CD). The access permit 2020-A- 490-00014 is under review and response to first round of comments is being resubmitted concurrently with the county resubmittal package. 2. Provide a tabular breakdown of existing and proposed impervious areas by type in square feet. Response: Site data table has been updated. 3. The radius of return of the driveway on S 38th Street should be increased to a minimum of 45 FT. An alternative would be to keep the 35 FT radius of return and curb the driveway to protect the mitered end sections. Response: After discussion during the DRC meeting/call it was suggested that the radius be increased but the curb be stopped at the sidewalk curb ramp. As JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 8 per email from Grant Chambers on April 8 this design with 40'radii seems to be acceptable for final review/approval. 4. Provide property line cross sections showing that adjacent properties will not be adversely impacted. Response: Cross sections of both ponds and including the property boundaries have been included with this resubmittal. 5. Advisory: it appears the eastern half of the site is graded to the small retention area at the northeast corner of the site. This appears to allow a large portion of the site to potentially bypass the main retention areas and short circuit the system. Consider connecting the eastern paving area to the main retention areas to the west. Response: As discussed via DRC conference call, the design of this system is to function as an interconnected system where the water will collect in each pond area while each pond is connected by a Flat pipe that will allow the ponds to rill and will not discharge until reaching the elevation of the riser in the outfall structure. Details of this design is included in the stormwater management report. 6. Advisory: The building code requires a minimum of 2 % slope on hard surfaces within 10 feet of the building unless within an ADA accessible route. Please verify the site will meet grading criteria. Response: Understood. All ADA accessible routes are designed at 1.5% or less to ensure compliance (except for ramp sections). Please see grading plan for this design and additional details and notes included on sheet C8. 7. Is the concrete strip between the eastern parking spaces and the drive aisle intended to be a valley gutter? Please provide a detail if so. Response: Yes, this concrete is a 3' wide concrete valley gutter. Please refer to FDOT Index No. 520-001 included on sheet C10. 8. Trees placed within 10 FT of drainage structures or pipe shall include a root barrier product to protect the drainage system. Response: Landscape plan has been revised to avoid drainage structures. Any trees within 10' have been proposed with a root barrier. 9. A Site Development Permit is required prior to performing site improvement activities. An application has been provided to Public Works, however, the application will not be accepted until a response to the first round of site plan comments has been submitted. Response: Understood. We would respectfully request that upon receipt of this response package that this permit review begin processing. I. _ DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS REQUIREMENTS —PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION, LEGAL DEPARTMENT In reviewing Dollar General — 38th St & Virginia Ave, we have the following comments: The parcel has the following frontage: JADE Mr. Tahir Curry April 21, 2020 Page 9 1. Virginia Avenue it a State owned & maintained right-of-way. We have located Virginia Avenue to be on the Right of Way Protection Map as a 6 lane roadway. Response: Understood. 2. 38th Street is a County owned & maintained right-of-way that varies from 50 to 60ft. Response: Understood. 3. 37th Street is a 25ft County owned & maintained right-of-way & drainage in ORB 182 Pg 1144. Response: Understood. 4. Along the parcel frontage there is a 6ft Utility Easement in ORB 725 Pg 2561. Response: Understood. J. DETERMINATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH UTILITIES REQUIREMENTS — FORT PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY Below are FPUA comments regarding the DRC submission for Dollar General. 1. W/WW Engineering: Approved as noted. Response: Thank you. 2. Prior to the Water and Wastewater Engineering Department approving connection to FPUA's facilities, the following items are required: a. Approved utility plans including the payment of review fees Response: Understood. Our team is working with FPUA concurrently to obtain all final approvals. b. FDEP permit for wastewater connection Response: Understood. Our team is working with FPUA concurrently to obtain all final approvals. Annexation agreement 1. More information can be found on the FPUA website specifically detailing the submittal and approval process: hkps://www.fpua.com/Business/StartStopNewServices/ DevelopmentServicesResponsibilitiesWW W.aspx Response: The annexation agreement was received from FPUA staffand is under review by our legal team. 2. Electric & Gas Engineering: ELECTRIC APPROVED. Please set up appointment with electric engineering BEFORE work begins so we can plan out electric service route. Response: Understood. We will coordinate with electric engineering very soon. JADE