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Change of Contractor
PLAN E G & DEVELOPMEN7 SERVICE � WELDING arc ZONING I MSIF N 'EP a2300 VIIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, EL 34982 (772) 462.1553 FAX462-1,578 CHANGE OF CONIRACTQ SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLAITON OF FEIINIT PLEASE SELECT ONE CF THE FOLLOWING: CMAINCE OF CONTftACTOR— Change of Contractor is to be sized axil notarized by the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the cunni—it permiL A new permit application mast also be completed with neva contractor information and signage. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in the new contmOor"s name for job values greater than $2,500 ($7,500 if .AJC Change -out), A rewrded copy must be submitted prior to commencing any work. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Contractor_ CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR — Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general contractor_ The new subcontractor must fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Fomes There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Sub - Contractor. CANCELLATION OF FM'MT — The cancellatton of a permit is acceptable only if no work has bee. done. Cancellation of permit is to be sigaed and notarized by both the owner ,and cluai fer of record. There is no fee for c"cel124vo: ofthe pest_ I Date: Permit Number: �- n Site Address: / ZK 6-1 fes' tit• r� i�""T`�4r�State Ilicetzse S� I.ie OrigWal CIC, subcoutr=tor or owner b mider AVI ! C # s1 A R J AJ State License SLC Licerlse New Gf-, subcontractor -Reason for Can.Ccllarron J jkui� re i Fetzin - ulze v e6z51- und&sii�ned toes hereby agree to indemnify and hold h=nSlm St Luck County. itsofficers, agents and e3tnployees frartr :zil fees or dam sarising from any and all claims of action for any reason, -, hiah May arise a r� zrit of this change of ct©risubcQ itrac[or or cancellation of pmt A permit canonry be caneelled: if work bas been perforMW. 4T {3 tE QF OWNER {As owuerl# nucha) SIGNATURE GUiE� CON RA ORItrraew GC, as appiieable) Ca"7 MM7ILI tiAESE of floli a cauctvnfs,L =county SratccofFlurida,CatmtrofStLucie aCounIty gowing instntommwas•acimawk4rdbcfbmsmethis TitofollQwingiostromwtwasackaowit*rdWOMtttethis da or .3 20_0, by — slay of a _, by whe is pexsowMY known to me _ _ ------ Y413 is pesscrnl3v knogm to ' wha,has a - d — as Sf3, me or who has produce. _--.. '4tary Revi.s--d 04/15116 si-,n tttwe of Notary Date 3£712020 003.jpg �'T SERVICES MINING `-0 'VWE PORN PIERCF, Ua3409-92 (772)462-1553 FAX 46,2 1578 CILAINGE OF CON�CTQR.ON-T '€ R OR f: LW I-ATION, OF PERIMT RUEASE —SELECT ONE!gLF THE FOLLOWING: ,K £HA'4 OF CAN' -ACTOR-- Cf,,gc of Conus -CW iS t0 b, s..gied 1 �n by tete and *e new cont wtorofrecord Erthe cwt p;mt Anew pempt apply 0m must also to campieteri u,,th pec, contr=or mform um andmgnattm A new Not= of Commcn=ment must be fded in t�e nem- cxrt?hmaoes naur, for job values greater than P?_500 677,500 if A/C Cha we -outs A recmxW cop} must be submitted prior to coag 2W wak 'mere is a SSO.M fee for the Cbl ofC*nt-aaor. CHANGE OF `SUBCON Rz�C ®R - Subcontractor dtangcs ars; to be coWleted by the gent rat conmactor. Tice new suhcDnWAcW mun M oia a Subconttwor -Agreummt Form Theme is a' .09 fee for the Chargeof Slab - Contractor. CANCELY-AL'TION OF PK -N "- Tire canceHadon of a peruih is agile only if no wo&- has been Atone_ Cancellation of permit is to be signed and notarized In- bw.a. the ou .r and qualifier of record There is w fee for ranceNati on of the i -L Date: � �Z, -SLC Lia;rmc 3/ AIRC-7— AAA" Site A*Inm: am OrlghLd GC, subconumew or ownedbuiWer New GC, si tractor _— '1 -- umk npett does t y autm la m*mnmf�' and hW` l Sg €..rimae c+4 irxzs, a t�IIS CF37 7t(slR e5 from ail ems. fees � d arm &um � mad aii Win$ c�'a! �., >�it'� . r� a� a �it�sff3 c�►axs�Re c -act ststatn Ftact 0reat Iasis of mit l be= P=f!3r=re& :. irJR OFOWI.-ER(4DVa/w'=rrbuUd--) r 5A5N LME£ ENMA I- C 0 N2'RACTORrCfM.ir-GC,a; kai02 S=tofF Cbvmia *f StLn=Ce=:y k S£Srr ya-vis-1d a411VZ35 SF ['Mars of5-- iia r a.' 5y�95 r j i-717 �FF�:ie $3�st�i �ag F.d2622 haps://rmil.google.conVmaiVu/O/stab--wm&ogbi inbox?projectori 911 Ail APPLICABLE INFO} MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: �` G f' Permit Number: 4 C1 _ :� ` L- ofU,m r � �Z .� "C', �Vt' Planning and Development Services Building Permit Application Building and Cude Regulation Divk5ion Commerdaf 23W L irg nin Avenue, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 4.62-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Residential ;Xf- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: 1� Loalq PROPOSE© IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address `ff�� '.� . =..` i�/? % _3 Property Tax iia #:% �- �d� ~ r'i�f -- ��%G�,�o Lot No. Site Pian Name: Block No. �' Z Project Name: &__1ZF %1`e111=� 5/7' DETAILED DESCRIPTION OFWORK: New Electrical Meter 1C Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMAT OM Additional work to be performed under this permit- check ail that apply: Mechanical Gas Tarek _ Gas P"[ping _ Shutters Windows/Doors Pend Electric Plumbing —Sprinklers _ Generator Roof Pitch Total Sq_ Ft of Construction: �1 3_,27, Sq_ Ft_ of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ ^ I Utilities:—Sewer &Septic Building Height 4WNERfLESSEEi CONTRACTOR: Name _. Address: Company_Aloo-datZ >J1t.° city. ,'}` S`State: Zp Code: / Fax: Phone No. � - ;? E -Mail: : &ZW-1 Address:C'.� l2C'r Crty:%z tc=L State: %- Ziip Code: 3, '57t Fax: Phone No Fill in fee simple Take Holder on next page (if different from the Owner listed above) E -Mail a' ? ' f S {i State or County License if value of construction is 25€ 0 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement .is required. if value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 9M2020 002.jpg SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION E LAW INFORMATION: Apolkable Name: Address: City: State: Zip. Phone OWGE COMP . Nidi; Applicable .- . Name_ Mdressi City: zip: State: ........... Prone: FEE SiliAPLE TnU HOLDEI : �C—Not Applicable ;13ONDiNG MWPAW Address: CityZip- Phone: - Name - Address: Ziff: Phone - Applicable OWNER/ CONTRACTOR R AFFID f3T. Appiication is herelzy made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicate -d- 1 certify that no work ar ins'0ation has ccmmenved prior to issuance -of a pea nwt- St. Lucie County makes gra reuresentation that is graatiaga permit will author, ize the permit x3ldef to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any 2ippR4;able Home DwneY ss Association rules, bylaws q7 anti covenants that may restrie or prohibit, a structure- Please consult WA your Home Curers AsscCtation and :eves+� reed 'or restrict=s which may appiy In consideration of the granting of #iris requested permit l do here agreL 3hai i a�rill in ail cespe s, perform tfre uric in accordance vedi the approved playas, the Plod& 5uilrliag Codes and 5i_ ; owe c .urty Amendments - The following budding permit apoications are exempt trolls undergoing a fu f concurrenelf review. rGGm addstaarL�, accessory sh res, i dmrnirmg pools des, w --alis, signs', screen sa em-- and acrcssory uses to anodw non-residential use WARNING TO 010INE- R. Your f a ature to Record a Nofwe of: msticernent may result in paying twice for improvements to your propertyA Noticeof Corn .-encement muds be recorded in the public records Of St Lucie County and posted € n the jnbsite before the first € peccion_ If you intend to obtain financing, consult Y .:,with tender or ars attgrnt -j before cs MM!a n ln- wcwk ori:€ri�"sem +dour NOtice Of GQn1 rcernenL f Signature e, twiner/ Lesse M1[crntra inn as A �rt for C ager? 5zg aa?asr ira_tcr Lacense :iolc g a i STATE QE FLORIDA I STATE OF FL ORDA e -- CDUNT —7 - i S�t�o (or of finned ) and subscribed before ne of � 5t$-dto (or affirmed) and subscribed :eefom me of x I F €' i Presonm or., online Notarization ire her a= are�;�ce car on9i� Notarization tk�is of _ 2020 by this .. day of 2020 by dame of peninL stat int Personally Kncn%,m OR Produced Identification Tyke of €&ntiftation REMEWS of Notar f Public- State of Florida No. jure 441WN/i.R I ii-i-K3EW Name o; pperscnrnaking statem,ent. Pe,so53a`•.ivXn0w.n OR producer! Identification -fF ,ntI&-mifisztier'� praduct�d Mnhre of Notary "ic $;ate u-F":md3? 1=43fF'si'435-51�SE Vii}- `� GG 2811-1Si 1 9M#+] ar GG 2818:1 i _ . PIJ4LNStEGETA'ON i SEA TURTLE MANGROVE p=n_eF-:'.{ REVIEW P_'Zvlr- -W REVIEW LYeGE https:ilmall.google.com/mail/ul0f?tab=wrn&ogbl#inbox?projector=9 1f1