HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering BREITENBACH ENGINEERING, INC ; johnbach442@gmail.com 4853 SE Pilot Way, Stuart, Florida 34997 Cell: (772)834-4743 March 9, 2020 To: Building Official, St. Lucie County, Building Division 2300-Virginia Avenue; Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Specialty Building Inspections for Threshold Building Permit#SLC=1905-0658' Project: Exterior Concrete Restoration Ocean Towers Condo Association, "N' Attn:Doug 772485=5517 9490 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 General Contractor: Daniello &Associates Building Official: This letter is to inform you as threshold building special inspector, John Breitenbach PE 59770, Si #2072 that the Contractor, to the best of my knowledge, has successfully completed the Concrete Restoration.Project as outlined in the Plans and Specifications of CSM Engineers, dated 11/7/18. The final inspection report is attached. Should you have any questions, please contract me. RECEIVED MAR 2 4 Respectfully, Permitting Depar,,, St. Lucie cr LU ,ti J 4 �^ 0 SSIO John D. Breitenbach, PE FL PE#59770, FL SI #2072, Firm Reg. #26001 (2)-copies to Contractor, (1)-copy to CSM, (1)-copy to Condo Assoc, file= 19033-2-Ocean Twrs 3-9-19 Letter of Completion.doc 1903?-2-Ocean Twrs (2) 44ur cj p,, }s • yuaw�aeda� 6ui��iw�ad Breitenbach Engineering, Inc Tel: 772-834-4743 Iohnbach442(a)gmai1.cornplOZ t:g dvW 4853 SE Pilot Way, Stuart, FL 34997 Permit Number: SLC-1905-0658 °3nI3�3s Attention: Doug Pendelton Job Number: 19033-2 (2) e-mail: Condo Assoc: Ocean Towers, Condo A contact: Patricia Salazar 9490 S. Ocean contractor: Daniello &Associates Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Address: 2708 N Australian,#9,WPB, FL 33407 By: John'D. Breitenbach, PE Tel:772-834-4743 Gate Code: 7589 PE#59770 SI#20.72 liohnbach442@-qm;ECil.com Billing Method: 2.50% Date Hours Description Day Time Comments Pass/Fail 1 7/16/19 Balcony repairs 614,714,814 to remove door progress 2 7124119 614,714,stop by progress- 3 8113/19 212 pilaster edge progress 4 8/26/19 columns 911,811,611,511,411 pour passed 5 end of July-August Administrative,reports&mailing 1 9/11/19 Stack 11 Wed Units 211,311,411, 1011, demo phase progress 2 end of September Administrative, reports&mailing n.a. 1 1014/19 Stack 10 Fri Forming, re-bar(Stack 9 progress) passed 2 10/9/19 re-do paper work Wed (for first permit) n.a. 3 10/10/19 Stack 2 Thu Units,109,209,409,709, prepour(revised) passed 4 10/14/19 Ground level Mon stairwell door demo progress 5 10/17/19 Portico Thu Columns,beams,shoring, pre-pour(partial) passed 6 10/25/19 Fri demo continuation progress 7 10/28/10 (same) Mon demo continuation progress 8 10129/19 (same) Tues half beam,half column,final passed 9 10/31/19 end of October Administrative, reports&mailing 10 11/5/19 Portico (follow up) passed 14 end of November Administrative, reports&mailing 15 16 3/9/20 Close-out Final Letter n.a. 1719 18 r -J 7 Inspections are performed by the special inspector per the permitted plans and specifications acdgrdM*4a tqe,Ater -p4opi, oncrete Repair Institute(ICRI).The FBC and ACI-318 do not address concrete restoration.City and-County fdtra�r {r�'rytA�gtie�r;iaw. Total Hrs: F 0. 00 See Letter of Intent and the Engineer's Plans&Specifications for additional information. Send via: [ ]e-mail _ [x]U.S. Mail [x]Contractor [x]CSM Engineers [x]Condo Management file=c:112019-ProjectslCSM Note:contractor responsible for filing with building department 19033-2-Ocean Twrs(2) i i. BREITENBACH EN.G IN E.M.NG, IINC johnbach442@gmail.com 4853 SE,Pilot Way-,.Stuart, Florida 34097 Cell: (772):834-4743 March 9, 2020 To: Building Official,St. Lucie County, Building Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Specialty Building Inspections for Threshold Building, Permit#SLC-1908-0656 Project: Exterior Concrete Restoration; Ocean.Towers.Condo Association, "A° Attn:Doug 772485-551.7 9490 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 General Contractor: Daniello &Associates Building Official: This..letter is.to inform you as threshold building"special inspector, John Breitenbach PE 69770, SI #2072 that the Contractor, to the best of my knowledge,'has successfully completed the,Concrete. Restoration Project as outlined.in the Plans ant d.Specifications of CSM.Engineers, dated 11/7/18i The final inspection reportis. attached. Should you have any questions, please contract me. Respectfully, -Qb F.� John D. Breitenbach, PE FL PE 959770, FL SI #2072, Firm Reg. #26001 .(2)-copies to Contractor, (1)-copy to.CSM, (I)-Go:py to Condo Assoc, file=19033-2-Ocean Twrs 3-9-19 Letter of Completion.doc I _ hr.GtG. vlww i Piann &Deyelopment Services. ADVANCED NOTICE;OF EXPIRATION.- CONTRACTOR Building&:Code Regulation Dlvision :2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce;FL.'34982' ;Phone:(772)462.2177 'Faz:(772)462.6443 March 02,:2020 311.30' DANIELLO SALAZAR AND'SONS INC PATRICIA R SALAZAR 2708 N AUSTRALIAN AVE:ST.9 (NEST PALM BEACH, FL, $340.7 ;RE: BUilding Permit:Number 1,00670658. P.ermif'fyp "` __... v,-CONIIVIERCIAL:RENOVATION _ Job,Location. 949 AN DR BLD A Expiration Date 972020' DEAR.PATRICIA:R-SALAZAR; PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT YOUR PERMIT REFERENCED ABOVE'IS.GOING TO'EXPIRE-ON 4191202012:01:49 •AM; IN ACCORDANCE WITH-.ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 11.05.01 (A) (2): A BUILDING!PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND.VOID.IF WORK.AUTHORVED BY SUCH BUILDING PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED, HAVING CALLED FOR AND RECEIVED.A -SATISFACTORY INSPECTION, WITHINSIX;(6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT;AND IF THE WORK IS.'NOT COMPLETED WITHIN(18).,EIGHTEER MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. THIS COURTESY NOTICE IS SENT TO YOU PRIOR%TO.jTHE EXPIRATION DATE OF.YOUR.RERMIT. IN DOING SO,THIS GIVES YOU THE-OPPORTUNITY TO FINAL.YOUR PERMIT.BEFORE THE REQUIREMENT TO RENEW YOUR PERMIT:OR.SCHEDULE:AN:INSPECTION_BY_CALLING (866)284,:A280 --- - — PLEASE DO NOT DELAY. 1F YO.UR:PERMIT EXPIRES,A.RENEWAL FEE UP TO THE FULL AMOUNT OF THE ORIGINAL PERMIT FEE WILL BE REQUIRED ALONG-W:.ITHALL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. IF THE PERMIT EXPIRES YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED 1N VIOLATION. FINES COULD BE LEVIED FOR.UP TO $250.00 PER.DAY UNTIL THEVIO.LATION'IS CORRECTED. SHOULD YOU'HAVE ANY O,UESTIONS,:PLEASE CALL 27A -ASK FOR HEATHER„ THANK.YOU, PERMITTING'OFFICE 19033-2-0cean Twrs (2) Breitenhach Engineering, Inc Tel: 772-834-4743 iohribach442(a gmail.com 4853 SE Pilot Way, Stuart, FL 34997 Permit Number: SI.C4905-065� Attention: f Doug Pendelton —� Job Number: 19033-2(2) e-mail: Condo Assoc: Ocean Towers, Condo A Contact: Patricia Salazar 9490 S. Ocean Contractor: Danie'llo & Associates Jensen Beach, FL 34967 Address: 2708 N Australian,#g9,WPB,FL 33407 By: John D. Breitenhach, PE Tel:772-834-4743 Gate Code: 7589 PE#69770 SI#20.72 Iohnbach442@gmail.com Billing Method: 2.50% Date Hours Description Day Time Comments Pass/Fail 1 7/16119 Balcony repairs 614,714,814 to remove door progress 2 .7/24/19 .---.-:N 614,714,stop by progress 3 8/13/19 212 pilaster edge progress 4 8/26119 cols mns.911,811,611,511,411 pour passed 5 end of July-August .Ad ministrative,reports&mailing 1 9/11119 Stack 11 Wed Units 211,311,411,1011,demo phase progress 2 end of September Administrative,reports&mailing n.a. 1 1014119 Stack 10 Fri Forming,re-bar(Stack 9 progress) - passed 2 16/9/19 re-do paper work Wed (for first:permit) n.a. 3 '10116/19 Stack 2 Thu UniIIsJ09,209,409,709, f19 propour(revised) passed 4 10/14119 Ground level Mon stair well door demo progress 5 10/17/19 Portico. Thu .Columns,beams,shoring,pre-pour(partial) passed 6 10/25119 Fri demo continuation progress 7 10/28/19 (same) Mon Idemo:continuation progress 8 10/29119 (same) Tues 1half beam, half.column,final passed 9 16/31/19 end of October Administrative,reports&mailing 10 1115119 Portico (follow up) passed 14 end of November Administrative,reports&mailing 15 16 3/9/20 Close-out . Final Letter l tt n.a. 17 18 -- 19 Inspections are performed by the special inspector per the permitted plans and specification.- gibs bite ntti ncrete Repair Institute(ICRI).The FBC.and AC1-318 do not address concrete restoration.City and County fomis e1e n i Total Hrs: O.00 See Letter of Intent!and the Engineer's Plans&Specifications for additional information. -Send via: [ ]e-mail [x]U.S.Mail (x]Contractor [x]CSM Engineers [x]Condo Management file=c:112019-ProjectslCSM Note: contractor'responsible for filing with building department 19033-2-Ocean Twrs(2)