HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded NOCJOSE PH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4746750 OR BOOK 4467 PAGE 227, Recorded 08/26/2020 03:45:58 PM The Home Depot 2455 Paces Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 33039 PE.'RMlT N13t.4REp. NOTICE OF COMM E,Pi, C M ENT The undsmigned herOY glues Mice Nit im raverrenI will be made to wUin real property, and In acaordarme wllh Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the fol1cwjpg InforrnadalLis provided .in tt h Notice of Commencemer:t. I. DMRIl T 01= PROP£RT1r (Legal desci%ion or ft�e prgArty & str�el &ktm, If avaiSai�le) TAX Fotao NO.: sysotvrs,oN &:) ! i5iA 6 xe S C�nt� Glr DCK TRACT LOT_BLDGr�uarr________ 'ES COUNTRY CLUB TILLAGE LEASEHOLD ESTATES (OR 2389-639) THAT PART OF SEC AS SHOWN IN OR 2389-639 35 San Luis Obispo BEING'LOT 35 SAN LUIS OBISPO (0.11 AC - 7.405 S ) (OR 3928-6 77) Ft. Pierce 2. GENERAL DESCRIPT1oN or- 1MPRUVEMENT: Windows 3. OW ER WFORMATION OR LESSEE tNFDRMATION IF THE LE3SE£ CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEIVIEW A. Name.nd IddresZ Monica Fulton 35 San Luis Obispo, Ft Pierce, FL 34951 b. Ire In property: Omer e Name and edam of -fee simple tftjbW(W (It Waomt from Owner Hsled above): 1. 8. °CCMIT'R.Jh+CTOR'S NAME. --THE HOME DEPOT carAradar•s axtess: 2055 h. Phone- mbar: 754-224-2010 z 6. SURETY (If uWlcade, a copy or lt►a pnyrnat bond Is atlacfw4: N/A b. Phone number: c Arnouro or bond: S -N/A 6. a. 0EIMER'S NAME: LtrdWs addrm. L Phone weber - - 7. Persons vWthin the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or otrier documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: I - e. Nwm W bddre= - - - b. Pharro lumbers of desigmI ed Wvnr 8. a. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates o! to receive a copy of the I lenor°s Notice as provided In Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes b Mot* numbrr of person or tM1ty dxslgnabed byC?wnar: 9, .Expiration date of notice or commencement (0* expiration date may not be before the cunpletlon of eortsu mllon and final payment to the contractor, but will be 1 year tram the date of recording unless a dliferent date Is specified): . 20 I WARMING TO QMER, ANY PAYMENTS MWE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE QJPIR81)ON O1= THE NOTICE OF QQMMENC MENT b MIpgREp t pRCyPFR-P YMNTS UNDER QH6MR Z13, EMI 1. SEgcTION 71 .13. FLORIDA STATUTES. AND CAN gcS1 11 T 1N XQ JR PAYINO TWICE FOR IMPROYEME?M IQ YOUR PROPERTY A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MM 8E RECORDED AND D QN THE JOB M M■ A Ir\./'►rl ArLfT• f I&.penalty of perjury, •1 declare that I have read the foregoing malice of coo nnwicemerlt and that the fags stated therein are true to b� of rpyknowledge and belief. Monica Fulton / Owner of or Lessee, or omw's or e'S f Tint Nanw and ProAde Signatory's TWQt'f M) xad 0McerAMrectwftrW N &ruWrj state or FLORIDA County Of . t Lucie I T i InAn merit was a the this clay of 2Q by I 'b �. OWNER I (rune of person) (type of authcrity,...s.g. officer, trustee, 6"In t`acij for 1 Self #ume of party an behalf c whom instrument was ex i catlon ProudNab" Pubft - spnalty KnoMm _____ a Produced idenllflcslion Type o! ideniln Irh► coffunimion 4 Gtt 128139 21 ype, a Stamp Comrnlslorned Nan* of Notary Public) Rev . 4