HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof inspection affPlanning & Development Services eta 4 Building & Code Regulation Division OUN 2300 V'I'rginia Ave nue � R ID Fart Pierce,, FL 34982 F L A Nampo" 772462va2l65 or 772m462-2172 Fax: 772w462w6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: Permit# 1,lops- Christopher Collins _ ,Incensed as a(n)Contractor*/Enineer/Architectg (Please print name & circle license type) 'IF5458 Building Inspector * Geri eraf, Building, R es iden Vo I or Roofin q Con tractor or any ind(Vidual certf-edt+nder 4f.S, to make s urh an inspec Non, On or about _ �C ] 1 � h 1 2(3 OZ I did personally inspect the roof deck nai i-n (Date) work at•� �-�� L kL.JL., �— �� (job site address) ed up::he n at eurination I ave determined the installation was done according to the cu rre nt edition lori)a Existing B Iding Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted {whichever is most ri �► CCC-058011 Si na e and Sea! License # STATE OF FLORIDA f COUNTY OF L2r f ia Sworn to and subscribed before me this dad of .0� by - 4 ho is personally kno n to me or who has prod uced - A as ��entificatron. Notary Public., State of Flor 0 -W Signature of Notary.- z-2 1,15 "P Commission Number: M M J00mur (Seal) -4;r�r Lor I F LAMP En 01/19/2011 R abdQih Hoy NOTARY PJJBLIC STATr OF FLORIDA T COM w-T w- GG2W 10 Expira 2/1712023 Scanned by TapScanner