HomeMy WebLinkAboutWindows; Official Test ReportJan 06 04 08:30a Kinco, Ltd. Vero Bch 772-564-7142 'P.3 Quality Accuracy Assurance Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc. 1677 West 3lstPlace Hialeah, FL 33012 Phone: 3051819.7877 Fax 3051819-7998 OFFICIAL TEST REPORT MANUFACTURER: Kinco Limited DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 6398 SPECIFICATIONS: Jacksonville, Florida 32236 DESCRIPTION OF UNIT Lab. Number 2179 `'— October 8, 1998 Report Number 67 File Number 98.102 Page I of 2 L-3144 F-C110-73x61 AAMA/NW WDA 101/I.S.2: 97 ✓Model Designation: Series: M-40/50-Aluminum Fixed Window --`Overall She: 6' 1" (737) by 5' 1" (61 ") high by 2.000" deep. Configuration: 0 MAT]fkIAL CHARACTERISTICS 4iFrame Construction: Testuoithas a Hang type frame, butt joints and a white coated finish Aluminum alloy is 6063-T5. Frame comets were fastened with two No. 8 by 5/8" pan head sheet metal screws. Size of frame members areas follows: frame head, frame jambs and frame sill 0.937" by 2.000" by 0.812". Frame members are solid extrusions with atypical wall}hickness of 0.062". glazing: t aterial: 3/16" tempered glass. L,rdethod: Unit is e: tuior glazed with W glazing penetration using a double sided.glazing tape and'An. aluminum exndcd glazing bead with foam between the bead and glass. Glazing bead fastened to frame with a single row of No. 8 by 1.1/4" pan head sheet metal screws, Iocation of fasteners are as follows: frame head and frame sill from the left, 2;'!a", 20'h", 35 3/4", 51'. 67 3/4' . frame jambs from the bottom, 2 1/4', 20'h", 39 114", 56114". Daylight Opening: Clear opening, 70" by58" high. L- Weatheratripping: None vHardware: None 1-*e,epholes: None L/fiamforcement: None I gealants: Frame comers were seated with a clear colored sealant installation screws were sealed with a white colored sealant. ✓Pads: None vScreen: Not applicable vUnit Installation: Test unit installed in a 2 X 12 wood test buck using a 1 X 4 pressure treated buck strip. Frame installed with a single row of No. 10 by 1" pan head sheet metal screws in frame head, frame sill and frame jambs. Location of irstallatioa screw spacing are as follows: frame sill and frame head from the left, 6", 21 1/411, 36 W, 51 3./4", 67"; e jambs from the bottom, 6 %a", 24'/s", 39", 55'h (� v' Product markings: None • `3 ...,..............-- ....... ,,, ..,,° ,.cr �r n.- n rt.- I•• ,owng 11 fi enpp155fp 1:e °P°�'C.P�:: IS n•yY FC 'HE SIMPLF iEaEC.4Np I5 HOT NFCSSMILV \OKA'AVf OF 1- -- I - ...G .4nPa9°F— -- SUCK IT vi LWD - "" SNW CAULK K7VCCN WIN➢t1V fLr L V000 LUCK CDI Or DIY 31 CI1 OP1� 2T OTHERS `` 4 EST. FINISH By OTHERS KNINETER CALL xT OTHERS KE wi[S> VIIDUV EKTCRWR ECWHY J I ANCTCR BUCK WIDTH �- i lTALLATIC 7CKV AKWY ONE By WOOO rC K BOWEN lT OTHERS / VCOD SUCK L SUWr ➢VENAL AS PEO'D /IN OIKRS V1 V/ LEADr6T 6CMD+0 SHIX GLASS 'IV. 1 1 VC HIN SEC HATES) (NICDNENI I/1' NAL T SHIN SPACE EKTERIm VINL7W ER"E JANx KRINCIN CALL K BY'OTHCRS VINMV rRAHE IIUILDI14G IMNG MHHNER VINIKW WIDTH— ICADCR RFvmvE %—Fu — CODE COMPLIANCE SECTION 2 KEEP THIS PLAN ON JOB APR 10 ZOOZ BUCK KIGHT BDi sling&Z/Ing lnsDeEOD Oi lax., FL r TNT. SIi^• Y ova 11Y11Y N0. WINDOW fPnHE SILL • C N f SILL SiOR O JJJ/ V OTHERS KRUNETER CAW[ CN.LK (3 ('x 1r m1ERs L Pit GS SILL 21 ETHERS OTHERS SECTION 1 Fi FVATION VIEWED FROM EXTERIOR K 1 � 1-1/6• WIN, CNICIA NI CAILK BETWEEN WOOD NArT OFC)ONG ltX:ll L IT OTHERS Q AtCNmY 3/16- SCRCV AKwR 4 CAULK KTVEO WIN`\\�\ Wall) ad `CONCRCIC m w.slxar W CNING lr OTHERS CKI. By OTI NCTIS NRS 101 T HART LOCATION IN HEAD LOCATION IN .was CALL BUCK UP NI PSr 61 PX W 61 PSr LI PX SIZE SIZE la 40 PSr l0 60 PX 111 6110,, to 6n Psr TO 60 2'X 70 7a PX 0707 6 1 6 NNE IOI[ 1 rA 0743 F rjG 6711 L K T6 IONC NONE sal IOS r �L 0741 6 x NB HUHC IOei 07 till 11 12 1 it NONE IOt IONC rA rG rF 1121 1121 Iz S 2• 7oa 12 K 76 1aHE w)C IKR[ la fG 2i f6 FA IIKI I21 •0 NON[ K w1e: wxF rA rG rA r r a mt F 2N K 12 t C C F.GG rL fF 2121 21 x 21 C C C C C C rA rA rA 201 24 x ] N C C C rA r.6 rA 212t 11�1]10 It 6 r 12 L 13661.1214 C C rA rA rA ]lit % s 2• C C C fF IL 2F C C C G ILRI r2A1 1141 ]6 x A ' •ID 4111 IB x 49 IT C C C IFG rG rA 6121 In x 21 C C E C C AL rA_ rA rA 71]l 46 K a C C Al rA DLAI DL81 41\I 42 x 6 sin A c c c EL 12 c C AA uL 5121 N➢ x 2E DL yL oL DLN1 Olil u A Xd C AA.1 Ali DL 0 6111 72 x i2 C C C tL OL lL DL n2 6121 61]I 72 x 21 R i C A.l A.2 A.t AA Al OL DL OS OL 6111 72 x AB AA - A)A DL DL xLIU o Dru, 1 1 61S K A■ ALC AxC um SNIN vHERE %PAM fAEA2l2 THAT MG. it mmw. •w —4. fCRIAL' ALWINUN ALLOT 6061 IC SCRLV ANCwR N K W SIFFICIENT LTIL 70 ACHIEVE Nlll OO[IKNT SOHRT OS CDH=TL ITTP. LTN 2-L••) DOW fL WIN WO-SL ADHESIVE CALLS, SCALAHT W APROM CC`— OO-SIL A,CSI C CNAIt SCALANI. INVO COIPLT WITH SCALANI NANIf'AmtfSR•S m CpllVALCNT rm KCIHETER SEAL AROAOI CATEAIOR W wumv FLANGE SITE IS MY LISTCD IN MOOR CHART. USE Abell OINITIIT LISTED WIN TOR THE M RWRIATC KSI0 PRE$ RC KO► my VMT PER THE KRIREPENIS or ASTI, E1706 &GAGE LNAVY& TNSLCATIIO SIIGLC MATIw�ALSO' MKIrrIE& 11. s T IH➢ICATC WHOX COYCICTE AIxwRY LMI[D ISLES 1X JNus ANL u KSO APPLT 10 tIK'x NO, LIVS IISVOI K11E5 PlTtnxtALVW 1m; AND KUSIDIS ,N56,PICSIRL WINDOWS. KINCO, LTD. -� • _ JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA ,AN r/f Rm SERIES PICTURE WINDOW V/GNE BY BUCK ...... '. INSTALLATION DRAWING r..""NAY><L WWTDGT tR♦ BB 12/20/DI .T amRNr. CIVIL N/AD NT.S. 01"^KJAxOD83 !\ n A(G w 47102 AtV. lxTlo 1M[F 1 d• 1 n,OLf \ M\K.IY fuN01.L K W YI.f_,la A'r4 YK R ,4.!`. RAY Zt,V wKt l i,KL TY l O•Y