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FL # FL9190-R8
Application Type Revision
Code Version
Application Status Approved
Product Manufacturer LP Build#ng Products
Address/Phone/Email 414 Union Street - Bank of America Plaza
Suite 2000
Nashville, TN 37219
cw. macom be r* I poo rp, co m
Authorized Signature CW Macomber
Technical Representative CW Macomber
Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place
Ocalo, FL 34474
cw, ma com ber@ 1pcorp. cc m
Links Search
Quality Assurance Representative CW Macomber
Address/Phone/Email 5712 SW 40th Place
Ocala, FL 34474
CW. ber@Ilpcorp.com
Category Panel Wa s
Subcategory Siding
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed
the Evaluation Report
Florida License
Quality Assurance Entity
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Validated By
Certificate of independence
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard)
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Do Kim, P.E.
APA - The Engineered Wood Association
James L. Buckner, P.E. 0 CBUCK Engineering
Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received
FL21QQ R$ M[)1-certificate of independence.odf
Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect
FL919O R8 Eauiv eauivalencv of standard form,odf
Product Approval Method
Method 2 Option B
Date Submitted 12/13/2019
Date Validated 12/16/2019
Date Pending FBC Approval 12/19/2019
Date Approved 02/11/2020
Surnma ry of Products
FL # Model, Numher or Name Dl cription
9190.1 LP SmartSide 38 Series Strand
Substrate Vertical Siding
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant, No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact
resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with
approved Impact resistant product except for uninhabitable
structures such as sheds.
9190.2 LP SmartSide Cedar Shake Lap
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact
resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with
approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable
structures such as sheds.
Vertical siding for board & batten applications.
Installation Instructions
FL9190 R8 1I F - f
F T f
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL9190 R8 AE EvaluaVgn Report of LP Siding-R -
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Architectural Collection Cedar Shake 76 Series Lap Siding
Installation Instructions
FL9190 H II ESR-3090 6.19 MASTER.pdF
EL9190 R8 II LPZB0507-CedarShakes-Lap f6-14).ndf
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
F F LP Si d I in g 9 19 0 -R -
2017. odf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
9190.3 LP S a rtSideap Fibing r Substrate Bold I Aid Architectural
$Ile 5ioon¢} rimed Bald Profile 120 Series Lap
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not Impact
resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with
approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable
structures such as sheds.
9190.4 I LP SmartSide Fiber Substrate Lap
J and Panel Siding
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for Panel Siding over SIP
installation detail. Product is not impact resistant. In HVHZ,
must be used in conjunction with approved impact resistant
product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds.
9190.5 ' LP SmartSide Perfection Shingle
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Installation Instructions
FL9190 R f
FL9190 R8 iI LPZ 4-Ar hi r l I n-
Bold Profile -Lap (1-14).DdF
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL9190 R8 AE Evaluation Report of LP Siding 2120-RB-
2 10 7.12d
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Foundations 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. Architectural
Coltection 76 Series Primed Colonial and 120 Series Primed
Self -aligning Lap Siding.
Installation Instructions
FL9190 R II E R f
FL9190 R8 11 LPZB0510 - Foundations and Architectural
Collection UD.odf
FL9190 RB IL LPZB0511 - Foundations and Architectural
Collection - Panel.Ddf
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL9190 R8 AE EyAluation
2017.ipdf -
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Fiber substrate lap siding.
Installation Instructions
FL9190 RS II R-
FL9190 R8 iI LP 55 Perfection ShInale 11-
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact
resistant. In HVHZ, must be used in conjunction with
approved impact resistant product except for uninhabitable
structures such as sheds.
91Rfl.6 I LP SmartSide Strand Substrate Lap
and Panel Siding
Limits of Use
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes
Impact Resistant: No
Design Pressure: N/A
Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for Panel Siding over SIP
installation detail. Product is not impact resistant. In HVHZ,
must be used in conjunction with approved impact resistant
product except for uninhabitable structures such as sheds.
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL9190 R8 AE Evaluation Report of L2 5idina 9190-R13-
2017, ndf
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Precision Series 38 and 76 Series Primed Lap Siding.
Precision 38,76,190 Series Primed Panel Siding including
Silvertech & Smartfrnish.
Installation Instructions
FL9190 R811 Fastener Table MASTER 12-19.pdf
FL9190 M II LPZB0512-Strand Panel ADD inst 2-18.odf
FL9190 R6 II LPZ60515-Stranrj--,Lao 6-19.odf
Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Association
Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
Evaluation Reports
FL9190 R$_AE EvalLj_atfcn Report of LP Siding 9190-118-
2 17. f
Created by independent Third Party: Yes
Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850.487-1824
The State or Florida a an AAIEEO employer. Cobvrioht 200-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement
Under Florlda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not Want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic
mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487. 1395. -Pursuant to Section
455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. most provide the Department with an email address Nthey have
one. The emans provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a
personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter
455, F.S., please click brw ,
Product Approval Accepts:
®� 04 -Crew
eu, L um eRoouus TRIM S SIDING
At the time of manufacture, siding meets or exceeds the per-
formance standards set forth In ICC- ES AC321 and has achieved
code recognition under ESR-1301, CCMC 11826-L, APA recognition
under PR-N124, and HUD recognition under HUD -MR# 1318b. For
copies of ESR-1301, call LP Customer Support at 1-800-648-6893
or go online at http://www.!cc-es.org/reports/pdf-files/ ICC-ESJ
ES R-1301,pdf or http:/ /www.apawood.org.
• Strand Substrate panel siding with S€lverTech or SmartFinish
is specifically for sheds and other outdoor structures where the
interior wall cavities will remain permanently exposed,
• Minimum 6 inch clearance must be maintained between siding
and finish grade.
• Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, etc, must have
a clearance of at least 1€nch above any surface.
• Minimum 1 inch clearance at intersection with roof line
• Apply siding In a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and
water buildup.
• All exposed wood substrate must be sealed in a manner that
prevents molsture intrusion and water bu€Idup.
• LP does not recommend LP SmartSide Panel for use in ICF and
5IP assemblies. If used, LP will not warrant for Buckling and
5hrinkage. However, balance of warranty does remain intact.
• Store off the ground well supported, on a flat surface, under a
roof or separate waterproof covering
• Keep siding clean and dry. Inspect prior to application.
• Strand Substrate 38 and 76 Series panel siding must be installed
on 16 inch o.c. framing only. When installing on 24 inch o.c.
framing,190 Series panel siding is required.
• In all installations over masonry or concrete walls, the wall shall
be furred out and open at the top and bottom of the wall to allow
for convective ventilation between framing spaced 16 €nch o.c. The
framing shall be of adequate thickness to accept 1 1/2 inches of nail
penetration. A property installed breathable water -resistive barrier
is required between the siding and masonry or concrete walls.
• Moisture control and water vapor control are critical elements
of proper housing design. Check your local building codes for
application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor
in your area.
• When using wet blown cellulose insulation, the insulation
must not be in direct contact with the siding and it must be
allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours or longer if specified by
the insulation manufacturer.
• As with all wood products, do not apply engineered wood
siding to a structure having excessive moisture conditions such
as drying concrete, plaster a wet blown cellulose insulation. if
such conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to
allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding.
• Siding must not be applied to green or crooked structural
framing members. Do not apply siding over rain -soaked or
buckled sheathing materials.
• Gutters are recommended for control of roof water run off.
• LP strongly recommends the use of a secondary water -resis-
tive barrier behind all LP SmartSide siding. A properly installed
water -resistive barrier provides a second line of defense to
incidental moisture behind the siding.
• The LP SmartSide limited warranty does not expressly or im-
plicitly cover water penetration. LP does not assume responsi-
bility for any water penetration.
• Sheds and other accessory structures that are not heated or
tooled do not require a secondary water -resistive barrier if
exempt by applicable building codes.
• Seal all gaps with a high -quality, non -hardening, paintable
sealant. Follow the sealant manufacturer's instructions for
• Use a high -quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920,
minimum Class 2S sealant.
• All openings must be properly sealed or flashed in a manner
that prevents moisture intrusion or buildup. Several examples
that accomplish this are shown an the following pages.
Application instructions (cont.)
• Install kick -out flashing to direct the water into the gutter
• Install step flashing with minimum 4 inch upper leg
• Properly Integrate flashing with the secondary water -resistive
barrier. Use housewrap, flashing tape. Z-flashing, or other
items as needed to maintain the counterflash ing principle.
• DO NOT extend the siding or trim into the kick -out flashing or
• Maintain a clearance between the end of the gutter and the
adjoining wall to allow for proper maintenance of the siding
• Prime and paint ALL exposed cut edges
P Siding
Min.1 in. clearance
between trim and roofing
Clean rain
Do not run trim or siding inside
of the kick out flashing
Trim should be thick enough so the siding does not extend beyond
the face of the trim.
• Trim and fascia must be applied in a manner that will not allow
moisture intrusion or water buildup.
• LP® SmartSide® siding is not designed and/or manufactured
to be used as trim or fascia. LP SmartSide trim and fascia are
available in a variety of dimensions.
• Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip
edges or where water will hang.
• Apply finish coat as soon as possible or within 180 days
of application.
High -quality acrylic latex paint, specially formulated for use on
wood and engineered wood substrates, is highly recommended.
Semi -gloss or satin finish oil or alkyd paints are acceptable. For
flat alkyd paint, please check with the coating manufacturer for
their recommendations for use on composite wood siding.
Follow the coating manufacturer's application and
maintenance instructions.
• Semi -transparent and transparent stains.
• Shake and shingle paints.
• Vinyl -based resin formulas such as vinyl acetate, PVA,
vinyl acetate/acrylic copolymer paints.
• in braced wall assemblies, use minimum 6d (0.113 in. shank
diameter) hot -dipped galvanized nails for 38 and 76 Series pan-
els and minimum 8d (0.131 in, shank diameter) for190 Series
panels. Do not use electroplated fasteners. Refer to your local
building code to verity the minimum allowable fastener size.
• Penetrate structural framing or wood structural panels and
structural framing a minimum of 1-112 inches.
• For 38 Series panels, double nailing procedure meets wall
bracing requirements and 5116 inch shear wall design values.
1 in. from edge
11$ in, gap
Figure I I _ -- I Double row of nails
• For76 and 190 Series panels, single nailing meets wall bracing
requirements. To meet the equivalent 318 inch shear wall design
values, double nailing procedures must be used. It may be nec-
essary to angle drive the second nail in order to penetrate the
framing. Seal nails driven below the surface.
318 in. from edge
min.1-112 in.
1/9 in. gap
Figure 2
I I Single row of nails
Application instructions (cont.)
• Shear values for panels applied directly to studs shall be no greater
than noted in Table 1 of the ICC-ES Report ESR-1301 or Table 1 of
APA PR-N124.
• Not warranted for application on SIP and !CIF assemblies.
• 38 and 76 Series panels must be installed on 16 inch o.c. framing
only. When installing on 24 inch o,c, framing,190 Series panels are
• Backside of panel must not come in contact with masonry or
concrete foundation,
• Bo not force siding into place. Maintain the illustrated 1/8 inch
space behind the Joint to allow for expansion while the panel
equ€llbrates with the local environment.
• LP® SmartSide° Panel siding must not be attached by stapling.
• 00 NOT INSTALL OVER ALIGNMENT BEAD, Install panels in light
contact to the edge of alignment bead. (see Figure 1 and Figure 2)
• Climb cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation of the blade
cuts downward on the primed or prefinished surface.
• Where siding butts window trim, door casings and masonry, etc, leave
a 3/16 inch gap and seal.
Visible fiber -.--- -
CountersunkV,.-V. iN.-
Countersunk more
than Ya in.
Insulated Sheathings
LP SmartSide Sidings may be installed over low -compression rigid 4 In. min. vertical
foam or exterior gypsum. The following precautions must be followed: flashing
a) Adequate bracing of the wall in accordance with the International
Codes or other ruling building code is required.
b) For rigid foam sheathing up to 1 inch (2S.4 mm) thick, siding
may be nailed directly to the foam sheathing unless a drainage
plane is required by the local building code. Nail length must be
increased to ensure a minimum 1-112 inch (38.1 mm) fastener
penetration into the structural framing.
c) For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 inch (25.4 mm), a minimum
1-1/2 inch (38.1 mm) thick by 3-1/2 inch (88.9 mm) wide vertical
strapping or furring strip must be installed over the sheathing to
provide a solid, level nailing base for the siding. The strapping must
be securely fastened to structural framing spaced no greater than
16 inches o.c. (406 mm) with a minimum nail penetration of 1-1/2
inches (38.1 mm) and a maximum nail spacing no greater than the
width of the siding.
Louisiana-Pacific will assume no responsibility for any damage or
condition arising from the use of rigid foam or exterior gypsum.
Nail 3/8 in.
from edge
12 in. max.
field nailing
fi in. max.
6 in. max. nailing
perimeter nailing Li
Do not let panel V 6 in. min. ground
contact masonry clearance
Figure 3
1 in. min.
clearance from
Apply sealant
Apply sealant and —
re -nail
Figure 4
Prime and paint
bettor drip
Siding fsimng Bic
in. g
min. g; 'Blocking
1 in. min.
Sloped overlap ;� Lap top p
flashing with over bat!
4 in. vertical leg panel
Figure SA
Figure 56
Framing (band joist,
truss chord, etc.)
1 in. min. Wall Framing
Figure 5C
For multi -story buildings, make provisions at horizontal joints far
"setting" shrinkage of framing, especially when applying siding
directly to studs.
_ Siding (4 ft. x 8 ft.)
Figure 9 Scant faze width
13�� 3/8 in. gap 1/8 in. gap
5ioped flashing with
4 in. vertical le g SPACE JOINT 1/8 IN.
BAND BOARD OVERPANEL FILLER Z in. x 1O In.Refer to nailing instructions
band board 1/8 in. gap
Filler Board
Siding (4 ft. x 8 ft.) LP panel sidings are accepted by the State of California as category
8140- Exterior wall siding and sheathing for Wildland Urban Interface
Figure 6 (WUI) applications. For WUI compliance, install LP panel sidings in
accordancewit h Louisiana-Pacific's printed application instructions
with the addition of fire retardant seal (UL Listed fire caulk, nominal
1/4 inch bead) in the vertical joint and nailing pattern of 3 inch o.c.
[ING MUST NOT CONTACTMASONRY perimeter nailing/8 inch o.c. field nailing. Look for the Cal ifomia State
Fire Marshal Office label on our siding.
sill plate
Min.1/8 in. or
flashing betwee
siding and
masonry. ...
Figure 7A
Interior Finish
Space window/door per/
manufacturer's instruction
Figure 713
Code Approved Breathable
Water -Resistive Barrier
- 3/8 in. gap
Sloped flashing with
r--- � 4 in. vertical leg
Nail fin
(do not damage)
The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP") LP Smart5ide5iding (the
"Products") limited warranty (the "Wananty") applies ❑nlyto
structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and
maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing
and maintenance instructions In effect atthe time of application.
The failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance
1nstnuctions will void the Warranty as to the portion of the Products
affected by the variance (the "Affected Products"),
LP assumes no I!abilityfor any Ioss or damage sustained by the
Affected Products and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner
from any such loss or liability.
Any modification of the Warranty's application, finishing or
maintenance requirements 1svol d and unenforceable unless approved
in writing prior to application by the Siding General Manager or his
designee and a member of the LP Legal Department.
For a copy of the warranty or for installation and technical support, visit the
LP SmartSide product support Web site at:
or for additional support call 800-450-6106.
Cal. Prop 65 Warning, Use of this product may result in
exposure to wood dust, known to the State of California
to cause cancer.
Figure SMARTS111F
02018 L ouisiana • Pacific Corporation- All rights reserved- L P, Sm art Side, Silvefrech and Smart Finish
are registered trademarks of LOW liana-Pacif c Corporation. Prfnted in U-5.A.
NOTE: Louisiana-Pacific CorporatWn periodically updates and revises its product information.
To verify that this version is cunent, call 800.450.6106,
LPZW512 2118
Figure 16
� ?a
I �I
bottom course detail
Figure 10E
alternate inside corner details
Gap 3/16 in.
Gap 3/16 in. and seal I r and seal
ShIpiaD Edge Panel
pansi joint
Figure I OD
Vapor Retarder
i if rewired
�l7{r jade
Figure 108
water -resistive
1 �� r'� , 4• _ a
ground clearance
Figure 1 OC