HomeMy WebLinkAboutVEG PERMIT-APPLICATIONDATE SUBMrff F I)- 3 COUNTY * R I r BriLdir Termat14wmbrr. 008-0.379 Prolwmr¢ Project T. LXl IE COUNTY NOTICE F VEGETATION REMOVAL APPLICATION I- Please complete the requested information and submit to the St_ ll.udt County 1Avironrnental Resourceq Department or Building & Zoning lDepartmcnt- Por additional information, rle.9sc contact the Environmental Resources Department at (772) 46?r2.5 6, Filing Ihis application tlrn-V trot rel,"If ix an authorizadop to c&mn#encse any vet afion remotionj or alrerae orl. MM PlaII/Co nstruction Plan must he 1rovided (in addition to the site plan provided to the Ruilding Department) the plans Must tIU;LrraLcIv ilL:Pi(;L Llu: Ik)C,LL'LOR 0E-aIi propusod buildings, structures, driveways, septic taroks, and ether improvements. Incomplete spptrcations will not he accepted in acwrdancc with section 1 1-05,06 (C) of the St. Luuie County Land Development ('Gdc- Willi [n twenty (0) days after an application has bocci determined to he complete, the Environmental Resources Department shall review the appi ication and approve, approve with conditions. Or deny the appli cation, based on the standards set forth in Sedion 6,00-05 of this Code- Applications requiring a con,cunvw building pumit will be processed m thin the same twenty (20) day timeframe, however wi11 no[ W released until the building penigit is also approved. Per Section 11-05-06 b- 6, of -the St- Latin County Land Development Code, the filing of an application skia►1l be deemed to CXtend pcnnission to the Environmental Resources 1pirector, or designee, to inspect the subject Bite for purposes of evaluating the a ppliption- Please J isl. any specific in forruation such a-, a gate code. or the neoessity of 24 hour notice due to cattle grazing, control led burns, outsi do pets, etc, In thy; event that it is deturr fined that any fedf-ral or state protected species is r ident on or dependent upon the suhjrct parcel, ali development work which might adversely atfect that individual species shall cease sod stop work. The applicant shall ilnmtxiialely notify the Florida Nish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the County. Appropriate protection to the satisfaction ofalI parties shall be provided by the applicant prior to resuming development, JPRO-IIECT INFORJHATION o' I-,RS NAME: HIS..ISCUS BY THE SEA OWNERS ADDRESS: 3a70 N. Al A Fr PIERCE FL 34"Q - L'RO.I ECT J CATIONIADDRESS: _ 31M N, Al A FIr PIERCE FL 34949 CITY: STATE ZIP; - COMFA,CI' PHONE(S) 4: 7n,577-m ea - - PAR FI. SIZL; SE6 SURVEY _ �PROPEXFY TAX TD #: 14 3 GATE CODE (TF APPLICABLE): - EMAIL ADDRESS: EMSJEILEEN.SULLJVAK(�7GMAILCQU CONTACT PHONE JYliMpEJR FOR PJEAI1+ rr EVE KK UP-T72-s77�1a8 CO NTRACMK IN F'ORMA-1IO (IF APPLICABLE) - St. Lucre Cnrcaly L-vde and Cumpaled LCK'.s requwus Mal tins type of work he dome, by a licenred ifA yingfor this permil tender the ownerlbuiWr essemption, see Disrhoswv .SYalement on page 4. LAND CLKARING CONTRACTOR AIAMIE,, ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER- FLORIDA T PG/C'.ERT # 5T LU IF, CO. C:ERT- # BUILDING CONTRACTOR _ — -- AI]L]RESS= PHONL; ]NUMBER= 1L' D PROPOSED REMOVAI, AND/OR DFVEI PL EJNTW(I,l, 0QCUR. (1PDA-n7.I)&SSj2()]q COO L TV KIIHER PART I OR 11 BELOW: PART i - EXEMPTION Any person who intends to rernovc or cause the death of any vegetation pursuant to any of the following exemptions must first fill out Part I of#his form. The burden Ofprovingentitlemeni#o any particular excrttp#ion shall lie, at all times, with the person or persons claiming the exe-mption- PLEASE CHIECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ,I. The mirMimal removal of vegetation necessary for the clearing of a path riot to exceed 4' in width, to provide physical acccess or view necessary to conduct a survey or site examination OR 10' in width to provide vehicular aor:ess necessary to conduct soil tests, for the preparation of bona fide site development plans or vegetation inventories; provided srkch clearing or removal is conducted under the direetiori of a Florida registered surveyor or engineer- Fee: S55 2. The removal of vegetation m a utility casement, drainage easement, stDTM water management tract or facility, or right-of-way provided such work is clone by or under the control of the operating utility company and that company has obtained all necessary licenses or permits to provide utility service through the easement- Fee: S55 �3, The removal of vegetation which hoc been determined to be a safety hazard, destroyed or damaged beyond saving by natural causes or causes not covcm4 by other sections of thi s chapter, is infected with diseme or is infested with insect, or which constitutes immediate peril to life property or other trees- Fee; $55 *No application, approv-al, or fem are required for removal of a hazardous tree on residicuti2l. property if the property owner obtains documentation from an arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or a Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or properrty. 4. The removal of native vegetation, upon any detached single family residential lot or parcel of land having an area of one (1) acre or less. This exemption is, however, subject to the lbIlow ing conditions: Fee: 55 A) Nothing in this exemption shall exenVt any person from the landscaping requirements set forth in Section 7-0 .00 of the SL Lucie County sand Developmm Code; B) This exemption shall not be construed to allow the removal or alteration of any protected vegetation without a [vegetation. Removal Petm.it on any lot or parcel of land by trs ,subdivider unless the subdivider intends to construct a resi dential unit nr urMits upon the lot or parcel of I and prior to its sale. C} Wo native vegetation twenty-four inches (4"), or great , dbh shall be removed from any residential parcel (including those in the AG-S. M-2.5, AG- I , }1R-1, RE-t, and RUC zoning districtq), regardless of parcel size. without an approved Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mitigation plan- -5. The removal of any non-native vegetation- Fee: S55 which ,will be waived for removal of invasive exotics only for sine family liomeowner ar property owner's association removing exotics. XX 6. No vegetation to be removed. Fee- $55 7. The following activities do not require the application of Notice of Vegetation Removal, however may rewire wilding Permit approval or other such authorization: Fee: bone A) Fre23erve and Parks Management .activities. Vegetafion removal activities associated with an adopted management plait for government maintained parks, recreation areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas and preserves- The purpose of the vegetation removal activity shall be to protW and preserve the natural values and functions of the ecological communities present, such as, clearing for flirebreaks, conducting prescribed burns, or construction of fences. R) Existing Agricultural Operations. Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except within rcquirod preserve areas or deeded conservation easements, which are part of the en -going activities of the exiting operation shall not require a permit. Initial cleaning of site is not an exempt activity- Bona tide a0cultural activities include commercial nursery, tree faun, aquaculture, ranch, or similar operation- ) Routine Landscape Maintenance. Trimming or priming of vegetation which is not intended to result in the eventual death of the vegetation, mowing of yards or lawns, or any other landscaping or gardening activity which is commonly recognized as routine maintenance, r lacement or re-1andscaping- ue€).a-rFID Rt.�80019 PART II - V FP 9— 1Z -r A ir it Iw REMOVAL PERMIT li ee Schedule; 100 per Single Family Home Lot/Be ilding $100 per 14lultifamily Home Lotlguilding 00 per lion -Residential Building Please complete ALI- Of the requested information. ,A Vegetation Rernov�d Permit shall only be issued if'sufFicient evidence demonstrating that at least one of the following criteria has been satisfied,- 1 . The appiicant for vegetation removal permit shall demonstrate whY preservation of the existing native vegetation is not practically feasible and prevents the rea!�onahte development of the site- __2. The removal of the native vegetation is the mi41-mum necessary in order to implement a >~inal Development Drder 0,e-_7 aPproved site plan or approved building permit). _3. A Final Development Order has not been issued, or is nut require by this Code for the intended non-agricultural use of the land and vegetation removal is the minimum necessary to allow for the cOmtructiwi of the intended uaL or improvement, ADDlTT< NAL U)Eil44i�TAL RF, Ull )aI FNTS FOR E ETATION REMOVAL PERMITS: 2. Site PlanlC'onstruction Flask (ini addition to the site p[a], provided to the Ruildiag Department} The plans muss accurately depict the location of all proposed buildings, structures, driveways, imprMements. styptic tanks, and other 3. 'Free Survey. The survey must accurately depict the individual locutions, species name and colnrrion name, and sip of al C Cau prouved trees to be removed and, if applicable, the individual Iocatinty- 0 be preserve[ or relocated, ons, species name and common nrrt ae, end sines 4. Vegetation Removal Plan The vegetation removal plan must illustrate the existing vegetative conditions on the project site, including an identification of what areas will be irnpacted by the proposed development activity and what areas are proposed fol- preservafion or repIanting- 5. mitigation All native vegetation shall be protected on site to the greatest extent possible at . If impact is unavoidable, mitigation shall be provided through onir of the mitigation methodologies outlined in Land Development Code Section 6.00-05.D- Provide mitigation ca]culations per land Development Cade Section 6.00-05.D and include a mitigation pi all outlining proposed mitigation method on the tree survey andfor site plan. Ifsufilcient ritigation cannot be accommodated on -site and additional inches of credit am required based on caIculation, an off -site mitigation plan shall be attached for review and approval ofERD Director (Land Development Code Section 6.00.05.D)- Prior to the issuance of any authorL7akion for commenc ment of pemitted development activity, the replacement vegetation shall be preserved, relocated or planted, or the appropriate mitigation fees shall be paid to the County. As part of the i-,4mi ince of any permit requi ring mitigation, the property owner shall submit to an inspection of the pi antedfrelocatediprescrve,d materials IS months after the issuance Of Certificate of Occupancy or other use authorization - UPDATED RP.&20v9 F . E iVE THE FOWING ACKN OWLF.1)E- MENTS NOTAK2FD- I CERTIFY nAT. (CIJBCk ONT:-) A { ) I AM "HE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBF-D FROP°ERTY AND WILL BE CONDUCTTNG THE WORK AS O NEMUILOER- Thr a yfpb� and iw ynv, as am- awmr nFyaur pop�t3; m aa~ as � � an exerg*W to fro: Yar rr one �S,br tfire �} �' r o r ow e � ] &riot A5W a "Me dr ]tul�kix] Yats may Cr br�olpdar y you may buo or irr#rr�re a a�e-,�arn�ly or ttw�farrw r N e or d fd7N wow a c�vraomrud t� I r�att fee d Olw +fse Or a xy, km rd�tbe br�oolt or � 7%e b ig � � rrx�St be ray y�c 9� rn 1 �fyirr yroVo fprs�yeaw{ IfyMsearrW ea yu/ Awe Cb? of Bahr-s ems; , Yocr k t�7e v o-y�y p�x+.ax that reuw on-y w &,It c r �, W sa�e�m re-9xn9&hty � g-re pp, py by i a+r;a7 to ct a' � or to sca rep are wt &f* on j err bwhkg, k es gzrW by s law wd j gy � or Marne I rx ��t#' 5tgv Wv 'A U w^*rk to a G Gad correrae r rsd�o fs Mt &wz'eyd by PffA M M e fr V d� p�� orr }tarx + who rs not r ecirnr t utarlc urx r c#rert ant rrx�st to OTOD W byK;L4 ~ n)MWits &Wyt3u nxsr EPIC q, dW � a'r j affa5 Xe t e by r aMhC, 7 met CW7#y MV1 a+! �Jas orfrran, br,r cxaa aaae BI AM NOT THE O NER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVEO DESCRIBED PROPERTY; HOWEVER. I HAVE AMHORFrY TO ACT AS AGENT FOR Tg[E O OF IxiER RECORD- (sr Luce C'a mtyCvde arty! Coutpiled vsre4v'res this OTe ofwark be done by a fic sed contractor PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION)_ I CEiI;= THAT ALL INFORMATION SUB WJJH APPLI ATTON IS TRUE AND COi�FLETE TO SE T D �VO�DGE- INER1 AGENT ICi�iATURE r i .,. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST- LUCIE � Tim foregoing , w aua ma".1cdged m this of }, by �- . who is �Y know to me or has produoed as idenfification, Signatu= of lotary L-6 61 Nolary Public V Title ssio�n Nnmbeer 4�otarp FiibIAL it#C of Cnmksslon i! HH 003FfiD7F1.21- STA'gP- Notan, Public _ T[iele Commission dumb (SEA W: ^': AMANA RAYA Notary Public - State of Flanda Commission P Ck 964e25 - MY Comm- F-wres H" J, X23 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED DENIED REVIEWED/ APPR.OVFI) BY: ENVM6N ENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTM' EI' l DATE d L-DA7ED &MS01y