HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation report, east coast metals '1 6 /gI to to l� R RESEARCH&DESiGN,LLC. VIEW E® QvWfreste afA►ltfsorf d0ft d9503 AN S-MEEL UNIT#13, _ 6' ' COpE COMPI.1 �� OXFORD,Cr 06478 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PxoAX:(20 j 262 9z43 EVALUATMON REPORT EOCC East Coast Metals,Inc. Evaluation Report E10240.08.08.114 2301 West 8 Lane FL5374-R4 Hialeah,Fl.33010 Date of Issuance:09108/2009 Revision 4.-03/17/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report Is issued under Rule 61GZ0-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the Smote of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code,Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5n'Edition(201 4)Florida Building Code sections noted herein- DascRlPnoiv: East Coast Metals Channel Metals LABEt1IVG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. COronNUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,P.E.if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. TrinitylERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. AnvERnsEmEmr: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words 'Trinity{ERD EvaluatedO may be displayed in advert Using literature. if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. WspiicnoN:upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection atthe job site at the request of-the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7. Prepared by: `icuept+nrr, f'��'�'•'��''y�w 'tbalaabs3ssedaGPeaHBcr+sau�horised6gaokertNtemN¢R 4'�.. `t`l: C Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. % -."s��is�:.;' PEanl813T/2W5-ihbd=ma=nreosaneteerts`rat, oa-d Florida Reg istradanNo..59266,RoddoDCAANE1983 i`'.' �;;.i5%� dascraeasS eea�^dnaca�+trst a'�s'er�""e+ued�oshe 'JJJl�r,a:,:n��� 7mdaaApgracalAdmtnistrataatdtothemciCdiwlu � CERTWICATION OF 1NDEPERVENCE: 1. Trinityl ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturling or distributing products it evaluates. , mpany manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any co 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing produlcts for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nierninen,P.E.does not have,nor%Will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. Reviewed For Code Compliance WayvL&ShMna4.i 01/22/2019 File Copy i I W ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: I 1. SCOPE: Produce:Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Roofing Accessories that are an integral Part of the Roofing 5ystem Compliance Statement: East Coast Metals Channel Metals,as produced by East Coast Metals,have demonstrated compliance with the fallowing sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the installation Requirements and I.Imitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard year 1507.3.7 Installation,no"VHZ FRSAf R1April2012(04-12) 2012 1518.8.1 Installation,HM RAS 118,n9&120 1995 1523.632-2 Static upliftilesistance TAS 101 1995 1711.2.1 Static Uplift Resistance 58CCI SSID 11 1997 3. REFERENCES: E Examination Reference Date ERD(TST6049) Static Uplift Resistance E4273&08 3 08/23/2023 ERD CIST6049) Static Uplift:Resistance ECMI-SC679512.1.1-1 02/27/2015 ERD(t5TSO49) Static Uplift Resistance ECM-SC67951214-2 02/27r015 Florida TEC(rSr7393) TAS 201 S30.62811 10/27/2020 PRI CM13878) TAS 101 ECM•001-02-01 09/21/2001 PRI(TS'f5878) TAS 101 ECM-003-o2-01 06/1312003 PRI"15878) TAS 101 ECM-004.M-01 06/3/2008 PRI(TSTS878) TAS 101 ECM-005-0Z-01 06/13/2008 PRI(rSi5878) TAS 101 ECM-M&M-01 06113/2008 PRI(TSi S878) TAS 101 ECM-007-0Z-01 06/13/2008 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-008A2-111 6/93J2008 Florida Building Code AttarhmentRequirements FRSA/MIA ri1201 {0�12 04/Z 7� Florida Building Code-HVHZ Attachment Requirements RA!2 8; 9 and 120 2995 East Coast Metals Metal Quality Mucertifitations Vadous Architectural Testing(QUA1844) Quality Control articipation Letter Exp.12/31/20i8 4. PRODUCr DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Hip & Ridge Channel Metal: Pre-farmed metal cha el designed for use as a hip and ridge base to winch roo Iles are bonded in FBC Approved roof tile adhesive. Hip&Ridge Channel Metal is available in 119-3/ 'rich L` 3/8-inch)length by 25,3,35,4,5,6 or7-inch q /8-inch) heights with 154rich(_1/16-inch)deck-flanges. G I Exterior Research and Design,LM Evaluation RepartE10M40.08.08-R4 rertiffeara a/Autharrradan tl9SD3 PM74-R4 Revtaian 4.D3/17/Z015 Paget of II TJ-1 Y ERO 42 Trim Lock Channel Metal: Pre-formed metal channel designed for use as a hip and ridge base to which roof tiles are bonded in FBC Approved roof the adhesive. Trim lock Channel Metal Is characterized by Its profiled and perforated upper horizontal flange designed to receive and allow for interlock with the overlying tile adhesive. Trim Lock Channel Metal is available in 129 3/34nch L+ 3/8")length by 3,3.5,4,5 or 6-inch(±3/8-inch)heights with 1.S-inch(t 1/16-inch)deck flanges. I i 4.2 Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal:Pre formed metal channel designed for use as a hip and ridge base to which roof tiles are bonded in FBC Approved roof file adhesive. Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal Is characterized by its profiled and perforated upper horizontal flange designed to receive f' , and allow for interlock with the overlying the adhesive Al and its perforated deck flanges,designed for Installation atop the roof underlayment via placement in FBC f pr f Approved roof tie adhesive, which flows-through and i interlocks with the underlying adhesive. Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal is available in 119-3/8-inch' (+_3/8")length by 3,3.5,4,5 or 6-inch(±3/8-inch)heights 1, with 2.5-inch(±1/164neh)deck-flanges. ! r r/ 4.4 East Coast Metals Channel Metals are fabricated of the following metals: a Galvanized Steel: Min.0.019±0.002 inch,ASTM A653(6-90),min.33 KSi. a Galvalume Steel: Min.0.0191:0.002 Inch,ASTM A792,AZ55,min.35 KSL Aluminum: Min.0.032±0.002-inch,ASTM 13209,3003-1i14,min.21 K51. D Stainless Steel: Miq.0.019±0.002-inch,ASTM A240/A480,7304,min.35 KSi- 5. LiMITATiows: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trtnity(ERD nor Robert Nleminen, P.E.are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. Exterior Research and Design,UC. Evaluation Report 9 0240.08-dB-R4 Cerawco z gfAmar&adan msaa F15374-114 Revision A:03/17/203S Page 3 of 7 I I i- TPJNITY [RD 5.2 FOR WHZ1URISDICUONS: 5.7-1 For Hip &Ridge Channel Metal or Trim tack Channel Metal,refer to F13C RAS 118,Drawing 3.3, Detail 3;RAS in, Drawing 12, Detail 3;or RAS 120,Drawing 15, Detail 3. Fbr Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal,refer to the installation Instructions herein. S.Z.2 For HVHZ jtnisilfcdons,installations of Nip&Ridge Channel Metal and Trim Lock are prescriptive by RAS 218,119 and 120,and the data in Tables 1A and 18 is supplemental to these prescriptive allowances. Installations of Trim Lock Plus are limited to projects having a required moment resistance(M,)or uplift resistance(FJ, as determined in accordance with RAS 127,not greater than the following.values. Referto the file adhesive manufacturer's published Installation instructions for adhesive paddy placement details. Y 'INDEPENDENT"paddy placement means each individual the is banded to the Channel Metal in its own,single foam paddy; file head laps are not bonded. This method is limited to 2-part Ile adhesives. Allowable performance data below for aiNDEPENDEUr paddy placement already has a 2 to 1 margin of safety applied to ultimate performance. D- -INTERDEPENDENT°paddy placement means each individual the is banded to the Channel Metal in a foam paddy, and a second foam paddy bonds the file head lap,or two tiles are banded to the Channel Metal using a single foam paddy. Allowable performance data below for"INTERDEPENDENT"paddy placement already has a 4 to a margin of safety applied to ultimate performance. TABLEIA:Pfakt MCELIMrrATIONS-HVHLIP413EnevnsnaPADBYPLAcRrtr j2Tb1MWAGMCFSAFX-TV ADVAPaum) Hh,/Mdge Metal Adhesive AllmnWe Performance. Design Metal Type Tile TVpe Placement Moment Based Uplift Based Mr(ft lh F(Ibf) Hip&Ridge galvanized day or 3M"2 Component Foam independent 127 169 Channel Metal concrete RoofTde Adhesive AH-160 Trim cock galvanised,Galvatume°, day or Slow 2-Component Foam Independent 172 159 aluminum or stainless steel conerete RoofTile Adhesive AH-160 Trim Lock Plus galvanized,Galvalume°, day or 3M13 2-Component Foam Independent 177 165 aluminum orstafnlesssteel concrete RoofTile Adhesive AH-16D TABLEIB:PmmRN1ANMLiM[rAMONS-HVH7,INTEMEPOMENTPA4DYPLgMMEM' (4Ta s r&RG1NaF5AFWAcaE4UWAPvusn) H, /Ridge Mefai Adhesive Allowable Performance Tile Moment Based Uplift Based Design Metal Type Type Placement Mt(ft Ibf) F'(Ibf) Trim Lode orTrim galvanized,Gahralumea, day or 3M"'2-Component Foam Interdependent 95 88 Lock Pius aluminum or stainless steel concrete Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160 Trim Lode galvanized;Gahralumea, day or SW Roof Tile Adhesive Interdependent 99 94 stainless steel concrete RTA 1 Trim Lock aluminum clay or 3M"'Foam Roof rite Interdependent 90 84 concrete Adhesive RTA-1 Trim Lack Plus galvanized,Galvatume°, day or 31%* Foam Roof Tile interdependent 90 84 aluminum orstainiess steel concrete Adhesive RTA-1 Trim Lode galvanized,Gafvalumea or day or a1LE BOND'Roof Tile Interdependent 223 117 stainlesssteel concrete Adhesive day or THE BOND"Roof Tile Interdependent 79 73 Trim Lock aluminum concrete Adhesive p Trim Lock Plus galvanized'Garvalume", day or TiLE BOND'"Roof Tile Interdependent 79 73 aluminum or stainless steel concrete Adhesive Trim lack galvanized,Galvatume°or day or Touch'n Seat StormBond stainless steel concrete Roof Tile Adhesive interdependent 146 139 Trim Lack Aluminum concrete Touch'n Seal 5tormBond Interdependent 58 54 concrete Roof Tile Adhesive Trim Lock Plus galvanized,Gahralume°, day or Touch'n Seal 5tormBcnd Interdependent 58 54 aluminumorstafnlesssted concrete Roof Tile Adhesive Exterior Research and Des?%LLC- Evaluation Report E'YOE40.08.08-84 CerbricateofAudwkotloaWO • F1.5374-114 Revision 4:03117/2015, Page 4 of i T 6y ER6 5.3 FOR NON-Hi H2JURISDICTIONS: 531 For Hip&Ridge Channel Metal or Trim Lock Channel Metal,refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). For Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal,referto the installation instructions herein j 53.2 For non-HVH7,installations are limited to projects having hip and ridge design pressure requirements,determined in accordance with Table 1A of FRSA/"tRi April 2012 (04-12), not greater than the following values. Refer to the tie adhesive manufacturer's published installation instructionsfor adhesive paddy placement details. > "INDEPENDENT'paddy placement means each individual file is bonded to the Channel Metal in Its own,single foam paddy-,tale head laps are not bonded. This method is limited to 2-part file adhesives. This method is limited to 2-part tile adhesives. Allowable performance data below for"INDEPENDENT"paddy placement already has a 2 to 1 margin ofsafety applied to ultimate performance. D "INTERDEPENDENT"paddy placement means each individual the is bonded to the Channel Metal in a foam paddy, and a second foam paddy bonds the file head lap,or two tiles are bonded to the Channel Metal using a single foam paddy. Allowable performance data below for"iNTERDEPENDENT'paddy placement already has a 4 to i margin of safety applied to ultimate performance. TA6LE2A:PEnpoaMAwceliMn•ATiams—RioN44VB•i2;InmgFgMavrPAnDYPLACEME r (.ZTo1 WMGnU 0FS4WVAL MWVAFMW) Hip/Ridge Metal Tt7e Adhesive Allowable Uplift; Design Metal type Type Placement 1Psfa Hip&Ridge day or 3M`a 2-Component Foam Roof Channel Metal galvanized concrete Tile Adhesive AH-160 Independent 169 galvanized,Galvalumee,aluminum or day or 3M"'2-Component foam Roof Trim Lock stainlesssteel concrete TiileAdhesive AH-160 Independent Y73 Trim Lock Plus galvanized,Galvalume°,aluminum or day or 3W 2-Component foam Roof Independent 178 stainless steel concrete Tile Adhe nmAH160 TAatE213:PERFuRmANcEU=ArtoNs—Nc)N4llHZ,INrgmEP=MTPADDYPLAamoNT (4=1 WARMN°FSAFMALRFAorAFFUED) Hip/Ridge Metal 'rile Adhesive Allowable Uplift Design MetaiType Type Placement 1psfl Trim Lodc or Trim galvanized,Galvalumeg,aluminum or day or 3M-2 Component Foam Roof 98 Lock Plus stainless steel concrete Tile AdhesiveAH-160 interdependent Trim Lock galvanized,Galvalume=or stainless day or 3M-Foam RoofTile Adhesive interdependent 110 steel concrete RTA-1 Trim L°dc aluminum day or 3M"'Foam RoofTile Adhesive concrete RTA 1 Interdependent 93 Trim Lack Plus galvanized,Gaivatume°,aluminum or day or 3Mw Foam Roof Tile Adhesive interdependent 93 stainless steel concrete RYA-1 Ttim Lock galvanized,Galvaiumea orstainiess day or TiLE BOND"'RoofTde Adhesive Interdependent Y52 steel concrete Trim Lock aluminum cam°fie TILE BOND"'RoofTileAdhesive Interdependent 82 Trim Lock Plus galvanized,Galvalume9,aluminum or day or TILE BOND"'Roof Tile Adhesive Interdependent 82 stainless steel concrete galvanized,Galvalumee or stainless day or Touch'n Seal StormBond Roof Trim Lock steel concrete Tile Adhesive interdependent Y48 Trim loci Aluminum day or Touch'n Seal Stonmllond Roof interdependent 61 concrete Tile Adhesive galvanized,Galvalume°,aluminum or day or Touch'n Seal StormBond Roof Trim Lock Plus stainless steel concrete Tile Adhesive Interdependent 6Y Eatertor Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report E10240.08.08-R4 elmfrmteofAuthorlandkm4950 FI9374-144 Revislon 4-C3/17/2015 Page 5 of 7 I MNITY ERV 6. INSTALLATION: I' 6.1 The roof deck shall be minimum 35/32-inch plywood(non-HVHZ)or minimum 1W24nch plywood(HVHZ)attached In accordance with FBC Chapter 23 to the satisfaction of the AHJ. 6.2 Hip&Ridge Channel Metal and Trim Lock Channel Metal shall be installed using min.11 ga.x lY-inch long x 3/&inch head diameter galvanized annular ring shank na3s spaced 64nch oc. along both deck-flanges. Fasteners shall be positioned V Inch from the outside edge of each deck-flange,set in a bed plastic roof cement. For F3C HVHZ,refer to FBC RAS 118,Drawing 13,Detail 3;RAS US,Drawing 12,Detail 3,or RA5 220,Drawing 15,Detail 3. 6.3 Trim Lack Plus Channel Metal shall be installed atop the Approved roof underlayment in continuous 2-inch wide ribbons of tile adhesive centered beneath each 1-5-inch wide deck flange. Place the Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal into the inlet adhesive and allow It to setup prior to installation of roof tiles. ..�.. N. I , i t ..•r ` I View of Polyset AH160 Placementfor'i rim Lock Plus Channel Metal Installation 6.3.1 it is critical that the bond between the Trim Lock Plus Channel Metal,the tie adhesive and the underlayment is�not disturbed prior to or during placement of the ridge tiles. 6.3.2 Approved underlayments are the codified'30/90'system or other FBC Approved roof underiayments listing approved use of the subject tie adhesive. i I Extarior Research and Des]M I.I.C. Evaluation Report EYOM.08,06-R4 Certificate ajAutharlratlan MSe3 FLW4-R4 Revision 4:o3j17/EOYS Nge6 of P I III TRINITY RD GA Tile shall be installed atop the Channel Metal in accordance with the file adhesive manufacturer's Approved,published Installation instructions,subject to the limitations outlined in Section 5 herein. The exposed edges shall be packed and Pointed with Approved mortar or weather blocking adhesive in accordance with FRSAA/TRi April 2012(04-12)or RAS 118,RAS 11%RAS 120 requirements. Hip/Ridge Tile r. f/.'`i;`% ; •. ,�_ Tile Adhesive • :.a;.t \+:.3 `,ti Trim Lock Plus , f.ri �•� +;� t`�a��•Q: �'• •`t f :'' Mortar or Weather Block Adhesive 'fit i}••i i- � -.- ��••.i f I J t •st-=•r -i9` \`�:r::. :rr r :e- a 'file Adhesive View of Trim lock Plus Channel Metal Installation after Weather Blocked j 6.4.1 Channel Metal shall be free of dust,debris,oils or other bond-breaking substance priorto placement of adhesive. 7. BuiLoamG PERMrr Rr-QuiitEtlff m: As required by the Building Official or Authority raving Jurisdiction in order to property evaluate the Installation of this product. S. MANUFACrURiNG PLANTS: Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C.Rule 61620-3 QA requirements. 9. QUALM AmuRANCE ENm: Architectural Testing,Inc. —QUA180,(717)764-7700 -END OF EVALUATION REPORT- I Exterior Research and Design,r a r Evaluation Report E2024t1:08.08-114 on4tmteofAuthaekadaa 99903 FI5374-114 Revrsion 4:03/17/2015 Page 7 af7 I Ali I J INITI ER EXTERIOR RESEARCH a DES,GN,LLC. FL CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION#9503 September 6, 2017 RE: East Coast Metals, Me. East Coat Metals Channel MatalE 6" Edition (201 7) FBC HVs:Z Affirmation of FL5374-P,4 To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves to document that we have reviewed Florida Product Approval File No. FL5374-R4, and the Evaluation Report which forms the basis thereof,with respect to the 6`'Edition(2017)Florida Building Code,High Velocity Hurricane Zone sections set forth in Section 2 of our Evaluation Report. f There are no changes to the Code that affect the Evaluation Report, and we have authorized the applicant, East Coast Metals,Inc.,to document compliance with the 6`h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, HVHZ through the Affirmation Process. Please contact our Connecticut office with any questions. Respectfully submitted, Robert Nieminen, P.E. Vice President Florida Reg.No.59166 robertniemine_n@trinityerd.carn CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: L. Trinity IERD does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity I ERD nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 1 BUILDING SC,ENCE RESEARCH I DESIGN i CONSULTATION MAIN OFFICE: 80 YESLER WAY,SUITE 200 1 SEATTLE. WA 98104 1 TEL: 206 467 0054 1 FAX:206 267 0267 CONNECTICUT: 353 CHRISTIAN STREET,UNIT 13 1 OXFORD, CT 06478 1 TEL:203 262 9645 1 FAX: 203 262 9243 LABORATORY: 10 MAUNEY COURT I COLUMBIA.SC 29201 1 TEL:603 988 8133 1 FAX:803 988 811 1 III ----