HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Summary TotalPROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL June 20-,20W* I PROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL SUBMITTED TO: HAkBdUk, PiDGE:OSPR.EY VILLAGE 12600I-liftur Ridge Blvd, Club Hduse palrq Clty, R 34990' Re: 1-larbotir Ridge Osprey Village: Pieasd'awept this as the "Project ZhimaN Total". fbr'Wdrk completed and approved by the Engineer,(Mathers Engineering Corporation) .for the "Concrete Restoration. Repairs at 906 NW Writers Creek Road". SUMMARY TOTALS! MOBILIZATION. 1.00 EA. 6 $ 2,800..00/EA $ 2,S00.00, DUMPSTEA- -1-.'00 EA, $ 1, 5010.00/1HA S. 1"5.00-.-00 POST SHORES 15.,00 t4 $ 20.00/EA = $ 300.00 TILE REMOVAL 48,5.,00 SF @ $ 3.00/SF $ 1,455.0 ttWdRARYANALL PkOTIEMOW 50.00 LF @ $ 0. WILF $ 2:, 3 50 , 00 EDGE REPAIRS- 44.50-LF A 110.00/1-0 s: 4 ,895.00 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIRS 127-78 'SF @ 90.00/SF $ 11,500.10 6VEkHEAD/dXLINd.REPAXR5 �110.10.0 SP 4 95i ' OO/SF $ 12i35,O.00 REBA D-OwkLg , 34,;00 EA 9 25, 00/EA $ .850.00 NEW #4 MKFX, RPEBAR 340.60 LF@ $ 3 00/LF $ 1,020.00 WATERPROOFING. 485 A0 SF 0 S 4:00/,SF S 1..940.00 PR03Ecr SUMMARY TOTAL = $ 40,960-20 Respe W-ed'by. tudino Diaz. President DMF Construction. Inc:. General Contractor License #CGC 1524M, -Corporation Ct: Mather! Engineering . St. Lude. County ftildhig Department 112,5 bid Dixie Hwy SIte. 109. Jtipitdr FL 33458:H,561-,768-8988 H hifo@drrif-construction.com w,wwArrif-construction.tom . 4. K(F)64 MT E Mad 121 M,' I i r June 20,1026 St. Lude Cc)unty.Buildlhg Department. 2300.Virginla Avenue Fort Ple1rce,FL.3.4980 St. Lucie County Building Pepartmeni: Please: find attached Vrojdc(Summary Total" fbt.the,work accornplishedb—y D_MF Construction.. Inc. and, overseen and approved by the Engineer- (Mathers Engineering Corporation) at thdabove4eforericed project location. I attest to the best of my knowledge, information and belief that the "Project Summary Total " Is the total amount paid "for the work accomplished by DMF Construction,. Inc. and overseen and appr9vedbythe Engineer (Mathers Engineering Corporation) In accord'ancewlth the'.Contraal app!nprits: and'all,existing local, . state and federal laws,, ordinances and codet. Respectfully by, Inc Date: Siate.of Florida County,& Pal each Subscribed and sworn to be his.20h day of June.:# 2020 Notary Publics My Commission Expires: CC: ,.Harbour' IdqeOspre Illage, yVi Mathers. Engineering,Cbrporatt on DIANAVELASQUEZ WtdWIS' S104940,933705 SWIM: NOVOTber 21, 2023 (Seal) 312'Sold,bixid. Hwy Ste. 109Jtjpiter',FL 33458 561468-8988 linfo@dmf=construction.com www-.drhf-ct)nstruction.com. 4 CC)f\I.SJW TIC7Pv iIT June 20, 2020 St. Lurie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Re: HARBOUR RIDGE OSPREY VILLAGE PALM CITY UNIT 906 NW WINTERS ROAD>PROJECT SUMMARY TOAL PERMIT #SLC-1910-0318 St. Lucle County Building Department: Please find attached "Project Summary Total" for the work accomplished by DMF Construction, Inc. and overseen and approved by the Engineer (Mathers Englnerring Corporation) at the above -referenced project location. I attest to the best of my knowledge, Information and belief that the "Project Summary Total" is the total amount ($40,960.20) paid for the work accomplished by DMF Construction, Inc. and overseen and approved by the Engineer (Mathers Engineering Corporation) in accordance with the Contract Documents and all existing local, state and federal laws, ordinances and codes. Respectfully, fitted by, t �' Date: _ 0Q, I -z-0 I Z.'o 2J Luciano Diaz, President DMF Construction, Inc State of Florida County of Palm BeqAh Subscribed and sworn to before m his h day of June, 2020 Notary Public ( Seal) My Commission Expires: 1 CC: Harbour Ridge Osprey Village] oIANAt►Elasr�UEz Mathers Engineering Corporation MYCOMMISSIQNSQUE 33705 ►o` EXPIRES: November 21, 2023 8573OF BondedThru Notary POW UnderWrf m 707 Navaho St. Jupiter FL 33458 // 561-768-8988 // infoOdmf-construction.com www.dmf-construction.com PROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL June 20, 2020 PROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL SUBMITTED TO: HARBOUR RIDGE OSPREY VILLAGE 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd, Club House Palm City, FL 34990 Re: PERMIT #SLC-1910-0318 CONCRETE RESTORATION REPAIRS AT 906 NW WINTERS CREEK ROAD Harbour Ridge Osprey Village: Please accept this as .the "Project Summary Total" for work completed and approved by the Engineer (Mathers Engineering Corporation) for the "Concrete Restoration Repairs at 906 NW Winters Creek Road". SUMMARY TOTAL MOBILIZATION 1.00 EA @ $ 2,800.00/EA = S 2,800.00 DUMPSTER 1.00 EA @ $ 1,500.00/EA = $ 1,500.00 POST SHORES 15.00 EA @ S 20.00/EA = $ 300.00 TILE REMOVAL 485.00 SF @.$ 3.00/SF = $ 1455.00 TEMPORARY WALL PROTECTION 50'.00 LF 9 $ 47,00/1-F _ $ 2:350.00 EDGE REPAIRS 44.50 LF @ $ 110.00/LF $ 4,895.00 PARTIAL DEPTH REPAIRS 127.78 SF @.$ 90.00/SF =.S 11,500.20 OVERHEAD/CEILING REPAIRS 130.00 SF @ $ 95.00/SF S 12,350.00 REBAR DOWELS 34.00 EA @ $ 25.00/EA = $ 850.00 NEW #4 MMFX REBAR 340.00 LF @ $ 3.00/LF = $ 1,020.00 WATERPROOFING 485.00 SF @ $ 4.00/SF = S 1,,940.00 PROJECT SUMMARY TOTAL S 40.960.20 Respectfu b . ano Diaz, President DMF Construction, Inc General' Contractor License #CGC 1524718 CC: Mathers Engineering Corporation St. Lude County Building Department 707 Navaho St. Jupiter FL 334SB // 561-768-8988 // info(c-dmf-construction.com www.dmf-construction.com 2431 SE Dixie Highway A It All, Stuart; FL 34996 Phone: (772) 287-0525 MATHERS ENGINEERING EB#0004456 CORPORATION Post -Building Permit Addendum Engineer's Field Observation Report #1 Date: June 10, 2020 To: St. Lucie County Building Department 2360 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ' Contractor: DMF Construction , ' 312 S. Old Dixie Hwy., Jupiter, FL 33458 Referenced Project: Concrete °Restoration for Harbour Ridge — Osprey Village Residential Unit Located at 906 NW Winters Creek Rd 7, Palm City, FL 34990 Permit No. SLC 1910-0318 Mathers Engineering Corporation visited the job site and made the following observations of the ongoing concrete restoration for the above reference project: Site Observations from 12/16/2019 thru 06/10/2020: • Unit 906 - From 12/16/2019 thru 12/19/2019, contractor completed partial overhead chipping to explore and determine extent for, repairs. • From 12/20/2019 thru 05/10/2020, concrete restoration work was put on hold due seasonal tenant occupancy. • Concrete restoration work restarted from 05/11/2020 thru 06/10/2020. Observed new full depth edge and overhead repairs. The ceiling repair of Unit 906 required intrusion into the unit above. Existing reinforcing steel was in good condition: Steel was cleaned, coated and left in place. Additional new, Chromx 9.100 Grade 100 (MMFX) reinforcing steel was installed. Limitations: Our professional services have -been performed, our findings obtained, and our opinions prepared in accordance with general accepted engineering principles and practices. This company is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions or recommendations made by others based on our findings. Approved by:PMGAT,�,�/y��/ PE 19658 William J. Mathers, PE ' 0' Florida License PE #19658 '�� .c� •.,C OR10P• �� �� Florida.SI #155 rl I,III