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FEause Ir lhratian Test�Certi#icaedit
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Consfiruction. ( `)i�ew Ci�nstcuction Complete ? , Fxifng 'A#terAdd�tion
House tnf(ttratton Test eesut SLC Climate Zone,�� _ -
ACFi{50�=irFM 50 x64JUo ume 'flifechanlcdiVeOd oti 314'l y �1 regrllred[essi�ecrrt .
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,i hass[ng results must be& _Ct (50j oriels' 1
ABC,t:nergy' -
i The building or defiling unit shall bey teste8 antl venfiesl as ftaing an air(eatige rate a dot exceeding air changesper
} hnurin Cifmate Zone S,2 and 3�atr changes per hour irf Cti n to Zoned 3�thrQugh 8 'r Ain'
si�all'6a con�duc ed w�tti`a
btowerdvpr at a,pressur of 0 inches w;g (5a'Rascais)-Testing shall be cpnducted,by'elttSer lncfiytduat''i defined irtie
=Setion 553 993{5a ar(?},Etbritl 5tatufes'or iridlvitluais licenseds set fvrt#�In Section R89105(3}(f};(g or�ij 6r�r
raQprovec7tth"lyd paktjr k wtitenrepnrt of:the results of tyre test shalt be signed by the parfy condt�ctFn :the'test
provitletl to the code oclo[. Testingshal4 be performed at any tune after crzeationof aif'pi:rtetraiibns of the lzu(lc(�ng
_ ut►lere the;air infiiltratlpn rate o a=dwei(irig'�tintta(s tess�than .,air changes per hdiirwben�tes pressure of U.2 inch�*r c�(50 ka to accorit�nce with SecE�an R$OZ.41?o.f the Florida Bullding Code,Energy Ca»se�irotiar)� '
1 tfie dwetling,un�shailkberprovid it with v�rhotes house mechapicatventiiaticiN id`actorcfance with5ectionM1S073� �j a ,'
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i hereby certify thatthe abouh House intiltYa#ron results demonstrate Compliance with FBC IiergyConshiatfin;
2 re±quireirtentg in a"cordanCe w�tl�S #ion R4t�2.4 2 Ciirriate.Zone 2,.