HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlower Door Test, Insulation and termite :.:ice• �i :�. ;i:;i •:r1xl Manr�is�g �� ", `����► � Building Q r�IciE. ,.:,gul�cil'3; ;i��i.,ion EM t L Y '=u Fort Pierci:, Phoi e tA SLOWER DE)CIP �CCc�ti ifs I Date: Contractor: Q FL 3 SI Job A dd ress: Construction: ✓� N�UIf�.oti5EP1,9G,;i':E(:ei� �;E�i@�1'iBt;l � Existing-Afi:erAddition --------------- 7uni ation Test P.esulics �I.0 iJii!t�a�;s 'r'..one 2 13 3`1 f c is Bate' ,1 l. _ AChi(50)=CFM(50)1160 j Volume= � Irr�:c�iu,�iccl.Venrilatlon reguired less than 3 ACh! Massing results must be&ACH (M)or less ) Fail E13C,Energy The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified s having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per hour In Climate Zone 1, 2 and Bail,changes per hour in'Clirr;ata Zones 3 through 8. 1 esting shall be conducted with a i blower door at a pressure of 0.2 inthes w. €,. (50 Pascals). 1�-MAng shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes cr individuals lice nseij as set forth in Section 489.105 (3)(f), (g) or(1) or an I approved third party. A written report of the results of the �est shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be p2!rformed at arly time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. FBA.,Resident-iel ! Where the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 3 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a � pressure of 0.2 inch w.c.(50 Pa) in accorda nce with Sac Lio!r f;402.4.1.2 or'the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole-house mecharairal ventilation in accordance with Section M1507.3. Testing Company Pro-Duct Services �1915 Rio Vista Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL 34049 Company Name: ,address: I hereby certify that the above House Infilt:afiiorl results d�:.rr;onstrate compliance�vith FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance wit Section FA02.4.1.2 Ciirn 'e Zone 2. ! Signature: Mar'Lin Klein Printed Name: 5061633 License/Certification#: — — P I S T OBI E'II.SE° New Construction Subterrcnean Termite Treatment This report is submitted for information purpose: to the builder on (new)construction cases where treatment for prevention of subterranean termite infestation is required by the Florida Building Code, Section 104.2.6. All contracts for services are between i:he Pest Control Operator and builder, unless stated otherwise Section 1: Hometeam Pest Defense Company Address:4341 Fortune Place_ City:West Melbourne State: FL . 32904- Zip-1532 Company Phone.No.: 321-409-8489 Business License No.: JB165929 Section 2: Builder Information Company Name:Adams Homes South Phone No.: Section 3: PropTt y Information Building Permit No.: Location of Structures Treated: 5333 Sa enedetto PI Fort Pierce Type of Construction: ®Slab F Basement I Crawl F--j Other Approximate Depth of Footing: Outside: Inside: Type Fill: Section 4: Treatment Information Date(s)of Treatment(s): 11/15/19 EPA Registration No.:64405-1-AA Brand Name of Product(s) Used: Bora-Care Final Mix Solution: .23 Treatment Area Sq. Ft.: Linear Ft. 220 Linear Ft. of Masonry Voids:, Total Gallons of Termiticide Applied: Service Agreement Available? ®Yes 0 No This building has received a complete treatment for the - Liquid treatment: Yes ®No prevention of subterranean termites.Treatment is in Liquid Final exterior treatment: ljl Yes ®No accordance with the rules and laws established by the Borate treatment: ®Yes 0 No Florida Department of Agricultural avid Consumer Bait in lieu of Pretreat: EJ Yes ®No Services. Initial Note:Some State laws require service agreemen£s to be issued. This form does not preempt State law. Attachments(List) Comments Name ofApplicator(s): David Torres Certification No.: JF132379 Authorized Signature Date 11/22/19 RH-NT9/05 f 3601-A Crossroads Parkway Fort Pierce,FL 34945 INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE 405739664 Gale Insulation BUILDER:Adams Homes _ ,--Slii b1%f:"S10N: JOB ADDRESS-.5333 San_Benedottt �CIZ'r:i-r rt Pierce PERMIT#:1906-0063 _.� LO a jl3l t�CBt:9 15 The undersigned hereby certifies that irisu laticin has beet,ietstalled in the above property as follows: 1. Exterior CBS walls have been,insulated wifl,RE_'R.,ctive Foil to thickness of.75" inches,which according to Fi-Foil COMPS 1Y,.____will Vielcl wi"R"kralue of 4.1 2. Exterior frame wall has been insukiited with ___ tea a thickness of inches,which according to _._ �evili vielci an "P.'value of 3. Ceiling Area(flat) has been iris_a 911-v! s with f iheVAAss[Slow to a thickness of 10.375" inches,which according to Knauf —will yield;.w"R"value of 30 4. Ceiling Area(vaulted) has been insui�rced w;tl,_ Yo a thickness of inches,which according to __ ______will yield an"R"value of 5. Interior knee malls have been i ns0ated with_ to a thickness of inches,which according to v'�ill yield a;i "R"value o 6. Garage common walls adjacent to conditioned i§ving space have been insulated with Fiberglass Batt to a thickness of 3.5"-inches,which according o Knauf � will yield an"R"Value of 13 FAN General Contractor/Builder Insulation Contractors Signature License#CGC1512179 Signature THE AFFIANT, Jeremy Theisen IS PERSONALLY KNO"ttu TO ME.Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14 day of February 202 . Notary Public,State of Florida '2-- Nutary Fubk,-5tav 1*:013 .�� ta, Ccmm:!sr?;aCft+:{t411 t:;;ABT&A�P 431kIW 1:11%nms'u