HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment 05/17/2020 21:22 770 JMGM PAGE 01 1 -- R CIV �C �C i i �n b,Y 2 0 :020 Z OU Vi rginia Ave LE Fv Pierce, FL 34982 ' S_. i Lade County, Permitting ! 772 462- �.72 Fax 772-462,6443 CERTIFICATE F TERMXTE TREATMENT CONSTRUC TON SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: - dl .30 A DRESSJ10(04� 0110 I " Ie_ BUILDER/CONTRAVOR: PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: TEL PEST CONTROL LICENSE # �.�_�._ We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we h ve pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in'accordance with the tandards of the National !lest control ss cl A ocfattpct, Square feet if area treated: b Chemicals used: &F7/ J, Percentage of solution; topI b Total gallons used: Gate of Treatment; b Time of Treatment: , •L612m Footing 15'Treatment 15t Treatment �Re-Treat -Re-Treat Driveway .,Poo)s x'Treatment 1st Treatment _ _R Tr t _ether Q Dr ete for Inspection 2'``Treatment -Re-Treat Signatur o x rrninator A''ate.' T,hcre must be a cumplered!`oral for each treatment or re-treatment and this form must be on the job _,ite t� be picked up by the l;rspector of time of each lrlspectin1) or the'scheduled inspection will fail and a re-inspectior fea anarged, F8c104.2.6 Certificate of ProtectA�e Treatment 401- 1'evention of termites- A weather resistant jobs/£e posting board snal%0e prmided to receive duplicate Traatment Cep i>icates ss aoch required protealve treatment is completed, cnpy rot the Oer�ton the permit is issut�d o and another copy for the building permit h/es The Treatment �errrr.�aCe shall providd rf7e product used, identify Lit Me applicator, time and date of the treatment,site location, cyma traateq, .:hemica/used, percont concentrat(on and n mber ofgallons used, to establish a verifiable record of Pro(ICtiNe treatment, V the soil/Chemical 63rrier me hod for termite preventlon/s used, final exterior treatment shall .��:omp%ececi prior to Imol buirdI.-)g.spprovol, St Lucia County requires for the final inspe ction for CO, a Permanent.Sticker to be placed on ! bv�4 cov the electrical paneer, listing all the treatments. nd..ii3tQs o applications.