HomeMy WebLinkAboutCompaction Test • a • s $ r• A►dafnan&Associates,Inc. A rd a m a n �� 960 NW Concourse Place,349 1 Port St Lucie,FL 34986 &Associates, inc. Phone FAX(772)878-0097 Florida Certificate of Auttariration No.00005950 _ MODIFIED7 �Of� C�lQ � Project Name: Momingside Residential Lo;s- - e ampled: 4/10/2020 Project Location: Fort Pierce,FL _ _ Sampled By: OR File Number. 15.5434B _ _ Date Tested: 4/14&= Criient Name: Renar Development CorP_ — ;- Tested By: RT - - -- - a : _ i _ LBR VALE - LL r:: 0 _- _..... +4 MATERIAL(°/6) , 4 MATERIAL I I I W - -- —. ---' -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _I e i 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8` 9 �1'F -t t `2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MOi5Tl7EiEi'.`:CQI�•L---,+�'i (�/) 130. g 'a '�= MAX.DRY DENSITY(pcQ 125 - -- - 114.0 1. r alzo - r J-- I °- i - MOISTURE(%) _ _ I - � 11.0 Va W ei PERCENT 11s ~ a t - - (:' :. I s FINES(%) Z 1' as I N/A 110 _ 1 - I Curves of 100%Sah,ation o _._:: ' - -- 1°r Specific Gravity Equal to: _L I 105 I _._ T 2.60 2.65 � - 100 ... r ,•:'rr :.: r r -:- ;i I ...a i:�.., �i icy '' ,i.i:. �.i 270 0---- a 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 j�9 •y'1 1 a.. '-�•L•3 14 "1 i 9a 17 1.1 '19 20 SAMPLE NUMBER: 20-135 -_-_ _.. -,_.. _-_�_�,:�__.�. ��.f•�®`������p//®'` SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark Brown!ine Swid uril.l Sit: - �. �!✓�;3�'p A✓j SAMPLE LOCATION: Lot 08 PROPOSED USE: Haase Pad -----..__..____.. .--_--•--- •��'°_ � � Otr fetters and reports are for the exchuive lac of the client to whom Vrey arc addres<;er:;nd slia..rc!.` t•t� STl�Tt=OF reprod=ed exeeptin M wiatout the approval of the testing laboratory-The user of our name,�v:st:.:ei—er S I �I 1 vaimanapproval.Q°tetiers and repots apply ordyto the sample taSled anf.a'Imileet!.-1d. vr@eative of the quantifies of apparently lndentical or simPar prodt•cts, al�L` �z�,• � E. ®J,6 �t o.63911 C N Ardaman Soil Nuclear Gauge Client: Project: &Associates,Inc. Permit#2003-0083 Renar Development Corp. 113-15-66-5434B Report Date:4/15/2020 3725 S.East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 101 Morningside Residential Lots Port St.Lucie Branch Test Method:ASTM D 6938 Stuart, FL 34996 Fort Pierce Florida CA No.5950 460 NW Concourse Place.Unit 1 Fort Pierce,FL Port St.Lucie,FL 34986 Phone:772.8784072 est;ResuIts Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture Dry Density Depth Percent Min Comp. Test# Of Date Proctor ID Method Classification 11%) (pcf) °/,) ( cf) (in) Compaction 11%) Remark 271 4110120 20-135 A 11.0 114.0 9.2 110.1 12 97 95 Pass Modifiied 272 4/10/20 20-135 A -- 11.0 114:0 10.3" 109.E 12 96 95 Pass (Modifiied 273 4110/20 20-135 r r A 11.0 114.0 11.0 109.3 12 96 95 Pass • (Modifiied) 277 4/10/20 20-135 A -- 11.0 114.0 11.0 110.1 12 97 95 Pass (Modifiied) 278 4/10/20 20-135 A 11.0 114.0 9.3 108.7 12 95 95 Pass (Modifiied) 279 4/10120 20-135 I A 11.0 114.0 ! 10.9 ! 109.9 12 95 asa 95 P t' (Modifiied) I I I I Teat informationut .. - ♦�..r� • .. 27 i roof nas:roouitgs Ior 95i9 jeBSDrnv urive, --- o. --- r_.Ir.7 Gt ri�r�tli}riS i.0 7Vii01l7 UI 1V'iin�ig J l:Jii:_;r nrl'9VCU! '` r3CP. 272 I Footings:Footings for 9529 Seaspiay Drive,Loi o.S"J Er id of Footirlgs ?70 Cn�lingc:Cnnrinnc fnr 2E09 C rDl ^I r-'r - nf(nn- - -•- �- t -!1 fit=: .i:.,r•i'r r... r i; - 277 Buiidin Pad Fili:House Pad for 952a Seacprraay Dive,tot 8` a�l. _1.n DTI ion o,r Pan CPni/eAr=3;p ��ncv73n6;-'-i;ech . 9 - - r- I A,.dO5O I Pdr"St.Luci2 i3c End of Ho:sse Pad 2'8 Building Pad Fill:House Pad for 9529 Seaspiay Drive,Lot 8. -1 A Top.of Pad CPN;IAC-3/M340.07396 i Tech,Port St.Lucie SE End of House Pad 279 Building Pad Fill:House Pad for 9529 Seaspray Drive,Lot 8. -1.0 Top of Pad CPN/MC-3/M340507396/ Tech,Port St.Lucie SW End of House Pad • d. Remtark9 Pass:Density Pass Tests are"Direct Transmission"(Method A)unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter".Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO OUR CLIENT,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES,ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF Page 1 of 2 THE CLIENT,AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS,CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDIN( OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL. . Ardaman Soil Nuclear Gauge client- project, &Associates,In Permit#2003-0083 Renar Development Corp. 113-15-66-5434B Report Date:4/15/2020 3725 S. East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 101 Morningside Residential Lots Port St Lucie Branch Test Method:ASTM D 6938 Stuart, FL 34996 Fort Pierce Flodtia CA No.5950 460 NW Concourse Piece,unit 1 Fort Pierce,FL Port St.Lucie,FL 34988 Phone:772-878-W72 7i'o ale fit?.r3911 OF ;' '; • /' "+ '�i ON L This item has been digitally signed and sealed by Branch Manager Dan J.Zrailack,P.E.on Apr 15,2020 using a Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the SHA authentication code must be verified on any electronic copies. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO OUR CLIENT,THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES,ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF Page 2 of 2 THE CLIENT,AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS,CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL.