HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED,SOMERS - SPEC SHEETIm JCL a R � � L ✓i # � v rnl�i . - �,� Sao �w a'i�m vT K r" 1p t3 L (M Yam(T'�^Q�wz N I L LIonCC 4 fii✓ 4L. `..� Z W �m4 ip d 4JW �G C7. VY V1�.g3 1 F 1 � u Win. .. E it Y 3 . �.N. fl nit 1 C J c5� C7 Cal z o yy m t,� ftV 5 $ v p a z�iLt ry.'r-. Go ari 4�pry—:-NhSY" •r ri,rir.:� . w �N �Ur � a 9q ;Y F^ d I Xty4 7"Lie � 13 W fr �?!{�� K� li ' XI "���'. �p. n,: I �WiY :(� V. �f�j.it &•�'+ �' ,Il' 8/31 /2020 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Menu > Product or Application S FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Zarrh > Application List > Application Detail o Clopay Building Products Company 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason, OH 45040 (513) 770-6062 mwesterfield@clopay.com Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Scott Hamilton Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Gary Pfuehler Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16107 Rll COI Certification of Independence of Validation Entity_ Gary Pfuehler.pdf FL16107 Rll COI Statement on Independence of Evaluation Entity_ ScottHamilton 120424.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL16107 Rll Epuiv 20170809 - FBC - DASMA 108 eauivpff FL16107 R11 Equiv 20170809 - FBC - DASMA 115 equiv.p-lf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/10/2020 www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_a pp_dtl.aspx? para m=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXh l 09aYpgetu2%2f5n8XnBD2%2fVo8Qn5QLraHZxA%3d %3d 1 /3 8/31 /2020 Florida Building Code Online Date Validated 04/10/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/13/2020 Date Approved 06/02/2020 Date Revised 08/13/2020 Summary of Products Go to Page a 00Page3/300 Model, Number or Name Description 6107.41 41 W6-09 DSIU-11`171: 9200, 9201, 9203, Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE® W6 Garage Door with 7203, 8200, 8201, 8203 Optional Impact -Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R11 II 104184-A-Rev02-signed,p_df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or doors with FL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140220-A.pff ,optional impact -resistant glazing are impact -resistant (large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). 16107.42 42 W6-09 DSIU-11`171: 9200, 9201, 9203, Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door 7203, 8200, 8201, 8203 ......... ...... ..... ......................................................................................................................................................................................._...... ---._.............. ---......................................................................................................................... Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 R11 II 104184-B-Rev02-signed.p_ f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of FL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140220-A.pd i the building code but DO NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for Created by Independent Third Party: No windbome debris regions. 16107.43 43 W6-16 DSIU-11`171: 9200, 9201, 9203, Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. �7203,8200,8201,8203 HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, min.) Double -Car (97' to 167' wide) WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R11 II 1Q4879-A-Rev03-sig= pp_dff Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or doors with FL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140220-A.pdf optional impact -resistant glazing are impact -resistant (large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). 16107.44 44 W6-16 DSIU-1F171: 9200, 9201, 9203, Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, 17203,8200,8201,8203 min.) Double -Car (97' to 162" wide) WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107- R31 II 104879-B-Rev03-signed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of FL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140220-A.p-if the building code but DO NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for Created by Independent Third Party: No windborne debris regions. 16107.45 45 W3-09 DSIU-1A171: 9130, 9131, 9133, Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. HDP13, HDPF13, HDPL13, 7130, 7131, min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W3 Garage Door 7133, 8130, 8131, 8133 --i Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16107 R11 II 104175-Rev02-signed p_lf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind FL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140220-A.p�lf load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). .......... 16107.46 .................................. .... ................................................ ......... ................. ............ 46 W7-09 PAN-21`153: 73, 75, 84A, 94, 98, ............... -_.. ............... --......................................................................................................., Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W7 42, 42B, 48, 48B, 4F, 4RST, 6RST,GD5S, Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Lites GD5SV, GRSS, GR5SV, AR5S, AR5SV, ED5S, ED5SV Limits of Use _ Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL16107 R11 II 701702-Rev12-5igtled_.Rdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +42 PSF/-48 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max. Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or doors with EL16107 R11 AE CBPC 140625-A.pd optional impact -resistant glazing are impact -resistant (large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). 16107.47 ........ ....................... _.................................... ..................... ............. 47 WS-16 PANSP-2F153/6: 73SP, 15SP, ........... _ _. __._..................................................................................., Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0"wide) WINDCODEp WS 76SP, 76VSP, GDSSSP, GDSSPV Garage Door with Optional Impact -Resistant Lites www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXhl09aYpgetu2%2f5n8XnBD2°/o2fNlo8Qn5QLraHZxA%3d%3d 2/3